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400 is the HTTP error code for "Bad Request".

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1 answer

nginx Request line too large

I'm getting the error: Bad Request Request Line is too large (6060 > 4094) When I access the a specific url on my server like this: /api/categorize?packages=package1,package2,...packageN On ...
Rafael Barros's user avatar
7 votes
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Lot of 400 errors in the Apache logs

We have a hard time debugging 400 errors on our website. We have a lot of errors like this: - - [08/Oct/2018:14:28:07 +0200] "GET /les-news/palmares/detail/article/la-lettre-de-motivation-...
COil's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

HAProxy returns Bad Request (Invalid Host) for seemingly no reason

I've been trying to test a setup that looks like this: Website: Http GET Request -> Nginx -> HAProxy -> .Net application I've placed Nginx and HAProxy on the same Debian machine. However, HAProxy ...
David's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How often should we expect 400 Bad Request?

We run an Apache2 web server which has somewhere in the vicinity of 2-3 million pages served every day (only HTML+CSS+Javascript, images and other content is served with Lighttpd). Our daily logwatch ...
Vegard Larsen's user avatar
5 votes
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http headers vanish when proxying http errors through nginx

I'm using nginx as TLS terminator in front of an Apache 2.4 server. I'm using add_header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff; in nginx to add this header to every response. If the HTTP status code returned ...
Thilo's user avatar
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request failed: error reading the headers

Recently I moved my servers from one provider to the other and started to get this messages in apache error log: "request failed: error reading the headers" Example from the error and corresponding ...
Saker Falcon's user avatar
5 votes
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How to make Apache return a custom page on a 400 error with malformed host headers?

I think what I was asking for was a bit hard to understand, so, I am trying to make it simpler... I need my server to have a custom 400 error page when it receives a request with a malformed host ...
William Hilsum's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How can I track down the cause of a 400: Bad Request web service call to localhost?

This is on Windows Server 2003 Running IIS. I have an ASP.NET 2.0 website which is also hosting some web services. When the site makes a webservice call to itself (localhost), I get back a 404: Bad ...
MStodd's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

SVN checkout returns 400 error

I'm trying to download the repository of all of the OpenCV source code - as specified in an OpenCV installation tutorial. In the tutorial, the repository ...
eboix's user avatar
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1 answer

Nginx reverse proxy issue for 4xx response code

I have configured nginx to proxy the request that comes to the port 8000, to route to a different ip. In the configuration i also add Access-control-Allow-Origin header. This works fine if server is ...
Sam's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Why am I getting a 400 BAD REQUEST error for simple GET request? [closed]

I'm using an old programming language (Adobe's Extendscript). It has a simple Socket object to send TCP/IP requests. The following lines always used to work for me: reply = ""; conn = new ...
Ariel's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Proxy websocket with parameters through proxypass/proxypassmatch without a VirtualHost

I have been trying for the longest time to proxy a websocket with it's sid variable to the localhost service, that is serving it. I have looked far and beyond for a solution (including a lot of the ...
smsimeon's user avatar
2 votes
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Uploading file > 1 MB on Django admin gives 400 Bad Request response

I have a small Django (1.2.x) project deployed on Apache (2.x) via mod_wsgi (3.x). In the admin, if I upload a file < 1MB, I can get it through; however, for a file, say, 1.2MB in size, I get a 400 ...
ayaz's user avatar
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How to figure out what is bad about a 400 bad request, on an Apache-server

The overarching question How do I see what is 'bad' about a 400 - bad request? Info about the error When I click around the WordPress-backend, then between 3 and 7 requests (out of 95-100) give me a:...
Zeth's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Apache custom error pages for 400 and 408

I have created a number of custom error pages and I have this in global configuration so it will apply to all vhosts: Alias /common /var/www/common ErrorDocument 400 /common/400.shtml ErrorDocument ...
Displayname71's user avatar
2 votes
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ErrorDocument 400 redirect to different URL without rewrite

I want to implement a custom Error 400 page on my website, to a file called 400.php in a folder called error. The first thing I tried was to simply place ErrorDocument 400 /error/400.php ...
Tikolu's user avatar
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0 answers

EventStore Bad Request (Invalid host) working in cluster

I'm using EventStore with the following configuration : --- RunProjections: All ClusterSize: 2 Db: /opt/eventstore/db DiscoverViaDns: false GossipSeed: GossipOnExt: false Log: /opt/...
frenchviking's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Nginx Docker 400 Bad Request

I am currently trying to host nexus as a private registry for docker images within my organisation . My nginx configuration are as below . user nginx; worker_processes 1; error_log /var/log/nginx/...
Ali's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Prevent logging of 400 errors in Apache httpd

Somebody is sending a bunch of garbage data to port 80 on my Apache server, causing tons of 400 Bad Request errors. There's nothing I can really do about it, unfortunately, but can I at least prevent ...
chowbok's user avatar
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2 answers

Redirecting requests that would result in an HTTP 400 (Bad Request) error (Apache 2.2)

Due to a security vulnerability in Wordpress, a bunch of my posts got renamed to something like: http://**MYSITE**/2008/08/21/**POSTNAME**/%&%28%7B$%7Beval%28base64_decode%28$_SERVER%...
inxilpro's user avatar
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1 answer

In Nginx How to handle HTTP requests without the leading slash "/"?

I have an Nginx proxy in front my application. I recently learned that, HTTP requests can be made without a leading slash also. For Example: POST acme/_search HTTP/1.1 In cases like this, Nginx ...
Gowtham Sadasivam's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why isn't IIS logging my 400, or What is responding with 400?

I have a web application which makes a localhost webservice call to itself and is getting a 400 Bad Request back. The problem is that I'm having trouble tracking down the cause of the 400 since I can'...
MStodd's user avatar
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0 answers

Tomcat sends response 400 out of nowhere

I'm running a server on Ubuntu 18.04 with Tomcat and I saw the following in the access log. <my.ip> - - [13/Sep/2020:19:33:40 +0000] "POST /path/path HTTP/1.1" 200 53 <my.ip> - - ...
Amos's user avatar
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1 answer

400 Bad Request at request, http://localhost/favicon.ico

I'm new to nginx, and my site was just deployed to Digital Ocean. When I try to open this site from a browser, it returns a 400 Bad Request.. Request Header or Cookie Too Large error message. The ...
Jason O.'s user avatar
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1 answer

How to diagnose error 400, bad request, after upgrading Apache?

I'm the author of an open-source client-server application that seems to have stopped working on my own server after I upgraded to Apache 2.2.22. I now get http error 400, bad request, on all my ...
Ben Crowell's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Hosting emoji domains quandary

I am trying to make my IIS8.5 to process IDN domains, including the domains with emoji characters. Since the application runs dynamic hostnames I bind by IP and protocol only. The IIS8.5 does fine ...
Romy's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Error 400 on LAN access

Probably a stupid question / problem, but when I try and access my site via it's domain name from inside it's LAN (requesting via the local IP address works fine though), I get an error 400. A while ...
maxp's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Apache returns 400 instead of 200 at DocumentRoot

I am seeing a lot of these odd entries in my Apache access log: SOME IP ADDRESS - - [23/Feb/2012:03:06:38 -0800] "GET /" 400 460 "-" "-" If I try to access the Apache document root, I get: MY IP ...
elle's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to resolve "400 Bad Request" after cloning a webserver that uses Cloudflare for SSL?

I'm trying to clone a webserver that hosts sites that rely on Cloudflare for their SSL certificates. After cloning the server and updating my local hosts file to point the site to the new server, I'm ...
Slbox's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Ubuntu 16.04 public wifi connection failure "The request is invalid due to malformed syntax or invalid data." [closed]

I use Ubuntu 16.04 on my laptop and I can't connect public library's free wifi. First, It shows this error when I try to open HTTP pages: Open me in new tab When I try to open https pages, it says "...
Bahriddin Abdiev's user avatar
0 votes
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IIS 8.5 throwing 400 Bad request in Production when calling REST WS using Post method

I've a strange issue. Let me explain in details below step by step: I've a vendor developed REST WS (Made using WCF) for synchronizing data with MS CRM. I've developed a windows service, which ...
S M Kamran's user avatar
0 votes
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Http 400 'Bad Request' and win32status 1450 when larger messages are sended to a WCF service

we sometimes receive Http 400 bad request resultcodes when posting a large file (10mb) to a WCF service hosted in IIS 6. We can reproduce this using SOAP UI and it seems that it is unpredictable when ...
user avatar
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How to solve 400 bad request returned from XAMPP server

I am sending data from 2 devices. Data format from both device is similar. I have a XAMPP server running on Windows Server 2019. Device One Server Log: > - - [28/Mar/2024:12:19:57 +...
N.H.Shakil's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

HTTP Status 400-Bad Request Glassfish "The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect"

error message on android application After reading these QNAs: https://stackoverflow....
achhainsan's user avatar
0 votes
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Apache Bad Request (400) and time shift in logfile

My web server utilizes Apache and Django for its web service. Occasionally, the web service produces a "Bad Request (400)" error. After reviewing the error log, I noticed that there is a 6-...
Manu's user avatar
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0 answers

Nginx as proxy and very slow client weird issue

We have web api with multiple endpoints behind nginx (1.18.0 on Ubuntu 20) proxy. Everything works fine but one scenario. When user whith our company's Android app tries to upload attchment using ...
Dadudki's user avatar
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NGINX server is producing error response code 400 and "Bad Request" message when the server is rapidly requested

The API serves as a proxy for M3U8 videos. While accessed through an HTTP connection at IP:port requests to the API never result in a response code 400. Despite being tested under semi heavy load(10 ...
vynxc's user avatar
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HTTP redirect not working

My website: keeps giving the "400 bad request invalid header" error when trying to visit it without the https. So or http://www....
Louis Websdale's user avatar
0 votes
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How to fix 400 Bad Request by php coding

Last weekend our server/app got bugged and some of your visitor are now getting Error 400 Bad Request everytime they visit our website. I know this error was caused by malformed cookies and everything ...
Diego Flores's user avatar
0 votes
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http error 400 Bad Request on name but IP address works

I have got a Vodafone "EasyBox 904 xDSL" router which has a LAN facing administration interface on http (not https) on port 80. I can access it fine when I use http://[ip of the router] For ...
dummzeuch's user avatar
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User gets error 400 on intranet sites only

I had the user log into multiple machines on different domains, both virtual and physical, and the issue persists. When I log into those same machines I get to the sites without issue. I checked the ...
Robert S's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

HAProxy - Error 408 - randomly

Proxy version 1.7.9 2017/08/18 Simple GET requests made within script tags in the index file are getting dropped randomly, and instead the custom 400 error html is returned with the status code of ...
Király István's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Accept custom header field "Content type" in apache

My app was sending request with header field "Content type" [sic] and value "form-data" [sic] to the server. Although it seems wrong - it seems it was causing no problem until couple of days ago. Then ...
Tom's user avatar
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websocketserver behind nginx and apache

How is it possible to establish a websocket connection through nginx and apache, where both act as reverse proxies. The system is setup with apache on the main host and a tornado webapplication in a ...
eatdas's user avatar
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1 answer

nginx proxy_pass receive content/status headers when http 4xx

Was having some trouble as chronicled here - But I didn't focus on nginx since the 200 OK ...
notbrain's user avatar
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Strange 400 error with IIS 7.5 and a webservice?

Ok, this is a longshot. I have been pondering this for hours. I have no clue how to solve this. But maybe someone here can recognize the problem and point me to right direction. I have an IIS 7.5 ...
Juw's user avatar
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Intermittent 400 Bad Request Errors in IIS

We recently upgraded our infrastructure to Windows server 2008 R2 (64 bit), and are now getting intermittent 400 errors on post. I set up failed request tracing, and have caught a couple of them. ...
ChickenMilkBomb's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Proving DNS/Network issues on client network

Problem 1 of ~150 server clients (in different locations and with different network setups) is not redirected through my apache service. I need to know where the problem is but can't figure it out. ...
Herzog's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

nginx staging rewrite http to https with port number

I'm getting a 400 bad request. This is the config code. file: staging.rewrites if ($scheme = http) { return 301 https://$host:[port]$request_uri; } Does anyone know if this is a valid rewrite?
Mohamed El Kawakibi's user avatar