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Questions tagged [amazon-ebs]

This is for questions on Amazon's storage service for its ec2 service.

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128 votes
4 answers

Amazon EC2 terminology - AMI vs. EBS vs. Snapshot vs. Volume

I have been poking around Amazon EC2, and am a little confused on some of the terminology. Specifically with regard to AMI, snapshots and volumes, and an EBS Please correct me if I am wrong, or fill ...
Matt's user avatar
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42 votes
2 answers

Safe to Use an Amazon EBS Volume While Snapshot in Progress?

Is it safe to use an EBS volumne while a snapshot is being created? I've currently got a 100Gb EBS volume mounted. I am in the process of snapshotting it. Goodness it's slow!! It's going to end up ...
Justin Noel's user avatar
40 votes
2 answers

How do I access the attached volume in Amazon EC2

I just attached another ebs volume to running instance. But how do I access the volume? I can't find the /dev/sda directory anywhere. Where should I look?
Maca's user avatar
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38 votes
6 answers

How to increase disk size in a stateful set

I'm managing an Elasticsearch deployment in Kubernetes. I see that the disk storage is getting close to full, so I would like to increase the size of the persistent volumes. I want to change this ...
Brent Bradburn's user avatar
34 votes
3 answers

EBS vs SSD definition

I am confused about the EBS and SSD choice while creating an instance . while choosing instance parameters (Step 2) you will see 2 options in the column Instance Storage (GB) : EBS only or SSD . ...
Momo's user avatar
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27 votes
2 answers

How to convert a unencrypted EBS to be encrypted

I have a number of older EBS volumes that are not encrypted. In satisfying new corporate security measures, all data needs to be "encrypted at rest" so I need to convert all of the volumes to be ...
Gray's user avatar
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26 votes
6 answers

How to reduce AWS EBS root volume size?

Enlarging an EC2 instance is easy like a breath (for instance, create an AMI, launch an instance from it and then change the storage size). But reducing it becomes more difficult. I’d like to reduce ...
herve's user avatar
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26 votes
2 answers

How to determine actual size of an amazon snapshot?

Amazon EBS snapshots capture changed blocks from a baseline, so snapshots will often be much smaller than the source volume. Billing is based on the actual size, which is nice. However, I cannot find ...
Elroy Flynn's user avatar
25 votes
4 answers

Amazon EC2 Data Persistence

According to the Amazon EC2 FAQ, when an instance is terminated the data is gone. What steps can I take to preserve data in the event my instance is rebooted? I've been looking into EBS and S3 - would ...
Kyle Cronin's user avatar
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25 votes
3 answers

Shrinking Amazon EBS volume size

I have seen this answer for growing EBS volumes, but I would like to shrink one. The default Ubuntu Server images are 15 GB while I really need only 2 GB max (I use a different volume for data). Is ...
Peter Smit's user avatar
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24 votes
1 answer

Creating an EC2 AMI Image from a running instance vs. from a volume snapshot

I want to backup a Linux-based EC2 instance while it is running with no downtime, and then later on launch a new instance. (The instance is running a web server and Postgres database.) I found there ...
Vilsepi's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

Booting an EC2 instance from an existing EBS volume

I'm just getting up to speed on AWS and had a question about using an existing EBS volume as a boot device for an EC2 instance. It looks like a lot of the instances create an EBS volume for their ...
NimbusScale's user avatar
19 votes
4 answers

EC2 drive not EBS volume size

I have an EC2 instance which I created a 500GB EBS volume for. Unfortunately, the EC2 instance shows only 8GB available. I have only one drive, which is right. [root@ip-10-244-134-250 ~]# ls -la /...
Christian's user avatar
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19 votes
3 answers

Can I re-use an EBS volume with AWS ASG?

I want to create an ASG such that I can reuse existing EBS volumes (because I have persistent data on those volumes) to new EC2 instances that are instantiated via ASG. Is this possible? Update ...
steve landiss's user avatar
18 votes
4 answers

Is it possible to change the EBS volume to different availability zones?

I have a server created in "eu-west-1c" availability zone and I tried to attach the volume created in "eu-west-1a" availability zone to "eu-west-1c" but the server created in "eu-west-1c" is not ...
Shankar's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

Which AWS features are EBS backed?

I recently read an article AWS: The good, the bad and ugly, which mentioned that they've moved off of all EBS backed AWS features. What features are explicity (EBS backed EC2 instances) or implicitly (...
Jake McGraw's user avatar
17 votes
4 answers

Fastest time to get an EC2 instance running

I am considering moving from a VPS to EC2. EC2 is elastic and so is its pricing; I could boot my instance on demand, then let it shut down if it isn't active by the end of some hourly period. How ...
Tobu's user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

Auto-Attach EBS-volume to a New Spot Instance?

I am experimenting with EC2 spot instances, and am needing some data to be retained between terminations. Now as I understand it, when the current price goes above my max. bid, it will be ...
Jeff's user avatar
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16 votes
5 answers

Download EBS volume or snapshot to file

Is there any way to dump/save EBS volume/snapshot to file or mount it to local Linux file-system? I found only this old thread and this script which intends to save it via S3 and doesn't seem very ...
Suncatcher's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Where's my ephemeral storage for EC2 Instance

I have looked through the following questions, notably How to use "Instance Store Volumes" storage in Amazon EC2? However, it didn't answer. I created a EC2 small instance with EBS as the ...
Jason McCreary's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

How are Amazon EBS snapshot's sizes calculated?

First, how can I retrieve the space consumed by my EBS snapshots? Second, according to the documentation, Amazon EBS snapshot only backs up the blocks of an EBS volume that have been modified since ...
Michael Chan's user avatar
12 votes
5 answers

Which is faster for read access on EC2; local drive or EBS?

Which is faster for read access on an EC2 instance; the "local" drive or an attached EBS volume? I have some data that needs to be persisted so have placed this on an EBS volume. I'm using ...
Phillip B Oldham's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

how to get volume id attached to instance from AWS CLI

i want to get volume id attached to instance like how we get instance id from the meta data InstanceID=`curl
Nani's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Amazon EBS charges calculation

How/when does Amazon calculate how much I will have to pay for EBS? I accidentally created a 100 GiB EBS volume and deleted it after 20 mins when I realized what I had done, does it mean I will be ...
mak's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Simple Backup Strategy for Amazon EC2 instances / volumes?

You have entered Introductory Backups for Amazon EC2 EBS-backed Windows Images 010... I have been browsing my brains out to find a simple backup strategy for our single windows 2008 server running ...
John Miner's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Disk root error on start instance on "Amazon Web Services (AWS)" EC2

I "Detach Volume" and "Attach Volume" again. After that I want "Instance Start" but I get immediately message Error starting instances Invalid value 'i-{id}' for instanceId. Instance does not ...
Bruno's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

how do I find out what part of my ec2 storage is ephemeral

This may be a silly question, excuse my ignorance. I have an instance running like this: Does Root Device : EBS mean my entire system is on EBS? I've configured apache and a perl app here, all my ...
gideon's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Should a detached EBS volume keep charging monthly?

First of all, I'm not very used to AWS nor DevOps/admin stuff, but want to learn. So I set up an EC2 instance and attached an EBS volume (15 Gb) some months ago, for testing something during a few ...
gustavovelascoh's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Copying an EBS Snapshot to S3 for low-cost storage

Goal: Be able to copy an EBS snapshot to S3 and have it be treated like an arbitrary object that I could download to a local on-prem machine if I so wished. I understand that EBS Snapshots are ...
Russell Christopher's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Root Device on SSD instance types. SSD vs EBS confusion

I have an AMI that was originally created from a t1.micro linux. The "Root Device Type" of this AMI is EBS (8 GB) and my web application software is "baked" into this root volume. Now I would like to ...
user183744's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

At what point is EBS usage the bottleneck?

I've got a site hosted on Amazon using a EC2 instance backed by an EBS volume. On the weekends, traffic spikes and I make the instance larger which helps quite a bit -- I'm no longer seeing CPU usage ...
ESW's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Mounting an attached ebs volume in EC2

I've created an EC2 instance, created an EBS volume, attached it to the running instance, and successfully ssh'ed into my instance. The drive is attached as /dev/sdf Next, I tried mounting the drive ...
user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Redis reports read-only filesystem, but it isn't

I get this in my Redis logs: 1182:M 30 Nov 14:27:00.028 * 1 changes in 900 seconds. Saving... 1182:M 30 Nov 14:27:00.029 * Background saving started by pid 1920 1920:C 30 Nov 14:27:00.029 # Failed ...
Joe's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Why is my AWS instance not reachable?

Yesterday, I created a new instance but I cannot connect to it. Tried pinging it from my computer, online ping sites etc but it is just not reachable. In the AWS console. everything seems to be ...
YD8877's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

5.5GB written daily to 1.2GB root volume - 4 times previous levels

Problem: I recently revamped one of my servers, it was tested prior to use, and functions well, however, a few days ago, I noticed approximately 4 times the usual amount of writes to the root volume. ...
cyberx86's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

df shows disk full but ncdu shows only 1.5gb of 8gb used [duplicate]

I am confused. Our EC2 instance is showing that the disk is 98% full. The output from df -Th shows: Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/xvda1 ext4 7.9G 7.7G 172M 98% /...
williamsdb's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

AWS: What is the difference between Burst Balance and EBS IO Balance metrics?

AWS Docs describe Burst Balance and EEBS IO Balance in the following way: BurstBalance The percent of General Purpose SSD (gp2) burst-bucket I/O credits available. EBSIOBalance% The percentage of I/O ...
Zillo's user avatar
  • 101
9 votes
2 answers

EC2 - Shared Storage - S3FS or EBS?

Building my web service onto EC2 right now and have a single instance behind a load balancer. I will of course cater for multiple instances. My initial idea was to run all the instances a dumb slaves,...
waxical's user avatar
  • 334
8 votes
6 answers

How do I mount an EBS root volume to a windows instance in Amazon EC2

So basically, I created a large windows server for development, and then I created a micro windows server for production. I set up everything how I wanted it on my development server, and then i ...
Kyle's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

How can I set up an SFTP server backed by S3 (or similar)

I need to set up an SFTP server that, essentially, has very large capacity. I need to give one of our partners SFTP login details to a server where they will upload millions of files, totalling a few ...
Daniel Magliola's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Restoring an Amazon EBS RAID0 array from snapshots taken with ec2-consistent-snapshot

I've configured a new MySQL server on Amazon EC2 and decided to store my data on a EBS RAID0 Array. So far so good, and I've tested taking snapshots of those devices with ec2-consistent-snapshot, ...
Jim Rubenstein's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

How can I access instance storage on a Windows EC2 instance with an ebs root device?

I have created an AMI, but I would like to use instance storage for some scientific programs I want to run. They basically read a bunch of stuff from disk, write it back out to disk and then ...
oob's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

How to create EBS based EC2 AMI from scratch?

after Amazon announced the new EBS based AMIs, I'm wondering if it is or will be possible to create new AMIs that are not based on the existing Fedora/Windows AMIs. The documentation says: The ...
Tomas Markauskas's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Amazon EC2 Spot Instances very slow at getting accepted/starting

I've recently made a new Ubuntu EBS image on Amazon EC2 and since what I am running isn't of the utmost importance, have decided to run it as a spot instance to take advantage of the lower pricing. ...
James's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Created an EBS volume from a snapshot, but can't mount it?

fdisk -l shows the volume so it looks like it's attached but when I follow these steps echo "/dev/xvdg /vol2 xfs noatime 0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab sudo mkdir /vol2 sudo mount /vol2 I get the ...
Dave L's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

are EBS volumes wiped after use?

I tried to recover some data from an ebs volume on which I accidentally ran wipefs on. I used PhotoRec ( and it got my files back but also a ton of other ...
steve landiss's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Is RAID 1 overkill on Amazon EBS drives in terms of reliability?

My thinking behind this is that RAID 1 creates two or more copies of the data on multiple EBS drives. Yet, aren't Amazon EBS disks virtually fail-safe because they live on multiple physical drives? So ...
Sameer Parwani's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Software RAID10 for later growth

I'm wondering what the best practice is for creating RAID10 in software on Linux with the ability to later grow by adding disks or expanding volumes underneath. I'm using EBS on Amazon, I want to ...
Richard's user avatar
  • 71
7 votes
6 answers

Amazon EC2 instance won't boot: Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)

My instance was running for years and suddenly stopped responding Jun 1st. I tried to reboot it, but it would not boot. It gave errors in the system log: Linux version ...
Chloe's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

What happens when I delete the first of several AWS EBS snapshots?

On it says: "EBS Snapshots [...] For the first snapshot of a volume, Amazon EBS saves a full copy of your data to Amazon S3. For each incremental snapshot, only ...
Jepper's user avatar
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