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Static files not being detected by the ALB

So, I have deployed an application in a Kubernetes environment (AWS EKS). It is a collection of various micro-applications exposed as services, each micro-service having three replica sets. All the ...
samichau's user avatar
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AWS ALB gives 504 timeout when vpc cni network policies applied

I've got argocd deployed on EKS, with ingress running on top of AWS Load Balancer Controller. Alb controller is deployed in kube-system. Argo is deployed in argocd namespace with internal alb created ...
kkarczewski's user avatar
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Keycloak w/ EKS + ALB (401 after auth)

I’m currently trying to get Keycloak to run in EKS behind ALB and for the life of me, I can’t get it to work. I get the redirect to a login screen and after I log in - I instantly get presented with ...
iotanum's user avatar
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Direct Traffic from a Pulbic ALB to an Internal ALB for EKS

So I have an EKS cluster sitting in a dedicated VPC (EKS-VPC) In my Main VPC I have a public-facing ALB that I want it to somehow direct traffic to services running in EKS. More specifically I want ...
argyrodagdileli's user avatar
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How do you route to a mix of HTTP and HTTPS backends from an ALB Ingress?

I have a Kubernetes cluster running in EKS (on AWS.) In the cluster I have Elasticsearch, Kibana and various other web services. I would like to set up a single ALB loadbalancer such that: Requests ...
Zorlack's user avatar
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AWS EKS Ingress Timeout On Any Non-Root Path

We have configured an Ingress resource on our EKS cluster with rewrites from /.* on the load balancer to the matching URI upstream. If we visit, we see a successful health-check ...
DragonBobZ's user avatar
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aws-load-balancer-controller annotations not working

I'm trying to automatically start an ALB in my EKS cluster by using the aws-load-balancer-controller This is what the logs of my deployment look like: $ kubectl logs -n kube-system deployment.apps/aws-...
E-Kami's user avatar
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Istio : HTTPS Traffic converted to HTTP with port set as 443

Bug description We have setup an istio over on eks cluster & a java app is hosted in it. The pod has been created along with service with type ClusterIP We have created Virtual Service, Gateway &...
sarathprasath's user avatar
3 votes
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HTTP/2 for ALB with EKS on AWS

I'm experimenting with AWS EKS and have created the following setup: EKS cluster with a single service/pod/node AWS ALB ingress controller ALB I try to configure the ALB to: create access logs ...
chrisvdb's user avatar
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