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How to limit AWS VPC endpoint to to signed requests

We had a scan done recently of our AWS infrastructure, and one of the high risk level items that we need to address is to Identify any fully accessible VPC endpoints and update their access policy in ...
wonder95's user avatar
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I can't spur ec2 instances using autoscaling in AWS [closed]

Any fix on this? I am attaching a screenshotenter image description here
Samir Wagle's user avatar
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Nginx: Not loading wordpress repo on EC2 instance - Getting 'This site can't be reached'

I've been trawling through forums trying to figure out why nginx won't point to my wordpress repo and loads the page 'This site can't be reached'. I followed the steps in this guide
Michael Such's user avatar
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Having issue with Route53, ec2, Apache Virtual host and wordpress working

I am having wordpress blog -, hosted on Amazon aWS EC2 instance and DNS is managed in Route53. Suddenly blog site stopped responding and couldn't figure out why? For testing ...
Devops Cloud's user avatar
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The EC2 connection was working fine but suddenly the connection timed out

`I have one bastion ec2, and I had no problem with connecting with putty, but when I tried to connect today, I couldn't connect with "Network Error : connection timed out". I also set the ...
이남웅's user avatar
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How to add tags automatically to AWS Volumes with Terraform

I have the following Terraform script to deploy an EKS cluster (tags left empty to hide values) provider "aws" { region = var.region profile = var.profile default_tags { ...
user23627827's user avatar
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NGINX + Django + UBUNTU + GUNICORN + AWS + ROUTE53 = Default NGINX Page and not my Website

Right, I have a Django powered website which I am now ready to deploy into production. Except it keeps coming back with the default NGINX page - which I knew about already. The tutorial is as follows, ...
JoJoJohan's user avatar
1 vote
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Remove public IPv4 from AWS EC2 instances

Since February 1, 2024, AWS started charging for public IPv4 and I have several EC2 instances. Some instances I can having only public IPv6, for others I need to keep public IPv4. I disabled Elastic ...
TNT's user avatar
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2 answers

Windows server spot instance shuts down randomly (status failed / bad-parameters)

I've been using AWS for decades at this point and I started using spot instances for various reasons including professional reasons such as testing software I develop, etc. I mostly use Windows Server ...
Tommy B.'s user avatar
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EC2 network burst credit balance

How do I know my usage of network credit balance? I have a t4g.small instance and periodically I face timeout issues on the networking services hosted there. As it stated here: An instance receives ...
mega.venik's user avatar
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Not able to FTPS to another server from EC2 under ALB and WAF

I'm having an issue whereby I'm not able to ftps to another server from my EC2. If I run a simple command lftp username:password@serverurl:2121 then proceed to ls, I will be stuck at ls at 0 [...
user774150's user avatar
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dns problems in self managed aws ec2 cluster with aws-vpc-cni

I'm new to k8s and I've been trying to learn it. I faced a problem with trying to setup aws-vpc-k8s-cni on my fresh k8s cluster with coredns. Here's the problem in detail. Cluster & Network ...
Ayush's user avatar
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3 answers

Upgrade mysql 5.6 to 8 not working on AWS Linux based EC2

I am working with EC2 for MySQL DB. The OS of EC2 is AWS Linux-based Ubuntu. The current version of MySQL is 5.6.50. I am going to upgrade it to 8.0. I tried to upgrade it with this command: sudo yum ...
Cardoso's user avatar
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1 vote
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API Errors on AWS management console

I am seeing these API Errors on the AWS management console (EC2 & VPC dashboards). Sometimes refreshing will allow it to work for a short time. This only seems to happen when accessing from our ...
Denham's user avatar
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Got read permissions but not write permissions in aws SFTP in EC2

I'm a bit new to aws and especially SFTP but I'm trying to set up an EC2 instance with SFTP so I can access it with FileZilla and I've set it up and can copy files from it into my own directories but ...
Fitchings's user avatar
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No SSH access to EC2 instance launched by ASG, while I can access an otherwise identical instance

I'm trying to SSH to an EC2 instance that's part of an ASG associated with an ECS service. To help narrow down the problem, I created new instance from the same launch template. I've carefully ...
kevin's user avatar
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Optimizing PHP-FPM Configuration for WordPress on Bitnami EC2 t3a.medium instance

I'm running a WordPress website on an AWS EC2 t3a.medium (4Gb Ram) instance using Bitnami. The server's RAM often gets completely filled, causing the server to crash and I need to restart it from ec2 ...
Damiano Dotto's user avatar
1 vote
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Can no longer SSH to my AWS EC2 instance - Operation timed out error

I am using the following command to SSH into my AWS EC2 server and this has been working fine for some time, however recently it hangs and then times out. ssh -i "ec2-pro-clubs-server.pem" ...
Zabs's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to upgrade to IPv6 for AWS EC2?

Starting yesterday, AWS is charging for IP addresses (IPv4). I would like to upgrade my EC2 instances to IPv6, but I must be missing the docs on how to do that? I can't seem to get an EC2 instance ...
Paul Draper's user avatar
1 vote
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Accessing RDS or EC2 instance without '.pem' key

I am working for a charity who has a few of their services on AWS. They hired an agency years ago to spin up these intranet and tools platforms. I am trying to get a dump of their db, for backup ...
CJ Bradley's user avatar
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AWS Automatic IAM Roles for Service Users

I have an EC2 instance that has an assigned/assumed role. When I run: aws sts get-caller-identity as the main login user or with sudo it returns the account information expected. However, I have a ...
thaimin's user avatar
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EC2: multiple subdomains with one public IPv4 address

i have many EC2 instances, each of which currently has a public IPv4 address associated with it: Instance Public IP DNS juno ceres ec2-1-2-3-5....
barbiefront's user avatar
-4 votes
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Why run multiple containers of the same docker image in single EC2 instance

I am new to docker and my question is based on the following Reddit thread: Some comments in the thread ...
mongj's user avatar
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Ping from a network namespace to another EC2 instance not working without NAT rule

I have the below setup. I have setup two EC2 instances. I have added the security group rules on both machine to allow ICMP traffic and both can ping each other. On one machine I have created two ...
thunderbolt's user avatar
5 votes
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Thousands of incoming HEAD requests - best way to handle with EC2?

I had unusually high https traffic recently from a couple of IP address with agents masquerading as Windows clients. I blocked the range via 'deny' inside of .htaccess (Apache 2.4) I'm still getting ...
C C's user avatar
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AWS EC2 networking

I've been trying to understand how exactly networking works for EC2 instances, more specifically I'm coming from on-prem infrastructure where I had dedicated networking devices (switches/routers) ...
talematros's user avatar
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AWS instance gateway using Amazon Linux

I'm trying to create a gateway on an aws ec2 amazon linux machine so that a worker machine without access to the internet can gain access via the gateway. Then I will install a server on it and ...
daniel's user avatar
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Can you exceed 1 gigabit from an EC2 instance to an AWS Aurora MySQL instance?

I'm importing a terabyte of data into an AWS Aurora MySQL table from an EC2 instance. Because our service will be down while migrating prod, I care a lot about the import speed. Currently I can't ...
Seth's user avatar
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SSH access to my AWS EC2 container

C:\Users\javac>ssh -i "DemoServer.pem" [email protected] The authenticity of host ' ('...
Larry Gray's user avatar
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How to enable IMAP PHP extension on AWS EC2 instance Amazon Linux 2023?

This question is related with the following one: How to enable IMAP php extension on aws EC2 instance but they are completely different. I use PHP 8.1 and Amazon Linux 2023, this version does not have ...
Carlos's user avatar
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Guaranteeing two EC2 instances on different hypervisors in same AZ

As part of a security evaluation we've been asked if we can set affinity so that two EC2 instances in the same AZ are not hosted on the same physical machine. Obviously it's very unlikely that two of ...
WaldenL's user avatar
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AWS CIDR Address is not within CIDR Address from VPC

In AWS have created VPC which CIDR is want to creates its two subnet.its public-subnet is in us-west-1a - IPv4 CIDR thenwhen I create private subnet is in us-west-1b - ...
Developer.Sumit's user avatar
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AWS EC2 public access to service running on private IP

I am running deepracer for cloud, on an EC2 instance. This is creating a video stream on the instance's private IP on port 8001. But I cannot view it. I get the html content when I curl the port from ...
Teh__docco's user avatar
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How to point wildcard subdomain to matching ec2 instance with tag name?

I have a use case where I need to create/delete ec2 instances (~30 instances). To access those instances I need to set up a subdomain but creating 30 subdomains and pointing each to their respective ...
HeyArviind's user avatar
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Unable to access apache2 from outside

I'm hosting a default site for apache2 server on AWS EC2 (Ubuntu) with Elastic IP. Security group set to open all inbound (testing purposed). I can access the server via SSH using public IP but I can'...
Artur Kedzior's user avatar
-1 votes
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AWS EC2 instance running out of memory running NodeJs application, cannot identify root cause because of log suppression

As stated in the title we have a NodeJS application running on an EC2 instance on AWS which sporadically runs out of memory and kills the process. Business wise it is not really a hindrance since ...
treskilion's user avatar
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What AWS architecture would be mosted suited for a SaaS that uses uses git repositories as data storage?

I am currently working on an application that is dealing with frontmatter markdown files 99% of the time (some things have to communicate with a DB like RDS). Locally, I have a folder that stores all ...
spaceemotion's user avatar
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Squid Proxy - allow http for specific url

I'm learning about squid proxy in a Windows environment. I have verified that the list of allowed urls in a notepad file and add it to squid.config file as path of allowed url is functioning well. ...
Praveen Sivakumar's user avatar
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Domain sharing to another server

We have domain that registered in a cloudflare by alb dns CNAME record and hosted in windows server as prod server. on other hand we also had an ubuntu server infront of windows server. My question is ...
Praveen Sivakumar's user avatar
2 votes
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How to get the data usage of a specific AWS service

I was trying to find how to check monthly data usage of a specific AWS service (eg. EC2) but I don't seem to get my head around it: I tried this dashboard: So for example, I was looking at the data ...
vishnu's user avatar
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Passing variable to next playbook in awx workflow

I'm having difficulties with the following setup: AWX deployed in a self hosted k8s cluster Playbooks are using the AWX-EE Playbooks are executed in a workflow template as follows: START -> 1. ...
Marc's user avatar
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Is this AWS EC2 hardware (cpu, memory) too old?

Is this EC2 hardware too old? Is there a way to select newer hardware(e.g., faster CUP, Memory DDR5) when launching a new EC2 instance? *-cpu description: CPU product: Intel(R) ...
eastwater's user avatar
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Can't connect to EC2 SSH via Private IP

I was earlier able to SSH to the EC2 instance via the Private IP address of the instance using OpenVPN. But, recently I changed my internet provider and after that, I cannot connect to particular EC2 ...
Kinshuk Lahiri's user avatar
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Are new AWS AMD instances using SMT

I recall when AMD EYPC was first released on AWS EC, it was not using SMT: one vCPU was one full physical core. Is this still the case for new AMD instances?
BeeOnRope's user avatar
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AWS 2023 AMI Linux installation of epel-release-latest-8

I'm trying to install the following on an EC2 instance and receiving the following error message: [ec2-user@ip-172-30-0-7 ~]$ sudo dnf install -y
Philoxopher's user avatar
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Restrict AWS SSM access to SSH only

I need to restrict some users AWS SSM access to SSH only. These users should only be able to start a SSH session via SSM like this: ProxyCommand sh -c "aws ssm start-session --target %h --...
Michael's user avatar
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Why shouldn't EC2 instances be public, if they can be protected with security groups?

It is considered bad practice to place machines that shouldn't be accessible from the internet in a public subnet, because such topology, other than being logically wrong (private instance in an ...
F. Alessandro's user avatar
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AWS ECR Login error

AWS ECR Login error: command: aws ecr get-login-password --region ap-south-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin {id}.dkr.ecr.{region} An error occurred (...
Arya Aniket's user avatar
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AWS instance connect decrypt password is giving error as invalid private key, how to fix it?

I have cretaed an instance using terraform code and also its key pair for windows. To get the admin password I clicked on the below decrypt button and getting as invalid decrypt key. Please suggest ...
Meghana d's user avatar
2 votes
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What is the corresponding AWS EC2 level for this specification?

We'd like to use AWS to build code. Below is the specification for the build server, is there any corresponding hardware level for AWS EC2? Ampere AC-1GB06A1S5 - Mt. Snow SATA DVT L6 2U Altra Server ...
skyline's user avatar
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