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SSH to EC2 times out, but other instances in the same security group are reachable

Something really weird happened to one of my EC2 istances. So I have a security group and a bunch of instances associated with that group. I can SSH into all of those intances. I created a new ...
Gino Pane's user avatar
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No SSH access to EC2 instance launched by ASG, while I can access an otherwise identical instance

I'm trying to SSH to an EC2 instance that's part of an ASG associated with an ECS service. To help narrow down the problem, I created new instance from the same launch template. I've carefully ...
kevin's user avatar
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Host Key Exhange failing on AWS Transfer Family SFTP

I have a customer who is unable to connect to an SFTP Server (AWS Transfer Family SFTP). The error I am getting in my logs is: ERRORS KEX_FAILURE Message="no matching host key type found" ...
ck3mp's user avatar
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Dynamically Update Ips of AWS Autoscaling instances in Jenkins SSH Global configuration

We have few autoscaling groups in AWS and new instances are created frequently. We are using a declarative Jenkins pipeline to publish the build artifacts to those server using publish over ssh plugin ...
S_H's user avatar
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Can no longer SSH to my AWS EC2 instance - Operation timed out error

I am using the following command to SSH into my AWS EC2 server and this has been working fine for some time, however recently it hangs and then times out. ssh -i "ec2-pro-clubs-server.pem" ...
Zabs's user avatar
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Accessing RDS or EC2 instance without '.pem' key

I am working for a charity who has a few of their services on AWS. They hired an agency years ago to spin up these intranet and tools platforms. I am trying to get a dump of their db, for backup ...
CJ Bradley's user avatar
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Can't connect instance that is migrated to AWS

I am migrating Azure instance to AWS, I migrated it successfully but when using EC2 instance connect or doing SSH using key pair I am unable to login. How can I resolve this issue? Steps I Followed ...
Adwait Gawade's user avatar
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SSH access to my AWS EC2 container

C:\Users\javac>ssh -i "DemoServer.pem" [email protected] The authenticity of host ' ('...
Larry Gray's user avatar
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Custom Linux AMI: How does AWS know where to install account SSH .PEM files when an AMI is provisioned?

We are building a custom AMI from a template EC2 EBS instance snapshot (Oracle Linux 8). This page shows there are many different user names depending on the AMI you choose:
KJ7LNW's user avatar
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SSH tunnel to access dual stack resources in AWS (IPv4 + IPv6)

I am trying to setup a Bastion and use it as an SSH proxy to access all my private resources in AWS. I am having hard time debugging why an SSH tunnel to a specific host with dual stack (IPv4 + IPv6) ...
MaesterZ's user avatar
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Failing SSH login due to "pam_unix(sshd:session): session closed for user"

I've mounted an s3 bucket to a small ec2 instance and am able to SSH into the instance either via the CLI or using a client like cyberduck. However, using the same host and credentials I am not able ...
von_Olivenbaum's user avatar
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Can't connect to EC2 SSH via Private IP

I was earlier able to SSH to the EC2 instance via the Private IP address of the instance using OpenVPN. But, recently I changed my internet provider and after that, I cannot connect to particular EC2 ...
Kinshuk Lahiri's user avatar
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AWS EC2 ssh: connect to host, port 22: Operation timed out, nothing has changed?

I'm sure a number of you were seeing red and ready to hit that downvote button as soon as you saw this question popping up again. It really does pain me to be asking a question that was seemingly ...
joeybab3's user avatar
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Can't SSH to ec2 instance on shared subnet

I have a single VPC with one internet gateway and some subnets that are shared across multiple AWS Organization accounts using RAM. The VPC is protected with a Security Group that is managed by ...
somboo's user avatar
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Permission denied (publickey) - bitnami at AWS (Wordpress site) - Connecting with PC

I face following issues when trying to connect from my PS using either PowerShell or Cygwin to AWS on which my Wordpress site is hosted (Bitnami). (I simply what to log in to the server either this ...
Dantes's user avatar
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Terraform aws_key_pair creates weird key

I've been researching and testing deploying stuff with terraform, aws secretsmanager and basic ec2 instances. I got it working. Well, the instance comes up, keys are created, and a remote-exec using ...
Stefan's user avatar
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Issue with AWS ec2 instance ssh : error: AuthorizedKeysCommand

While trying to connect to my EC2 instance via ssh client, I got an error. I'm still able to connect from the option of AWS console : EC2 Instance connect no supported authentication methods ...
Santosh Baruah's user avatar
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command-line line 0: unsupported option "accept-new", how to fix this?

Earlier it used to work for checking ssh login passes or not. args="-oStrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new " test_command="ssh -i ssh_key.pem [email protected]....
Kalel's user avatar
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How to convert string to pem?

as part of automation in pipeline. i am passing the ssh key pem file content as variable value. The echo seems to show exact content but the file written back is not doing ssh echo $...
Kalel's user avatar
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How to connect aws instance with aws cli?

I don't have ssh key but I have access to aws portal and console where the ec2 machine is there. I tried using the steps in this link to connect ec2 instance. Method 1: using only instance-id and mssh ...
uday kiran reddy's user avatar
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Connect to Server (it doesn't have external IP) over SSH

I got a small PC setup as an Ubuntu server and I have configured ssh-server to be able to connect to it over ssh. The problem starts here because I have no external IP provided by my ISP, (all devices ...
Kamil Kleina's user avatar
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SSHing between clients connected on OpenVPN

I have an AWS server hosting OpenVPN and two clients connected to the service. I have configured the OpenVPN server to allow inter-client communication and can see both clients connected to the ...
moot3ch's user avatar
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Can multiple keypairs added to an instance in aws?

Regarding to this question here "" and many others on getting ssh access using multiple pub keys for one user, can I ...
Nibras Shami's user avatar
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EC2 disabling SSH password authentication from snapshot

I maintain a CentOS 7 server in AWS EC2 which uses password authentication instead of private keys (this is beyond my control). I recently started testing a daily backup system using snapshots of the ...
Gustavo Silva's user avatar
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AWS EC2 instance randomly refuses connections. Given the context below what could be causing this?

Context: The instance sits behind an Application Load Balancer. The main and only route table for the VPC routes locally as well as to the Internet Gateway The security group for the instance and Load ...
SuperNova's user avatar
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AWS EC2 with and without EMR and Spark will not SSH to Port 22

I'm on a MacBookPro. I tried starting an EC2 instance with EMR and Rstudio and Spark. I got a port 22 time out. I asked AWS for help and took down my firewall and restarted my modem. Still, nothing ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Can't log into Centos SSH server after changing port

I was changing my ssh server's port to create a honeypot. I changed the port through /etc/ssh/sshd_config It originally said #Port 22 And I changed to Port 69 I now realise that I can't log back ...
1423's user avatar
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Is it possible to connect through session manager to the instance using SSH from an external source like my desktop. And if so, how

I have been clicking through the Session Manager console. Pretty neat. The next question I have with this - I *think we should be able to connect using SSH from an outside SSH client. Meaning, I have ...
Christopher Gibson's user avatar
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Ansible fails to ssh connect to dynamically created EC2 host

My Ansible script creates an AWS machine, then tries to connect to it. Depending on the image I'm creating, the default username for SSH login is either 'centos' or 'ubuntu' etc. My script below ...
TSG's user avatar
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AWS - ssh to instance in private subnet

I have 2 instances in AWS. One of them in a public subnet (bastion), the second one in a private subnet. Both of them were launched with the same key pair (.pem file). This is how I connect to the ...
shoddylik's user avatar
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AWS Ubuntu instance keeps dropping ssh connections

My AWS LightSail Ubuntu instances used to allow my ssh clients to stay connected forever. However, a newly created Ubuntu 20.04 instance now keeps dropping the ssh connection, even though connections ...
Old Geezer's user avatar
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3 answers

AWS EC2 Linux - how to grant contractor SSH access

We have an AWS EC2 instance running Linux (Amazon Linux release 2 (Karoo)) and Wordpress. Currently everyone at our company SSH's to this server with a wordpress.pem file (the below line is just saved ...
00fruX's user avatar
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EC2 instance doesn't show up in AWS Systems Manager

I am trying to create an EC2 instance (Amazon Linux, so I shouldn't have to configure the SSM agent as it should be autoconfigured) in a private subnet, and want to be able to SSH into it. According ...
Leejjon's user avatar
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How to set AWS EC2 security group to allow SSH from all computers connected to 2 different home networks?

I have a Verizon router and a AT&T router at home and multiple computers that are connected to one of the two routers. I just started a free tier AWS EC2 Ubuntu server and would like to set its ...
HaoQi Li's user avatar
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Programmatic way to get host key fingerprint from AWS EC2

Is there a programmatic way to get the host key fingerprint from AWS EC2. I feel like this is so basic someone must have figured it out, but I can't find anything.
Paul Draper's user avatar
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KOPS Kubernetes cannot login to bastion host, ssh public key permission error

I am learning about Kubernetes and wanted to provision one such cluster in AWS via the KOPS tool. Followed official tutorial then for short this one too
Kristi Jorgji's user avatar
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Ansible created user on Windows, gets ".EC2AMAZ-ELNOCH3" appended to username

I have created a Windows Server 2019 AMI using Packer, and Ansible as provisioner. I have added a user jenkins, and copied SSH files (public/private key, known_hosts, authorized_keys) to C:\Users\...
Amedee Van Gasse's user avatar
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Replace WinRM with OpenSSH on Windows for use with Ansible on AWS

Currently when running extended builds (Packer/Ansible based) on Windows we have found that WinRM has errors so frequently as to be unusable and have had to fall back to running some large build jobs ...
Adam C's user avatar
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AWS SSH Login continues to fail even with new EC2 instance [Permission denied (PublicKey)]

I just started working with AWS to create a wordpress site on an EC2 instance (using the tutorial at Everything was working fine until I tried to add an ...
Josiah Palmer's user avatar
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Using multiple permit open with Match Groups in sshd_config file in AWS

I have an amazon linux 2 Suppose there is an RDS(oracle) R1, R2 User U1,U2,U3 Group G1,G2 Group G1 has permit open for R1:1521 Group G2 has permit open for R2:1521 U1 is added to Group G1 U2 is added ...
Fawkes's user avatar
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SSH connection getting a Connection timed out in AWS

I have a website hosted in AWS EC2 with the t2.micro instance(Ubuntu 18.04.4). When I tried to connect through Putty or browser-based SSH connection from the AWS console, i am getting a connection ...
Sreejith Sasidharan's user avatar
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How to change the Amaon Linux test page on AWS Instance?

I'm pretty new to the AWS. I have created my AWS Instance and installed httpd service on it. Now, when I start httpd and open that webpage, I can see that it is running perfectly. I want to change ...
Srinivas V's user avatar
3 votes
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Can't ssh to aws ec2 instance but previously i was 100% able

Can't ssh to aws ec2 instance , nor public ip(from my pc) , nor private ip (from another ec2 instance) but previously i was 100% able. Inbound rules for public and private ip port 22 is enabled. ...
Armen's user avatar
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How can I use provided keys to get root shell access?

I have been given values, for an AWS instance, for the keys of AWSAccessKeyId and AWSSecretKey provided in the hope that I may be able to do some stuff with Apache. Is there any way, on this ...
Christos Hayward's user avatar
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SSH to aws ec2 connection close like this

ssh into an aws-ec2-instance closew with below message OpenSSH_7.6p1 Ubuntu-4ubuntu0.3, OpenSSL 1.0.2n 7 Dec 2017 debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config debug1: /etc/ssh/...
binrebin's user avatar
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Permission denied (publickey) after chmod server hom dir

I can't ssh to my server on AWS ec2 after I made chmod to home directory of the server(I can't remember exact command I made to the home directory). When I tried to ssh to my server, I got message ...
pythonlover12345's user avatar
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Auth.log full of did not receive identification string from xx.xx.xx.xx

My sshd server is running on an AWS EC2 instance and you have configured it behind an Elastic Load Balancer with a health check on the SSH port, I am seeing the below message in auth.log each time the ...
BalaB's user avatar
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EC2 Instance not allowing me to ssh

I had a running EC2 Instance and it was working fine, then all of a sudden I couldn't ssh into it. I went into aws console, and couldn't ssh in with the connect button. I ran this
Anders Kitson's user avatar
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How to get the value of ECS_CONTAINER_METADATA_URI_V4 in AWS ECS container?

The question is pretty straightforward but a little background always could be helpful. I need to get a container id from the container itself, and the value of it will be used as a logfile name. ...
kozlone's user avatar
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Access to AWS Instance for Third Party

This is probably a basic question; however, I am wondering about it nonetheless. We have an AWS instance which is new and will host a web application. We shall do the server maintenance ourselves. ...
MadPhysicist's user avatar

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