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Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service)

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80 votes
8 answers

AWS RDS connection limits

RDS server come up with 40 connection max, as in the following documentation I am using Magento 1.9, and at some points, i reach the max number then website is out of service. Do you have any ...
Alaa Badran's user avatar
61 votes
9 answers

How do you recover you RDS master user username?

Resetting the RDS master user's password is simple enough, but how do you find your master users username?
mkirk's user avatar
  • 733
53 votes
4 answers

What is "freeable memory"?

Amazon RDS has a metric for 'freeable memory'. It appears to go up & down in a sawtooth pattern. This leads me to believe that it's memory that is being used by MySQL for caching and that when ...
Adam Nelson's user avatar
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52 votes
5 answers

Unable to connect to public PostgreSQL RDS instance

I created a basic test PostgreSQL RDS instance in a VPC that has a single public subnet and that should be available to connect over the public Internet. It uses the default security group, which is ...
Edward Q. Bridges's user avatar
48 votes
8 answers

Why can't I connect to Amazon RDS after setting it up?

So, I just created the Amazon RDS account. And I started an instance of database. The "endpoint" is: Great! Now I try to connect to it from one ...
Alex's user avatar
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34 votes
3 answers

Why can't I create a superuser in AWS Postgresql instance?

I have an AWS EC2 instance connecting to an RDS instance (Postgresql). When I created the RDS instance, I told it the DB root's username was: my_user1 and the password was password1. Now I'm ...
Saqib Ali's user avatar
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31 votes
2 answers

Downtime for increasing AWS RDS storage?

I am looking to increase storage of two RDS instances (just the storage space allocated, not the instance type or other parameters). The documentation at
Andy Shinn's user avatar
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30 votes
6 answers

How to associate an existing RDS instance to an Elastic Beanstalk environment?

I have created my RDS instance before creating my Elastic Beanstalk environment. The two are working together with no problem, but I'd like them to be linked together, and have the RDS parameters ...
BenMorel's user avatar
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29 votes
1 answer

What is the rdsadmin user and should I care?

I've inherited control of an AWS MySQL RDS instance. I'm curious to know what the 'rdsadmin' user is and whether I should know the password for this or whether this is purely for use by the Amazon Web ...
codecowboy's user avatar
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23 votes
7 answers

"Update Your Amazon RDS SSL/TLS Certificates by October 31, 2019"

I, like a lot of people, received an email saying to update my RDS instance to use the new rds-ca-2019 certificate for SSL connections (previous being rds-ca-2015 which expires March 5, 2020). Their ...
Tim Tisdall's user avatar
21 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to force Re-creation of EC2::Instance or RDS::DBInstance in amazon cloudformation?

It's possible to force the re-creation of a EC2 or RDS instance using cloudformation stacks? My stack goes stuck in a point where simply destroying and creating the resource will fix it, instead of ...
theist's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

Highest value of max_connections in AWS RDS micro instance

Currently, the value for the max_connections parameter in a MySQL RDS t1.micro server model is {DBInstanceClassMemory/12582880} is 32. Since my server does not allowing any more connections after 32, ...
Vaibhav Dhage's user avatar
20 votes
2 answers

In AWS, does an hour of usage get charged just for an instance being in the "running" state?

When AWS documentation and pricing refer to "usage" does this simply mean "if the instance is on" instead of "if the instance is on and doing work". E.g., if I had an EC2 instance running but it was ...
Josh M.'s user avatar
  • 688
19 votes
3 answers

Can't find the private IP address for my Amazon-RDS instance

I moved my Master/slave database architecture to Amazon RDS and everything works fine. But I have a slave out of the RDS service which should keep sync with the new Master server, to do so I have to ...
Imad Touil's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

Why is my "volume bytes used" always increasing on my Amazon Aurora cluster?

I have an Amazon (AWS) Aurora DB cluster, and every day, its [Billed] Volume Bytes Used is increasing. I have checked the size of all my tables (in all my databases on that cluster) using the ...
Guillaume Boudreau's user avatar
18 votes
4 answers

How do a I edit .conf file for a postgres AWS RDS?

I would like to alter pg_hba.conf in my postgres RDS instance so that I can use cert authentication. I have found the Parameters Group manager in the RDS which allows me to alter parameters but it ...
Steven Noble's user avatar
17 votes
3 answers

How to Rename a Database on a SQL Server Amazon RDS Instance?

Attempts via SQL Server Management Studio and Transact SQL to rename a database hosted on a SQL Server Amazon RDS instance result in the following error. User does not have permission to alter ...
Scott Munro's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

How to create a local backup of a remote Amazon RDS MySQL database?

How do I create a local backup of a remote Amazon RDS MySQL database? What I need to know is how to make a complete full local backup of a MySQL database (not a remote Amazon snapshot) that can be ...
djangofan's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

How to see what is my Amazon rds password

Hi I think it is possible to rest Amazon rds password, I mean db password. Is it called master password. I mean RDS-PASAWORD. But any way to see current rds password. I searched internet for a long ...
Fun Media's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Unable to connect to RDS instance from outside VPC (ERROR 2003 (HY000) Can't connect to MySQL Server)

I've created a VPC, and inside it an RDS instance. The RDS instance is publicly accessible and its settings are as follows: RDS settings The security group attached to the RDS instance accepts all ...
dazedviper's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

First attempt to migrate EC2 MySQL to Amazon RDS no going well - SUPER privileges

I've been trying to move an existing db from MySQL running on EC2 to a new Amazon RDS instance (an experiment to see if we can move across). So far, it's not going well. I'm stuck at the initial ...
dsl101's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

How do I access and use an AWS RDS reserved instance?

I've set up several AWS RDS on-demand instances. Each time, the process was the same, and it included selecting instance type, capacity, storage, etc. When I'm done, and click on the instance icon, I ...
EastsideDev's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

How to move RDS database to different VPC

I didn't select a VPC when creating a MySQL RDS database, so it created it inside an auto-generated "default" VPC. I'm now unable to add it to any of my pre-defined security groups, or access it from ...
Cerin's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

AWS RDS MySQL vs Aurora

I read everywhere that Aurora is more performant (claims etc). If that's the case and cost differences are ignored, what would be the reason for any one to use RDS MySQL? What are the technical ...
Vijay Dev's user avatar
  • 213
11 votes
1 answer

Does RDS in private subnet inside AWS VPC need a NAT instance/gateway?

I have hosted an AWS RDS inside the private subnet of the VPC. While creating the VPC with public and private subnets, I had to create a NAT instance. I know NAT instance is mainly for private ...
Neron Joseph's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

AWS CIDR is not within the CIDR ranges of VPC

Right now i have a public subnet : CIDR I want to add a new subnet on my current vpc to be able to use RDS service. When i try to add a new subnet with CIDR, i got this message : 10.0.1....
TheShun's user avatar
  • 213
11 votes
5 answers

AWS: Multi-region setup using single RDS instance

I'm trying to scale our web application (PHP, MySQL, memcache) in a multi-region scheme. Currently we are using a setup with two EC2 instances behind an ELB and an RDS instance, all of them in US-EAST ...
Ion's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Access Amazon EC2 RDS instance from inside VPC

I have an Amazon RDS instance set up in the 'classic' EC2 (no VPC.) I also have a VPC set up that holds our newer, migrated applications and such. However, it would seem that there is no way to ...
Sam Halicke's user avatar
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10 votes
6 answers

Unknown Database when trying to connect to an AWS RDS instance

I created a MySQL RDS instance, however, when I try to connect without writing the database name, it connects but does not allow me to create any tables. When I do write the name, the connection fails ...
Eduardo Andrés Castillo Perera's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Amazon RDS On-Demand DB instance to Reserved instance

We currently have 3 on-demand rds instances running and we're planning to move each instances to reserved ones. Upon purchase of the reserved instances, what migration steps should be done to move ...
Bryan CS's user avatar
  • 250
10 votes
2 answers

Amazon RDS: What are IO Requests?

I have an RDS instance that is costing me a lot of money. From my account activity on amazon I see that the instance has had about 800,000,000 IO requests over the past 7 days. To give you a little ...
Abe's user avatar
  • 103
10 votes
2 answers

AWS add option group

I asked this on the AWS forum but not getting much traction. My root problem is that I'm trying to restore a MS SQL Server RDS database and getting the error message "Database backup/restore ...
nasch's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Is there anything about going from gp2 to gp3 storage which requires careful consideration?

I'm maintaining an AWS RDS database (db.m6g.xlarge) which has a 750GB disk. This gives 2250 IOPS and the RDS monitoring tells me that the read throughput on average is ~ 50MB/s and write throughput is ...
sbrattla's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

AWS RDS connection count

I am using AWS RDS with MySQL for a project and have a "large" instance. The documentation is clear on what this means as far as compute resources and RAM goes, but I can't find anything that ...
wmarbut's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Amazon RDS automated hourly snapshots [closed]

I have been looking on Amazon RDS for a way to automatically created incremental snapshots for RDS databases. I want to create hourly snapshots. Can anyone help me ?
Tony's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

AWS DynamoDB Cost efficiency

I have to move a business application into the cloud, therefore cost is one of my biggest concerns. DynamoDB seems to be a good option, while a big part of our data is able to migrate from ...
Diligent Key Presser's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

AWS: What is the difference between Burst Balance and EBS IO Balance metrics?

AWS Docs describe Burst Balance and EEBS IO Balance in the following way: BurstBalance The percent of General Purpose SSD (gp2) burst-bucket I/O credits available. EBSIOBalance% The percentage of I/O ...
Zillo's user avatar
  • 101
9 votes
4 answers

MySQL query very slow on Amazon RDS but really fast on my laptop?

I would love to know if anybody knows why this is happening. i've just migrated over to Amazon RDS for our website and our biggest query which takes .2 seconds to execute on my macbook takes 1.3 ...
Luc's user avatar
  • 219
8 votes
1 answer

How to check via aws cli if a specific rds instance exists?

I want my bash script to detect, if an AWS RDS instance with a specific name exists already. This is what I tried: #!/usr/bin/env bash DBINSTANCEIDENTIFIER=greatdb EXISTINGINSTANCE=$(aws rds ...
hey's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Any drawback in using AWS RDS "dev/test" instance for production?

When we create a RDS instance, we are asked whether it is intended for a production environment or not. We can't figure out what is the real difference between those. It looks like "dev/test" doesn't ...
Balmipour's user avatar
  • 314
8 votes
1 answer

RDS snapshot: how long does I/O suspension occur?

As we're relying on RDS Postgresql manual backup for our backup strategy, we encountered the issue with the possible downtime of the RDS instance (single AZ) during snapshot creation. According to AWS:...
Arcobaleno's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

AWS: Should my EC2 and RDS instances be in the same Availability Zone?

I just noticed that all of our EC2 instances are in zone us-west-2b, but our Multi-AZ RDS instance is in us-west-2a. Performance-wise everything seems to be okay, and it will be a hassle to "move" ...
DOOManiac's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Ways to auto scale MySQL servers?

I run a site which has high traffic surges and because of that auto scaling solutions is very profitable for this case. Currently the web server is able to horizontally auto scale but the bottleneck ...
Zillo's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Connection timed out on new AWS RDS instances - can connect to older, almost identical RDS with no issue

I have two RDS instances, both hosted in the same VPC, and on the same subnet. Both have the same security group applied. Both are the same size, encryption disabled, basically exactly the same other ...
MrDuk's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

AWS RDS db.t2 instance performance thresholds & monitoring

We have been rolling out a standard web server configuration for mainstream CMS software like Drupal & WordPress, with the server & storage on EC2 / EBS and the database for those software ...
rphair's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Amazon: How do I know if I need Provisioned IOPS?

We recently moved to Amazon Web Servers and are still learning our way around. Our EC2 Web instance and our RDS MySQL instance (right now we only have 1 of each) seem to be chugging along okay. But I ...
DOOManiac's user avatar
  • 811
8 votes
2 answers

Amazon RDS Instance slowly losing free diskspace

A while back the server running my instance had 20GB of EBS storage. It then started getting disk storage errors, so I increased it to 40GB. Then again, storage missing errors so I increased again to ...
Laykes's user avatar
  • 441
7 votes
2 answers

AWS RDS MySQL / Slow Query Log

I'm trying to analyze slow queries on my system and I read that I should enable the "Slow Query Log'. I curious how I can I view this log when I'm using an instance of MySQL hosted on Amazon Web ...
Philip Isaacs's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

How to calculate current IOPS usage and IOPS credit count and graph on AWS RDS

I have a running Mysql db.m3.medium RDS instance at AWS, running with 20GB SSD as in: RDS machine description Last hour write and read operations went as following: Disk operations It looks like max(...
Guilherme Silveira's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

What is the "Automated backups" tab in AWS RDS console on Aurora engines?

I have 7 day backups enabled on my RDS cluster. I can visit the "Snapshots" tab and see 8 snapshots (today + previous 7 days). I can restore to a specific point in time, all works well. The next tab ...
Charlie Schliesser's user avatar

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