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Linux system mails alternative for sending and receiving besides SMTP

I have multiple EC2 servers which run either Ubuntu or Amazon Linux. I want to run automatic system updates but get a message when the system is updated. The yum-cron package can send emails, but I do ...
lony's user avatar
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PVC is in terminating state and PV is in bound state in Kubernetes

I have the PVC which is in terminating state (because it is referenced from 3 other pods) and the PV is in bound state. PV has the retain reclaiming policy. Also I am not sure on the reason for the ...
Harry's user avatar
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Want to use user_data (hardening script) for EKS nodegroups with EKS module (Hashicorp provided)

I am using EKS terraform module ( to create EKS cluster and it is working fine. I have written shell script to harden EKS worker and I want ...
user3736754's user avatar
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How can I keep track of nginx restarts and reloads?

I have an nginx reverse-proxy on a ubuntu server in AWS. How can I see when it's configurations were reloaded, either via CLI or otherwise, and when it was restarted altogether? If it doesn't record ...
simboyd's user avatar
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Custom Linux AMI: How does AWS know where to install account SSH .PEM files when an AMI is provisioned?

We are building a custom AMI from a template EC2 EBS instance snapshot (Oracle Linux 8). This page shows there are many different user names depending on the AMI you choose:
KJ7LNW's user avatar
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How do I merge 2 partitions on AWS after expanding the volume and filesystem on linux

I have the original volume showing at 8GB on the default instance when i created it on AWS. Then I went through the process of expanding the existing volume to 500GB and then expanding the filesystem (...
marciokoko's user avatar
1 vote
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How do I create an Elastic Beanstalk example?

I have tried to create and deploy on Elastic Beanstalk. It never works. I have spent over 14 hours trying to get EB to work over the course of 1 month. I have followed online tutorials in addition to ...
BigMistake's user avatar
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2 answers

AWS CIDR Address is not within CIDR Address from VPC

In AWS have created VPC which CIDR is want to creates its two subnet.its public-subnet is in us-west-1a - IPv4 CIDR thenwhen I create private subnet is in us-west-1b - ...
Developer.Sumit's user avatar
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AWS CodeDeploy - Must be connected to a terminal

I have a CICD Bitbucket pipeline that runs and tries to execute a deployment script. appspec.yml version: 0.0 os: linux files: - source: scripts/ destination: /home/...
Richard's user avatar
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Root user action constraints with sticky bit

I have an ubuntu 20.04.x instance on AWS which displayed very unexpected behaviour. I have a file in /tmp: root@ip-10-0-1-145:/tmp# ls -l api_requests_2023-08-23.log -rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data ...
Samveen's user avatar
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Install Zip module in PHP8.2

I am trying to install the zip module in PHP 8.2, in Amazon Linux 2023. However, either the module is not available or it is a different name than the previous ones. I have tried. sudo yum install ...
mb87's user avatar
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5 votes
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AWS server completely shutting down because of the insufficient CPU memory (server-kernel: out-of-memory )

WordPress website(4years old) have been recently migrated from shared server to the AWS server (2cpu, 4GB ram,80 SSD).After migration website was working fine but in the night between 2am and 6am the ...
Rakshith k's user avatar
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I am not able to install MySQL on Amazon Linux

Step #1: – Remove previous installed packages and clear cache I did Step #1. Step #2: – Setup Yum Repository I did Step #2. Step #3: – disable all repositories in mysql repo file. I did Step #3. Step #...
jerseypizza's user avatar
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Nginx upstream block host not found

I'm running a nginx container where it maps to another backend container. When I tried adding upstream block in nginx.conf which is like upstream backend_servers { server backend:8000; } The ...
snowlash's user avatar
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Implementing a mono-repo, multi-database PHP application on AWS

I have a application whose code is hosted on GitHub. This application is a school management system built using the Laravel Framework. I need advise on how I can implement it with the following ...
Ation's user avatar
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EC2 instance Status Check failed and server stopped working

I am using an AWS EC2 instance (t3.xlarge) running on Ubuntu server 18.04.6 LTS, which was working fine. But suddenly I encountered an error where the instance status check failed "Instance ...
Surya H's user avatar
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3 votes
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Heavy NFS metadata traffic flooding NFSv4.1 Server (AWS EFS)

We are observing a massive uptick in metadata requests to an NFSv4.1 (AWS EFS) network drive that is linked to a one or more web servers. This started happening about a week ago across a number of ...
Az Ilari's user avatar
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port forward with openVPN to access local machine remotely

I have an OpenVPN server set up on my AWS Linux instance and I can successfully use the OpenVPN client to connect to the server using an .ovpn configuration file. My question is how can I set up port ...
seriously's user avatar
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Could not resolve host:

We have started to have an increasing "could not resolve host" errors from When we asked them about it they stated the following: "Those errors aren't from a ...
Gareth Foster's user avatar
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How To install ChromeOS Flex on AWS

How To install ChromeOS Flex Install AWS ec2, I go through this link but did not get so much help related to AWS Using CloudReady-Home-v83-x64.ova in my VMware Workstation Player, it works fine, but I ...
sam23's user avatar
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Limiting specific process to OpenVPN connection?

Is there any way to force a specific process to use an OpenVPN connection, but allow all other processes on a system use the default network connection on Ubuntu Linux? I have a custom Python ...
Cerin's user avatar
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AWS-EC2 100% CPU Utilization

I am curious to know about 2 things below about the AWS-EC2 CPU utilization and CPU Credits. What will happen if my AWS-EC2 instance CPU utilization is constantly 100% and I ran out of CPU credits? ...
Surya H's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Decrease Size of EBS Volume attached to EC2 Instance

I've created an EC2 instance with some 100 GB initial size, thereafter I realized this much size is not required, I've to decrease the size now. What I tried? Create a new volume with the desired ...
DilLip_Chowdary's user avatar
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My website is working when but not when

I have purchased the domain from Godaddy. My website is working when Not working when I want to know where I need to add ...
Muhammad Umar's user avatar
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AWS - PUTTY "No supported authentication methods available (server sent :publickey)" After change instance

I got the classical problem "No supported authentication methods available (server sent :publickey)" after that I changed the instance type (from t2.micro to t2.xlarge). I setted Putty up ...
Bryan 's user avatar
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What causes reachability check failure on EC2 instance?

I have an EC2 instance which is stopped at the end of each working day, and then started again the following morning via a Control-M job. Most instances start with no problems, however occasionally we ...
jh12298's user avatar
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AWS t3.medium web traffic

I have a ecommerce website running on t3.medium instance. Is there a way to find out how much web traffic can be handled by same in numbers? So if our web traffic increases do we need to buy another ...
Kavita Mishra's user avatar
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methods of restricting access

I've been restricting access to the administrator section of my websites by IP. My Apache configs include a list of Allow directives that I maintain to let my staff have access. The maintenance is ...
Johnny Ruin's user avatar
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How to connect aws instance with aws cli?

I don't have ssh key but I have access to aws portal and console where the ec2 machine is there. I tried using the steps in this link to connect ec2 instance. Method 1: using only instance-id and mssh ...
uday kiran reddy's user avatar
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Nginx 502 Issue with the API & php-fpm

I've configured the new dev machine but can't get nginx working with the API as it is supposed to. The current error is that 'curl localhost/api' returns a 502. Host: Nginx PHP 8.1.x, php-fpm ...
Santosh Baruah's user avatar
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Extending File-system after EBS volume increase on M5 type EC2 with Ubuntu 16.04

Production AWS Instance: We have an m5 ec2 nitro instance that is in need of query optimization. However, we are in a time crunch and have decided to temporarily throw memory and storage at this until ...
linuxbitcoin's user avatar
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Outgoing Brute force attack from my Amazon EC2 [duplicate]

First of all, thank you for reading this. Today I receive an email from aws saying one of my fresh EC2 is being used for brute force attacks along with some details so I could fix the issue. ...
ashish's user avatar
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3 answers

Reducing Amazon EBS Root Volume Size on Amazon Linux 1

I have been trying to reduce the size of my Amazon Linux 1 AMI root volume using the procedure in this documentation (with some modifications made after failing to do so) and continuously run into ...
Rolo787's user avatar
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Idle database connection lost

I am able to connect to the database server (Firebird), run queries, all those fun things, but after an undetermined period of inactivity, the next query attempt generates the following error Unable ...
WeststarEric's user avatar
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EBS root volume being mounted on /media/xvda instead of / (Alpine Linux)

I followed these instructions to install Alpine Linux on EC2. Everything went well and I was able to create an AMI from which I can launch new instances. My instance is supposed to act like a NAT ...
Helder Sérvio's user avatar
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L2TP VPN with 2 network interfaces

I came up with this idea to use an AWS EC2 with two ethernet interfaces for an L2TP/IPSec VPN. One interface (eth0) will be receiving L2TP/IPSec connections (and ssh connections) from clients while ...
Ryan Fitzgerald's user avatar
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Individual Local Accounts on AWS

I'm my scenario, Currently, we have all developers connect to ec2 instances using the ec2-user account. Is there a better way to do this so we can see which actions developers take on the machines? I'...
samtech 2021's user avatar
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Logs hidden by a mounted disk in the same directory

We have (more than) a linux server on AWS that use a network file system, in our case AWS EFS, mounted on /logs directory. It happens sometimes that: the machine is rebooted for any reason the ...
Luca Moscato's user avatar
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Issues while adding CentOS EC2 to Windows AD

I am trying to add my CentOS EC2 machine to Windows AD. My Windows Active Directory is configured on EC2 Instance in another account. There are two AD Instances (Multi-AZ) that are configured and ...
Shivkumar Mallesappa's user avatar
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SSHing between clients connected on OpenVPN

I have an AWS server hosting OpenVPN and two clients connected to the service. I have configured the OpenVPN server to allow inter-client communication and can see both clients connected to the ...
moot3ch's user avatar
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risks upgrading Linux Lightsail instance

Should there be something to worry about when upgrading Linux Lightsail instance with Gitlab installed on it? I'm looking to upgrade our business Gitlab running on AWS Lightsail instance from Ubuntu ...
sintezators's user avatar
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How to configure commands to get executed automatically when AWS ec2 instance cpu utilization goes above certain percentage

The commands on the instance that has high CPU like taking java thread dump, checking processes running and upload to s3
Pardhu's user avatar
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Environment Variable Empty in Bash Script

I have an EC2 instance that I am deploying on AWS. I am using an Amazon Linux 2, and I am passing a user data to it as such: userdata_file.write( f''' #!/bin/bash\n export ...
Mervin Hemaraju's user avatar
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Amazon Web Service (AWS) EC2 instances: Unstable network bandwidths with long-distance connections

I'm trying to deploy a data processing system over a wide area covering multiple regions of AWS. Before doing this, I've been profiling the network connections over the variety of distances, but I've ...
wonook's user avatar
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Traffic is not being spread evenly between replicas of OpenFaas functions

As per this documentation, I have configured direct_functions to false, which allows the provider to balance traffic between replicas of OpenFaas functions. But it sends the traffic to only one ...
Damith Udayanga's user avatar
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AWS EC2 instance randomly refuses connections. Given the context below what could be causing this?

Context: The instance sits behind an Application Load Balancer. The main and only route table for the VPC routes locally as well as to the Internet Gateway The security group for the instance and Load ...
SuperNova's user avatar
3 votes
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Amazon EC2 instance is out of space because "root" file is gigantic

I've been working lately on an AWS EC2 instance with ubuntu. This is my first experience working with servers, so I'm really new to this. Lately I've noticed my free space has completely filled up for ...
SSC Fan's user avatar
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Could not resolve host:

I'm not able to install or update the package on my centos machine . check with vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-lo ONBOOT=yes NAME=loopbac [ec2-user@ip- ~]$ sudo yum update Loaded plugins: ...
santosh baruah's user avatar
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Trying to partition aws linux server using shell script

When I created Amazon linux server(similar to Centos 7). I had these partitions I am trying to create partitions using shell script lsblk gives me following information NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Is it possible to connect through session manager to the instance using SSH from an external source like my desktop. And if so, how

I have been clicking through the Session Manager console. Pretty neat. The next question I have with this - I *think we should be able to connect using SSH from an outside SSH client. Meaning, I have ...
Christopher Gibson's user avatar

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