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How to add tags automatically to AWS Volumes with Terraform

I have the following Terraform script to deploy an EKS cluster (tags left empty to hide values) provider "aws" { region = var.region profile = var.profile default_tags { ...
user23627827's user avatar
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How do I merge 2 partitions on AWS after expanding the volume and filesystem on linux

I have the original volume showing at 8GB on the default instance when i created it on AWS. Then I went through the process of expanding the existing volume to 500GB and then expanding the filesystem (...
marciokoko's user avatar
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GP3 volumes do not hit throughput or IOPS limits

I'm working on a Postgres upgrade with pg_upgrade, and the meat of the process is copying the database's datafiles [unmodified] from the old cluster directory to the new. In order to not bloat the ...
Sammitch's user avatar
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What AWS architecture would be mosted suited for a SaaS that uses uses git repositories as data storage?

I am currently working on an application that is dealing with frontmatter markdown files 99% of the time (some things have to communicate with a DB like RDS). Locally, I have a folder that stores all ...
spaceemotion's user avatar
6 votes
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Understanding EBSByteBalance% in AWS RDS gp3 volumes

I am troubleshooting an AWS RDS Postgres instance that has been restarted by AWS several times in the last few days, very likely due to resource constraints. It's a testing DB that usually doesn't do ...
MoWo's user avatar
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AWS EC2 EBS: btrfs partition and FS automatically resized by just increasing the EBS volume size?

I had to expand the size of an EC2 EBS root volume that uses btrfs (Fedora 38 Server), so I did the following: Stopped the EC2 instance Expanded the EBS volume via the EC2 console Started the EC2 ...
3VYZkz7t's user avatar
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How to configure AWS Application Load Balancer to point to multiple ports on the same server

I cannot get access to the second port that I want to have to. So, here are the listeners I have in my ALB: HTTP:80 - that does not have security policy or SSL cert but it is always redirecting to ...
VitoCK's user avatar
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How to fix permission error of Ebs volume using Amazon Data lifecycle manager?

I applied the terraform code in this link, which contains code to apply the specific roles and permission s to service dlm lifecycle for ebs volumes. But still I am getting access errors. Please ...
Meghana d's user avatar
-1 votes
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how EBS and EFS achieve micro second-level latency [closed]

I once monitored the read/write iowait in my EC2 instance which is attached an EBS volume, the iowait column ouput of iostats is only 200 ~ 500us, as I known EBS is actually a network volume and I ...
cifer's user avatar
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2 votes
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Decrease Size of EBS Volume attached to EC2 Instance

I've created an EC2 instance with some 100 GB initial size, thereafter I realized this much size is not required, I've to decrease the size now. What I tried? Create a new volume with the desired ...
DilLip_Chowdary's user avatar
-3 votes
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I lost my AWS EBS volume completely. What are the odds of that?

I recently lost my EBS volume, leaving the data unrecoverable. I already knew that AWS isn't exactly concerned about the convenience of their customers and thus the risk of this happening was pretty ...
Ethan's user avatar
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Extending File-system after EBS volume increase on M5 type EC2 with Ubuntu 16.04

Production AWS Instance: We have an m5 ec2 nitro instance that is in need of query optimization. However, we are in a time crunch and have decided to temporarily throw memory and storage at this until ...
linuxbitcoin's user avatar
6 votes
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AWS Root volume Encryption

In my scenario, I have some old EBS volumes that are not encrypted. To satisfy new corporate security measures, all data needs to be encrypted so I need to compile a plan to encrypt the unencrypted ...
samtech 2021's user avatar
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EBS root volume being mounted on /media/xvda instead of / (Alpine Linux)

I followed these instructions to install Alpine Linux on EC2. Everything went well and I was able to create an AMI from which I can launch new instances. My instance is supposed to act like a NAT ...
Helder Sérvio's user avatar
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How to update the AMI of the instance without loosing data? and the instance has two EBS volumes which EBS volume should i take snapshot?

How to update the AMI of the instance without loosing data? and the instance has two EBS volumes (root and secondary) which EBS volume should i take snapshot? to replicate the original instance.
elliot's user avatar
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Increased AWS EBS to more than 2TB and found out MBR is limited to 2TB

we just ran almost out of space on our main EC2 instance. I wanted to increase the EBS volume size to 2.5TB from 2TB. However, I noticed that I could not increase the partition anymore due to the MBR ...
Pat's user avatar
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Unmount Drive without Deleting AWS

How should I unmount a drive well ensuring it wont be deleted? We want to move vol-0de12fb88020aa624 from i-0b727a35caea24013 to i-0dff0911c0ebf45f9 I want to move the volume, do not want copy files ...
Santosh Baruah's user avatar
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EC2 boot from Multi-Attach Amazon EBS

Assume the following scenario: Create an io2 EBS volume from a snapshot of a running EC2. Enable multi attach and ask many EC2 to boot from this EBS. Every EC2 is the same and I can set up load ...
CHOO YJ's user avatar
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Resize AWS LVM volume

I have successfully increased the space on AWS EBS volume. # lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT nvme0n1 259:0 0 64G 0 disk ├─nvme0n1p1 259:1 0 63.9G 0 part / ├─...
b4d's user avatar
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Web application not serving with Route53 under wifi?

I have a node application running in an Ec2 container on port 443. I've added an Elastic IP to the container. When I reference the Elastic IP or IPv4 DNS in the browser, I can see my application. I ...
Scott's user avatar
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9 votes
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AWS: What is the difference between Burst Balance and EBS IO Balance metrics?

AWS Docs describe Burst Balance and EEBS IO Balance in the following way: BurstBalance The percent of General Purpose SSD (gp2) burst-bucket I/O credits available. EBSIOBalance% The percentage of I/O ...
Zillo's user avatar
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2 votes
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AWS: Using regular filesystem on an EBS multi-attach volume in a one-writer, many-readers scenario

I'm wanting to share data among multiple AWS instances in a high-performance, low-latency manner. Giving all instances read-only access (except one instance that would handle writes) is fine. Two ...
J. Miller's user avatar
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Dockerfile Works Locally But Fails on EB (Elastic Beanstalk) Deploy (PHP 7.3 with OCI8 extension)

Good day, fellow developers! I have been searching for 2 weeks now on how to install the OCI8 PHP extension on Elastic Beanstalk using .ebextensions but sadly I can't search for similar ones. Before I ...
James Carlo Luchavez's user avatar
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How to create EC2 AMI images with multiple nitro-based volumes attached correctly

I'm using the EC2 image builder to automate the process of creating AMI images for mongoDB servers. This image has two volumes: /data - 100 GB /logs - 10 GB To achieve this setup I've created an ...
Rodrigo's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Loop the status Result using PowerShell

I have written a script in PowerShell which creates aws ebs snapshot , its working fine without an issue , except i am not able get the Progress status at regular interval to proceed with next step in ...
Abhishek's user avatar
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EBS target response time increasing before CPU utilization

I'm in a company where we have an elastic beanstalk configuration and it works fine with our CICD. The only issue is that earlier today i ran a stress test (basically just disabled AWS shield and went ...
Lukas Mittun Alexander Guldstv's user avatar
1 vote
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Do I need to separate /var and /tmp from the root partition on AWS EC2?

A result of an audit check on the Amazon Linux AMI gave a number of recommendations on the file structure, for example the need to have the root and /var and /tmp on different partitions. Is this ...
Alastair's user avatar
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Is AWS Lifecycle Manager the recommended way to back up root EBS drives?

In the AWS backup and recovery guide [1] Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager is listed as a tool to automate creation, retention and deletion of snapshots. However, on page 15, the guide also mentions that ...
ProlucidDavid's user avatar
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What kind of AWS volume type should I be using for a small email server?

I've got some very small mail servers for clients (most are less than 20 GB total set) on some t3a nano's. I'm paying through the nose at 10 cents per GB per month for gp2 drives. I know I should ...
StevieD's user avatar
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How do I share all resources between two AWS Root accounts?

We have one person that has been in charge of all AWS resources for our company, including EC2, elastic IPs, EBS storage, etc. Now we want a second person to also have access to ALL the resources in ...
dallin's user avatar
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Which AWS service should I use to host a Ghost CMS blog? [closed]

I would like to setup a simple Ghost personal blog. However with so many options on AMS, it's not easy to to pick the best one. For me, best means lower cost & management possibly at the expense ...
paultman's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to see updates to EBS volume when attached to multiple instances?

I have two ec2 instance running Ubuntu 18.04. I have created a Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1) volume and enabled multi-attach. I have successfully mounted the volume on both instances and can read and ...
codemonkey's user avatar
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EBS Storage was upgraded in the AWS console but not in ec2 ssh

My EBS storage volume for EC2 instance was nearly full then I tried to upgrade from 50gb to 70gb. The upgrade process take a long time, I didn't check how many minute/hours but after some days I see ...
Muhammad Dyas Yaskur's user avatar
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Which EC2 Instance to hash a large amount of 25gb files

I have an EBS (elastic block storage) on AWS with large amount of 25GB files (1000). I would like to calculate a SHA256 sum for each file. Which EC2 instance would be the best for such task (cpu ...
ECII's user avatar
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Can we resize the EBS volume when snapshot is in progress?

I've an ec2 instance with root volume and additional volume attached, additional volume is 92% used. I took a ebs snapshot , but looks like its very slow. Can I go ahead and increase the volume size ...
Swat's user avatar
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Persistent storage in EKS cluster with multiple availability zones

I have an EKS cluster with one linux worker node, which may instantiate in any availability zone within a region. I need to use persistent storage volume so my data won't be lost in case the node dies....
Mr.Stiven's user avatar
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AWS EBS: crashed root volume recovery

I was in situation where I was in need to enlarge EBS volume size, so I did it via AWS Console -> changing from default 8GB to 15GB. Then I followed this tutorial:
sarahparker_1989's user avatar
2 votes
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CWAgent Disk Space Alarms

I'm trying to implement an alarm(in Cloudformation) for disk space free using metrics from the Cloudwatch agent and I'm having issues with devices shuffling DeviceID. I encountered this earlier when ...
wronglebowski's user avatar
3 votes
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Can I directly write to AWS EBS raw volume

I want to write data directly to an unmounted raw EBS volume (with no file system) using system calls. 1) Can I can do this via the EC2 instance to which the EBS is connected? 2) Can I provision ...
swami's user avatar
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Launch EC2 instance with more than 8G of disk space

It seems that by default EC2 instances get launched with an 8G EBS volume attached. Is there an easy way to launch an instance with a bigger EBS volume?
Jason Swett's user avatar
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AWS EBS recover data from EBS

I have this t2.micro on my aws account, after a update/reboot i can't log in to my machine thought ssh... I have tried by aws panel, stop and start machine but nothing works... So i created another ...
Neto Braghetto's user avatar
2 votes
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How to resize RHEL Atomic logical partition?

We have a VM in AWS that is running Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host AWS shows this EBS volume attached to it: And the size of the volume is 60 GB: I do not know who set up the VM or ...
pacoverflow's user avatar
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Why would deleting an incremental snapshot increase the space usage & cost? [closed]

Google Cloud Platform From the Google Cloud docs: When you delete a complete or incremental snapshot, some of its ...
Rob Olmos's user avatar
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Why AWS encryption for EBS and S3 is disabled by default? [closed]

For EBS and S3 encryption (even via the default key from KMS) is disabled by default, as I understood from the documentation, there is no difference to the user if volume/objects is/are encrypted ...
Astolfo's user avatar
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In AWS, we cannot access EC2 instance when specific EBS volume is mounted, why?

I have an EBS volume with all my configured mail servers, exchangers, and webmail interfaces on it. The problem was, we created a new subnet for this instance because it needed a different EIP. After ...
Barry Chapman's user avatar
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About EBS Amazon

I Have a medium EC2 Instance on Amazon with 3 EBS (general purpose type) On first EBS I have OS installed On second EBS I have a Webserver and PHP app On third EBS I have file storage (invoices, ...
user2112020's user avatar
0 votes
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Can I delete the snapshots and AMI in zone zone after successfully copying the AMI to another zone?

I have created an AMI in one Asian zone, ap-southeast-1. The related snapshot is saved and of course cannot be deleted. I then copied this AMI to eu-west-1. Can I somehow get rid of the ap snapshots ...
Vincent Teyssier's user avatar
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AWS EBS io1 IOPS pricing

My AWS EC2 application consistently requires about 3000 IOPS, but only about 100 GB disk space. Comparing the prices between gp2 and io1 it looks like (from for ...
sligocki's user avatar
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EBS vs EFs vs FSx vs S3 for feeding data to a distributed machine learning model?

Lets says there are 1TB of data to be simultaneously fed to 100 EC2 consumer instances. Each instance accesses random chunks of data of size 10MB. What would be the considerations to take into account ...
y.selivonchyk's user avatar
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EBS data security on EC2 instance

A third party created an EC2 instance on their own AWS account, and gave me the private SSH key to log in with. I logged into the EC2 instance, removed .ssh/authorized_keys in the home dir, and ...
galpo's user avatar
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