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How to create EKS cluster with VPC CNI addon via CloudFormation?

I create a EKS cluster (1.24) via cloudformation, it works fine without a CNI plugin but fails when I add vpc-cni addon: AddonCNI: Type: 'AWS::EKS::Addon' Properties: AddonName: vpc-...
chingis's user avatar
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Using the AWS VPC CNI add on for EKS can I access a pod directly via it's vpc ip address over a vpn?

My general question is in the title. I feel like I've misunderstood the way pods are connected to the VPC. I was assuming this would make pods routable on the vpc but it seems like this is not the ...
ClintM's user avatar
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Why would you want worker node traffic to leave a VPC? (AWS EKS)

When setting up AWS EKS, I came across a configuration option I don't understand. What is the use case for the "public" option as shown in this screenshot? This is the only option that makes ...
Savvly's user avatar
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Not able to access RDS instance inside EKS cluster | EKS <-> RDS connection

I'm trying to access my existing RDS instance in the newly created EKS cluster. steps I have followed: Create a VPC peering connection by keeping RDS as requester and EKS as accepter. Add destination ...
Saikat Chakrabortty's user avatar