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Client --> AWS ALB --> AWS Lambda: connection lost somewhere, how to identify?

The client made an API request. Client --> ALB --> Lambda Lambda worked fine with a response. Lambda duration is only about 3 seconds. The client encountered timeout at 15th second. The ALB ...
Zhuang Paulus's user avatar
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AWS ALB inbound requests/traffic and denial of wallet attacks

Scenario: I have an AWS ALB protected by AWS WAF with lots of AWS Managed WAF Rules, rate limiting rules, etc. I'm having a hard time in understanding why, even requests blocked by WAF, are impacting ...
gidici's user avatar
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Trigger AWS Autoscale automatically

I have an Autoscale Web Application in AWS. When I don't use it, I terminated EC2 instances automatically with Lambda (with Cloudwatch). But I couldn't find an automatic structure to trigger it again. ...
MrTux01's user avatar
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How to direct https traffic from aws ELB to gke pods in gcp cloud

We are in the middle of migrating our micro services from aws to gcp cloud. Our REST api's are served via an api-gateway which internally calls the respective micro services. So ELB rules were ...
sanre6's user avatar
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How target group dns failover works with AWS

I currently have an AWS load balancer and it has a target group, containing an instance per AZ: 2 of these are unhealthy and I have configured the attributes of the target group so DNS failover ...
Thomas Stokes's user avatar
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work with AWS ELB to keep websocket connections during server restarting?

So we have a server application which communicates with clients through websocket and we need to regularly upgrade our server app binary. We may have multiple server instances, I know that I can ...
cifer's user avatar
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Will aws elb address change over time?

I have created a load balancer pointing at my api instances. I got an automatically generated url which looks something like this: I want to connect it to ...
April Henig's user avatar
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How to redirect/block IP access to Nginx

I am hosting a Website on some EC2 Instances behind an Elastic Load Balancer. The Website can be reached via the public IP of the Load Balancer. This public IP is changing frequently so I have to ...
kwkro's user avatar
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Nginx revers proxy getting timeout error issue

I have an AWS elb loadbalancer with three dynamic IPs and domain-, port 443. our client wants to access API but he had outbound firewall rules which required to whitelist dynamic IPs every ...
Jams Rob's user avatar
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Is a NAT gateway used when traffic travels over a public application load balancer?

I'm working on the following AWS setup : [public application load balancer] -> [fargate service on private subnet w/NAT gateway] The application load balancer is associated with all three private ...
sbrattla's user avatar
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AWS Fargate Load Balancer timing out

I'm setting up an AWS ECS/Fargate cluster/service/task with a load balancer for the first time. I believe the task is good since I can go to the task's (public) IP directly in a browser and see the ...
ScottyB's user avatar
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block public access to the AWS Elastic Beanstalk URL

I have a node.js app running on AWS Elastic Beanstalk. I have setup a domain pointing to a CDN distribution which is pointing to the EBS. But the web app is also accessible via the EBS URL directly. I ...
g.revolution's user avatar
2 votes
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Achieving mTLS with AWS ALB

If I have an ALB in my infrastructure with ECS target groups downstream, will SSL/TLS always be terminated at the ALB? If so, are my only options ELB/NLB to preserve the SSL/TLS context?
RustyShackleford's user avatar
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Apache/AWS: How to identify local instance requests from the same VPC

In this configuration the apache server instances are all in the same VPC (across several subnets) and all incoming requests are managed via an elastic load balancer, (with ProxyProtocol=On on each ...
Konchog's user avatar
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Why is a post/upload of a 100k JSON file to an AWS CloudFront endpoint resulting in 504 error?

On a wordpress site, we have requests coming in to CloudFront, which sends the request to origin (if necessary) which goes through an ELB, and to two or three instances that will service the request. ...
Barry Chapman's user avatar
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Secure websocket connection to server running on EC2 fails

I have a node.js websocket server running on an EC2 instance on port 8080. Normal websocket connections (ws://) work fine but when I'm trying to make a secure connection (wss://), the websocket ...
Debabrata Mondal's user avatar
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AWS ELB(classic load balancer) response is too slow and sometimes response is not coming it is showing timed out

I have EKS cluster setup in private subnet in which i'm having my microservices and for each microservice i have classic load balancer to access API. But response is having high latency and sometimes ...
uni's user avatar
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Configuring ELB to redirecting Internet Explorer traffic to a specific page

I want to redirect Internet explorer to a specific page, which says: "IE not supported" I have configured the following rule in my Application Load Balancer to check the Browser header and ...
Hooman Bahreini's user avatar
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Cannot detect Browser when using Elastic Load Balancer

Note: I have asked the same question on StackOverflow but I though it might be more relevant to this forum. I want to prevent users from using my website in Internet Explorer. What I want to do is to ...
Hooman Bahreini's user avatar
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AWS target group reports unhealthy, but application is healthy

I have an IIS website running in AWS on an EC2 instance, running on http://localhost:8088. It is behind an ELB that sends all HTTPS traffic to the target group that the EC2 instance is running in, so ...
David Keaveny's user avatar
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apache 2.4 config to allow ELB health check

I have an EC2 instance behind an AWS Application Load Balancer, running apache 2.4 The health check is configured to do a GET on /health/ I have virtual hosts configured, and two vhost entries - one ...
chris's user avatar
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AWS recommends 54 t2.nano EC2 instances instead of one m5.xlarge

We have deployed a web application on an m5.xlarge EC2 instance and when we try to buy an annual or 3 years reserved license, AWS recommends based on our current usage it is recommended to purchase 54 ...
Upul Dissanayake's user avatar
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Terminate the SSL at an apache instead of ELB

I want to migrate my platoform built with PHP/APACHE to AWS Cloud. My application serves multiple website with different domains and SSL Certificates. I can use only 50 certificate with AWS ...
SaroVin's user avatar
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Does AWS Application Load Balancer scan listening ports on the EC2 web servers?

We plan to have an Application Load Balancer (ALB) and a number of EC2 web servers behind it. All web servers listen on port 443 for HTTPS. On top of this, each web server listens on a different port ...
AussieDude's user avatar
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TCP 443 listener on AWS Private Network Load balancer throws SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG

I have a AWS private Network Load Balancer setup with a listener TCP 443, the target group attached to this listener is also running on port 443. The instances attached to this target are running ...
Kaustubh Desai's user avatar
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AWS ELB: Trailing slash issue :: Website is not loading

Scenario: My website resolves to Aws ELB with 443 listener Backend Target group is an EC2 instance with apache running on port 8080 Problem: If I miss the trailing slash, the website does not ...
himathur's user avatar
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AWS Load Balancing and Web App redirecting to SSL

We have a [legacy] web application that redirects non-SSL requests (port 80) to SSL (port 443). The web server is IIS (if that matters). Now I wish to put a load balancer in front of this app. That ...
Chris_K's user avatar
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Why does only one of the multiple address records for my AWS NLB work at a single time?

I'm using an AWS network load balancer. When I issue nslookup, the output is Non-authoritative answer: Name: ...
user784637's user avatar
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504 gateway timeout - ELB, Nginx, Gunicorn

Helllo guys. I am unable to download long-running reports. The site is under ELB, nginx and gunicorn as a backend server. In nginx I configured following settings: proxy_connect_timeout 600s; ...
Sergey Glazyrin's user avatar
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AWS: ELB Listener RANDOMLY "forgets" its SSL certificate and reverts to TCP -- taking the site offline. We're considering leaving AWS for this

I have been banging my head for months over this, no answer, no info, no "cure". my AWS ELB listener "randomly" forgets its SSL settings and reverts to this on its own, at random ...
JasonGenX's user avatar
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"edit health check" is greyed out on AWS EC2 Load Balancers

The default AWS EC2 Load Balancer Health Check hits "/" but I'd rather have it hit somewhere where. In the Load Balancer settings the "edit health check" is greyed out and I'm not ...
paullb's user avatar
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AWS autoscaling and ELB, use different health checking mechanism

I need some advice about AWS autoscaling, loadbalancers and health checks: is it possible to distinguish two health checking mechanism, one is when to send or do not send traffic to an instance (but ...
zsolt.k's user avatar
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Is it possible to communicate to an ALB through an internal endpoint?

Setup We have an ECS cluster with 2 services (called portal-ECS-service and graph-ECS-service). Each have an ALB (portal-ALB and graph-ALB respectively). The setup is this: End user <-> portal-...
user2449397's user avatar
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AWS Network Load Balancer for Fargate tasks with end to end encryption

We currently have a AWS Fargate service running Nginx behind a AWS Application Load Balancer. In front of this, we also use Cloudflare (hence having Cloudflare origin certificate in ACM). Since the ...
cabz's user avatar
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AWS sample template vpc+multiple subnets not working

I'm deploying an apparently simple CloudFormation template from AWS samples: As stated, it ...
Glasnhost's user avatar
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Permanent redirect all http requests to include www subdomain [duplicate]

I have noticed both and, redirect requests to and I am thinking of doing the same for my website which is hosted on AWS. What is the best approach ...
Hooman Bahreini's user avatar
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AWS ELB Route 53 to my bluehost domain?

Currently I'm trying to put SSL on my EC2 Instance using Load balancer & Route 53 for my BlueHost Domain As of now I have working Load balancer
Pablo's user avatar
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Separate public subnets for VPN access in my AWS VPC

I'm setting up an AWS VPC, and have carved it up into public, cache, persistence and compute subnets. I plan on separating resources in the following way: Public: ELB and VPN network association ...
Max Conradt's user avatar
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Cloudfront infront of ELB and kubernetes is showing Default backend (nginx-ingress)

Having kubernetes cluster with nginx ingress, pointed to AWS ELB load balancer and Route 53 domain pointed to this ELB is working just fine. Now I am trying to add cloudfront, it's pointing to load ...
Tom's user avatar
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Why AWS classic ELB with HTTP protocol doesn't work with websockets? [closed]

I know that there is an ALB and NLB option that works with websockets. I can't understand why classic ELB with HTTP protocol doesn't work with websocket connections, although at the instance there is ...
ogbofjnr's user avatar
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Nginx + AWS ELB Health Status Check

I am currently trying to setup a health check on my Nginx server using AWS ELB but can not correctly configure it. I have done this in the past but this time I keep getting the following repeatedly: ...
user081608's user avatar
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AWS Route 53: No targets available with load balancer

I have set up a load balancer in AWS. I need it to run on When I go to Route 53, enter an A record, and click Alias/Yes, the dropdown says "No Targets Available" under "ELB ...
Shef's user avatar
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iptables rule not working with AWS NLB and Elastic IP, works using EC2 Instance public IP

I'm at a bit of a loss. First some context: I've got an AWS EC2 Instance behind an NLB. The NLB is using an Elastic IP. The EC2 Instance is running a DNS server and listening on UDP and TCP 53. The ...
seajoshc's user avatar
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Is reverse proxy still required between AWS ALB and application server?

Context Web application with application server, i.e. Ruby on Rails with puma. Running within a container on AWS ECS with Fargate. Traffic is routed by AWS Application Load Balancer directly to ...
Leszek Zalewski's user avatar
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Amazon ACM `CertificateNotFound` with imported certificate. `describe-certificate` works fine

I've imported my certificate into Amazon ACM: aws --region us-west-2 acm import-certificate \ --certificate file://my_cert.crt \ --certificate-chain file://vendor_ca.crt \ --private-key file://...
clay's user avatar
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ELB redirect traffic from one port to another

Can AWS ELB redirect traffic from one port to another? Take this example - I have an application running on 8445 but I only want to expose port 443. I have tried this with target groups and listeners ...
Bladerider1's user avatar
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How to resolve multiple EC2 instances for SSH in AWS?

I have multiple EC2 instances running in the same VPC (and thus same region). Is there a way that I can resolve those EC2 instances uniquely for SSH access? Let's assume that I am not using elastic ...
kashiraja's user avatar
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Using a AWS Network Load Balancer for MySQL Cluster

I have asked this question on stackoverflow but I though it might be more suitable for this community. I have a web server which connects to a MySQL cluster (it's Galera cluster)... the cluster works ...
Hooman Bahreini's user avatar
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Force HTTPS redirection with AWS Classic Load Balancer

I have a website in AWS hosted in an EC2 instance. I successfully configured SSL certificate via Classic Load Balancer and I can ONLY access https version of my website. I am getting request timed ...
Kim Carlo's user avatar
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Troubleshooting HTTPS on AWS ALB: Target Group Health Check Failing

I'm having trouble setting up HTTPS for my AWS EC2 instance. In short, I'm running a program on an EC2 instance, and it's critical that I be able to transfer the data securely from clients to AWS. ...
pixel-drinker's user avatar

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