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dns problems in self managed aws ec2 cluster with aws-vpc-cni

I'm new to k8s and I've been trying to learn it. I faced a problem with trying to setup aws-vpc-k8s-cni on my fresh k8s cluster with coredns. Here's the problem in detail. Cluster & Network ...
Ayush's user avatar
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DKIM settings with Amazon SES not finding primary domain

I'm attempting to send email via Amazon SES with a custom domain. I have one domain that works and the DKIM headers that come to my gmail account look like: Authentication-Results:; ...
stdunbar's user avatar
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I have a website hosted on It works half the time, but the other time I get DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN. The DNS entries are done in the hosted zone of AWS, and all looks ...
Nickpick's user avatar
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nslookup fails while dig succeeds with private Route 53 hosted zone

I have set up a private AWS Route 53 hosted zone. If I run nslookup on the newly added entry, I receive an error: $nslookup search.syndey.recap Server: Address: ** ...
Matthew Walker's user avatar
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How target group dns failover works with AWS

I currently have an AWS load balancer and it has a target group, containing an instance per AZ: 2 of these are unhealthy and I have configured the attributes of the target group so DNS failover ...
Thomas Stokes's user avatar
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How to correctly load balance requests from a Java client to an NLB over multiple AZs

Requests from a Java client to an NLB over multiple AZs Not load-balanced Summary: Expectation: every request from Java is load balanced between two nodes. Actual behavior: all the requests go to one ...
ŌHARA Kazutaka's user avatar
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Why isn't `nslookup` able to resolve an A record in route53, when I specifically use a nameserver from my hosted zone?

I'm trying to host a static website in s3. I have a domain registered with namecheap, and it is pointing at route53 nameservers. This part seems to be working correctly based on dig: dig getgargoyle....
mike's user avatar
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AWS ELB leaks private ip address via dns name that are only accessible via VPN - can this be considered a security risk?

I'm using VPN for my AWS development environment and i have some databases running on EC2 behind an ELB. The thing is whenever i connect to them via VPN i will use
Lorem ipsum's user avatar
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AWS Cognito: auth page not showing up, DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN from hosted UI URL

Here is the url I am navigating to: http​​s://​auth.[domain].com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=[id here]&response_type=code&scope=email+openid+phone&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2F[domain]%2F[...
BigMistake's user avatar
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Why do I need to map separate s3 buckets for www subdomain requests in AWS?

I have a question about how DNS works in conjunction with AWS s3 buckets that I am trying to understand. I have a modest knowledge about DNS and AWS, but I don't understand why my routing solution ...
Roger Hill's user avatar
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Cloudflare is able to fetch all my domain CNAME

Today, I was in the process of setting up an account with Cloudflare (the free tier). During the setup, it asked for the domain I wanted to configure. When I introduced my domain, and without making ...
Bungow's user avatar
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Excluding region prefix from domain in AWS Elastic Beanstalk

I am using AWS Elastic Beanstalk to run a private server for an older game that's no longer supported by the developers. The main executable for that game sends requests to an old elastic beanstalk ...
xScoobie's user avatar
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How can I dump an AWS Route53 zone in a BIND-compatible format?

I have a zone in Route53 that I need in a BIND-compatible format. How can I convert it?
MikeyB's user avatar
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AWS Route53 naked domain doesn't work

I bought my domain ( from the Namecheap. And created an AWS Route53 public hosted zone. And also I added the Nameservers copied from that above hosted zone to the Namescheap DNS servers. ...
Jananath Banuka's user avatar
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Changing hosting server to a website without having the certificate from the CA

I have been helping a friend who published a wordpress webpage developed by a company he contacted that on production has a really poor performance, to fix this I created a react static web page which ...
user14398375's user avatar
-1 votes
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Assigning subdomain to ECS via Docker Compose

I'm currently using Docker Compose AWS ECS to deploy a backend server. Currently the backend server is listening to port 80. I have a domain I own that has a dedicated hosted zone on Route 53. I'm ...
thank_you's user avatar
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Cloudfront url routing to a domain

I have a cloudfront url I want to route to I used nginx for the routing and configuration and generated the ssl certificate and then added the txt records in the DNS portal. But when ...
Manoj Mandala's user avatar
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How do I create CNAME records in AWS if the domain is hosted elsewhere?

I have a domain that is hosted from a provider other than AWS. I cannot input the CNAME entries that I need there because I'm using custom nameservers: ns-...
Jared Carter's user avatar
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Could not resolve host:

We have started to have an increasing "could not resolve host" errors from When we asked them about it they stated the following: "Those errors aren't from a ...
Gareth Foster's user avatar
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How to add a computer to a Domain of windows server 2022 runing on AWS EC2

I have Windows server 2022 running in AWS EC2 with the address that the same instance in EC2 generated, this server can be opened perfectly from any location using "Remote Desk controller" ...
Fernando Prospero's user avatar
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How do I delegate subdomain as a new Hosted Zone in different AWS account?

Domain for my web application let's say exists in AWS account A, which is where production environment is hosted. I want to create multiple QA environments in AWS account B for security ...
Davita's user avatar
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How do I configure AWS EC2 instances to selectively bypass default DNS resolver in all regions?

I have a network of AWS EC2 instances. Most of them are using the default VPC's DNS resolver to prevent exfiltration and to resolve internal domains (using a custom TLD). That all works fine. However, ...
vomitHatSteve's user avatar
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How Do I Setup Subdomains in Private AWS VPC?

I have a domain registered at GoDaddy. Let's call it Servers that are publicly available have their subdomains registered at GoDaddy. Example: and I have a ...
YoungDinosaur's user avatar
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AWS EC2 not showing a request for IP Issue

My AWS web servers are not showing a request for example '' after running some athena queries We are unable to identify the cause of the issue, as the IPs is not in any of the access logs ...
sam23's user avatar
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Do I need to change SOA on OVH to use AWS? If so, how?

I bought a domain name on OVH, it's But, I want to store the DNS configuration on AWS. (I find this simpler to manage, and it's clearer this way what belongs to the AWS config and what ...
Vadorequest's user avatar
-1 votes
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DNS shows wrong IP addresses on different machines

I have a very weird problem when I try to resolve my domain ( ) with a static IP. On some machines the DNS shows the correct IP ( ) and on other machines ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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How to setup Client VPN Endpoint to use AWS DNS?

I'm trying to allow VPN users to use Private Route53 DNS entries. Eg: a private hosted zone example.corp issuing DNS records on the local network. At the moment I can't even find the right set of ...
Philip Couling's user avatar
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Unable to resolve AWS S3 and other DNS from Docker container

We have an API that puts an object to AWS S3 using the Java API. It works fine from the locations below: From our local dev workstations From within production docker containers in EC2 machines. But,...
Sriram Sridharan's user avatar
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Public and private dns zone using the same domain name

I'm trying to figure out whether i can use the same domain name for a host with both private and publics ips, where the public ip will be resolved if the private ip is not available. in a non-aws ...
sebastian's user avatar
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How to initiate manual AWS Route 53 Failover when using Health Checks?

I am using Route 53 with DNS Failover configured based on Health Checks. This is great, but sometimes I want to manually initiate a failover. How can I manually cause a failover, for example in the ...
A X's user avatar
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AWS Route 53: Transferred domain to new account - Now getting SERVFAIL

I recently transferred a domain to a new account. When I did this, I deleted the hosted zone in the old account and recreated it in the new account. I thought I got this right, but when I ...
Nat's user avatar
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How to set up DNS settings with a domain in the middle for DKIM and SPF?

I am working on a tool that helps the users send emails. I plan on using an MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) in the back end like AWS-SES or Sendgrid etc. In order for the emails to arrive successfully in ...
Rohan's user avatar
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Redirecting a subdomain to a different IP

This question was originally posted on the Network Engineering StackExchange page, but has been moved here. TL;DR I have a domain name attached to an AWS Elastic IP, I'd like to create a record for a ...
hrthstnd's user avatar
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point apex domain to aws load balancer

I have an AWS Load Balancer that serves traffic to multiple EC2 instances serving multiple websites with different domain names. I'm trying to find a simple solution where any domain owners can set ...
Arpan Adhikari's user avatar
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Acessing my site using www is not working using AWS Route 53 and NGINX

My site is up and running and can be found on the Internet by typing [domain].com address in the browser. When I try to access it using www.[domain].com, it return an error (not found). I'm using ...
Mendes's user avatar
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How do I host Node.js and WordPress sites on the same domain name with a different server?

I would like to host 2 different applications on a different server. For eg redirected the NodeJS application - Server A & redirected the WordPress ...
Kishore's user avatar
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AWS SES subdomain email

Can I add CNAME and MX records to a subdomain hosted outside Amazon to work with AWS SES? I have [email protected] and [email protected]. I would like to leave bill as is while transferring jill over ...
Vanillaice's user avatar
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AWS Route 53 pricing for hosted zones and domain names

Novice dealing with DNS services here. I'm setting up an ECS cluster of Fargate containers that need to communicate with each other. They are deployed as separate services in the same cluster, so I ...
gsantos's user avatar
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How to route multiple web apps on several AWS EC2s under 1 domain without using a bunch of Elastic IPs?

Last night I realized that there is a 5 address limit with regard to provisioning elastic IP's. Ive done some initial research, and have come to the conclusion that a bunch of elastic Ip's is probably ...
Michael Steijlen's user avatar
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How to fix "InvalidInput 400: Record name {} is not valid for hosted zone" on AWS?

I'm migrating a site currently hosted on github pages to AWS. The site in question is on an aws instance, with an elastic ip of The elastic IP does correctly show the site. I want ...
Joe's user avatar
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Why is Route53 registered domain not able resolve EC2 IP while I can access the IP without domain?

This is what I have right now: A domain which is registered with Route53. This domain resides with Route53 only. An nginx listening on port 80 which is then running on EC2 instance. I can view the ...
Santosh Kumar's user avatar
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Cannot access my website with the custom domain name when using VPN

I developed a website and deployed it using EC2 on AWS and redirected the domain name which I bought from to the EC2 IP address with Route 53. The site is accessible when I'm not using VPN. ...
Yichong Chen's user avatar
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Can't point my subdomain address to CloudFront distribution (using S3 + CF + Route 53)

[Jump to bottom to see updates and latest attempts] First of all, I apologize if I misuse terminology here. I work as FE developer and this area on networking and setting up domains and aws services ...
Rafael Santos's user avatar
-1 votes
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DNS setup for no subdomain

I can't figure out why going to my website, does not work, while and works. Am I missing something in this DNS list? All these CNAMEs area ...
pbuzz007's user avatar
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How do Virtual IPs allow fast switching?

I am designing a simple fail over system with just a primary and standby server. The main one will be in our office, while the standby will be on the cloud. I was reading about virtual IPs and how ...
user1034912's user avatar
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VPN and DNS Server

I am not an expert in this type of solution We are setting up a solution where we want a client that connects to a VPN to give the DNS addresses (PowerDNS) controlled by us, we would like to be able ...
rfders's user avatar
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Domain to S3 Bucket AccessDenied

Hello i have a problem i recibe AccessDenied in my domain I upload my site in to a AWS S3 Bucket, i make public, create a static page, but when i access via my i get a AccessDenied. ...
Jalac's user avatar
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Is it possible to alias a non aws service with AWS Route 53

We have a domain wich is managed on AWS 53. Is it possible to create an alias record in AWS route 53 to refer to a public IP address (for instance AZURE VM public IP). So that I could use this example ...
YusufD's user avatar
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How do I create DNS entries for private addresses on AWS?

To do any ops work on our servers, we first need to ssh into a DMZ server with a public IP, before ssh-ing on to the app servers, with ips such as I would rather have memorable hostnames,...
oligofren's user avatar
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Why is AWS Route 53 / Application Load balancer resolving a multilevel subdomain

Within AWS I terminate TLS at an Application Load Balancer. I have configured a wildcard TLS certificate with AWS' Certificate Manager (ACM), e.g. * I have AWS Route 53 resolving *....
Darragh's user avatar
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