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Public IP should not be changed when aws eks cluster and managed nodegroup is upgraded

We have used the eks cluster(current version 1.20) and managed nodegroup and used the public IPs of the nodes for our purpose so now when we upgrade the eks cluster and nodegroup with version 1.21 all ...
basava022's user avatar
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Internet speed from AWS Singapore region to EU is very slow

We are running k8s cluster in AWS Singapure region. We also have self-managed EC2 NAT instance of type t3.xlarge. According to spec, it has 1 Gbps baseline speed, and burst up to 5 Gbps. When running ...
Ivan's user avatar
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ARP resolution does not work as intended in VPC when doing L2 Announcements with CIlium CNI on a K8S Cluster spanning EC2 instances

VPC Configuration VPC CIDR: Region 1: (public), (private) Region 2: (public), (private) Region 3: (public), (...
Ayush's user avatar
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Wordpress and MySQL on same EC2 instance, different subnets. One public one Private

My goal is to have a single EC2 instance containing both WordPress and its MySQL database on same VPC and have the WordPress available on the public subnet and MySQL on the private subnet. The purpose ...
manoman687's user avatar
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Unable to join EC2 worker to VirtualBox master

Im deploying a Hybrid Cloud(VirtualBox-AWS) Kubernetes cluster. What I have done so far: Set the control-plane on Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS via VirtualBox 6.1. Change network adapter to bridged Ran the ...
Mabadai's user avatar
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dns problems in self managed aws ec2 cluster with aws-vpc-cni

I'm new to k8s and I've been trying to learn it. I faced a problem with trying to setup aws-vpc-k8s-cni on my fresh k8s cluster with coredns. Here's the problem in detail. Cluster & Network ...
Ayush's user avatar
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MQ broker in private or public subnet?

I'm setting up an MQ broker in an AWS environment. The MQ broker will be used by both services running in that AWS environment as well as services running in other locations. All other services ...
sbrattla's user avatar
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AWS: access private API from public web application

I have: Private API running on an ECS cluster behind an internal load balancer. This API is used by other services inside the VPC. A public Next.js web application. What I need: Give private API ...
revy's user avatar
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Debugging Lambda Connectivity to EC2

I have a simple Lambda deployed into my VPC that is making a call to an EC2 host in the same VPC (and subnet). They both share an SG and I've used the Reachability Analyzer (from the Lambda ENI to ...
Gandalf's user avatar
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Routing outbound traffic through multiples NAT Gateways with a single static IP address

I have an ask from an external customer that is whitelisting our NAT gateways to access their systems and their vendors systems. They said some of their vendors limit the amount of IPs they can ...
Jonathan Palumbo's user avatar
5 votes
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Thousands of incoming HEAD requests - best way to handle with EC2?

I had unusually high https traffic recently from a couple of IP address with agents masquerading as Windows clients. I blocked the range via 'deny' inside of .htaccess (Apache 2.4) I'm still getting ...
C C's user avatar
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AWS EC2 networking

I've been trying to understand how exactly networking works for EC2 instances, more specifically I'm coming from on-prem infrastructure where I had dedicated networking devices (switches/routers) ...
talematros's user avatar
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AWS instance gateway using Amazon Linux

I'm trying to create a gateway on an aws ec2 amazon linux machine so that a worker machine without access to the internet can gain access via the gateway. Then I will install a server on it and ...
daniel's user avatar
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Windows EC2 Networking: packets dropping if PPS is too high

I have a Windows 2019 Server running on AWS EC2 (m5.4xlarge) which is dropping packets under high pressure ("high" in this case is about 10K pps). The bandwidth is doing perfectly okay, the ...
Pavel Gurkov's user avatar
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How to correctly load balance requests from a Java client to an NLB over multiple AZs

Requests from a Java client to an NLB over multiple AZs Not load-balanced Summary: Expectation: every request from Java is load balanced between two nodes. Actual behavior: all the requests go to one ...
ŌHARA Kazutaka's user avatar
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Webapp in Azure huge time network response and latency compared to AWS

I own a pretty simple WebApp, based on php/mysql/redis/nginx. I was trying to move the server to Azure, to see if I could save some money, and today I created a WebApp on Azure using the wizard UI of ...
albanx's user avatar
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Unexpected behavior with AWS Firewall and Default Stateful Rules

I have configured an AWS Firewall in our testing account, pretty much following the standard setup procedure as documented by AWS. From our private subnet, outbound traffic heading to the internet is ...
Thomas Langston's user avatar
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Spot instance sometime slow down and loss connection

I have a system deployed in AWS EKS, sometimes spot instances metrics is down, and API call to these nodes are very slow. Here is my system: 1 EKS cluster 1 on-demand node group 1 Karpenter v0.29.2 ...
Tristan's user avatar
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AWS Multi Zone Redundancy - Load Balancer vs Global Accelerator vs Elastic IP what to use?

I am a bit confused with the Options for load balancing between different AZs for redundancy. I have an application which requires network load balancing and should optimally not depend on DNS to do ...
VolkA's user avatar
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Domain sharing to another server

We have domain that registered in a cloudflare by alb dns CNAME record and hosted in windows server as prod server. on other hand we also had an ubuntu server infront of windows server. My question is ...
Praveen Sivakumar's user avatar
3 votes
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AWS NAT Instance Setup

This question was originally posted to stack overflow, they suggested I repost it here ( I am currently learning the AWS cloud and ...
lobis's user avatar
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Lost Local Connection to MySQL DB that resides in AWS RDS

The MySQL DB residing in AWS RDS was made to connect with resources in the same VPC. I always had to make it publicly accessible in order to connect to it through MySQL Workbench 8.0 CE in Windows 11. ...
Learning Equals Success's user avatar
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Elastic IP not working for Network Load Balancer

I have created a Network Load Balancer on AWS with two public subnets. For one of the subnet, I have allocated a static elastic IP. When trying to reach the NLB using the static IP I get ...
revy's user avatar
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I have 2 AWS accounts A and B. On premises client network c. I have a VPN tunnel from B TO C which works fine and A TO B with peering

I have 2 AWS accounts A and B. On premises client network c. I have a VPN tunnel from B TO C which works fine and A TO B with peering. can we communicate from A to C with the help existing VPN tunnel ...
sairam's user avatar
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Configure Secondary Interface on EC2 using Ubuntu 22.04

I have launched a EC2 instance having OS Ubuntu 22.04 which has a primary interface ens5 I have attached a secondary Interface ens6. This is the output of ifconfig -a root@ip-172-31-7-213:/home/ubuntu#...
ph3ro's user avatar
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AWS client VPN can't resolve DNS server

I am swapping out a wiregaurd vpn running on an EC2 instance with a AWS client VPN so that i can use MFA with google. I have most of what i want in place, but i am stuck on setting up the VPN to use ...
nemisis enforcer's user avatar
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How to add a computer to a Domain of windows server 2022 runing on AWS EC2

I have Windows server 2022 running in AWS EC2 with the address that the same instance in EC2 generated, this server can be opened perfectly from any location using "Remote Desk controller" ...
Fernando Prospero's user avatar
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AWS Network Firewall + Windows EC2 Instance - is not blocked in browser but is blocked in the command line

I'm using AWS Network Firewall along with a Windows EC2 instance to test. The goal is to allow access to only allowed URLs, which are: This generally works. ...
Chaos's user avatar
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Docker/Mariadb: Error starting userland proxy: Listen tcp {IP}:{PORT}: bind cannot assign requested address

I have been unable to run the command: docker-compose up --build -d as I get the following error: ERROR: for mariadb Cannot start service mariadb: driver failed programming external connectivity on ...
divyashie's user avatar
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Failed to connect to remote MySQL server via proxy

I am trying to use an R tool in which RMySQL is one of the package being used. I am working this on ubuntu behind a corporate proxy but having the following issue for three days persistently. Error ...
7-x's user avatar
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AWS Elastic Beanstalk random spike in NetworkIn traffic once to twice a day

Unusual traffic on my Elastic Beanstalk application. NetworkIn, NetworkOut both spike once to twice a day at random times. Sometimes it crashes my load balancer and I have to go in and manually kill ...
Taylor Brown's user avatar
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Cannot Ping Primary interface after configuring second INT on AWS

I have an Amazon EC2 Instance running Ubuntu server 16.04 I want the EC2 to have two network interfaces. After configuring the secondary interface. I cannot ping my primary interface from my other ...
Zaffry's user avatar
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In AWS how can I route outbound EC2 traffic through different Internet Gateways depending on the payload?

I have a weird scenario where I need to route certain outbound traffic from an app hosted on EC2 through different regional IP addresses. Long story short we have 2 clients with APIs that our app ...
chris's user avatar
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Best way to add static routes to every pod in a Kubernetes cluster?

I have 3 nodes running several OpenVPN pods, each pod has a VPN network of, and clients that connect to these pods receive IP addresses in this range, for example, let's say that client ...
roee klinger's user avatar
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How can an AWS lambda function call an EC2 instance via private ip address?

How can I get a lambda to call an ec2 instances via its private ip address? Long story short, making a discord bot for my minecraft server mates to start and stop the AWS instance, and to handle auto ...
user3346931's user avatar
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Idle database connection lost

I am able to connect to the database server (Firebird), run queries, all those fun things, but after an undetermined period of inactivity, the next query attempt generates the following error Unable ...
WeststarEric's user avatar
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How to get public static IP of my AWS VPC?

My services are hosted in AWS VPC. I use VPN to access my servers. For using a third party service I need to whitelist my public static IP address on their site. How can I get my public static IP ...
Shahrear Bin Amin's user avatar
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Why EC-2 machine is unable to connect into internet if it is behind a Nat Gateway that is associated with a Subnet?

I try to implement this network in amazon AWS: Therefore, I have the following subnets in amazon VPC: The subnet subnet-0ac620105fc198e33 uses a NAT Gateway with an elastic IP having the following ...
Dimitrios Desyllas's user avatar
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Cannot browse from AWS instance to itself

I created new AWS instance today and ran into a problem. Browsing (HTTPS) from external machines to my AWS instance works fine. When I browse from instance itself, I receive "Site can't be ...
Gen's user avatar
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Amazon Web Service (AWS) EC2 instances: Unstable network bandwidths with long-distance connections

I'm trying to deploy a data processing system over a wide area covering multiple regions of AWS. Before doing this, I've been profiling the network connections over the variety of distances, but I've ...
wonook's user avatar
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AWS EC2 instance randomly refuses connections. Given the context below what could be causing this?

Context: The instance sits behind an Application Load Balancer. The main and only route table for the VPC routes locally as well as to the Internet Gateway The security group for the instance and Load ...
SuperNova's user avatar
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JBoss: How does <stacks> in the standalone-ha.xml work?

This file contains the usual Keycloak server configuration with the addition of WildFly10 High Availability extensions like Infinispan HA cache and JGroups HA communication channels and their ...
MrRobot9's user avatar
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Configure third party DNS to Static Public Ip attached to AWS ElasticBeanStalk

First at all, I am a beginner in this fields, so apologies If my questions is stupid or just too easy. What do we want to configure? Well, we have a partnership with a website We ...
Ruben Rosemary's user avatar
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How to authorize only IP from a Fargate ECS service for MongoDB Atlas Cluster

I have an ECS Fargate service mapped to an Application Load Balancer on AWS. In this service, there are several task that are frequently killed and restart. These tasks should be able to connect to a ...
Howins's user avatar
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Ran route -f on AWS Windows server and now can't reconnect

I was attempting to resolve a network issue on an AWS server and while in an RDP session, stupidly ran 'route -f' and now am unable to reconnect to the server at all. It's gone completely dark. AWS ...
PhilG's user avatar
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Allow access to EC2 from 1 country only

I need to restrict access of http(s) and pop/imap ports of an EC2 instance to a single country. Its a requirement from security auditor. It will not prevent access via vpn, but atleast it will not be ...
amolkul's user avatar
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How to connect local printer to AWS RDP and then expose to network

What I want to achieve is Connect my home printer to a RDP in AWS then expose that printer to AWS VPC so any device connected to that VPC can send print jobs to the home printer. What I don't want is ...
Om Naidu's user avatar
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How Does AWS Implement SrcDestCheck (Source / Destination Checks)

The documentation for setting up NAT Instances calls out that you must disable Source / Destination Checks on your NAT Instance for it to work. From
cwbarber's user avatar
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AWS client VPN endpoint - some client ip's do not allow access to resources

I am using AWS client VPN endpoint with 2 VPC's: VPN VPC ( App VPC ( VPC peering between the 2 VPC and Route table rules to communicate both. My resources in the 'App VPC'...
Jesus Vidal's user avatar
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Whitelist external IP for an external service for on premise Gitlab in AWS private network (VPC)

I have a technical question, I have an on premise Gitlab on a private network and I would like to have an integration (Localize), there documentation says that I have to whitelist a range of IP ...
M3lmoth's user avatar
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