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Is it possible to configure `kubectl exec` to behavior the same way as `ssh` when there is a client disconnect?

Empirically, it looks like kubectl exec and ssh behave differently on disconnects of the client. I performed the following experiments. SSH # Terminal 1 ssh <random_host_in_aws> bash -c 'sleep ...
merlin2011's user avatar
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Kubectl generates TLS handshake timeout with private EKS cluster

I'm seeing the following error when running any kubectl command and no data is returned. This error occurs when accessing a private AWS EKS instance over a VPN connection. $ kubectl get pods -A -v=9 ...
Vakent's user avatar
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EKS: kubectl exec does not respect streamingConnectionIdleTimeout

Using EKS with Kubernetes 1.21, managed nodegroups in a private subnet. I'm trying to set the cluster up so that kubectl exec times out after inactivity regardless of the workload being execed into, ...
Dmitry S.'s user avatar
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Troubleshoot kubectl DNS Lookup REFUSED

This is happening on one engineers Macbook. Everyone else is able to run kubectl commands successfully. % kubectl --v=1000 get svc I0326 16:22:48.587540 28045 loader.go:379] Config loaded from file: ...
D.Fitz's user avatar
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Running kubectl commands as cronjobs in the Kubernetes cluster results in a connection refused error

When running a kubectl command using the bitnami/kubectl image from inside a kubernetes (EKS based) cluster I am expecting the command to pick up the KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST and ...
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