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AWS application load balancer not registering targets for Kubernetes EKS node target group

I have an EKS cluster with public/private access on a VPC with public and private subnets. I've setup my ALB in the public subnets on port 80, internet-facing and ip and installed the AWS controller ...
Alex Radwan's user avatar
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Client --> AWS ALB --> AWS Lambda: connection lost somewhere, how to identify?

The client made an API request. Client --> ALB --> Lambda Lambda worked fine with a response. Lambda duration is only about 3 seconds. The client encountered timeout at 15th second. The ALB ...
Zhuang Paulus's user avatar
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How do i nessus scan to the EC2 server which is behind load balancer

I have a EC2 server which is running behind a load balancer. Load balancer URL has been mapped as A record in route53. Audit team is asking for the public ip address. How do i give them? ALB URL even ...
Ravi Teja RVN's user avatar
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AWS: access private API from public web application

I have: Private API running on an ECS cluster behind an internal load balancer. This API is used by other services inside the VPC. A public Next.js web application. What I need: Give private API ...
revy's user avatar
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How to apply an ssl certificate to a Load Balancer Listener using OCI Certificates

I'm currently working on running a small personal server using OKE and a load balancer. My problem is as follows I attached the OCI certificate to the load balancer listener, but it doesn't work, ...
JJoRi's user avatar
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AWS NLB configuration for Tomcat hosts

I have a network load balancer setup with a TCP listener on port 443, nd in my target group I have two UI EC2 instances, both running tomcat. I would like for the users to be directed to second UI ...
Tina's user avatar
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Can AWS NLB be used to load balance requests to Read Replicas?

This article from Nginx describes how Nginx TCP load balancing can be used against MySQL cluster. In the first diagram, I would like to replace the Nginx LB with AWS NLB where, the MySQL cluster runs ...
cogitoergosum's user avatar
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How to point wildcard subdomain to matching ec2 instance with tag name?

I have a use case where I need to create/delete ec2 instances (~30 instances). To access those instances I need to set up a subdomain but creating 30 subdomains and pointing each to their respective ...
HeyArviind's user avatar
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Is it necessary to recreate a Google-managed SSL certificate when switching the SSL resolution to a different provider?

I attempted to migrate a website from GCP to AWS Lightsail and then back again in order to gain a better understanding of the process. However, I discovered that the process was not as straightforward ...
FlyingPenguin's user avatar
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What is the best way to configure an ALB to deal with a regional outage?

We have a basic ALB with four availability zones, all in us-east-1[abcd]. Last week, we were effected by this outage at Amazon: [03:42 PM PDT] Between 11:49 AM PDT and 3:37 PM PDT, we experienced ...
Quark Soup's user avatar
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Elastic IP not working for Network Load Balancer

I have created a Network Load Balancer on AWS with two public subnets. For one of the subnet, I have allocated a static elastic IP. When trying to reach the NLB using the static IP I get ...
revy's user avatar
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S3 / Cloudfront / Load balancer Architecture explanation needed

My architecture is like so: I have a static website hosted on s3 and served with cloudfront. The website is accessing an api that seats behind a load balancer. I want to make sure that only ...
April Henig's user avatar
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AWS Sticky session cookie not working

I'm using an application load balancer with the target group of two instances. In the target group, I have enabled application based cookie. However whenever I test the load balancer, it keeps ...
Jay.'s user avatar
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How to configure AWS Application Load Balancer to point to multiple ports on the same server

I cannot get access to the second port that I want to have to. So, here are the listeners I have in my ALB: HTTP:80 - that does not have security policy or SSL cert but it is always redirecting to ...
VitoCK's user avatar
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How do I load balance based on backend connections in AWS?

I'm trying to set up a hybrid cloud with AWS as the primary gateway. To save money, I want to direct all traffic up to 1,000 connections to on-premise and the rest to AWS servers. How can I do that in ...
Woodgnome's user avatar
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502 bad gateway - aws application load balancer, ecs

I'm having a simple app that I've been experimenting with to learn aws. I first created a http version of a docker image pushed to ecr, ecs using it to create services, and tasks, application load ...
Gergő Horváth's user avatar
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AWS EC2 not showing a request for IP Issue

My AWS web servers are not showing a request for example '' after running some athena queries We are unable to identify the cause of the issue, as the IPs is not in any of the access logs ...
sam23's user avatar
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Could my AWS load balancer handle HTTP OPTION requests immediately?

HTTP preflight OPTION requests come in a lot and all our system does is reply with some constant headers. I don't want to fire up my servlet just to find out it's an OPTION request and respond ...
Gunther Schadow's user avatar
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AWS Elastic Beanstalk 504 Gateway Time-out - occasionally failing to connect to target

I have a fairly simple AWS Elastic Beanstalk setup (Rails on Puma, with NGINX) and get intermittent but quite regular 504 Gateway Time-out on the client (typically 10 seconds after making the request)....
phil_ayres's user avatar
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How to proxy traffic with failover based on http error codes?

There are two endpoints. I want: proxy / service in front of two endpoints send all requests to a chosen primary endpoint if the primary responds with e.g. 404, a failover happens sending the request ...
Gabriel Stein's user avatar
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AWS application can't connect to external API without public IP address

I have a Django application that's running on AWS EC2. That application occasionally makes requests to an external API ( I tested it extensively and it passed all my tests. When I deployed ...
Fabio Araujo's user avatar
-1 votes
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Redirect Large Number of Web Sites from Azure to AWS

What is the best-practice method (considering cost, complexity and performance) to redirect a large number of websites to another server? Each site's DNS contains an A record pointing to an old IP ...
user1477388's user avatar
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AWS PrivateLink connection with HTTPS

I have two VPCs, a consumer VPC and a service VPC. Consumer application HAS to access the service via AWS PrivateLink and it HAS to be an HTTPS call. Here is my current setup, which works: Note that ...
itstrueimryan's user avatar
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How does load balancer verify self-signed certificates from the server

In my application, I have multiple instances of the server running behind a load balancer. Usually, SSL offloading takes place at the load-balancer in the case of AWS Application Load Balancers, and ...
Cyborg7459's user avatar
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How can I specify the load balancer for a CloudWatch alarm?

I am trying to create a Cloud Formation template that includes Cloud Watch alarms based on specific metrics from specific load balancers. My question is how do I specify the load balancer for each ...
Holden Folk's user avatar
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ECS task to VPC endpoint/NAT Gateway routing

we have an ECS task that makes Rest API calls of two types: /path1 and /path2 in a Private subnet. We route the requests to Internet Gateway through a NAT gateway present in a public subnet. Flow: ECS ...
pds's user avatar
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In AWS how can I route outbound EC2 traffic through different Internet Gateways depending on the payload?

I have a weird scenario where I need to route certain outbound traffic from an app hosted on EC2 through different regional IP addresses. Long story short we have 2 clients with APIs that our app ...
chris's user avatar
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How to setup load balanced / fail-over route where there are multiple valid routes to the same subnet?

We have a situation where we have multiple EC2 instances each running a VPN. Both the remote VPN server and remote subnet are run by a third-party and we have no say in the way they are setup. We don'...
Philip Couling's user avatar
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Route 53 "Too Many Redirects" but access from ELB works

I have an EC2 running pgadmin. There's a target group pointing to it on port 80. The TG is listening on port 443 but HTTP so it can redirect to the EC2 on port 80. (I previously had it 443 and HTTPs ...
Wayneio's user avatar
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Apache limits errors when scalling with many domains for Saas app

**Hello everybody , I making SaaS app like Shopify and ecwid , user create store within 10 mins , once he register he get automatic subdomain with SSL and can add products and payment methods, ...
mo saleh's user avatar
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AWS NLB HTTPs health check using mTLS

Is it possible to do a AWS NLB HTTPs health check using mTLS? I tried setting up a TLS listener, loaded my cert, setup a TLS target group with HTTPs health check, but the health checks are still ...
RustyShackleford's user avatar
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Can I have 2 public subnets one one EC2 instance for creating a load balancer?

So I eventually want to set up a classic load balancer on AWS and I have a VPC with 2 public subnets, but now I am not sure if I can use those two subnets for that one EC2 instance or do I need two ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Achieving mTLS with AWS ALB

If I have an ALB in my infrastructure with ECS target groups downstream, will SSL/TLS always be terminated at the ALB? If so, are my only options ELB/NLB to preserve the SSL/TLS context?
RustyShackleford's user avatar
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Does ssl certificate need to be installed with IP of tomcat

I have ssl certificate installed on an AWS load balancer( and one instance with Tomcat resides behind the LB. If I open I can see the connection is ...
Rohini's user avatar
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AWS Application Load Balancer bringing ASP.NET application down

I have an AWS Application Load Balancer configured with EC2 and an auto-scaling group. The EC2 instances run a Windows+IIS web server. The Web Server connects to a database. It has happened in some ...
Diego Jancic's user avatar
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Traffic is not being spread evenly between replicas of OpenFaas functions

As per this documentation, I have configured direct_functions to false, which allows the provider to balance traffic between replicas of OpenFaas functions. But it sends the traffic to only one ...
Damith Udayanga's user avatar
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AWS EC2 instance randomly refuses connections. Given the context below what could be causing this?

Context: The instance sits behind an Application Load Balancer. The main and only route table for the VPC routes locally as well as to the Internet Gateway The security group for the instance and Load ...
SuperNova's user avatar
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How to set a HTTPS communication with a AWS Balancer and X Servers?

I have a webapp installed in X windows servers, in front of that servers i have an AWS Balancer, before settings the balancer i had only one server with SSL cert on the webapp. Should the SSL be only ...
Igor Mytyuk's user avatar
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Importing in terraform

So i want t import an application load balancer under the terraform management, i managed to add some of it's attributes like cross-region and delete protection, global accelerator etc, and i imported,...
logax's user avatar
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Possible to create an AWS API Gateway to Route all requests to Classic Load Balancer?

I have a questions (hopefully not dumb). I am the IT guy of a business hosting various applications with AWS and we currently have a Classic Load Balancer sitting in front of 2 to 3 EC2 instances ...
realnsleo's user avatar
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How do I create an internal Layer 4 load balancer in Kubernetes?

I am trying to create an internal (no external IP) layer 4 load balancer in AWS - either a Network LB or Classic LB - for internal traffic management instead of using the kube-proxy. Below is my ...
Nova's user avatar
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How do Virtual IPs allow fast switching?

I am designing a simple fail over system with just a primary and standby server. The main one will be in our office, while the standby will be on the cloud. I was reading about virtual IPs and how ...
user1034912's user avatar
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Using ALB to target PHP-FPM ECS containers

I'd love to know if this is actually posible but I'm sure I've seen it demonstrated by one of our old AWS TAMs. I am serving PHP-FPM containers (port 9000) out of ECS hosting a PHP application. I am ...
Wildcard27's user avatar
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AWS Load Balancer 502 Bad Gateway

I have multiple node web servers hosted on EC2 with a Load Balancer, and some users are getting a 502 even before the request reaches the server. I don't have the logs of those requests inside the ...
soltex's user avatar
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Why is AWS Route 53 / Application Load balancer resolving a multilevel subdomain

Within AWS I terminate TLS at an Application Load Balancer. I have configured a wildcard TLS certificate with AWS' Certificate Manager (ACM), e.g. * I have AWS Route 53 resolving *....
Darragh's user avatar
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Can an AWS Application Load Balancer mark a service as unhealthy "early"

I try to find out, if it is possible to configure an AWS Application Load Balancer in a way, that if the backend service responds with an error status code (e.G. 503 Service Unavailable) to a regular ...
Sven Eppler's user avatar
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How to set up conditional redirects on an Application Load Balancer for an Elastic Beanstalk environment?

I have two Docker-based single-instance Elastic Beanstalk environments (one for staging and one for production). I'd like to migrate the (Elastic Beanstalk) application to sit behind a load balancer (...
pleasedesktop's user avatar
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With a multi-tenant application, better alternative to chained CNAME?

Let's assume I have a multi-tenant webserver that runs an application for 500+ domains. I have an AWS Loadbalancer url,, which have A and AAAA records to the ...
Dave's user avatar
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Enabling HSTS header on AWS Application Load Balancer

We have a Spring Boot application behind an AWS Application Load Balancer. The load balancer terminates SSL before forwarding coming requests to our application and also redirects 80 port to 443 port. ...
berkay.ozturk's user avatar
-1 votes
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AWS load balancer 504 Gateway Timeout for only one endpoint

I am getting 504 for only one endpoint in my service. All other endpoints are working without any issue. My rules are as follows: IF THEN Host is ...
harry123's user avatar

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