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Public IP should not be changed when aws eks cluster and managed nodegroup is upgraded

We have used the eks cluster(current version 1.20) and managed nodegroup and used the public IPs of the nodes for our purpose so now when we upgrade the eks cluster and nodegroup with version 1.21 all ...
basava022's user avatar
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FailedScheduling too many pods. Preemption: 0/2 nodes are available: 2 No preemption victims found for incoming pod

I configured eks and when performing a deployment, the pod is always in pending state. FailedScheduling appears. My node group is created with 2 node - T2.micro - 20gb. Even the simplest deployment ...
Nazim Razac's user avatar
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eksctl and AsgInstance launch failures due to account quota limit

I was trying to launch an eks cluster using eksctl tool. The cluster is launched but the nodegroup fails to launch. The following error is displayed in the cloudformation of the nodegroup. Error ...
R-R's user avatar
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How can i route pods in a EKS cluster to a specific NAT Gateway within the same subnet

Am running an EKS cluster deployed on a node (in public subnet) with two namespaces, one pod running in each of the namespaces. I have created two NAT gateways on the same subnet. I would like to ...
Karthik Balasubramanian's user avatar
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Hashicorp Vault - AWS EKS vs EC2

Is it possible to install a Hashicorp Vault cluster to EC2 only or is EKS required and would there be a big advantage to one over the other?
Robben's user avatar
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