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Questions tagged [amazon-web-services]

Amazon Web Services (AWS) delivers a set of services that together form a reliable, scalable, and inexpensive computing platform "in the cloud". If you have a question about a specific web service, consider asking on its tag, e.g., amazon-ec2.

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1 vote
3 answers

Amazon S3 tools for Debian?

I need to (programmatically, in a shell script) upload an EAR file to an Amazon S3 bucket on Debian (5.0.4). What, if any, Debian package provides simple, scriptable tools for that? Ideally this ...
Jonik's user avatar
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4 answers

How to set up JBoss with S3_Ping on AWS?

I'm looking into running clustered JBoss on Amazon Web Services (AWS). I'd like to try out S3_PING, i.e. making JBoss use an S3 bucket for dynamic node discovery etc, since no multicast is available. ...
Jonik's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

Keep alive timeout not being respected on Amazon ELB

I'm using Tomcat 6.0.24 on Ubuntu (JDK 1.6) with an app that does Comet-style requests on an HTTPS connector (directly against Tomcat, not using APR). I'd like to set the keep-alive to 5 minutes so I ...
sehugg's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Automated EBS snapshots in Windows Server 2003

I've successfully done automatic snapshots from an Ubuntu instance on AWS using a bash script and the API tools. But how is this done with a Windows Server instance? Is there a similar set of tools ...
mattloaf1's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

Amazon EC2 spot instances - is there a catch?

I needed to start a new EC2 instance today and decided to try out the new spot instances, where you can reduce your instance cost by bidding on the maximum per-hour price you're prepared to pay. ...
gareth_bowles's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Is it possible to host email and DNS on AWS

We are working towards moving our app to AWS. I have heared that email and DNS cannot be hosted on AWS, is this correct? If this correct, then what are my options?
April's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

AWS - Where should we store images, CSS and log files of the application?

Looking for a clarification and guidance on the best practice. Where should we store images, CSS and log files of the application? Application server or S3? We will be storing user related images ...
April's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Multiple AWS instances and one database

I have a web app that lives on two AWS instances - one instance hosts the site, and the other hosts the actual database (MySQL). The instance hosting the site has an elastic IP pointing to it, which ...
mattloaf1's user avatar
  • 267
3 votes
5 answers

Should I persist images on EBS or S3?

I am migrating my Java,Tomcat, MySQL server to AWS EC2. I have already attached an EBS volume for storing MySQL data. In my web application, people may upload images, which I should persist. There ...
enesness's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How do I make multiple instances in AWS use the same data source?

I would like 3 instances to all pull data from the same data source. I want all three instances to pull the exact same index.php for example from an HD or storage medium. What is the preferred way ...
SteveGSD's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

Which is faster for read access on EC2; local drive or EBS?

Which is faster for read access on an EC2 instance; the "local" drive or an attached EBS volume? I have some data that needs to be persisted so have placed this on an EBS volume. I'm using ...
Phillip B Oldham's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

Pricing of AWS RDS [closed]

I am considering moving a Magento site's DB to Amazon's RDS due to the slow read/write speeds of the current host's shared DB cluster. Other hosted sites at the same place with no DB requirement load ...
mr-euro's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to install apache on AWS ubuntu instance?

I've tried a few standard Ubuntu instances on Amazon's Web Services (AWS), but I can never find the apache package using apt-get. Thanks, Aidan.
aidan's user avatar
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2 answers

Using Amazons AWS: mounting EBS on EC2 instance: 1 GiB appears as 414GB

Using Amazon's AWS, I created a 1 GiB volume. I attached it to a running instance and formatted it with ext3. I then mounted it and and used df -h to report its size. It's apparently 414G. I'm already ...
aidan's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

How to create EBS based EC2 AMI from scratch?

after Amazon announced the new EBS based AMIs, I'm wondering if it is or will be possible to create new AMIs that are not based on the existing Fedora/Windows AMIs. The documentation says: The ...
Tomas Markauskas's user avatar
398 votes
27 answers

How can I get the size of an Amazon S3 bucket?

I'd like to graph the size (in bytes, and # of items) of an Amazon S3 bucket and am looking for an efficient way to get the data. The s3cmd tools provide a way to get the total file size using s3cmd ...
powdahound's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Are Amazon EC2 Private IPs reachable from any instance running in EC2?

After searching previous questions here, the general consensus seems to be if an instance that I own is assigned a private IP of, that only OTHER INSTANCES I OWN can reach it at that ...
jberryman's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

AWS S3 Backup Strategies - How should I approach backing up S3 buckets?

I am in the process of building a web-app with potential for a massive amount of storage requirements which can be satisfied by amazon S3. My main concern is the usage of API keys on the server, and ...
Matt's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Web server on Amazon EC2 Ubuntu, port 80

How to set up a web server on a EC2 Ubuntu on port 80? There already seems to be a daemon listening on port 80 by default? What is that daemon and is it safe to kill it? #lsof -i java 1290 ...
Alex's user avatar
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2 answers

Processing-time billing in Amazon EC2

I think my question is fairly basic, but I would like a clarification: in the Pricing part of AWS we can see that Amazon charges people around .10 by the 'instance computing hour'. I've seen in a ...
Rafael Almeida's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Understanding Amazon AWS usage data

I love Amazon AWS, but I'm tearing my hair out over the obscure usage data they give you. All they seem to have is either an extremely high level summary that just shows you your total monthly cost ...
gareth_bowles's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

what is the experience with the load balancing service offered by amazon?

We are currently using mod_jk and apache to load balance our tomcat servers. We would like to know what is the experience and comparison with the amazon AWS load balancer.
Geo's user avatar
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2 answers

AWS Autoscaling issue with existing nodes in ELB

I already have a ELB setup called MyLoadBalancer. I already have 2 nodes running on it with health checks (that checks a URL on the node to see if they are up) Created an autoscaling group (min 2, ...
Ram Prasad's user avatar

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