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Questions tagged [amazon-eks]

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How to access a S3 bucket accessible only through a EKS Pod

We've got a S3 bucket we use to store files used by an application deployed on EKS, to access the bucket we have a secret web identity token. The application maintenance guys sometime need to browse ...
molok's user avatar
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How to change the security group of Amazon EKS worker nodes?

I want to add a security group to the worker nodes of Amazon EKS. It seems that I can change "Additional security group" to add the security group to the worker nodes. But I cannot find any ...
Brian's user avatar
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Run Job on a new node before running any Pods (without using taints)

Is it possible to make Kubernetes run a Job on a node after it has started, and do not run any Pods until that Job is finished? My first idea was to use taints (start node with a taint that only Job ...
Thunderbeef's user avatar
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Missing metrics for "kubelet_volume_*" in Prometheus

I setup latest in an AWS EKS cluster in which I'm using the Amazon EBS CSI driver for persistent volume claims, but I don't see any "kubelet_volume_*" ...
Catalin's user avatar
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Mounting EKS EFS with CSI Times Out before Pod Comes Up

I am using EKS with Kubernetes version 1.15 and when I create a Storageclass, Persistent-Volume, Persistent-Volume-Claim, and Deployment the pod fails with: Warning FailedAttachVolume 71s (x2 over ...
Thingable's user avatar
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Jenkins: Kubernetes plugin configuration for EKS cluster

Jenkins version : 2.204.4 (hosted Jenkins in IBM server) Kubernetes plugin version: 1.24.1 Tested process 1: I am trying to configure Kubernetes plugin with the EKS cluster, but could not get any ...
yamini's user avatar
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3 answers

EKS cluster nodes go from Ready to NotReady after approximately 30 minutes with authorization failures

I am using eksctl to set up a cluster on EKS/AWS. Following the guide in the EKS documentation, I use default values for pretty much everything. The cluster is created successfully, I update the ...
caprica's user avatar
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Not able to access RDS instance inside EKS cluster | EKS <-> RDS connection

I'm trying to access my existing RDS instance in the newly created EKS cluster. steps I have followed: Create a VPC peering connection by keeping RDS as requester and EKS as accepter. Add destination ...
Saikat Chakrabortty's user avatar
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Traffic encryption between EC2 and EKS pods

We are deploying our app to the EKS, and have a hybrid situation where some services aren't deployed yet within the EKS cluster. We want the traffic between services deployed on EC2 instances would ...
Mickey Hovel's user avatar
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Fallback to a static origin when receiving HTTP 404 in nginx-ingress

I have a web application running on Kubernetes, and an nginx-ingress which serves as the Ingress for the deployment. I'd like to enable the following behavior for nginx: when any request receives a ...
mittelmania's user avatar
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How do I allow an additional AWS user to gain access to EKS?

I'm trying to do: [ec2-user@xxxxxxxxx x]$ aws eks update-kubeconfig --name prod-eks-v2 --role-arn arn:aws:iam::9xxxxxxxxxxeks-v2-cluster-ServiceRole-xxxxxxxxxx An error occurred (...
Chris Stryczynski's user avatar
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IAM policy for managing EKS pods for users

Does anyone know what resources need to be granted to a user in order to run kubectl commands on an EKS cluster? At the moment, we have a couple of users who are associated with AdministratorAccess (...
Trent's user avatar
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How do I use AWS EKS with the Jenkins Kubernetes Cloud plugin?

I have found essentially no documentation about how to use the Jenkins Kubernetes Plugin with Amazon EKS. The documentation mentions aws-iam-authenticator and a java setting to change a cache timeout, ...
papercrane's user avatar
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Infrastructure used in Amazon EKS

I was looking into a demo of an application built on Amazons kubernetes service, EKS. However, I am struggling to understand what infrastructure is used underneath, as I don't have access to AWS ...
Dennis Jaheruddin's user avatar
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Monitoring EKS Kubernetes LoadBalancer service Type

I have created few services in Kubernetes with type: LoadBalancer. Platform: EKS. Is there a way to get number of 4xx or 5xx errors from this LoadBalancer? I have tried the following: Prometheus -...
ajmal hamza's user avatar
6 votes
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Kubernetes pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims (eks)

I have following StorageClass defined for aws eks cluster (3 nodes) kind: StorageClass apiVersion: metadata: name: aws-gp2 annotations:
rp346's user avatar
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Istio : HTTPS Traffic converted to HTTP with port set as 443

Bug description We have setup an istio over on eks cluster & a java app is hosted in it. The pod has been created along with service with type ClusterIP We have created Virtual Service, Gateway &...
sarathprasath's user avatar
2 votes
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Kubernetes: run aws s3 sync/rsync against persistent volume on demand

Is there a way in Kubernetes to trigger a job to run on my containers on demand? The use case is to be able to have the containers sync from S3 to a persistent volume on demand. In the application's ...
yossarian2004's user avatar
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In EKS resolv.conf inherited from node

I make EKS cluster like this I use Amazon Linux 7 ( default ami-0ee5ca4231511cafc) After deploying PODs inside file /etc/resolv.conf like on node. ...
Jeison Mortyre's user avatar
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Not able to join worker nodes using kubectl with updated aws-auth configmap

I'm setting up AWS EKS cluster using terraform from an EC2 instance. Basically the setup includes EC2 launch configuration and autoscaling for worker nodes. After creating the cluster, I am able to ...
Magesh's user avatar
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EKS suddenly failing with disk pressure

We have an EKS cluster with two t3.small nodes with 20Gi of ephemeral storage. The cluster runs only two small Nodejs (node:12-alpine) applications for now. This worked perfectly for a few weeks, and ...
chrisvdb's user avatar
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HTTP/2 for ALB with EKS on AWS

I'm experimenting with AWS EKS and have created the following setup: EKS cluster with a single service/pod/node AWS ALB ingress controller ALB I try to configure the ALB to: create access logs ...
chrisvdb's user avatar
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