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Questions tagged [ajax]

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a set of development techniques for creating interactive web applications, using asynchronous communication between the client and server.

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8 votes
3 answers

Open source jabber based website "live chat" / "live help" system?

I don't know if this belongs on SF, SU or SO... let's try SF first. I'm looking for a "live help" system for website which uses Jabber/XMPP as a backend... so that website visitors could click a "...
Josh's user avatar
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7 votes
0 answers

Nginx returning 408 error with XHR2 file uploads during mid-upload

A customer of mine is trying to upload a file to our remote nginx webserver via a form POST using XHR2 form data (and a cross-domain request with CORS). During mid-upload, the webserver returns a 408 ...
danronmoon's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Disable HTTP Authentication for OPTIONS requests in Tomcat

I have an API protected by HTTP Basic Authentication. When I want to make AJAX requests against the API, the browser send an OPTIONS request which doesn't carry the Authorization header so it gets ...
4e4c52's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Proven and Scalable Comet Server

What is the most proven, scalable comet server solution out there that can handle up to 100.000 real-life connections per node using HTTP streaming (not long-poll)? It must be a free, preferably open-...
Demetrius Nunes's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

nginx: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

I am running nginx on Windows Server 2008 R2 and it seems to be crashing, it also uses php-cgi with it and the php-cgi is part of the problem. After about 30 seconds of being on the page php-cgi ...
Josh Deriosk's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Redirecting from https to http?

Strange problem here. I use FullCalendar to initiate an ajax request to an endpoint on my server. Endpoint is: https://my_website/events/?start=2019-03-31&end=2019-05-12&_=1555698739056 ...
Willard Solutions's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

CNAME to get around same-origin policy?

I'm embedding an application via iframe into a someones site and need to be able to call a few of their javascript functions. Clearly running a top.cart.add() gets blocked by the same-origin policy. ...
Brad Herman's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

POST Fail via AJAX Request?

I can't for the life of me figure out why this is happening. This is kind of a repost (submitted to stackoverflow, but maybe a server issue?). I am running a javascript log out function called ...
Jascha's user avatar
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1 answer

NGINX / PHP-FPM: Ajax slow first request, good next ones

The CMS is Elxis, which comes from a variant of Joomla (PHP). The server is running nGinx with PHP-FPM All requests get logged and executed, eventually, B U T!!! When firing a specific request via ...
Stavros Souvatzis's user avatar
3 votes
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NGINX proxy ajax request

I don't see what the problem is with this NGINX server configuration. I'm running a tomcat server on port 8081, jboss on 8080, and have NGINX listening on port 80. I'm sending an ajax request to port ...
neridaj's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Why must the XHR status be set before echoes in PHP?

Perhaps this question belongs on Stack Overflow or another site instead, in which case please tell me and don't just downvote; I will gladly move it. Anyway, I'm just learning the very basics of ...
Guy's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

TIME_WAIT Info (reduce)

I have a ajax application that makes a request every 3 seconds, the requested page sets the header to (header("Connection: Keep-Alive, close");) then performs a database query and returns the latest ...
Akash's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Is there a way to cache only GET Ajax request?

Usually I have in nginx config rules which does not allow cache all XMLHttpRequest: map $http_x_requested_with $nocache_01 { default 0; XMLHttpRequest 1; } Is there a way to cache ...
Rostyslav Malenko's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

POST requests from jQuery to PHP stuck if POST data exceeds several hundred characters

I have a plain ajax request being initiated by jQuery to a PHP script: $.ajax({ url:"script.php", data: data, type: "POST" // error & success handlers here }); If the data (could be JSON,...
BrokenJazzyBrick's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Ajax "POST" not working on HTTPS/SSL Nginx

I moved my magento store from non SSL to SSL (webserver: Nginx) The problem : The site's JS scripts ( Multiple Ajax function with "POST" ) has stopped working! Requests are fine but not able to get ...
perlware's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

AJAX Push Engine: Can't contact APE Server

I'm trying to set up the AJAX Push Engine (APE) on my Mac, running Mac OS X 10.6.4 and Apache 2.2.14 When I run the APE server, this is the output: Hristo$ sudo ./aped Password: _ ___ ___ /_\...
user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Apache2 HTMLURLMap messes with AJAX requests

I need to proxy a web application from to For that I use apache with the proxy module like this # PROXY TO INTERNAL SERVER ProxyPreserveHost On RequestHeader ...
mohrphium's user avatar
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0 answers

Strange faulty 16000d response timing in gdevtools for specific XHR

We have some XHR on our website, that is reported in Google developer tools' network timeline as Receiving for 16035.5 days. There actually is a response, and for sure it does not take as long as ...
nico gawenda's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Apache log - file does not exist

I have quite a few of these in Apache logs piling up every day: [Mon Jun 09 20:42:58 2014] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/user/public_html/, referer: ...
Ivan's user avatar
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Do I run an install or something for Ajax on windows 2008 R2 hosting web application?

I have an application that runs fine on windows 2003 environment with Ajax panels, checking to see if when I move this application to a new windows 2008 server R2, would I need to install the Ajax ...
Ikram M.'s user avatar
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2 answers

CNAME/AJAX subdomain point to domain

Could anyone let me know how to use a subdomain for ajax calls to a main domain? I know it requires the use of CNAMES and whatnot, but I'm a bit clueless still. I want to make AJAX calls to ajax....
Kris Sauquillo's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is it possible to detect an ajax request with Apache 2.4 for a mod_rewrite rule?

Is it possible? Trying to move my script security to the server-level. With PHP, just check if $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] is set to XMLHttpRequest (jQuery added). I guess maybe a better ...
Jeff's user avatar
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1 answer

Nginx POST request is changed to GET when using Ajax

I have an Nginx server used for a store. That store has an API which is in a different folder for which i'm using an alias. Here is my from sites-enabled in Nginx: server { listen 443 ...
emma's user avatar
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1 answer

CentOS: AJAX/jQuery not working

In a nutshell, I have an unmanaged VPS. At one time, it had Ubuntu 10.10 server on it, then I reinstalled it with CentOS 6 and updated it to CentOS 6.2. Now, the problem is, the AJAX/jQuery shoutbox ...
Australiya's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Apache 2 on Ubuntu returning 500 with no known cause?

NOTE: This question has been resolved! Please see below for the solution in my case if you are having a similar issue! Background: This is a PHP/MySQL based, database driven application that makes ...
Carson C.'s user avatar
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1 answer

Capabilities and pricing of Amazon's cloud computing platform? [closed]

I'm finding it very hard to estimate how much my web application might cost running in Amazon's cloud? My app is similar to -, ajaz, sql database. Can anyone estimate how ...
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0 answers

Good system for Ajax to send keepalives every N seconds to PHP without overloading server

I have a website in which Javascript sends HTTP POST Ajax requests every 5 seconds to a PHP script on a CentOS server. If I check netstat, I see lots of connections in TIME_WAIT state (mostly between ...
John's user avatar
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0 answers

ajax/jquery causes "error 500" on Apache2 (php-fpm enabled) server

Just set a VPS with this guide: "". Everything looked perfect! but I ...
Juano Holograma's user avatar
1 vote
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High percentage of ajax errors

My company's website uses jQuery ajax to submit forms. A high percentage (5% - 10%) are failing, causing the ajax's error handler to run in the client's browser. The error handler looks like this: $....
wezten's user avatar
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0 answers

htaccess require host domain not working correctly

I have a folder full of folders with json files. I want to restrict AJAX requests to these files to certain domains. I made an htaccess file to restrict this but it isn't work. My htaccess is as ...
abetwothree's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

TMG Extending the timeout on AJAX requests

We have a web app that is designed as a single page application (SPA) that uses AJAX. Our clients have a problem when this is hosted behind TMG. Because only one page request is made at the start of ...
Aran Mulholland's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

IE 10 HTTP 401 Error on AJAX POST

I've been chasing down an issue and decided to make the most basic reproduction of the issue possible in hopes that a simplified question will help me resolve this. I am receiving a 401 error when ...
jon3laze's user avatar
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0 answers

How to prevent htaccess from prompting authentication for indirect access to a file via ajax?

First off my terminology is probably wrong but when I hear "direct access" I think someone means that anyone has read privileges to a file from the url. Is my understanding of what "direct access" ...
user784637's user avatar
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1 answer

Would a self signed ssl cert significantly slow down ajax requests?

I have a site with a live scoring page that updates via ajax while games are going on. It was working fine when the site was running on http. We installed an ssl an its either self signed or ...
Rooster's user avatar
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2 answers

PHP unable to identify sqlsrv_connect() function while trying to connect SQL Server

I'm trying to connect to my local MSSQL Server from a simple PHP file using the sqlsrv_connect() function, but every time I'm calling the file in the browser through localhost, it's throwing a 500 (...
priyamtheone's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

POST requests from mobile network (hotspot or not) always fail

I have noticed a weird behavior regarding POST requests on all my servers from devices that are connected to the internet either via 4G or via hotspot from a 4G network. I am an admin of 2 services ...
Nikolaos Paschos's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

I want to host an AJAX based website on an Apache web server and host a MySql database on the same machine for about 50 concurrent users [closed]

The website gets its data from the MySql database. Will a Mac Mini with 2GB Ram and an Intel Core 2 Duo do the trick?
JMK's user avatar
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2 answers

Block access to every file in the site but index.htm in Nginx

I have a site with just one file: index.htm which have some ajax linked to php files. I'd like to make those php files only accessible via ajax (post and get) coming from this index file and block ...
Roger's user avatar
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2 answers

Nginx reverse proxy to identical ajax applications, choose which one with url

I need to have a reverse proxy that is capable of forwarding requests to upstream applications that have identical architecture, but are not Identical. I have no control over the code running on the ...
Andrew William Down Crews's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

NGinx rewrite rules and post parameters

I have a website, using CodeIgniter, and running under NGinx. I used these rewrite rules to cleanup the URL, and remove the index.php from the URL. Unfortunately, I have a problem with AJAX queries ...
Emidee's user avatar
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2 answers

Polling performance on shared host [closed]

I am planning on writing a small browser game. The webserver is a shared server, with no root / install possible. I want to use AJAX for client/server communication. There will be 12 players. So ...
Shlomo's user avatar
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1 answer

Memcached and Django - When Ajax action is performed, ALL css and js is missing

I've got Django running and caching into Memcached. I have some ajax actions on a page and when those actions are performed, and the browser refreshd, the CSS and JS files are no where to be found. ...
Jmichelsen's user avatar
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Getting ajaxterm to work on Debian Lenny

I've been knocking my head out for a while on this one and have read many tutorials, but I just can't get this to work. Ajaxterm, is a webbased SSH client; once installed apt-get install ajaxterm and ...
dukevin's user avatar
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.htaccess to match paramaterized URLS

I am trying to set a cache control header when a browser requsets the following url: As even though getData.php is a dynamic page, when the ...
Aly's user avatar
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2 answers

Setting up ajaxterm with apache

I have ajaxterm running in my localmachine. I want to access it from remote machines (virtual machine) I mainly followed this tutor https://localhost/ajaxterm ...'s user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Ajaxterm with multiple users

With Ajaxterm (, is it safe to allow multiple users to access the same "instance" of it? The program that Ajaxterm would run would do its own ...
jtnire's user avatar
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Ajax not loading show server response issue

i'm using lightspeed server when i hit a page it taking to much time to load ajax request while first it was working fine when i change DNS it slow down and lihgtspeed cache not working for loggedin ...
rizwan ramzan's user avatar
0 votes
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Getting CORS error while accessing audio files on same server in chrome

Access to video at '/path/to/mp3/file' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: Request had a target IP address space of unknown yet the resource is in address space public.
Shikhu Gupta's user avatar
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Unable to connect SQL Server from PHP using Windows Authentication

I'm trying to connect to MS-SQL Server from PHP-8.0 (hosting on IIS-10 localhost) using SQL Server Driver for PHP, i.e., SQLSRV-5.9. While connecting from a PHP page, if I use SQL Server ...
priyamtheone's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Using deny from all inside htaccess in a subdomain restrict access to itself

I am facing a strange situation where i couldn't find a proper answer to. I am using some kind of an API where i can send responses to certain requests from the same root domain. My api is in a ...
Rüzgar's user avatar
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