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Intermittent Nginx SSL handshake error

I have an Ubuntu server running nginx that forwards requests to a AWS elastic beanstalk environment running an API (partial migration, work in progress). I am seeing intermittent SSL handshake issues ...
user2319914's user avatar
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AWS EC2 Ubuntu instance launches WildFly (Java / Jakarta EE server) but seems inaccessible via browser

I am trying to setup AWS for a JBoss WildFly 31.0.0.Final to get a demo webapp up and running. So I found this tutorial:
Kawu's user avatar
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AWS EC2 networking

I've been trying to understand how exactly networking works for EC2 instances, more specifically I'm coming from on-prem infrastructure where I had dedicated networking devices (switches/routers) ...
talematros's user avatar
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How can I keep track of nginx restarts and reloads?

I have an nginx reverse-proxy on a ubuntu server in AWS. How can I see when it's configurations were reloaded, either via CLI or otherwise, and when it was restarted altogether? If it doesn't record ...
simboyd's user avatar
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Getting ioctl(setctty): operation not permitted: unknown error in K8S-Docker setup

Getting the permission error when trying to start a container in Ubuntu-AWS virtual machine. I am using kubectl apply -f test.yaml to deploy. Nginx is working normally in the same VM. I tried changing ...
Ravi's user avatar
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AWS EC2 public access to service running on private IP

I am running deepracer for cloud, on an EC2 instance. This is creating a video stream on the instance's private IP on port 8001. But I cannot view it. I get the html content when I curl the port from ...
Teh__docco's user avatar
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AWS StrongSwan IPSec Tunnel with Cisco fails during Phase 2 with TS_UNACCEPTABLE

I need to to setup a site-to-site IPSec tunnel with a vendor whom We need to access each other's API servers seating on the LANs using their respective Public IPs. We're using AWS, And I have ...
kmos.w's user avatar
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Root user action constraints with sticky bit

I have an ubuntu 20.04.x instance on AWS which displayed very unexpected behaviour. I have a file in /tmp: root@ip-10-0-1-145:/tmp# ls -l api_requests_2023-08-23.log -rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data ...
Samveen's user avatar
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Unable to access apache2 from outside

I'm hosting a default site for apache2 server on AWS EC2 (Ubuntu) with Elastic IP. Security group set to open all inbound (testing purposed). I can access the server via SSH using public IP but I can'...
Artur Kedzior's user avatar
-1 votes
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ClamAV detected Win.Virus.Expiro-10004389-0 malware on Ubuntu instance in Conda package

Today clamAV scanned my AWS instances and detect infected files on each. It looks like false positive due to several reasons: All these files are created in 2021 (why were they detected only now?) ...
Rougher's user avatar
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Why is mysql-server not installing correctly?

I just launched a brand-new t4g.nano instance on AWS EC2. The first thing I typed in is apt update; apt upgrade; apt install mysql-server-8.0. Here's the full log: $ ssh -i ~/downloads/*.pem ubuntu@[...
Ryland Goldman's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

ClamAV detected Kaiji malware on Ubuntu instance

Today clamAV scanned my AWS instances and detect 24 infected files on each. It looks like false positive due to several reasons: All these files are created in October 2022 (why were they detected ...
Rougher's user avatar
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EC2 after reboot: how to resolve host ip-xxx-xx-xx-xxx: Resource temporarily unavailable

I rebooted my Ubuntu EC2 and I now can't do anything. I get the following error on trying pretty much anything: sudo: unable to resolve host ip-xxx-xx-xx-xxx: Resource temporarily unavailable where ...
user984003's user avatar
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EC2 outbound requests are in IPv6 causing connection timeout if server doesn't have AAAA record

I created an AWS VPC and security group with the necessary outbound rules and routes to an internet gateway for IPv4 and IPv6. I created an autoscaling group, but the important part is I have an ...
acw's user avatar
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Configure Secondary Interface on EC2 using Ubuntu 22.04

I have launched a EC2 instance having OS Ubuntu 22.04 which has a primary interface ens5 I have attached a secondary Interface ens6. This is the output of ifconfig -a root@ip-172-31-7-213:/home/ubuntu#...
ph3ro's user avatar
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What's the Difference between xvda15 and root on AWS ubuntu?

So I ran df -hT on my AWS EC2 Ubuntu instance to check the disk storage. I get the following response: Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/root ext4 7.6G 7.0G 671M 92%...
Mansidak's user avatar
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How to forward https traffic from Port 80 to Port 8501 on Ubuntu Apache2?

So I used iptables to redirect traffic from 80 to 8501 as follows: sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8501 However this doesn't work with https. I was ...
Mansidak's user avatar
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Application slows down (SOMETIMES) at peak times, running on tomcat with a reverse proxy from apache server, deployed on AWS

Just for preface: I'm a software developer and at first no one knew what's going on, so I did some testing and reading, and would like to help my colleagues fix this problem. The issue: The issue is ...
Stefan Horvath's user avatar
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Increase in spams through website contact forms after change of server

I recently moved my website from Hostgator to an Amazon Web Services' EC2 instance. From a few days later people/bot started posting spam messages in the forms that are on the website. Is there ...
manish.mandal's user avatar
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Host multiple websites on AWS Auto-Scaling Group with EFS

I hope this is a simple question. Currently I have an Apache2 webserver on Ubuntu with multiple websites. The basic structure of the Apache is /etc /apache2 /sites-available --> the .conf ...
igalsc's user avatar
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-4 votes
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SMTP send error Client does not have permission to submit mail to this server. The server response was: 4.7.1 : Relay access denied

This error comes on my server when I am sending mail outside my domain like to Google, Microsoft, etc. Below is my Postfix config file. # See /usr/share/postfix/ for a commented, more ...
Maanic Tech's user avatar
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Extending File-system after EBS volume increase on M5 type EC2 with Ubuntu 16.04

Production AWS Instance: We have an m5 ec2 nitro instance that is in need of query optimization. However, we are in a time crunch and have decided to temporarily throw memory and storage at this until ...
linuxbitcoin's user avatar
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Public Cloud Virtual Machine - Restrict Uninstalling Packages

During the evaluation on public cloud(VMs) security product, Below question came into my mind. I would like to request your kind consultancy to fix this challenge Requirement: Install a security agent ...
UtpMahesh's user avatar
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Outgoing Brute force attack from my Amazon EC2 [duplicate]

First of all, thank you for reading this. Today I receive an email from aws saying one of my fresh EC2 is being used for brute force attacks along with some details so I could fix the issue. ...
ashish's user avatar
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Best practices for malware scanning on Ubuntu servers in production [closed]

There are multiple malware/rootkit scanning packages for ubuntu such as clamAV, rkhunter etc. I know how to use them manually but for multiple servers in production environment I could not find a ...
Niro's user avatar
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OpenLiteSpeed server on EC2 times out on small ecommerce site

Hope you are doing well - I'm running a Wordpress site with Woocommerce on a OpenLiteSpeed web server that under heavy PHP usage starts showing Timed-out 504 errors. I'm hosting everything in AWS and ...
aldo_91's user avatar
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Log in failed CLIENT_UNAUTHORIZED [769] on Web terminal of AWS LightAail

I'm using AWS LightAail on Ubuntu. Initially Web based Terminal was working fine, but when I did $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get upgrade I got an error Log in failed. If this instance has just ...
Yevgeniy Afanasyev's user avatar
1 vote
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Increased AWS EBS to more than 2TB and found out MBR is limited to 2TB

we just ran almost out of space on our main EC2 instance. I wanted to increase the EBS volume size to 2.5TB from 2TB. However, I noticed that I could not increase the partition anymore due to the MBR ...
Pat's user avatar
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AWS i3en.3xlarge really low iops

I just launched a new instance ec2 instance of type i3en.3xlarge. Operating system is Ubuntu. I mounted the NVMe Instance store but every speed test I run is incredible low at around 7k iops. What am ...
Raphael Noero's user avatar
-1 votes
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Without port site is not working [closed]

How can I fix it without a port? is working but is not working <VirtualHost *:8080> ServerName ServerAlias ...
Pervez's user avatar
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My EC2 Ubuntu instance has not internet access?

So im new to ec2 and aws , i created a account yesterday and opened a ubuntu instance, i can update and upgrade or install new packages but the problem comes when using a api that connects to a game ...
Local Host's user avatar
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kubelet service is not running(fluctuating) in Kubernetes master node

I was trying to create a Kubernetes Cluster using kubeadm. I had spin up an Ubuntu 18.04 server, installed docker (made it sure that docker.service was running), installed kubeadm kubelet and kubectl. ...
arjunbnair's user avatar
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risks upgrading Linux Lightsail instance

Should there be something to worry about when upgrading Linux Lightsail instance with Gitlab installed on it? I'm looking to upgrade our business Gitlab running on AWS Lightsail instance from Ubuntu ...
sintezators's user avatar
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What's the best way to set up LVM on an AWS EC2 Instance running Ubuntu?

basically I want to setup an EC2 instance that is properly setup with LVM, instead of what you get when you start up one using the basic Ubuntu AMI which is completely un-partitioned. Where I'm ...
Whitewind617's user avatar
4 votes
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Is this server overloaded (htop screenshots)

I'm not a server guy, I think it looks overloaded but I'm not sure. Would you say this server is overloaded?
Jack0220's user avatar
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EC2 instance running Ubuntu as a router to Wireguard network

I have one machine in AWS EC2 running Ubuntu 16.04 (B) with Wireguard running as a VPN server for some Road Warrior devices (C). I'll try to sketch it below: +-----+ +-----...
Krzysztof Błażewicz's user avatar
3 votes
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Amazon EC2 instance is out of space because "root" file is gigantic

I've been working lately on an AWS EC2 instance with ubuntu. This is my first experience working with servers, so I'm really new to this. Lately I've noticed my free space has completely filled up for ...
SSC Fan's user avatar
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Ipsec VPN to AWS: Can't ping AWS end inside tunnel

Summary: I think I'm missing some routes on my Ubuntu server connecting to an AWS VPN with Strongswan Ipsec. Any idea what routes I need on my server? I'm trying to setup a BGP routed VPN from a ...
Ralph Bolton's user avatar
1 vote
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How to get NGINX working on AWS EC2?

I have an AWS EC2 instance running Ubuntu. I have followed this guide to install NGINX; sudo apt update sudo apt install nginx Apparently after installing it, I should have everything I need and ...
Stretch0's user avatar
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AWS NIC configuration

I'm trying to setup a EC2 instance for a specific use case. In that i will need 2 ENI with publicly exposed IP address. (Both should be pingable) I've done following steps so far: Attached 2 Network ...
vik2595's user avatar
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Why can't I connect to my Amazon Lightsail instance using {ip-address}+{port-number} in my browser? Firewalls seem to be set correctly

I have set up a new Amazon Lightsail instance with the intention of running a few things such as a VPN and Resilio Sync server. I have also set up an instance (or "droplet") with Digital ...
Inigo's user avatar
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AWS EC2 Instance Status Check says "Instance reachability check failed"

AWS EC2 status check displays: "Instance reachability check failed". On checking the system log no error is seen. The log file ends with the login prompt. Checked the screenshot of the ...
Praveen's user avatar
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AWS Ubuntu instance keeps dropping ssh connections

My AWS LightSail Ubuntu instances used to allow my ssh clients to stay connected forever. However, a newly created Ubuntu 20.04 instance now keeps dropping the ssh connection, even though connections ...
Old Geezer's user avatar
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Initial connection (TCP handshake) takes 150 seconds first time with https only, but normal from then onwards - Apache - AWS EC2 - Route 53

I'm new to web deployment. I have this at this stack at the moment: Django Apache EC2 Route 53 Namecheap When I access the website through the public IPv4, it is instantaneous. However, when I ...
Adrian's user avatar
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SSL error from AWS server in us-west-1 to eu-west-1

Server's in us-west-1 region while tryin to connect in eu-west-1 region curl: (35) OpenSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL. This is happening with ...
Vikash's user avatar
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Clients who block all outgoing udp connections having problems connecting to turnserver

We recently had a problem with our turnserver (coturn), some clients who use firewalls to block all outgoing udp connections have problems connecting to it, as far as i know, when udp connection doesn'...
logax's user avatar
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Second interface not redirecting traffic

I am trying to setup a redirector to nat https traffic destined to (eth0) -> and http traffic destined to (eth1) -> Here are my iptables rules: iptables -...
rooter's user avatar
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Amazon EC2 Instance fails continuously, 1/2 status check

I am very new to AWS and EC2 instances. My EC2 instance fails every day or two and I have no clue why. It says that 1/2 Status checks failed. I have tried to fix any errors (I don't believe there are) ...
user77533's user avatar
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Accidentally executed: sudo rm -r /* [duplicate]

This morning while I was doing a bit of work on my production server, when I accidentally executed the following command: sudo rm -r /* Sadly, the server no longer accept my public key or password ...
Maqsud's user avatar
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Amazon EC2 instance ubuntu upgrade from 16 to 18

We have received this email recently from Amazon AWS: Your account has been identified as having started an instance or continuing to run instances of Ubuntu 16.04 over the last 6 months. Canonical, ...
Rehan Khan's user avatar

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