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Public IP should not be changed when aws eks cluster and managed nodegroup is upgraded

We have used the eks cluster(current version 1.20) and managed nodegroup and used the public IPs of the nodes for our purpose so now when we upgrade the eks cluster and nodegroup with version 1.21 all ...
basava022's user avatar
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Use Node IP's instead of Pod IP's for egress with Secondary CIDR

I'm working with an Amazon EKS cluster that uses AWS VPC CNI for networking and has a custom network configuration. The primary IP address of the nodes is in the range 10.x.x.x/x, and there are ...
cris_karter's user avatar
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No out of pod networking on EKS cluster

I have an EKS cluster(1.24) launched with Terraform's AWS EKS module. System generated security groups. Private or public subnets. Cluster Inbound: Node Inbound: Node Outbound: The cluster has 1 ...
Tom Barber's user avatar
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EKS: kubectl exec does not respect streamingConnectionIdleTimeout

Using EKS with Kubernetes 1.21, managed nodegroups in a private subnet. I'm trying to set the cluster up so that kubectl exec times out after inactivity regardless of the workload being execed into, ...
Dmitry S.'s user avatar
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Applying k8s network policies in Amazon EKS

I'm learning about Kubernetes network policies. I'm attempting to create a situation where two pods in the same namespace have different network policies associated: pod A has ingress from anywhere ...
Andy Hunt's user avatar