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Questions tagged [alerts]

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40 votes
34 answers

Monitoring server room temperature

I have a small server room with its own AC unit. Recently, the AC died, and the temperature increased from 70 F to > 90 F. We rarely go in this room, so I was lucky that someone happened to notice ...
31 votes
7 answers

Setting Low Disk Space Alerts on Windows Server 2008

I was wondering if there is an easy way to trigger an e-mail alert on Windows Server 2008 when any logical disk partitions become low on space. I have 2 SQL servers that have come close to running ...
rmwetmore's user avatar
  • 422
18 votes
4 answers

What is vmlinuz and why do I care?

I just got a network alert that I've never seen before, on one of the few Ubuntu boxes that we have: The following monitoring trigger has been fired: /vmlinuz has been changed on server XXXXX: ...
Mark Henderson's user avatar
14 votes
8 answers

Linux monitor logs and email alerts?

I have a server with a faulty power button that likes to reboot itself. Usually there are warning signs, like the acpid log file in /var/log starts spamming garbage for about 10hrs or so. Is there an ...
Physikal's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

How do I get my HP servers to email me when a drive fails?

Ideally, with as simple of install as possible and without requiring rebooting the servers. Mostly for DL380 G5's if it helps.
DrZaiusApeLord's user avatar
9 votes
7 answers

Clever nagios alert methods

We use Nagios, and I get SMSs when something happens. Lots of other sysadmins also get texts. However is there any clever / cool other ways people have gotten nagios alerts?
Amandasaurus's user avatar
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8 votes
6 answers

Send email alert on log file entry?

Under Linux, what's a simple way to automatically watch a logfile, and email me if a certain string appears? I have an application that will log certain failures to a logfile, but has no built-in way ...
davr's user avatar
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7 votes
7 answers

APC Management Card Bombarding Me With Status Emails

I have a APC Smart-UPS 3000 with a management card (I believe it is an AP9617). So last night, I had an automatic weekly self-test run. The test failed, claiming I have at least one failed battery: ...
David Mackintosh's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Use Google analytics to alert on traffic spike source

I use Google Analytics today to notify me of big traffic spikes. In my case, a big traffic spike is typically due to a link from a prominent website. Google Analytics includes a new "Intelligence" ...
Dan Fabulich's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

How can I configure icinga/nagios to alert via sms?

I know the sms gateway for my cell phone provider so I can just send an email to it. I am looking for examples of entries in contacts.cfg and commands.cfg that are mobile specific.
ckliborn's user avatar
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5 votes
7 answers

How can I message intranet users to refrain from using client apps?

Our institution has hundreds of Win-XP terminals. The users do their daily job using client-server type apps. (Desk-top apps, not web apps.) In rare occasions, our database server starts behaving ...
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5 votes
4 answers

How can I make Status Information for Nagios services easier to read?

I'm running Nagios in an environment with several servers, each with several services on them. There are a few custom checks, but it's nice to use existing checks if possible. I'm using NRPE plugin ...
Paul's user avatar
  • 452
5 votes
2 answers

Verify internal NTP server is sending the correct time?

I have two NTP stratum 3 servers running and wanted to create a simple check that I could tell if either of the servers time drifted and alert that it's not synced properly with the public stratum 2 ...
krizzo's user avatar
  • 387
5 votes
1 answer

Possible to use Powershell to detect if an HP server has a bad drive?

I'm trying to use Powershell to detect certain hardware failures. Can Powershell hook into normal HP events/logs/alerts to detect if a drive failed?
makerofthings7's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Low disk space email alert

Very simply I am trying to trigger an email alert from a Windows 2003 server to tell me when the disk space is low. Has anyone had experience with setting this up? Thank you.
Arpanet's user avatar
  • 51
5 votes
5 answers

Getting alerted when a Windows scheduled task fails

I am looking for a way to get alerted if any of the scheduled tasks on a group of Windows 2003 servers fail (exit with a status code that is not 0). Scripts, commercial applications, and plug-ins to ...
user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

Server Cloud Monitoring

I'm a consultant that has around 100 clients and I would love to monitor all my clients networks, preferably from the cloud so I can tell if their Internet is down. I would like for it to offer a lot ...
msindle's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Logstash, Kibana and email alerts

I am trying to setup email alerts using logstash. Right now it emails me EVERY time the pattern "Error" is parsed into my log file which can lead to a lot of unnecessary emails. I'd like to create a ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How can I test if an SSL is valid, hasn't expired, or been revoked?

Aside from receiving plenty of emails well in advanced from my PKI telling me one of my certificates is about to expire, how can I setup an alert that checks the health of an SSL? What I want to ...
iamgoat's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Nagios alerts using twitter (with twurl) not firing

We've been using nagios for some time and have recently decided to change how we receive alerts. To this end, we've installed twurl ( ) and are using it to send alerts. ...
jhackett's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Different notification interval when service is critical

I've got a service in Nagios that checks how much disk space is used on a server. When over 80% is used, the service is in a warning state. When it's over 97% it's considered critical. When the ...
Brian Beckett's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Munin Disk Latency Alerts

I have setup my Munin server and alerts and have tested them aswell. I have set the alerts for disk usage as under: df._dev_mapper_centos_root.warning 90 df._dev_md126p2.warning 90 df._dev_md126p1....
Daud Zeb's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Looking for a centrally managed instant messaging system

We have a small school with classrooms across a few buildings. There are currently no phones going into each room but each teacher does have a school laptop and Internet. We need a way to instantly ...
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3 votes
1 answer

Monitoring E-Mail Alerts Scalably [closed]

Anyone know of a way to monitor e-mail alerts scalably? For many of my on site services I have them e-mail me on success (and failure) of critical tasks. The reason I have it e-mail on success, is ...
Dom's user avatar
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3 votes
8 answers

How best to monitor and alert on the absence of an event in the logs?

With logs getting captured in syslog-ng, I'd like to be able to automatically monitor the logs and receive an alert if NO log events appear that match a certain criteria. For instance, for a ...
Matt V.'s user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Is there a tool for Windows Server that can alert me when a connection is made over Remote Desktop?

Is there a tool for Windows Server 2008 that can alert me when a connection is made over Remote Desktop? I would like the alert via SMS, but email would also be fine. It seems like this tool must ...
Geoffrey Chetwood's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Reporting tools for auditd [closed]

I need to set up auditing in my environment, specifically file integrity monitoring. I've tried OSSEC, but found it cumbersome. I've since discovered auditd (already installed on my CentOS 6 system) ...
Banjer's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

aws billing alerts can not be disabled?

I have a free tier aws account, in Billing preferences. I see in the second option that once enabled cannot be disabled, Why? also there is a new budget. what's the difference to alerts?
Vibe Cool Healthy Matt's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Smartphone app to sound an alarm when a specific email is received

This may be borderline Server Fault, so I'm cool if it's decided this question is migrated elsewhere. As a sysadmin, I am responsible for responding to any monitoring alerts which occur out of hours. ...
Ben Pilbrow's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

SQL Server 2005 Replication Subscription Expiring Warning

This week one of my replication subscriptions expired because I wasn't getting any alerts saying that there was a login error (I've fixed those alerts and the error). What I'd like now is, in the ...
Aaron's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes
2 answers

How do I realert Scom Monitors?

There's a "rule of monitors" that a user of scom might be aware of. If you have an alert that was generated by a monitor (as opposed to a rule that generates alerts) do not close it and let it close ...
reconbot's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Email Notifications for System Performance Windows Server 2008 R2

I am trying to figure out how to apply email notifications to system performance triggers for example high CPU, High RAM usage, low disk space etc. I have tried googling it but I am unable to find a ...
Average Joe's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How do I get alerted when a workstation falls back from wired networking to wifi?

I have a bunch of medical-grade all-in-one workstations in use in a high-demand medical environment that spend their lives plugged in to power and wired networking. The systems came with a 30 minute ...
bhansley's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How do I change the email address that Munin alerts are sending from?

The issue I'm having here is that when I get an alert from Munin, I want it to create a ticket. When the ticket it created, it sends an email back to the email address that Munin sent from each time ...
Cody's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Alerting when a RAID Array disk fails locally on VMWare ESX or ESXi System

With ESX and ESXi, we recently had two systems where that the boot partition became degraded due to a failed disk. The only alert we managed to capture was the visual alert on the Dell servers. We ...
KodeTitan's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

How can I replace email alerts for system events with something more scalable?

I have a number of systems and services that send email alerts when some sort of event takes place. This works fine for a small number of systems but as the number of alerts grows the important ...
Dave Forgac's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

How can I reliably deliver monitoring system alerts?

Like many people, I use a Zabbix system to monitor my servers. If there's a problem with one of my servers, Zabbix will send a message to the email address of my choosing. (Many - most? - monitoring ...
Evan Prodromou's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Potential Bot-Net organizers probing for new machines?

I'm getting a number of exploit attempts from different IP's today. GET /index.php?-dsafe_mode%3dOff+-ddisable_functions%3dNULL+-dallow_url_fopen%3dOn+-dallow_url_include%3dOn+-dauto_prepend_file%...
Ryan Johnston's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is there a good monitoring, alerting tool with a trouble ticketing system + de-duplication & intelligent suppression of alerts?

I have been a nagios user for a long time. Of late, as the size of our server fleet grew, so did the number of alerts from nagios. Signal-to-noise ratio has become very low. eg. When a common ...
Mekin Maheshwari's user avatar
2 votes
6 answers

Using Jabber to send network messages

We have a requirement to send desktop alerts to various users (compliance, production) across a network when other users have submitted content online for a report. At present we are using NET SEND ...
fourstar71's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How can I stop my Sonicwall NSA 240 to stop sending me alerts about "possible port scans?"

I couldn't care less about port scans and I like to have alerts emailed to me. Instead of seeing important alerts (losing a WAN line, catching malware, etc) I'm getting tons and tons of "possible port ...
DrZaiusApeLord's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Microsoft Exchange group calendar for periodic events/alerts

I have a user request to create a shared calendar resource containing events (not meetings) that may be of interest to a small subset of my users, e.g. deadlines, contract expirations, etc. This ...
ewwhite's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Can I have notifications/alerts sent by IM to a Skype account from a headless machine?

I want to make my network monitoring system send IM alerts, and the IM client of choice at my workplace is Skype. Is there a command-line driven API, that doesn't require the GUI Skype client, so I ...
crb's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

how to send alert on the same incident using logs-based metrics

On GCP we have created various logs-based metric where we basically are looking for log entries with some keywords like 'error', 'warning' etc... We also created alerts based on those metrics. Most of ...
bogumbiker's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is the temperature differential in my server room to large under heavy load

I have two temperature readings for my server room one measures the ambient temperature the other measures the exhaust for a server cluster. I have noticed recently that the difference between these ...
David's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

turn off monit text alerts at night

I have monit running 24/7/365 and sending alerts to an e-mail address and text messages to a phone equally. However I would now like to stop the phone text msgs at night so they don't wake me up. I ...
Ron's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes
4 answers

MediaTemple tcpsndbuf QoS Alerts

I'm hosting with MediaTemple on a (dv) Dedicated-Virtual 3.5 server. My site consists of a Wordpress blog, some custom PHP pages (nothing too intense), and I server 500-700 unique visitors per day. ...
user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Apache - Getting Alerts on Traffic/Spiders Exceeding a Threshold

What tools can I use to monitor my Apache Log files and create alerts based on traffic. I need to: Get an alert when a spider that is outside of a defined list exceeds a set number of requests in any ...
Glen Barnes's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How do I configure Prometheus for aggregated metrics?

I have five related questions around the configuration of Prometheus for aggregated metric reception. There are some invariants in my system: Python server code that needs to be instrumented ...
Reinderien's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

HP SNMP Traps signalled every 10 seconds for a NIC

I'm trying to setup SNMP traps on my HP DL160 G6 (Xenserver) to notify me whenever I have issues with the server. Following suggestions from this serverfault post, I've installed the HP SNMP agents ...
Eric B.'s user avatar
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