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CloudFront Returns 502

I have configured a CloudFront distribution to point to an application load balancer (ALB). The ALB points to a lambda function. I have configured an A record in Route53 to point to the CloudFront ...
52d6c6af's user avatar
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How to Deploy React App and WordPress on the Same CloudFront Distribution Domain Name with Different Origins and Behaviors?

I'm encountering challenges deploying both a React app and a WordPress site on the same CloudFront Distribution domain name while utilizing different origins and behaviors. Here's my setup: I have a ...
Spiral's user avatar
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After setting CORS, endpoints of web services are not retrieving data

Well, maybe I am not providing enough information to you all. Hope you can help me, give a clue or hint, or guide me how to advance. I have an application that is consuming data from a web service. ...
Kenzo_Gilead's user avatar
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My Cloudfront distribution is showing access denied despite enabling all public access to the bucket objects

I am using the following CF policy in my S3 bucket: { "Version": "2008-10-17", "Id": "PolicyForCloudFrontPrivateContent", "...
Navdeep Singh's user avatar
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Why is CloudFront failing to pass a header from the origin to the client?

I have CloudFront configured with an API Gateway origin. In the application accessed via API Gateway, my application responds to a particular request with a Content-Disposition header so that the data ...
Bill's user avatar
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Utilising AWS Cloudfront for domain which listens on non-443 port

We have a which resolves to a AWS Load Balancer backed by AWS EC2 Nginx instance. proxies to a AWS backend web application. serves static html ...
David QC's user avatar
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trying to link route 53 to a cloudfront distribution

Here's my CloudFront distribution: When I try to get Route 53 to route to that CloudFront distribution, per the instructions at
neubert's user avatar
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AWS CloudFront 404 error on web root only - node.js with express and pug

The Setup I have a web site built on node.js, express.js, and pug.js running on an AMI Linux instance in AWS. I've given the instance an Elastic IP and if I browse directly to the generated DNS record ...
Todd Wilcox's user avatar
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Proper Setup for a simple AWS S3 website using CloudFront & Route, with base domain and www subdomain

Which is the better design, and why? (see 2 tables) 1. Here is the configuration of my working website ( is the prevent domain) as setup via a Youtube Tutorial... Route53 Cloudfront Dist ...
TheArchitecta's user avatar
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Using Nginx reverse proxy with CloudFront

We have a domain served by CloudFront and now we need to add a reverse proxy using Nginx (unfortunately the reverse proxying capabilities of CloudFront are insufficient for our use case). My question ...
revy's user avatar
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How do I have the root of an AWS API gateway reject methods other than GET and POST

I have an API using lambdas and deployed in AWS. The API is coded in .Net Core and the front is coded in angular15. I need that any method that is not GET or POST be rejected when is called from the ...
Kenzo_Gilead's user avatar
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What is the recommended configuration for lower latency(TTFB) for Route 53 for CloudFront in future proof way

I'm new to AWS. I use CloundFront for host a fully static website under custom domain name + https. Im trying to understand [without success] how to configure Route 53 to get best result location-wise ...
Igor B's user avatar
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CNAME not working in Lightsail Custom Domain

I have a domain named Custom domain has the domain in it. It is registered outside AWS and Name Server is pointed to AWS Custom Domain in Lightsail. Here is the setup for it. Lightsail ...
Ariel's user avatar
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Logging custom request headers with AWS CloudFront

What is the best way to log custom HTTP headers like X-Foo: bar received by CloudFront? I haven't tried Real-time logs, but Standard access logs seem to log only the pre-defined set of fields/headers. ...
Greendrake's user avatar
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Changing hosting server to a website without having the certificate from the CA

I have been helping a friend who published a wordpress webpage developed by a company he contacted that on production has a really poor performance, to fix this I created a react static web page which ...
user14398375's user avatar
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S3 / Cloudfront / Load balancer Architecture explanation needed

My architecture is like so: I have a static website hosted on s3 and served with cloudfront. The website is accessing an api that seats behind a load balancer. I want to make sure that only ...
April Henig's user avatar
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Cloudfront Origin Domain Name - should you include www

My nginx server is setup so that all URLs are forwarded to In the cloudfront origin domain when I create the distribution should I enter or www.example....
JoaMika's user avatar
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Is there an easy way to link AWS Cloudfront authorization to Google Workspaces?

Is there an easy way to link AWS Cloudfront authorisation to Google Workspaces? I'm trying to achieve single sign on to a Cloudfront hosted static website such that anyone with a corporate email ...
Philip Couling's user avatar
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Getting 403 (Forbidden) when try to load an S3 file from AWS CloudFront behaviour

I have created an S3 bucket. All objects are publicly accessible. I can access the image file via S3 url: I can access the image file via ...
tom's user avatar
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Cloudfront url routing to a domain

I have a cloudfront url I want to route to I used nginx for the routing and configuration and generated the ssl certificate and then added the txt records in the DNS portal. But when ...
Manoj Mandala's user avatar
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Route 53 anything works but <root-domain>, or www.<root-domain>

I've been suffering with these DNS settings for a while, and finally made a bit of progress. I have a cloudfront distribution that points to an s3 bucket. Works properly when visiting the cloudfront ...
Gergő Horváth's user avatar
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CloudFront distribution can't access S3 bucket for website static assets

The problem I'm trying to deploy an S3 bucket hosting my static website asset and a cloudfront distribution to access it, but the distribution still return a bare xml file for an 'access denied' error:...
fudo's user avatar
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AWS ALB and Cloudfront routing 502

Slight AWS newbie here. I have just taken over a new application in AWS that has an ALB (routes traffic to ECS). The ALB has an SSL certificate and some default DNS records in Route53. I have created ...
sipher_z's user avatar
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On AWS Cloudfront, I'd like to route /api/* requests to an external api

I'm fairly new to Cloudfront ( AWS in general ), and looking set up a behaviour such that any requests that is for example* goes to an existing api that we also own, except it's on a ...
Ben Perram's user avatar
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EC2 instance DNS resolving issue

How do I identify the EC2 instance causing DNS (my website) resolving errors? I have some instances in my VPC, one of them is creating an error, I did not enable monitoring for this VPC and the ...
samtech 2021's user avatar
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CloudFront Access Logs Issue

I was tried querying our CloudFront logs using Athena for an error i'm getting but haven't received any results. The query i'm trying using is: SELECT * FROM cloudfront_logs WHERE request_id = > ...
samtech 2021's user avatar
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AWS CloudFront Wordpress Origin Issue

I facing and issue related to AWS CloudFront and my WordPress website. WP website is behind AWS CF and it utilizes a third party service, let's assume it's a verification service. Scenario is like WP ...
Dakait's user avatar
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Easier way how to put AWS ALB behind Cloudfront with TLS?

I have this flow: user => Cloudfront with TLS => ALB with TLS => ECS I encrypted connection between Cloudfront and ALB. Cloudfront has domain MAIN.DOMAIN.NET + TLS cert configured. ALB has ...
wtdmn's user avatar
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Amazon OpenSearch Service stably or less downtime?

Can anyone point out, What is the best way for the elastic search to run stably? We frequently get messages about it requiring updates and that an update requires some downtime. Could we have 2 ...
Santosh Baruah's user avatar
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Setting up CloudFront with SSL/TLS certificate and EC2 instance

Community. I have a web page served by Apache running on a EC2 AWS instance. I am using AWS Certificate Manager with CloudFront to manage SSL/TLS in order to access the web page using HTTPS My ...
Geraldo's user avatar
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DDOS AWS API Gateway protection

I have publicly exposed API Gateway (HTTP). To authenticate you have to provide a valid JWT. I want to secure this APIGW with Cloudfront + WAF. After reading docs I think that API Gateway endpoint is ...
krzysiexp's user avatar
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ALB instead of Cloudfront in front of single server web app

AWS Recommends adding cloudfront in front of single server applications for security and performance see
Niro's user avatar
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OPTIONS request to CloudFront distribution with managed CORS-With-Preflight policy returns 403

I have a CloudFront distribution with a default behavior that is configured to allow any CORS request including preflight requests. However, the OPTIONS request will fail with an HTTP 403 error (...
aaronk6's user avatar
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block public access to the AWS Elastic Beanstalk URL

I have a node.js app running on AWS Elastic Beanstalk. I have setup a domain pointing to a CDN distribution which is pointing to the EBS. But the web app is also accessible via the EBS URL directly. I ...
g.revolution's user avatar
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Image Storage Options In AWS

In the case of my scenario, The loading issue seems to have been caused by making HTTP requests with no HTTP timeout set to our CDN. The synchronous requests held the page execution for many minutes ...
samtech 2021's user avatar
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CloudFront CORS request using signed cookies and withCredentials, not sending back Access-Control-Allow-Credentials unless I include some extra header

I'm having a very strange issue that I can't seem to crack. I configured a private CloudFront distribution to serve content from a private S3 bucket. I am using signed cookies to grant access to the ...
bryan60's user avatar
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Sending push notification to s3 origin website from lambda

I want to send a websockets notification from lambda function to clients, on a website hosted via s3 origin with cloudfront. Could someone help me with this, please? Thanks.
NaNa's user avatar
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Why is a post/upload of a 100k JSON file to an AWS CloudFront endpoint resulting in 504 error?

On a wordpress site, we have requests coming in to CloudFront, which sends the request to origin (if necessary) which goes through an ELB, and to two or three instances that will service the request. ...
Barry Chapman's user avatar
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Redirect domain root to CloudFront with nginx?

Note - I see several other questions asking about redirecting to the root of their S3 static websites, but I didn't see anything about redirecting from the root of a domain name to a CloudFront/S3 ...
the_midnight_developer's user avatar
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aws cloudfront custom ssl pricing for subdomain and www

I have created two s3 origin website linked with cloudfront and used acm certificate. But I recently found out pricing are different between and www....
NaNa's user avatar
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CloudFront delivery is slow in particular location

In our scenario, I found that our CloudFront delivery particularly in the Japan area is very slow for a few days. which lead our site to become slow in the time of loading the media contents .our s3 ...
samtech 2021's user avatar
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AWS architecture - traffic mirroring

We are going to migrate our database from Aurora Serverless to Aurora Cluster. Before that, we'd like to test the performance of the new database in a real-time traffic scenario. We have thought about ...
Juanlu's user avatar
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AWS S3 Static Website vs CloudFront OIA

It seems there are kind of two ways to host a static website on S3/CloudFront. Create S3 bucket with full public access and Static Website set to Enabled + CloudFront config Create S3 bucket with no ...
pbuzz007's user avatar
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A record in Route 53 doesn't resolve

I added an A record in my Route 53 hosted zone pointing to the CloudFront. But for some reason, it doesn't work. When I do dig I get ; <<>> DiG 9.16.1-Ubuntu <<>>...
Dmitrii Mikhailov's user avatar
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Can't point my subdomain address to CloudFront distribution (using S3 + CF + Route 53)

[Jump to bottom to see updates and latest attempts] First of all, I apologize if I misuse terminology here. I work as FE developer and this area on networking and setting up domains and aws services ...
Rafael Santos's user avatar
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AWS/S3/Cloudfront/GoDadday and subdomains

I am wondering and hoping this is possible. On AWS I have two s3 buckets to separate a client facing application and an administrative application mysite-app mysite-admin I have a cloudfront ...
pbuzz007's user avatar
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Does using CloudFront just to enable https make sense?

If I have an EC2 instance, running a web app (HTTP), and I have an Amazon-provided SSL certificate, I can use CloudFront to make the EC2 instance accessible via HTTPS, handling the certificate ...
mitchus's user avatar
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Deploying a Serverless site behind CloudFront

I use Serverless to deploy a website to an AWS Lambda. This works fine. I now want to use CloudFront to proxy access to this Lambda and cache requests for static files. I have set up a CloudFront ...
user19642323's user avatar
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AWS: How to redirect many domains to a page on another domain?

My objective I have a number of domains (e.g. 10 or 20) and I would like to redirect any visitors to anywhere on those pages to one page on another domain (for example my profile ...
ssc's user avatar
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Cloudfront 502 error with ALB origin in different region

I have a CloudFront which has one of its origins as an application load balancer, this load balancer is available in a different region from the CloudFront which is only available in N.Virginia and is ...
Odasaku's user avatar
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