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Questions tagged [amazon-efs]

Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) is a managed cloud storage service, accessed using the NFS protocol version 4.1.

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35 votes
2 answers

Elastic file system (EFS) mount outside of AWS

I have a server that is outside of AWS. I'd like to be able to mount an EFS volume to it, but I am not sure if that is possible. Perhaps if you create a VPC, and you create a tunnel over VPN? Does ...
Adam's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

I want to put WordPress — all of it — on EFS. Should I?

I have a WordPress site that, as of now, I am running completely on an Amazon Lightsail instance. It gets properly backed up; availability is okay; security is good; it's a simple setup to maintain. ...
Carter Pape's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to mount Amazon EFS as data volume in ECS task?

Userdata on launch configuration: #!/bin/bash echo ECS_CLUSTER=prodcluster >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config sudo yum install -y nfs-utils sudo mkdir /home/ec2-user/web_file_uploads sudo chmod 777 /...
sithumc's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Amazon EFS hangs when attempting to list files inside

When doing an ls inside an Amazon EFS mount point, it just hangs. The EFS troubleshooting section on AWS EFS troubleshooting Mentions the following: Mount Does Not Respond An Amazon EFS ...
John Doe's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Inotify does not work on EFS (remote filesystem)

I tried to use inotify notifications, to check for filesystem events, but it does not work. no file-system vent notifier worked. Is there any inotify utility available for remote file system like EFS,...
Farhan's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Encrypt at rest existing AWS EFS instances - is it possible?

Based on my understanding of AWS documentation it appears that the only way to encrypt at rest existing EFS instances with some data is to create new EFS instances with encryption enabled and copy the ...
Darko Miletic's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Using S3 as a alternative to EFS for backup purpose

For centralised backup purpose of specific data from my instances, i was using EBS Volume mounted to that instances. Now we are planning to migrate to another region, but EFS service is not available ...
Sreeraju V's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to share a EFS/s3 with code in a auto scaling group?

the main problem is: Infrastructure: Autoscaling (min 1 - max 3) RDS ELB elasticache (redis) elasticsearch I want to share a volume (EFS / S3) with the code of my application; The size of it is ...
sysalam0's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

PHP Application with Web Root on Amazon EFS using up too much EFS bandwidth

The web root /var/www/html is mounted on EFS Mounting with usual AWS advised command and General Purpose EFS sudo mount -t nfs4 -o nfsvers=4.1,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,hard,timeo=600,retrans=2 fs-...
Pasta's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

Why does setting NFS sync option for AWS EFS cause nginx/Chrome to chunk or break a file upload?

Question: Why does an NFS mount using the sync option cause nginx and/or Chrome (and only Chrome; not Safari, Firefox, Edge or curl) to chunk or restart the file upload? Some background: I have nginx ...
jaygooby's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

any way to speed up mapped EFS share in Windows?

We just got an AWS account, and I was testing EFS. I created an EFS, mounted it on a Amazon Linux instance, and set it up to be shared in samba. I was then able to map the share as a drive in Windows ...
raphael75's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

confirm efs is mounted on ec2

i would like to confirm that efs is mounted on my ec2 instance but do not know the command. i did mount my EFS to the directory ''/data'' i think the correct command would be df -h Filesystem ...
user1709076's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

AWS - EFS Replication

I'm looking to replicate an existing EFS to a new EFS and mount it to a cloned environment for testing purposes but can't seem to find any good information on it. To clarify - I'll be replicating an ...
elPastor's user avatar
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3 answers

NFS mount across EC2 instances as alternative to EFS

I'm configuring an application to run in AWS in "full-framework" deployment. One aspect of this deployment requires each server to be able to see a common storage location. They recommend using a ...
jmkmay's user avatar
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2 answers

Root has no write permission to EFS volume

I created a new EFS volume and mounted it with the EFS mount helper. Here is the /etc/fstab: LABEL=cloudimg-rootfs / ext4 defaults,discard 0 0 fs-deadbeef:/ /mnt/efs efs _netdev,tls 0 0 ...
drhagen's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to mount with uid and gid using NFS?

I would like to mount an AWS EFS location with the efs driver which internaly uses nfs. Now the question is: How do I automatically mount a location with specific uid and gid? With sshfs e.g. I would ...
Aley's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Why does df say my EFS disk has a capacity of 8 Exabytes?

This is a screenshot from my AWS EC2 instance, which the EFS disk is mounted on: How can this be?
Josh Withee's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Amazon EFS as code repository for auto-scaled EC2s

tl;dr: I need to set up a fast automatic sync from EFS to multiple EC2s I've set up an EC2 Auto-Scaling Group in AWS and I'm looking for the best way to manage code deployments to my instances, with ...
Doug McLean's user avatar
2 votes
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AWS Instances breeding and dying for no apparent reason

This has happened a couple of times since we moved our cluster project from Google to AWS. We have an EFS volume that's mounted on a load-balanced cluster in a Beanstalk project. I will be in the ...
hbquikcomjamesl's user avatar
2 votes
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wget hangs/freezes when downloading file into NFS

I'm running some experiments with Amazon EFS (General purpose) and EC2 and I have the issue that EFS seems to act unstable. Commands that involve the mounted file system would hang or freeze. For ...
mitchkman's user avatar
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1 answer

"No space left on device" reported; trying to transfer files to EFS through EC2 instance via SCP

My setup is based on this article: I.e. Wordpress hosting via Elastic Beanstalk with a separate RDS ...
two7s_clash's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Hanging Apache requests using Ubuntu AMI on EFS volume

I noticed a strange behaviour on the setup that I created on AWS (eu-south-1 region) to evaluate the migration from our current provider. I want to deploy 1-n EC2 instances that serves web requests ...
nexy's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Mounting EKS EFS with CSI Times Out before Pod Comes Up

I am using EKS with Kubernetes version 1.15 and when I create a Storageclass, Persistent-Volume, Persistent-Volume-Claim, and Deployment the pod fails with: Warning FailedAttachVolume 71s (x2 over ...
Thingable's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Set default file permission mode without ACLs

I have an AWS EFS share, which does not support filesystem ACLs. How can I set a folder inside the EFS share to default to mode 664?
spiffytech's user avatar
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Sharing EFS with Samba - missing files

I'm trying to share AWS EFS content using Samba (to use it on Windows based instances). The issue is that with some number of files per folder, Samba doesn't show all of them. I tried different linux ...
imbolc's user avatar
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Why can't my ECS Fargate cluster write to my mounted EFS volume, all deployed with Terraform?

I've got a Terraform deployment that deploys a Docker image into ECS Fargate. It attaches an EFS volume to the container. When I SSH into the container, I see the volume mounted, but I am unable to ...
CryptoFool's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

PHP OpCache on Amazon EFS

Looking for some validation of my thought process here. I don't have the stats to hand to back up my claims, but have enough experience with web hosting with and without EFS to be comfortbale in ...
jsjw's user avatar
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Failing fast with an EFS NFS mount

We run a Java application distributed across a number of servers, part of which involves the writing and reading of shared files. This side of the application is currently held together by a bunch of ...
DGoodman's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Are there any benefits of using a dedicated NFS box on EC2 to using EFS directly?

Basically, since we have a bunch of EC2 instances that require a central attached drive, an NFS box was setup (this was before EFS was available in our zone). Is there any reason to (or not to) switch ...
chintogtokh's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What is the best practice to manage multiple servers and shared a source code in a storage in AWS

I have a monolithic e-commerce website in management and like to expand it to multiple servers using a load balancer and single database server. load balancer -> server 1 -> db server ...
Eric Lee's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Where do I store data in AWS AutoScaling Group?

I have been using the Bitnami multi-tier WordPress stack on AWS. I know how to use autoscaling on AWS, but none of the documentation has showed me where to store changeable data files when using ...
paradroid's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the difference between "Amazon Storage Gateway" and another storages?

I use "Amazon Web Services (AWS)" and I think about share storage with more instances "Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)". Data grows by client usage, and may be searched in those data. Obviously I should ...
Bruno's user avatar
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2 answers

Migrating EFS across regions

Have an EFS with two mount targets in US-N.California region and I need to move all the data over to US-Oregon region. Would appreciate any inputs around that.
John C's user avatar
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1 answer

Amazon EFS performance mounted for a k8 cluster of ec2 instances with small frequent writes [duplicate]

How performant is a shared mounted EFS if there are multiple ec2 instances with multiple containers all writing to separate files in separate directories? Can write performance on one container be ...
ajoseps's user avatar
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1 answer

No route to host when trying to mount EFS on an EC2 instance

I am getting this output when running a mount -av on my EC2 instance: I already have the allow incoming in the security group for the IP of EFS and the allow for the IP of the EC2 in the security ...
rumplesmyboy's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How To Save NextCloud Files to EFS

So i have a nextcloud server in an EC2 instance, i have an EFS mounted to it but im not sure how to make nextcloud save the files on the EFS instead of EC2. Are there any guides or tutorials out there ...
Ghaith Haddad's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Mount NFS4 share as different user

I have an AWS EFS NFS4 share (shareA) that is mounted by some servers where all files are owned by userA/uid=800. I'd like to mount that share onto the b-series servers, configured to look like userB/...
spiffytech's user avatar
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1 answer

How to modify an Amazon ECS Cluster and use custom UserData to mount EFS

Need to mount EFS drive on ECS Cluster automatically on launch of container instances. Is it possible with Clusters generated with the Wizard or do I need to create an AutoScaling group?
IoeI Plantic's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

aws efs describe-access-points no filters?

When I run aws efs describe-access-points --query 'AccessPoints[*].[AccessPointId]' --output table I get back 5 different ID's. There does not appear to be any filter options like there are for other ...
Ydrab's user avatar
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0 answers

Mounting EC2 directory with existing data to Fargate container using EFS

I have an EC2 instance with a huge directory(ex. /large-dir) that containers need to access. Both instance and container share same network and security group. I'm able create and mount an EFS to ...
Rohini's user avatar
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EC2 cannot access to EFS

Our website has mounted on 4 EC2 and 1 EFS. Sometimes EC2 servers cannot access to EFS. When I run commands like cd and ls, they are not responding when access is not available. When I restart the ...
dotRaikkonen's user avatar
1 vote
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ECS container not starting: error looking up volume plugin amazon-ecs-volume-plugin

I have a EC2 + EFS + ECS setup on which I run a few docker containers. My EC2 instance died, and a new one spun up, but when starting the tasks on the new instance, I get the following error message ...
plazm's user avatar
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1 answer

Mounting EFS Volume in Non available region

Is there any way to mount EFS volume to multiple instances in Mumbai Region. EFS service is currently not available in Mumbai region.Or is there any other service which i can use instead of EFS. I ...
Sreeraju V's user avatar
1 vote
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The idiomatic approach to mounting "configuration" volumes on ECS?

I have a docker container that I would like to "port" to ECS. My Dockerfile contains a VOLUME instruction: VOLUME /app/configuration So using docker on a linux machine, you just point to the ...
Shiraaz.M's user avatar
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Sharing mounted EFS from Linux EC2 to Windows has terrible performance

I've followed a large amount of advice in establishing an EFS share that can be accessed through windows. The procedure is basically outlined here: Adding EFS to Windows Tutorial Following this, I ...
GeneralBear's user avatar
1 vote
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NFS not mounting on boot

I have an AWS EFS that I want my Centos 7 server to mount on boot. The line from /etc/fstab that is meant to accomplish this is: /mnt/EFS nfs4 nfsvers=4.1,rsize=...
TheGentleman's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

TTFB on AWS EC2 Instance is Very Slow

I'm very new to hosting/server administration and my employer ask me to use this chance to learn and find a way to update our current hosting setup. Our current setup was one EC2 instance that hosted ...
Radizzt's user avatar
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AWS EFS Backup using Datapipeline

I want to take backup of my EFS production environment. I have setup solution as defined in walk through with 2 EFS Production & EFS Backup I created 4 security groups : 1) efs-mt-sg (EFS SG) &...
Nazim Ghori's user avatar
0 votes
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Use Amazon repo in Centos 7

I set up a Centos 7 instance on EC2 and i need to mount a couple of EFS filesystems. Because Centos 7 and Amazon Linux 2 are pretty similar, I am wondering if could be possible to add Amazon Linux ...
fromthestone's user avatar
0 votes
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Schedule, Compress, and Transfer files from EC2/EFS to Glacier

I want to create a process to transfer files from EC2 / EFS, to Glacier - but with compression. Say there are directories with timestamps down to the hour. Every hour, I want a process that checks for ...
Cyclops's user avatar
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