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AWS S3 transfer acceleration: Access Denied Error for IAM User with AdministratorAccess

Objective To enable transfer acceleration for a S3 bucket in a management account in AWS Organization using an IAM user having AdministratorAccess. Issue Getting Access Denied error. Some context The ...
arttysh's user avatar
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AWS SES mail not received inside S3 bucket and yields error?

I can't seem to figure out how to receive emails inside my S3 bucket when mail is sent to my SES domain. Firstly, I set up my domain and added the CNAME, TXT, and MX records and then used SES's built ...
UnSure's user avatar
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How can I list the files that are in one S3 bucket but not in the other bucket?

I have two AWS S3 buckets that have mostly the same content but with a few differences. How can I list the files that are in one bucket but not in the other bucket?
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Why does `aws s3 ls s3://mybucket/ --recursive | wc -l` list fewer files than the number of objects mentioned in the AWS web UI in my S3 bucket?

I have an AWS S3 bucket s3://mybucket/. Running the following command to count all files: aws s3 ls s3://mybucket/ --recursive | wc -l outputs: 279847 Meanwhile, the AWS console web UI clearly ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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How can I know which AWS S3 bucket(s) an AWS key and secret key that can access?

I have an AWS key and secret key that can access some AWS S3 buckets. How can I know which ones?
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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How can one copy an S3 bucket as faithfully as possible (e.g., copying all permission settings)?

I want to copy an S3 bucket as faithfully as possible (e.g., copying all permission settings). The standard: aws s3 sync s3://old-bucket s3://new-bucket --source-region us-west-1 --region us-west-2 ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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How to Deploy React App and WordPress on the Same CloudFront Distribution Domain Name with Different Origins and Behaviors?

I'm encountering challenges deploying both a React app and a WordPress site on the same CloudFront Distribution domain name while utilizing different origins and behaviors. Here's my setup: I have a ...
Spiral's user avatar
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How to get CloudTrail to record user-data script in the log

I have users who will be able to submit scripts to instances via the aws ec2 run-instances --user-data file:// option. I have setup CloudTrail to save almost all of the data that I need to log ...
FlippinDemPancakes's user avatar
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Choosing AWS hosting for flutter website

Choosing AWS hosting for flutter website I have a flutter website and i have been thinking to host the site in AWS. I have saw the below features in aws which I can use for hosting my website. AWS ...
Ac. Selvan's user avatar
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Delete object everyday in S3 bucket

i'm trying to delete folders(objects) in the S3 bucket everyday (with lifecycle rule). I have this scenario : TestBucket -> connect/ -> test/ -> 2023/ -> 12/ -> 01/, 02/, 03/ etc. I ...
Andrea Vitangeli's user avatar
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My Cloudfront distribution is showing access denied despite enabling all public access to the bucket objects

I am using the following CF policy in my S3 bucket: { "Version": "2008-10-17", "Id": "PolicyForCloudFrontPrivateContent", "...
Navdeep Singh's user avatar
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Why do I need to map separate s3 buckets for www subdomain requests in AWS?

I have a question about how DNS works in conjunction with AWS s3 buckets that I am trying to understand. I have a modest knowledge about DNS and AWS, but I don't understand why my routing solution ...
Roger Hill's user avatar
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Scheduled task to upload a file to S3 with PowerShell ignores user profile settings

I am using Windows task scheduler with a user that has an AWS profile configuration under C:\Users<username>.aws\configuration (content below) [default] s3 = max_concurrent_requests = 300 ...
user2629636's user avatar
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How to know if an S3 bucket with Cross-Region Replication is fully replicated?

I want to setup my S3 bucket to replicate in another region. Once it's fully replicated, I will make that bucket the main one (the idea is to migrate all data from one region to another). I know how ...
laurent's user avatar
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Proper Setup for a simple AWS S3 website using CloudFront & Route, with base domain and www subdomain

Which is the better design, and why? (see 2 tables) 1. Here is the configuration of my working website ( is the prevent domain) as setup via a Youtube Tutorial... Route53 Cloudfront Dist ...
TheArchitecta's user avatar
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ansible - couldn't resolve module/action '' / The module was not found in configured module paths

Per requirements, I did installed all the required packages, however is one of those things: couldn't be resolved/found was not found in configured module paths step(s), I used ...
alexus's user avatar
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Best practice for storing personal information on AWS that we shouldn't be able to see

We store customer information that we shouldn't have access to, and don't want to inconvenience users by making them lose information if they forget their passwords, is there a good way to solve this ...
ze234we23's user avatar
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How I can Log what and who can access and where my S3 bucket?

Recently I received an email in order to tell me that some IE connections has access to my bucket: eu-central-1|media.myapp | REST.GET.OBJECT|TLSv1|9|[Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.1;...
Dimitrios Desyllas's user avatar
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S3 / Cloudfront / Load balancer Architecture explanation needed

My architecture is like so: I have a static website hosted on s3 and served with cloudfront. The website is accessing an api that seats behind a load balancer. I want to make sure that only ...
April Henig's user avatar
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Whitelist an S3 Bucket in server firewall

I am looking for a way to whitelist an S3 Bucket on my client's server. In this S3 bucket there is a public website, thus, my idea is to find the ip address used for this S3 bucket. However, I have ...
VitoCK's user avatar
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Getting 403 (Forbidden) when try to load an S3 file from AWS CloudFront behaviour

I have created an S3 bucket. All objects are publicly accessible. I can access the image file via S3 url: I can access the image file via ...
tom's user avatar
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Using S3 instead of MinIO for video management

I am relatively new to AWS so I wanted to reach out to the gurus in the community to get some advice on architecture, and I thought I would share my thoughts. I am building out cloud infrastructure ...
Jeremy Leys's user avatar
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Cloud File Storage: Does zipping files reduce data transmission speed / costs?

If I need to store, say, a 5gb file on a cloud file storage location (e.g., aws s3 bucket), will zipping the file reduce the cost / latency when people download it? Obviously zipping a file reduces ...
Matt's user avatar
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AWS IAM: deny users from creating policies on specific resources

I want to be able to give my admin users the permission to create policies in IAM, but I want to make sure that they aren't able to create a policy that affects a specific resource. To be more ...
Jamie Forrest's user avatar
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Is storing data in S3 cheaper than paying for cross-az data transfer?

Imagine I have two EC2 instances A and B, in the same region/vpc, but in different AZs. I want to transfer 1TB from A to B. Now let's imagine two scenarios: I send the data from A to B directly. I ...
foo's user avatar
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Amazon S3 life cycle rule for sub folder contents?

With this reference link My s3 bucket name say testbucket. If I create prefix for a rule say. subfolder1/ All the objects in it are applied this rule. But it is not getting applied for objects inside ...
user2331760's user avatar
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CloudFront distribution can't access S3 bucket for website static assets

The problem I'm trying to deploy an S3 bucket hosting my static website asset and a cloudfront distribution to access it, but the distribution still return a bare xml file for an 'access denied' error:...
fudo's user avatar
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Mimic user permissions on AWS EC2 instances using IAM roles

I'm setting up an AWS account with several users. Each of these users has policies attached that restrict their access to specific S3 buckets/objects and the EC2 instance types / Autoscaling Groups ...
Marcelo Villa's user avatar
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How can I sync two S3-compliant buckets which have different credentials?

I've got a MinIO bucket (which uses the S3 API for access) and I want to copy all its data into an AWS S3 bucket. They both use the same API, but the I can't find a tool that lets me copy directly ...
MorayM's user avatar
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Seamless switch from NAT GATEWAY to VPC gateway

My team is currently burdened by the NAT Gateway costs and we would like to switch over to VPC Gateway endpoint to reduce the costs associated with all the EC2-S3 communication. at the same time, We ...
santhu's user avatar
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How to assign an IAM role having the same permission set as the IPs have?

How to update the IAM policy below so that the IAM role, arn:aws:iam::7574333677569:role/dev-abc-webserver, also have permissions? { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Id":...
sam23's user avatar
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S3 static website is loading pretty slow on private window mode only

I'm not sure is this is an S3 issue or something with my website but would like to ask the community for some help. Configuration: I have a static website (about 700KB) hosted on S3. My .css and .js ...
carlitobrigante's user avatar
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AWS S3 > Life Cycle Policy > to delete S3 bucket profiles not utilised over 3 months?

I am looking into possibility to setup a policy to delete the profiles within S3 bucket that have not been used over 3+ months. Is that possible and where would I setup? Would appreciate your ...
BiMi's user avatar
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AWS S3 Bucket Static Website Index/ Home Access Denied

So i have problem with AWS S3 Bucket Static when i try to access my domain without filename. http://customdomain/ >> Error access denied http://customdomain/index.html >> normal but it's ...
Sinauwae's user avatar
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Identify the profiles stored in S3 Bucket?

New to this, and new to AWS in general. Currently reviewing the profiles in S3 bucket to identify which ones can be deleted. it is not easy to identify whom it belongs to as its a SHA256 generated ...
BiMi's user avatar
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Does AWS CLI bring data across local network when doing `aws s3 mv` between two S3 locations?

When moving data between two S3 locations using the AWS CLI, for example: aws s3 mv s3://bucket/prefix s3://bucket/other-prefix Is the data downloaded to your local computer and then re-uploaded? Or ...
Nick's user avatar
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On AWS Cloudfront, I'd like to route /api/* requests to an external api

I'm fairly new to Cloudfront ( AWS in general ), and looking set up a behaviour such that any requests that is for example* goes to an existing api that we also own, except it's on a ...
Ben Perram's user avatar
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public s3 bucket file download getting access denied error for files transfered from another account

Hi i have created a bucket in s3 and made public, If i upload any file i am able to download the file with url from public. But when I did a copy of all s3 files from another account (which also had ...
Naggappan Ramukannan's user avatar
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Why does an S3 to S3 copy care about VPCs? Related to error: "VPC endpoints do not support cross-region requests."

Goal: Get files from Bucket 1 in ca-central-1 in Account A to Bucket 2 in us-east-1 in Account B using the AWS CLI from a third machine using an the IAM role with correct S3 read and write ...
Ben Ogorek's user avatar
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What is the purpose of version dates in AWS policy documents

AWS policies contain a date version. What is its purpose? In this example a bucket policy and a user policy both contain "Version": "2012-10-17" in the JSON. I don't see the ...
John Skiles Skinner's user avatar
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CloudFront Access Logs Issue

I was tried querying our CloudFront logs using Athena for an error i'm getting but haven't received any results. The query i'm trying using is: SELECT * FROM cloudfront_logs WHERE request_id = > ...
samtech 2021's user avatar
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Reduce Query Syntax for ends_with()

I have the following query: --query "Contents[?ends_with(Key, 'jpg') || ends_with(Key, 'NEF') || ends_with(Key, 'nef') || ends_with(Key, 'CR2') || ends_with(Key, 'cr2')]" Is there a way to ...
davidbitton's user avatar
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Since S3 charges by request, couldn't a malicious hacker cause a huge AWS bill just by spamming requests?

What would stop them from doing so, against, say, a static website hosted using S3? Is there a good way to deny some requests such that one avoids getting billed for them? (Context: I want to host a ...
Asker's user avatar
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Why would anyone disable S3 KMS "bucket key" option?

As per the documentation: Amazon S3 Bucket Keys reduce the cost of Amazon S3 server-side encryption using AWS Key Management Service (SSE-KMS). This new bucket-level key for SSE can reduce AWS KMS ...
Rino Bino's user avatar
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RDS PostgreSQL Import+Export to/from S3

Is it possible to enable both importing and exporting with an RDS PostgreSQL instance to an S3 bucket? I've been able to use the following pattern to enable one or the other with consistent success: ...
Jerbot's user avatar
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AWS s3 sftp without AWS transfer family

Are there any other ways to upload files from an Ubuntu server to AWS s3 without AWS Transfer Family? I have to make a MYSQL dump every five minutes and upload to the bucket but the Transfer Family's ...
irobacsi's user avatar
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Rails 6 - Understanding AWS Pricing for CDN video on demand application

I am working on an Rails 6 application, already on production which is heavily dependent on AWS Services like S3, Lambda, Cloudtrail, SNS and CDN to serve a video-on-demand app, where users can upload ...
Milind's user avatar
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Unable to resolve AWS S3 and other DNS from Docker container

We have an API that puts an object to AWS S3 using the Java API. It works fine from the locations below: From our local dev workstations From within production docker containers in EC2 machines. But,...
Sriram Sridharan's user avatar
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Create Windows 10 AMI for EC2 AWS

I have case to create AMI based on windows 10 OS, the AMI file will be used on AWS ec2 to run some our 3rd party programs for client. I have tried to follow several tutorial and guidelines from google ...
Ahmad_Green's user avatar
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Fargate task from service with Public IP disabled can't download env file from S3

We have a Fargate service that should be exposed to the internet via a load balancer, and since for tests we had used so far the random Public IP of the task, we decided to disable the Public IP, so ...
Ncifra's user avatar
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