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Questions tagged [amazon-elasticache]

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19 votes
3 answers

AWS ElastiCache/SimpleQueue vs DynamoDB

I'm wondering about the rationale for using ElastiCache/SimpleQueue vs just having "Cache" and "Queue" tables inside of DynamoDB respectively. It seems that the network latency to the Cache/Queue ...
Scott Klarenbach's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Avoiding swap on ElastiCache Redis

We have been having ongoing trouble with our ElastiCache Redis instance swapping. Amazon seems to have some crude internal monitoring in place which notices swap usage spikes and simply restarts the ...
Josh Kupershmidt's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

Connect remotely to ElastiCache - Redis

We are using ElastiCache - Redis for our site, we need to flush the Redis cache and when I try to connect to my ElastiCache - Redis remotely by this command from any PC redis-cli -h example-redis-1....
Farmi's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

ElastiCache (redis) for non default VPC

I'm trying to create a Redis node, but in the configuration window, I'm not eble to select a VPC I created. All I see is the default VPC. For that reason the subnets are also only the ones that belong ...
oscarm's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Instance's deployment / post configuration for AWS Elastic Beanstalk

I am using AWS Elastic Beanstalk, it is easy to start with deploying Java based web app, which is great. However, I want to install Memcached on every instance locally so they can be used for caching,...
Howard's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How to secure Redis cluster on AWS elasticache

I have been reading up on Redis with AWS Elasticache and am a little confused on security. So far, it seems the only security is to create a Redis Security Group that only allows access from either a ...
Hurricane Development's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What are AWS elasticache redis connection limits?

We started an AWS Elasticache instance on a cache.t2.micro instance. How many connections will it accept?
dfrankow's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Passing parameters to AWS Lambda

I'm trying to write a CloudFormation template that subscribes a Lambda function to a CloudWatch Logs LogGroup. This Lambda function should then parse the logs and put them in to an Amazon ES cluster. ...
user1799's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Elasticache bandwidth usage is low, but bandwidth allowance exceeded

We recently switched to using Elasticache, and we're seeing some blips on the charts for Network Bandwidth In Allowance Exceeded, and for Network Bandwidth Out Allowance Exceeded: This is weird ...
mlissner's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to Terraform ElastiCache Redis cluster provisioning properly?

I am currently writing Terraform script to provision ElastiCache Redis Cluster. I have the following concern. In the script, I use a snapshot name to restore database from ElastiCache single Redis ...
Stanislav Hordiyenko's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Memcache/Elasticache holding many user passwords in memory instead of DB

I have two servers in AWS. One is a live production server (a multi site WordPress installation with hundreds of sites and about 5,000 users) and the other is a clone of prod that is being configured ...
user144722's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

AWS ElastiCache Redis - Why has SwapUsage slowly climbed just over 100MB dispite having FreeableMemory available?

Starting around 7/28/2017 the SwapUsage started to climb for reasons I cannot figure out. I have spent many hours Googling and reading AWS documentation. At no point do we run out of FreeableMemory. ...
Curtis's user avatar
  • 41
3 votes
1 answer

Why does port 6379 need to be opened on the security group for elasticache?

I made a redis cluster and created a new security group called cache-access. If I ssh into an ec2 server and try to access a cache node, it works if two conditions are met: ec2 server belongs to ...
AJcodez's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to monitor the disk space usage of an AWS elasticache redis cluster?

This is the reason behind this question: I am using a redis cluster on AWS Elasticcache as a datastore. I do not enable eviction because I need to keep the data alive inside the redis cluster for as ...
Anthony Kong's user avatar
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3 votes
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AWS - Cannot create ElastiCache-CacheCluster - 'CacheSecurityGroup not found error'

I have a cloud formation script shown below, I hope to create a Security Group and Elasti Cache. However I get an error shown below CREATE_FAILED AWS::ElastiCache::CacheCluster ...
user1811107's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Redis maxmemory on ElastiCache instance lower than expected

I have an AWS ElastiCache instance hosted on a cache.m5.xlarge instance type, which advertises 12.93gb of ram. from the AWS ElastiCache documentation it says that a cache.m5.xlarge instance should ...
Matthew's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Hosted fault-tolerant (replicated) memcache solution in amazon ec2 cloud?

does anyone offer a fault-tolerant (replicated) memcache solution that is hosted in amazon ec2, needs zero maintenance and works with providing just one IP? I know that amazon offers ElastiCache. But ...
Marcel's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Redis GUI needed for AWS ElastiCache on an EC2 instance

I've a AWS ElastiCache Redis cluster setup that I wish to manage. Since AWS doesn't let you access ElastiCache outside the VPC, I've setup a micro EC2 instance that carried a copy of the phpRedisAdmin ...
Kanuj Bhatnagar's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How do I enable backup(snapshot) on redis elasticache t2.medium

I was able to create a snapshots of my m1.small caches but the backup button is disabled when I select my t2.medium. Is there a way for me to enable backup of a t2.medium redis elasticache?
Gene Diaz's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Add ElastiCache Cluster to Elastic Beanstalk Application

I have an Elastic Beanstalk app setup utilizing the docker platform. Everything runs smoothly and I can redeploy the app using the eb deploy cli command. The app is setup on a custom VPC (something I ...
Patrick Stephan's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Elasticache on AWS slower than my RDS call

I've been attempting to use elasticache on aws to cache some of my data for faster retrieval, but calling elasticache (an m1.small instance) is slower than calling my RDS instance! Any tips on how to ...
daSn0wie's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Why my java application can reach the AWS elasticcache Redis cluster with the lettuce library but not directly with redis-cli?

I have an java app running in an EC2 instance which use lettuce ( to talk to a redis cluster on AWS ElasticCache. The java app can connect with no issue. Here is the netstat ...
Anthony Kong's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it possible to have a Cloudwatch alarm of the 'free memory' of a ElastiCache Redis cluster?

I'm looking to set up a cloudwatch alarm on a Redis cluster in ElastiCache rather than each individual node. Is this possible in cloudwatch? so far I've only found ways to set alarms on each ...
Matthew Bidewell's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How to switch nodes easily in a redis cluster cli?

I have a three node redis cluster. If I run cluster nodes after I connect to one of the node via redis-cli, I got this output:> cluster nodes ...
Anthony Kong's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Invoke Lambda function with delay

I have this schema to receive http requests and do some processing on files under a Windows Server EC2 instance. API Gateway -> Lambda -> EC2 (Node.js + Express) For now, there are a few ...
fsinisi90's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Elastic BeanStalk can't connect to ElastiCache Redis

I'm having issues connecting from Elastic BeanStalk to ElastiCache Redis. When I SSH into the EBS instance and try to use redis-cli to connect, it times out. This is how I set up my environment: I ...
Teotimo Garcia's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Amazon OpenSearch Service stably or less downtime?

Can anyone point out, What is the best way for the elastic search to run stably? We frequently get messages about it requiring updates and that an update requires some downtime. Could we have 2 ...
Santosh Baruah's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

processor type differences between elasticache instance types , will all instances suffer the same way?

This may sound like yet another, "what is a vcpu" or "should I use elasticache, remember its single threaded!!" question --- but I think this asks a question unanswered. redis is single threaded, ...
Muradin007's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Does mod_pagespeed use Elacticache Cluster Client? Or do we have to manually keep a list of nodes?

I've searched a lot for this, but couldn't find anything. The documentation ( also does not specify anything regarding the same. I'm using ...
user8080302's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Uneven load distribution on an elasticache cluster

Amazon elasticache cluster looks to be a really good choice for auto-scaling but it seems the load distribution is not equal among the nodes. Both memory and CPU wise the node 1 seems to take almost ...
Ashish Gaurav's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

AWS Elasticache PHP Sessions with ELB and Web Servers at different Data Centres

I'm running an AWS Load Balancer with Web Servers at different Data Centres. I need to start using PHP Sessions on Elasticache to Centralize Session Management. I can create an a 2 node Elasticache ...
user1105192's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to have an EC2 communicate with another Elasticache from another region?

I have an EC2 instance in the Asia Pacific (Singapore) region that I'd like to connect to a Elasticache instance launched in Oregon (US-West) region. After reading through, I understand that ...
David C's user avatar
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1 answer

ElasticCache enpoint to use in code

I have provisioned ElasticCache and launched a Redis cache cluster with Enable Replication option selected in Single Availability Zone, now I see three cache nodes under cache cluster as following ...
Farmi's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to estimate the max number of connection an AWS ElasticCache Redis cluster can support?

Is there any formula or "rule of thumb" I can apply to make an estimate of maximum number of connections a redis cluster hosted on AWS ElasticCache can support? My cluster currently has 3 ...
Anthony Kong's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to keep an Amazon ElastiCahe Memcached/Redis before a RDS MySQL database and use ElastiCache to cache the content?

I created one cluster in ElastiCache and connected that cluster with EC2 instance. And I want to include ElastiCache in front of my RDS(MySQL database). I have two questions which are as below. 1)Is ...
Gayathri K's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Can AWS ElastiCache instance fail during a manual/automated backup?

I have an AWS ElastiCache instance running at around 85% memory capacity. Before scaling to a bigger instance, I would like to take a manual backup and test a few things out. Failure of this node is ...
abhijeetpawar's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Installing ElastiCache Cluster Client on PHP AWS Elastic Beanstalk (without creating resource)

Elastic Beanstalk does not, by default, install the ElastiCache Cluster Client PHP module. This is needed to connect to an ElastiCache node cluster. Reading around, most of the instructions relate to ...
Ali's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

AWS ElasticCache - Cross Site - Disaster Recovery

I'm using AWS ElasticCache (MemCached) and can see how instances can be created at different data centers/sites. (eg: singapore A or B) There is no AWS Automatic Replication of ElasticCache from ...
Adam's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Is it impossible to access rds and elasticache redis in AWS fargate only by setting a role?

I tried to access the aws service rds and elasticache redis through fargate's task role. I connected the full access of the service to the task role, but it was not connected, so I allowed the subnet ...
john_smith's user avatar
0 votes
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Is it possible to have a Cloudwatch alarm of the specific events of a ElastiCache Redis cluster?

I need some solution to get cloudwatch alarm notification for specific elasticache events like '''ElastiCache:CacheNodeReplaceStarted''', '''ElastiCache:RemoveCacheNodeComplete'''. I know we can ...
Rajaneesh's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

how to monitor number of "add" commands on memcached

so memcached provides a lot of stats to track usage (hits and misses). sample output - stats STAT pid 1 STAT uptime 982226 STAT time 1630949306 STAT version 1.6.6 STAT libevent 2.0.21-stable STAT ...
mirage's user avatar
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AWS Elasticache security groups for inter cluster communication

I don't really have a setup to test this, but if I create an elasticache redis cluster with more than 1 node, how exactly would a security group have to look like to be very secure but without ...
Karsten Siemer's user avatar
0 votes
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Unable to connect to redis on amazon (same VPC different subnets)

I am trying to set up a Redis cluster using amazon's ElasticCache I have a VPC with the following CIDR: Which has five subnets: 2 private - and 3 public - 10.0....
Eitan Kats's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

scrapy-redis can't connect to AWS Redis ElastiCache

I have two Ubuntu EC2 instances running Scrapy, both using scrapy-redis to control dupes. I am trying to use an ElastiCache Redis as the scrapy-redis store. I have the exact same set up in a different ...
LandonC's user avatar
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Restoring ElastiCache Clustered Redis Snapshot with Terraform

Is it possible to create a ElastiCache Clustered Redis cluster from a snapshot using Terraform? I don't see a Terraform option similar to the create-replication-group --node-group-configuration cli ...
Lamak Qaizar's user avatar
0 votes
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Configuring Redis for a read heavy application

Redis connection timeout even after upgrading to elasticache m4.xlarge We are facing connection timeout.Our cache size is hardly 1.5Gb.We have been using m4.large instance and there was around 150-200 ...
tessie's user avatar
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