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AWS EB Docker Linux 2 Failed Deployment

I am running a Docker running on 64bit Amazon Linux 2/3.8.1 on my AWS EB When deploying my source it works if I simply upload my docker-compose.yml file, the upload works and the app is live. I am ...
Luke Rayner's user avatar
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How do I create an Elastic Beanstalk example?

I have tried to create and deploy on Elastic Beanstalk. It never works. I have spent over 14 hours trying to get EB to work over the course of 1 month. I have followed online tutorials in addition to ...
BigMistake's user avatar
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AWS - Setup OIDC authentication in ALB with AWS Beanstalk

I have to setup my application in elastic beanstalk with High availability. My architecture involves a php application running in beanstalk in private subnet with ALB (public subnet) which is also ...
Goural's user avatar
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AWS Elastic Beanstalk max request post size

I have an application consisting of the following: Vue.JS front-end website Dotnet Core API From the front-end, I wish to allow the user to upload up to 10 files totaling up to a maximum of 50 ...
Carel's user avatar
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Excluding region prefix from domain in AWS Elastic Beanstalk

I am using AWS Elastic Beanstalk to run a private server for an older game that's no longer supported by the developers. The main executable for that game sends requests to an old elastic beanstalk ...
xScoobie's user avatar
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Hosting dynamic Flask website using AWS ElasticBeanstalk

I have been trying to host a dynamic Flask website which includes Machine Learning on AWS ElasticBeanstalk. The success message "Environment has succesfully launched" is displayed. However, ...
Popo's user avatar
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Change timeout period of Elastic beanstalk worker daemon on deploy

I have an Elastic Beanstalk worker ENV but on update or a task that requires it to stop processing it stops after 30s. I know the Daemon receives a SIGTERM on when to stop, but the time out is only ...
Maker of worlds's user avatar
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Elastic Beanstalk deploy app in private VPC without public ip address for EC2

I'm currently developing a NodeJS application that I want to deploy in Elastic Beanstalk (EBS). To isolate & secure my cloud resources I'm using VPCs where I deploy the EBS app and also my ...
Marc Becker's user avatar
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How to manage app versions with AWS ElasticBeanstalk Docker platform

So I have successfully launched an app and an environment in AWS ElasticBeanstalk, using private image repository. I can build and push new versions of my app to the repository, and then run eb deploy ...
skrat's user avatar
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What's the best way to deploy large numbers of low-throughput docker containers on AWS?

What's the best, simple way of deploying a lot of containers to AWS? It's necessary to be scalable but cheap if a container sees little or no use. I have a method of generating docker containers that ...
Paranoid Altoid's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I figure out what is filling up my AWS EC2 file system? [duplicate]

Elastic Beanstalk is telling me that my root file system is 96% full. When I SSH into the EC2 instance and run df, I can see that my root file system is 7.95GB/8GB used: Filesystem 1K-blocks ...
Chris.B's user avatar
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How do I change (upgrade) my Elastic Beanstalk instance type?

My current Elastic Beanstalk environment is using the "t2.micro" instance. Recently, my website is getting a lot of traffic and it is not been able to handle CRON jobs. The instance is ...
Navneet Pratap's user avatar
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Had a peculiar issue with my EC2 instance yesterday, disk space low?

I've got an core application running on Linux/Nginx in Elastic Beanstalk. All of a sudden it stopped working properly yesterday, the issue was that one of the main javascript files was no ...
haukurhaf's user avatar
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AWS Elastic Beanstalk 504 Gateway Time-out - occasionally failing to connect to target

I have a fairly simple AWS Elastic Beanstalk setup (Rails on Puma, with NGINX) and get intermittent but quite regular 504 Gateway Time-out on the client (typically 10 seconds after making the request)....
phil_ayres's user avatar
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Elastic Beanstalk Domain Name

I'm new to AWS Elastic Beanstalk. So i've confused, when i want to create new environment, in the Domain if i use it can be done. But when I try to use like ...
Sinauwae's user avatar
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AWS Elastic Beanstalk random spike in NetworkIn traffic once to twice a day

Unusual traffic on my Elastic Beanstalk application. NetworkIn, NetworkOut both spike once to twice a day at random times. Sometimes it crashes my load balancer and I have to go in and manually kill ...
Taylor Brown's user avatar
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How do I deploy a docker container on AWS Elastic Beanstalk privately such that only other AWS resources can access it?

Need to make an AWS deployment decision. A lot of this tech (docker, beanstalk) is pretty new so I don't know best practices (and I'm also foggier than I'd like to be on networking and security). Tech ...
Paranoid Altoid's user avatar
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I want to get the instanceId and environmentName of an elastic beanstalk instance at boot time

How can I do this in an .ebextension or .platform script? OR is this data available already perhaps in an environment variable?
iss42's user avatar
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Elastic BeanStalk can't connect to ElastiCache Redis

I'm having issues connecting from Elastic BeanStalk to ElastiCache Redis. When I SSH into the EBS instance and try to use redis-cli to connect, it times out. This is how I set up my environment: I ...
Teotimo Garcia's user avatar
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Elastic Beanstalk: Authentication does not work?

I'm trying my best to connect my ECS instance to a private registry in gitlab. I've uploaded a .dockercfg file to a bucket in the same region as main EB environment and referenced it as described in ...
Xen_mar's user avatar
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Elastic Beanstalk worker tier Degraded, SQS daemon keep repeating "init: initializing aws-sqsd 3.0.3"

The env will be Degraded and no message can't be sent. Platform is Docker using Container is a Django app. I tried with two instance types (I confirmed it from EC2 dashboard) t2....
Abirafdi Raditya Putra's user avatar
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AWS ElasticBeanstalk: Early termination of worker [puma] Loading development - gems?

I'm currently upgrading rails from 6 to 7 and so had to upgrade my eb platform-version as well (to run ruby-3.0). Now puma isn't able to start and always looping through: [13033] + Gemfile in context: ...
metafoo's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How to limit log size on Elastic beanstalk with Corretto 8/Amazon Linux 2 platform?

We recently migrated one of our applications to the "Corretto 8 running on 64bit Amazon Linux 2/3.2.12" platform. Now we're seeing the issue that the log files are filling up our disk volume ...
UncleBob's user avatar
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block public access to the AWS Elastic Beanstalk URL

I have a node.js app running on AWS Elastic Beanstalk. I have setup a domain pointing to a CDN distribution which is pointing to the EBS. But the web app is also accessible via the EBS URL directly. I ...
g.revolution's user avatar
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Deploy a PHP application that calls python scripts on AWS

I've made a PHP site that calls a bunch of python workers in the background (using the queue-worker system in laravel, where the worker calls the python tool via CLI). The python tools each have their ...
Tominator's user avatar
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Access PHP error log in AWS Elastic Beanstalk

I'm running a PHP web app on AWS Elastic Beanstalk, and I've been trying to diagnose some seemingly random (rare) issues users have been encountering after upgrading to PHP 8. On localhost, I'd have ...
Ben in CA's user avatar
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Elastic BeanStalk environment variable update fails

When I try to update the environment variables of my Elastic BeanStalk environment via the software configuration, the update fails and the environment is rolled back to the previous configuration (...
Thijmen's user avatar
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Remove the default Security Group assigned by Elastic Beanstalk

I have created a Elastic Beanstalk environment and have created this .config to edit the security groups which worked. Now my EC2s are attached to the new SG and the default one. option_settings: - ...
Rami's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to get private Elastic-Beanstalk Environment DNS Endpoint?

My setup is the following: i have a VPC consisting of 3 subnets: public, private with NAT and isolated. I have an elastic beanstalk (single instance) environment running in the private subnet with Nat ...
Maximilian Körner's user avatar
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How do I migrate our existing Beanstalk application to Amazon Linux 2?

Our three Beanstalks are currently running on the "Tomcat 8.5 with Java 8 running on 64bit Amazon Linux" platform, either on the canned "ami-0e469f970b0c3b65c" AMI, or (for one of ...
hbquikcomjamesl's user avatar
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Managed platform update failing with Incorrect application version error

I have 6 Elastic Beanstalk Python 3.7 environments running the same application. Over the course of the weekend, 5 of them have successfully, automatically auto-updated to the latest platform update: ...
David Buck's user avatar
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320 views core To elastic beanstalk error 404 after deployment

I have an core web api that run an 404 after it get's deployed to elastic beanstalk. Any version from 1.0 to 5.0 all show the same error 404. The api works just fine on localhost but once it ...
Aboubacar Traore's user avatar
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How to set up conditional redirects on an Application Load Balancer for an Elastic Beanstalk environment?

I have two Docker-based single-instance Elastic Beanstalk environments (one for staging and one for production). I'd like to migrate the (Elastic Beanstalk) application to sit behind a load balancer (...
pleasedesktop's user avatar
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CannotPullContainerError on AWS Elastic Beanstalk Multicontainer Docker with private repository

I am trying to deploy web application on multi-docker environment using Elasticbeanstalk, and I am using authentication file stored in S3 bucket for repository authentication. But I got the ...
freelancer's user avatar
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Disable nginx version in Server header on AWS Elastic Beanstalk

I want to disable the default nginx behaviour where it adds a Server header including the nginx version: nginx/1.18.0. I'm fine if it just says nginx. From what I can find, I can do that by adding set ...
Jorn's user avatar
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Undetected .runtimeconfig.json when deploying to Elastic Beanstalk

I'm trying to deploy an ASP.NET application to Elastic Beanstalk's .NET Core on Linux. When I upload the code, I get the following error: Instance deployment: Your source bundle has a single .NET Core ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Best AWS option for occasional video encoding with FFMPEG? [closed]

I have an app which receives a video file and a text from a front-end form, creates a video intro with text, merges this intro with 1 to 2 hour video. Everything is being encoded using ffmpeg, after ...
Mike's user avatar
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sqsd failing on Elastic Beanstalk worker with network/SSL issues

I have recently, simultaneously upgraded an Elastic Beanstalk worker application on several fronts; from Amazon Linux 1 to 2, Django 2.0 to 3.1, Python 3.6 to 3.7, Apache to Nginx, so there have been ...
David Buck's user avatar
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ElasticBeanStalk URL directing to incorrect IP

I have two Elastic Beanstalk environments, running java applications on tomcat. Application/Environment A uses an ALB and Application/Environment uses an network LB. Environment B is within a private ...
pineapple303's user avatar
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What could be a best solution for ElasticBeanstalk environment stop/start for cost saving

So i have a use case where we only need Elasticbeanstalk environment only in weekdays and in business hours only. So here at the moment i'm using a lambda function which terminates App environment and ...
Satyashil Deshpande's user avatar
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NGINX force HTTPS except for some user agents on AWS Elastic Beanstalk

I have a partial NGINX config file that gets pulled into a main NGINX config file automatically by AWS Elastic Beanstalk. I have two instances running, one EC2 web server running PHP and another that'...
Samsquanch's user avatar
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Nginx responding with 429s but I don't have it configured in my config

I'm hosting a rails app on AWS elastic beanstalk and am noticing my nginx server returning 429s in the nginx log. The problem is, I'm not seeing where the limit_req is being defined so I'm struggling ...
Johnny's user avatar
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Seeing Java Spring Boot logs from AWS Elastic Beanstalk in AWS CloudWatch

I'm reading the documentation but I'm not understanding simple Java application log access via CloudWatch from AWS Elastic Beanstalk. I have a simple Java Spring Boot Application deployed on Elastic ...
Garret Wilson's user avatar
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Simple site access analytics with Spring Boot on AWS Elastic Beanstalk

I have successfully set up a Spring Boot application, deployed as an executable JAR, on AWS Elastic Beanstalk. It has a load balancer with a maximum of 2 (for now) EC2 instances and uses HTTPS. It ...
Garret Wilson's user avatar
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Failed to deploy application. Environment must have instance profile associated with it

All of a sudden (I don't remember any specific change that would have caused this). I'm not able to deploy my application to elastic beanstalk. I've tried manually uploading a zip file and I get the ...
JBaczuk's user avatar
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Cannot migrate database on AWS Elastic Beanstalk

I have hosted a site in AWS. I have created a RDS DB instance for the elastic beanstalk. In my laravel app's config/database.php file, I have configured my database connection as : 'mysql' => [ ...
Sijan Bhattarai's user avatar
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Elastic Beanstalk Puma NGINX - Ruby on Rails Load Issues

I have an Elastic Beanstalk instance running Ruby on Rails using Puma with Ruby 2.6 running on 64bit Amazon Linux/2.11.7, the instance is scaled to a c5.2xlarge and a database of db.m5.large. The ...
Rs Graphics's user avatar
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Set CPU options on Elastic Beanstalk environment via Cloud Formation

I have an Elastic Beanstalk worker app that is doing some memory-intensive single-threaded computation. All the available instance types that meet my memory requirements (16 Gb) have 2+ vCPUs, so I ...
Mike Rippon's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Outputting JSON logs on Elastic Beanstalk with Amazon Linux 2

We're trying to migrate our Java applications from from the current Elastic Beanstalk JDK 8 platforms to the new ones running Corretto 11 on Amazon Linux 2. The app works well, but the way logs are ...
Michał Paluchowski's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I _remove_ ec2 key pairs from beanstalk environments that already have key pairs assigned to them?

I have a very stupid problem My beanstalk environments have ec2 key pairs attached to them I have since setup my EC2 roles to allow Session Manager to work. So now I dont need key pairs for my ...
red888's user avatar
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