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AWS ECR pull-through-cache fetch image via HTTP request to registry

I've set up an AWS ECR pull-through-cache for Docker Hub registry. Say it is available under: Now after authenticating using: aws ecr get-login-password ....
fiction's user avatar
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How does docker swarm handle volumes mounted on replicated services and How would one integrate this with S3?

Setup: A docker swarm with one manager and one worker node (two virtual machines at play). The docker-stack.yml contains two services primary: bitnami/postgresql image setup as the master postgres ...
Ayush's user avatar
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Can AWS NLB be used to load balance requests to Read Replicas?

This article from Nginx describes how Nginx TCP load balancing can be used against MySQL cluster. In the first diagram, I would like to replace the Nginx LB with AWS NLB where, the MySQL cluster runs ...
cogitoergosum's user avatar
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Getting ioctl(setctty): operation not permitted: unknown error in K8S-Docker setup

Getting the permission error when trying to start a container in Ubuntu-AWS virtual machine. I am using kubectl apply -f test.yaml to deploy. Nginx is working normally in the same VM. I tried changing ...
Ravi's user avatar
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Getting "Not authorized" error when running SonarQube analysis in Docker container with GitLab Runner

I am trying to run a SonarQube analysis in a Docker container using GitLab Runner, but I'm encountering the following error: Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error ...
Sri's user avatar
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AWS ECR Login error

AWS ECR Login error: command: aws ecr get-login-password --region ap-south-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin {id}.dkr.ecr.{region} An error occurred (...
Arya Aniket's user avatar
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Nginx upstream block host not found

I'm running a nginx container where it maps to another backend container. When I tried adding upstream block in nginx.conf which is like upstream backend_servers { server backend:8000; } The ...
snowlash's user avatar
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Implementing a mono-repo, multi-database PHP application on AWS

I have a application whose code is hosted on GitHub. This application is a school management system built using the Laravel Framework. I need advise on how I can implement it with the following ...
Ation's user avatar
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Cannot create aws lambda function. error: the following arguments are required: --runtime, --handler

I am trying to deploy an image to be run in aws lambda at a scheduled interval. I have built and tested the image using RIE and locally it runs as it should. Next I have pushed the image to aws ecr to ...
ptushev's user avatar
-1 votes
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Assigning subdomain to ECS via Docker Compose

I'm currently using Docker Compose AWS ECS to deploy a backend server. Currently the backend server is listening to port 80. I have a domain I own that has a dedicated hosted zone on Route 53. I'm ...
thank_you's user avatar
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Getting 504 response timeouts via AWS ALB, but not directly

Our production environment contains 2 ALBs: a public facing ALB and a private one. Both of these ALBs support HTTP/2. Now I have a target group which supports HTTP/1.1 containing an ECS service. The ...
Ashesh's user avatar
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How to manage app versions with AWS ElasticBeanstalk Docker platform

So I have successfully launched an app and an environment in AWS ElasticBeanstalk, using private image repository. I can build and push new versions of my app to the repository, and then run eb deploy ...
skrat's user avatar
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2 answers

How do you get docker to work in amazon vpc? (ip assignment coordination)

Is there a way to block out a range of ips in the VPC? Alternatively is there a way to get docker (docker compose) to use dhcp to get ip addresses? If it does so will they be blocked from being ...
Roman A. Taycher's user avatar
1 vote
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How to pass arguments into scheduled task on AWS Fargate?

I have a docker container (derived from PHP-CLI) that may be launched like this locally: docker run php-cli-container php public/index.php argument1 argument2 I uploaded the container to Amazon AWS ...
andreas's user avatar
  • 231
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How can I fix docker networking issues with multiple containers when working locally

So I have a basic docker setup with nginx and php-fpm that gets deployed to AWS ECS: Dockerfile for nginx # Install nginx FROM --platform=linux/amd64 nginx:latest # Use custom configs ADD nginx/conf/...
andreas's user avatar
  • 231
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What's the best way to deploy large numbers of low-throughput docker containers on AWS?

What's the best, simple way of deploying a lot of containers to AWS? It's necessary to be scalable but cheap if a container sees little or no use. I have a method of generating docker containers that ...
Paranoid Altoid's user avatar
-1 votes
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Error to login ecr docker

I'm trying to login ecr with docker to upload the container, but it always returns an error. The cli configuration is ok. I'm following the documentation that aws provides, but still to no avail. ...
Luka Martins's user avatar
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Docker/Mariadb: Error starting userland proxy: Listen tcp {IP}:{PORT}: bind cannot assign requested address

I have been unable to run the command: docker-compose up --build -d as I get the following error: ERROR: for mariadb Cannot start service mariadb: driver failed programming external connectivity on ...
divyashie's user avatar
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Why are docker container logs sent from ec2 to cloudwatch in batches using awslogs driver?

I have three docker containers running; server, proxy server and a daemon checking for changes between two databases. I've used docker-compose and an ec2 instance for testing. I would like to stream ...
Oliver Burdekin's user avatar
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ECS service is not starting tasks

Hello I am using aws ecs and terraform to deploy a few containers. I am trying to create an ecs cluster with ec2 instances and in each instance I want to run two nginx containers. I have a load ...
Hassan Kamran's user avatar
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Unable to resolve AWS S3 and other DNS from Docker container

We have an API that puts an object to AWS S3 using the Java API. It works fine from the locations below: From our local dev workstations From within production docker containers in EC2 machines. But,...
Sriram Sridharan's user avatar
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How do I deploy a docker container on AWS Elastic Beanstalk privately such that only other AWS resources can access it?

Need to make an AWS deployment decision. A lot of this tech (docker, beanstalk) is pretty new so I don't know best practices (and I'm also foggier than I'd like to be on networking and security). Tech ...
Paranoid Altoid's user avatar
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Redis on AWS task

I have an API that have some heavy processing endpoints. To avoid problems, I created a queue system using redis. Now I put this API into a docker, and I'm using ECS to deploy service that creates a ...
Learning from masters's user avatar
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I have an ECS Cluster with a capacity provider and a service. The capacity provider runs an autoscale group, and when one instance of this group starts, at the end I can see that there are ECS ...
Learning from masters's user avatar
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Kubernetes pods failing with ImagePullBackOff when trying to pull image from AWS ECR

I are trying to run some Kubernetes pods in my Windows machine by using Docker-Desktop. I am trying to install them using HELM. I have created my Docker images and have pushed them into AWS ECR ...
arjunbnair's user avatar
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How to run aws cli on amazon linux container?

I want to run amazon linux commands as part of gitlab pipeline. So, trying to use docker image as runner, amazonlinux:latest So, connected to docker container and ran below command. yum -yq install ...
uday's user avatar
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How do I configure EKS (Amazon Kubernetes) to use a different docker image repository?

You’d expect a wuestion this simple would have an amazon tutorial or documentation, but I can’t find any. How do I configure an EKS cluster to connect to a different self hosted docker registry? I ...
Some Linux Nerd's user avatar
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Error to build AWS Lambda Node 14arm64 with Sharp on a Docker image

I'm changing a node setup from node 14 x64 to node 14 arm64 in an Amazon ECR (Docker) entry. It build with no problem when I use this image: FROM aws/lambda/nodejs:14 and this command to install sharp ...
Matheus Pereira's user avatar
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how do I create multiple VMs from the same OS image with the same rendering output?

Currently I am doing pixel v pixel on a single AWS VM. I am running all test on a single machine comparing golden vs test image. Id like to do pixel v pixel tests on multiple machines to parallelize ...
luke signh's user avatar
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kubelet service is not running(fluctuating) in Kubernetes master node

I was trying to create a Kubernetes Cluster using kubeadm. I had spin up an Ubuntu 18.04 server, installed docker (made it sure that docker.service was running), installed kubeadm kubelet and kubectl. ...
arjunbnair's user avatar
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Moving docker container from linux based server to AWS

I am trying to move a container running on a linux based server to AWS. I am doing a commit-save-load. After doing a commit-save-load, a docker image is created. I then ran this docker image using ...
The Beast's user avatar
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How to share directory with Fargate container

I have a fargate container running which needs access to files present on an EC2 instance. Both are in the same network and security groups do not restrict traffic. I tried using sshfs as well as ...
Rohini's user avatar
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AWS ECS persistent storage solution

I have one container with Gitlab and i need it to have safe and better if external data volume. I though about EFS as the best one but, if my container will fail will the data be in EFS? And maybe ...
Uber Sholder's user avatar
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CannotPullContainerError on AWS Elastic Beanstalk Multicontainer Docker with private repository

I am trying to deploy web application on multi-docker environment using Elasticbeanstalk, and I am using authentication file stored in S3 bucket for repository authentication. But I got the ...
freelancer's user avatar
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Dockerized Laravel application with volume on AWS Fargate issue

this is my scenario, I have a Laravel 8 application that I'm trying to deploy using AWS ECS through AWS Fargate. This is the useful part of my dockerfile: ### ... Previous composer and npm stages ...
SamDroid's user avatar
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How to reference container hostname or ip from another container in the same ECS task in cloud formation

I'm trying to setup an AWS ECS cluster which has a single task that has 3 separate containers for prometheus, promscale, and prometheus-ecs-discovery. I'm trying to figure out how to dynamically set ...
Catfish's user avatar
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Why does running a containerized app with AWS Lightsail cost twice as much as using a virtual server?

As per , running a lightsail VPS with 512 MB Memory, 1 Core Processor costs $3.50 a month. However, in that same link it shows that the lowest cost of ...
timfoil's user avatar
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How to connect RDS from a different account with allowed IP in AWS?

I have an EC2 instance in AWS account A. Its Private IPv4 addresses is I allowed it in a RDS security group rules in account B, to make Type CIDR/IP - Inbound's Rule ...
Miantian's user avatar
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Linux Virtual Interface “missing” pair?

The Q may be specific to AWS EKS CNI/AWS EC2/AWS VPC Networking The Q may be specific to Docker networking We have an AWS Elastic Kubernetes cluster running with a WorkerNode. On this WorkerNode, we ...
setevoy's user avatar
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19 votes
6 answers

Docker login to AWS ECR from GitLab CI fails with "dial tcp: lookup docker on x.x.x.x:53: no such host" when pulling docker:dind from ECR

I'm working on porting a collection of Docker images used for GitLab CI/CD building and deployment from Dockerhub to AWS public ECR. Everything works as it should except for the standard Docker image ...
Alex B.'s user avatar
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How can I run a containerized task in the cloud 24/7 [closed]

I have just begun to play around with various cloud vendors (AWS, GCP, etc) to get a better understanding of what they have to offer. This is what I am looking to do: I have a task that runs 24/7 that ...
KED's user avatar
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Upgrade multi etcd cluster running inside docker container

Currently my k8s cluster is on v1.16.x and I want to upgrade it to v1.17.x for which ETCD has to be upgraded to 3.4 (currently 3.3). My setup is bit complex as I'm running ETCD outside the master ...
jagatjyoti's user avatar
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Recommendations for high-volume request logs from containers

We have a service that uses raw AWS EC2 instances to field requests. Response times are in the 2-3 ms range. That response time is important to the health and success of the service. Part of the ...
user607875's user avatar
1 vote
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How I can migrate my already built docker images with custom tags from dockerhub to amazon ECR?

Due to rate limiting of Dockerhub I migrated from dockerHub to AmazonECR. I managed to push new images to docker ECR but I want to migrate existing tags from dockerhub to Amazon ECR. Do you know how I ...
Dimitrios Desyllas's user avatar
3 votes
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Why would AWS Fargate task containers report wildly incorrect memory limits?

Our task definition sets Task Memory to 8192MiB. Its sole docker container running Debian is configured with no memory limits. In the bootstrap, we call cat /proc/meminfo and get a report that shows: ...
hemp's user avatar
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Amazon ECS [Fargate] - How do you restart all Tasks in a Service?

We have a task that loads some configuration from database. After the settings are updated on db we would like to be able to restart all the tasks in a service so that the settings propagate to all ...
BalaB's user avatar
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How to assign which user to execute commands inside the container in AWS FARGATE

i'm trying to launch a nodejs container using AWS FARGATE, the problem i'm facing is that fargate gives me this error : cannot find this module "/path/to/file/webrtc.js" And when i execute ...
logax's user avatar
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Issue in setting up Docker container monitroing through zabbix

I have setup a Zabbix Server and a Client. Docker containers are running on Client, I'm unable to retrieve the data for the Containers. Following error is occuring when I'm checking the status through ...
Pratyush's user avatar
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Fargate instance - what is utilizing disk space?

I have a fargate instance i'm running and need disk space (ephemeral storage) for some data processing. I'm running a modified ubuntu image which sits at about 700MBs I'm running the new fargate ...
w-01's user avatar
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boot script for linux EC2

I have RHEL 7.5 Linux EC2 machine.It has below userdata. #cloud-config rumcmd: - hostname "2CPV-PQ-XX6901" - echo "2CPV-PQ-XX6901" > /etc/hostname - authconfig --update --disablesssd --...
AWS_Beginner's user avatar