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Cannot access the ALB URL for N8N, but my ECS Service is running fine, reaching steady state without issues

I'm trying to deploy and configure N8N in my AWS account. Now, I'm facing two challenges since but it was somehow tricky to run and configure its Docker image. However, I'll focus on the greatest one, ...
Federico Navarrete's user avatar
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NAT gateway costs on AWS

I have a django app on AWS using ECS Fargate behind a VPC. A NAT gateway is required with this setup, but most of the costs are from the NAT gateway. How I can reduce this? My docker image is 600 MB. ...
david backx's user avatar
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Migrate AWS ECS cluster IPV4 to IPV6

I'm trying to avoid this new cost (public IPv4) in aws for small projects because it will represent a big percentage of the cost. In my ECS cluster, I use EC2 instances as capacity providers, ...
Matheus's user avatar
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No SSH access to EC2 instance launched by ASG, while I can access an otherwise identical instance

I'm trying to SSH to an EC2 instance that's part of an ASG associated with an ECS service. To help narrow down the problem, I created new instance from the same launch template. I've carefully ...
kevin's user avatar
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AWS: access private API from public web application

I have: Private API running on an ECS cluster behind an internal load balancer. This API is used by other services inside the VPC. A public Next.js web application. What I need: Give private API ...
revy's user avatar
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AWS Batch on Fargate is not allocating the correct number of vCPUs

I have a web application offloading some resource-intensive tasks to AWS Batch, backed by Fargate. It's a very simple setup - a single queue, a single job definition, and a single compute environment. ...
Tadas T's user avatar
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Why run multiple containers of the same docker image in single EC2 instance

I am new to docker and my question is based on the following Reddit thread: Some comments in the thread ...
mongj's user avatar
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Issue with Laravel ECS Deployment: Access denied for user 'forge'@''

I am facing an issue with my Laravel application deployment on AWS ECS. The deployment process involves Jenkins, AWS ECR, and ECS. The new task is created, but there's an "Access Denied" ...
Spiral's user avatar
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Understanding CPU Utilisation Graph for a task running AWS Fargate

I have a task defined with 0.5vCPU. It has two containers with 0.25vCPU Can someone explain to me what the below CPU Utilization graph represents? The above graph is from Health and Metrics section ...
tuk's user avatar
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AWS ALB Healthchecks Against ECS Services Periodically Failure For No Discernable Reason

We completely host a constellation of services in AWS (no external dependencies as far as these services go). We periodically receive healthcheck failures (502 as public services try to contact the ...
Dustin Oprea's user avatar
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ECS: downtime due to unhealthy containers killed before replacement

I have an ECS cluster configured with ELB healthchecks and autoscaling policy on average CPU. When there is a spike in traffic, some containers stop responding to ELB healthchecks and are marked as ...
revy's user avatar
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Run containers using EC2 reserved instance in fargate ECS

We use AWS fargate with containers. To reduce price we are looking for options. So question how to use AWS EC2 reserved instances with fargate? As I understand steps look like this: purchase reserved ...
Inom Turdikulov's user avatar
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Getting 504 response timeouts via AWS ALB, but not directly

Our production environment contains 2 ALBs: a public facing ALB and a private one. Both of these ALBs support HTTP/2. Now I have a target group which supports HTTP/1.1 containing an ECS service. The ...
Ashesh's user avatar
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Will aws elb address change over time?

I have created a load balancer pointing at my api instances. I got an automatically generated url which looks something like this: I want to connect it to ...
April Henig's user avatar
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502 bad gateway - aws application load balancer, ecs

I'm having a simple app that I've been experimenting with to learn aws. I first created a http version of a docker image pushed to ecr, ecs using it to create services, and tasks, application load ...
Gergő Horváth's user avatar
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How to pass arguments into scheduled task on AWS Fargate?

I have a docker container (derived from PHP-CLI) that may be launched like this locally: docker run php-cli-container php public/index.php argument1 argument2 I uploaded the container to Amazon AWS ...
andreas's user avatar
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How can I create an ecs service for my deploy

I’m learning CI/CD pipelines and I’ve come up with a question. I have a CloudFormation file that creates some static resources for my app (ECR repository, ECS Cluster and some roles) When creating my ...
Arthur Luiz's user avatar
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How to make my ECS Task pull my ECR image

I am trying to create a ECS task and be able to access and pull from ECR, but I am getting an error. How can I resolve this issue? Raw error: Cannotpullcontainererror: pull image manifest has been ...
Arthur Luiz's user avatar
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What defines the AWS ECS task re-creation timeout

I have an AWS ECS Service with 2 REPLICA tasks in it. When I manually stop one of the tasks, the new one is created in almost exactly 5 minutes. Similar 5 minute timeout happens when one or more tasks ...
Anton Boritskiy's user avatar
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which ECS task network mode?

I have an Application Load Balancer in a private subnet (used by API Gateway) that targets an ECS task. I want that task to only be accessible from inside the VPC, not from the internet, but I do have ...
Max's user avatar
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ECS containers on EC2 cannot mount EFS volumes

I have created an ECS cluster backed by an EC2 auto-scaling group and launched a service in it that uses EFS for NFS storage. The service is running in awsvpc network mode so that I'm able to control ...
user1933738's user avatar
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terraform: Configuring load-balancer to use dynamic port of ECS task/service in AWS

This is sort-of a general question for how dynamic port assignments are supposed to work, though my specific context is trying to figure-out if there is a natural way for a target-group to know the ...
Dustin Oprea's user avatar
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AWS ECS in private subnets with autoscaling not working without NAT gateway, why?

I have stack in cloudformation, containing ECS cluster with autoscaling EC2 instances, running in private subnets. ECS is covered by ALB (in public subnets). Container instances get images from AWS ...
wtdmn's user avatar
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ECS/Fargate CPU peaks only to 60%

We have created an ECS/Fargate container with 2 VCPU and 4 GB RAM, running a NodeJS server in it. When we do the load testing using JMeter the VCPU reaches a maximum of 60% and flats out with the ...
Praveen Sripati's user avatar
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ECS service is not starting tasks

Hello I am using aws ecs and terraform to deploy a few containers. I am trying to create an ecs cluster with ec2 instances and in each instance I want to run two nginx containers. I have a load ...
Hassan Kamran's user avatar
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How to assign stable/elastic IP to AWS ECS (EC2) service , which can be whitelisted by client at their firewall

I am running service on ECS, which calls third party API. How can I have stable/elastic IP which third party can add to their firewall? EC2 to should be able to scaleup and scaledown, ECS is free to ...
archit's user avatar
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Fargate task from service with Public IP disabled can't download env file from S3

We have a Fargate service that should be exposed to the internet via a load balancer, and since for tests we had used so far the random Public IP of the task, we decided to disable the Public IP, so ...
Ncifra's user avatar
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Redis on AWS task

I have an API that have some heavy processing endpoints. To avoid problems, I created a queue system using redis. Now I put this API into a docker, and I'm using ECS to deploy service that creates a ...
Learning from masters's user avatar
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How to assign internal hostnames to Fargate internal services?

I'm using CDK (via the Typescript lib) to setup my network infrastructure on ECS. There are some background workers that often report errors to a Slack channel and I'd like to assign random hostnames ...
Pedro Nascimento's user avatar
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I have an ECS Cluster with a capacity provider and a service. The capacity provider runs an autoscale group, and when one instance of this group starts, at the end I can see that there are ECS ...
Learning from masters's user avatar
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AWS Fargate Load Balancer timing out

I'm setting up an AWS ECS/Fargate cluster/service/task with a load balancer for the first time. I believe the task is good since I can go to the task's (public) IP directly in a browser and see the ...
ScottyB's user avatar
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figuring out why a docker container becomes unresponsive

I'm using AWS Elastic Container Services to start and stop Docker containers as demand dictates. The problem is that occasionally, in the middle of the day, a subset of employees just lose the ability ...
neubert's user avatar
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SQS is not working for multiple ECS (fargate) instances

I am using an application load balancer, under this ALB, a target group is provided. In this target group, two fargate ECS instances are running. These two instances use the same PHP docker image. ...
aks's user avatar
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Are the units incorrect for Storage Read / Write graphs in AWS ECS Container Insights?

In AWS Console > CloudWatch > Container Insights > Performance monitoring > ECS Tasks, the graphs for both Storage Read and Storage Write have units shown as Bytes/Second like this: ...
sparrowt's user avatar
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AWS Fargate is slow when calling system commands. How do I debug it and what can be wrong?

I've been running my PoC on Fargate without many problems. It's a Micronaut Java app with not much happening on its own. I'm using the smallest 256mb/0.25CPU Fargate deployment. I'm running a simple ...
Serge Kuharev's user avatar
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AWS Route 53 pricing for hosted zones and domain names

Novice dealing with DNS services here. I'm setting up an ECS cluster of Fargate containers that need to communicate with each other. They are deployed as separate services in the same cluster, so I ...
gsantos's user avatar
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Mounting EC2 directory with existing data to Fargate container using EFS

I have an EC2 instance with a huge directory(ex. /large-dir) that containers need to access. Both instance and container share same network and security group. I'm able create and mount an EFS to ...
Rohini's user avatar
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How to view and interact with terminal logs generated by AWS ECS

How do people view and interact with terminal logs generated by AWS ECS? I've been using the ECS task view so far, but I feel the UX is bad and the Cloudwatch UI has similar problems. How do others ...
Kurru's user avatar
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aws - ECS capacity provider permission

I'm trying out teraform for managing my infrastructure and got into a bit of an issue and I'm not sure what to look for. I'm attempting to create a capacity provider for my ECS cluster however I'm ...
joebegborg07's user avatar
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(ServiceNotFoundException) when calling the UpdateService operation through CircleCI

As stated, running this through the aws-ecs orb for circleci. Error An error occurred (ServiceNotFoundException) when calling the UpdateService operation: I've already looked at https://discuss....
prefontaine's user avatar
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How to get a static IP address for outbound requests in AWS?

We are in an integration process and the company is asking for whitelisted static IP addresses. The suggested solution by AWS is to create new ECS that uses new subnets. Is it possible to change ...
Buse B.'s user avatar
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How to authorize only IP from a Fargate ECS service for MongoDB Atlas Cluster

I have an ECS Fargate service mapped to an Application Load Balancer on AWS. In this service, there are several task that are frequently killed and restart. These tasks should be able to connect to a ...
Howins's user avatar
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Why can't I use AWS EC2 ImageBuilder to create a RHEL based container?

In the AWS console for EC2 ImageBuilder the option to create a Container Recipe using RHEL as the base image seems to be disabled. From EC2 Image Builder console -> Container Recipes -> Create ...
marack's user avatar
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CredentialRetrievalError within ECS container

Problem I have deployed an ECS cluster and am running a job orchestration platform on the cluster. One of the containers of this platform uses the python docker api to pull a container from our ...
nickewound's user avatar
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Flink taskmanager on ECS cannot connect to jobmanager on EC2

I have an EC2 instance which is in us-east-1b and is running the flink jobmanager, which is responsible for coordinating work across multiple taskmanagers via RPC, and history server. I can see from ...
ndtreviv's user avatar
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How to share directory with Fargate container

I have a fargate container running which needs access to files present on an EC2 instance. Both are in the same network and security groups do not restrict traffic. I tried using sshfs as well as ...
Rohini's user avatar
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Does bridge networking mode in ECS limit number of tasks on container instance

I have an EC2 registered to ECS cluster on which tasks can run. Originally I chose the awsvpc network mode so every task(container) had it's own ENI(IP). But I ran into limitation at
Rohini's user avatar
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ECS Fargate Network Interface with src/dest Check disabled

When creating an AWS ECS Fargate Service is there a way to set the generated Network Interface's Source/dest check field to false? The service is set-up following the ECS Fargate getting started guide....
Jethro's user avatar
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AWS ECS Fargate, container to container communication

I'm having trouble exposing ports on my ECS Fargate containers. I have applied port mapping on container level for my task definition, like so: On the containers themselves, it looks like there is no ...
Roger Johansson's user avatar
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Can containers be placed on EC2 host in overloaded fashion in AWS ECS

I have an instance with multiple tomcat applications and standalone jars running. If the machine has 2vcpu and 8GB RAM the individual applications can use use the resources on demand(based on the Xms ...
Kohini's user avatar
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