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Questions tagged [amazon-web-services]

Amazon Web Services (AWS) delivers a set of services that together form a reliable, scalable, and inexpensive computing platform "in the cloud". If you have a question about a specific web service, consider asking on its tag, e.g., amazon-ec2.

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11 votes
2 answers

Can I SSH into my Amazon EC2 server instance if I don't have .pem file from when instance was created?

I am working with some Amazon EC2 servers that are up and running, and I need to SSH into the servers. I don't have any keys that were generated when the servers were first set up (someone else did it ...
Eric's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

On clarifying t2 and t3 working conditions?

I read the documentation regarding t2 and t3 instance but the conditions on which the boost will occur seem blurry to me, i.e., when will the machine be boosted to 20% of the CPU, when will it be ...
OAH's user avatar
  • 205
0 votes
1 answer

Deploying a static site on AWS EC2/nginx: what am I doing wrong?

I set up a micro instance (Ubuntu, 32 bit) and assigned an elastic IP ( Public DNS: I successfully ssh'ed to the machine and installed nginx. ...
Alex's user avatar
  • 139
2 votes
1 answer

VPC public subnet internet access with ELB hooked up

I am attempting to set up a web server (nginx) that needs access to the internet while also being hooked up to an ELB but I am having trouble getting this solution working. Details: 3 public subnets ...
jmreicha's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

NAT gateway for ec2 instances

I have a public subnet with ec2 instnaces. The route table has IGW (Internet Gateway) as default. I tested adding a public IP address to my instance ( as reported by curl ...
tk0221's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

ec2, ping and security settings

Got a noob question about security settings on AWS ec2 instance. I've set up an instance with Tomcat7 ( ami-95da17fc ) and I have a little issue. If I ssh into the instance and do ping -c 2 -p 80 ...
vector's user avatar
  • 139
146 votes
3 answers

How can I upgrade to Java 1.8 on an Amazon Linux Server?

I tried sudo yum update but it just keeps java "1.7.0_75". I need 1.8 for it to work with another application but can't figure out how to upgrade it. Do I need to manually install it somehow? There's ...
K_dar's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

The site is using outdated security settings that may prevent future versions of Chrome from being able to safely access it

We're using an AWS ELB to do SSL termination and are having an issue where Chrome is displaying "https" in red with a strikethrough. It says "The site is using outdated security settings that may ...
Brad Dwyer's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Multiple domains on Amazon AWS EC2

I am a bit confused on how I can use Amazon AWS to host multiple websites. I under stand how to host a website on there however I am only allowed up to 5 elastic ip addresses. So how would I host more ...
John's user avatar
  • 53
398 votes
27 answers

How can I get the size of an Amazon S3 bucket?

I'd like to graph the size (in bytes, and # of items) of an Amazon S3 bucket and am looking for an efficient way to get the data. The s3cmd tools provide a way to get the total file size using s3cmd ...
powdahound's user avatar
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158 votes
8 answers

Amazon Cloudfront with S3. Access Denied

We're trying to distribute out S3 buckets via Cloudfront but for some reason the only response is an AccessDenied XML document like the following: <Error> <Code>AccessDenied</Code&...
Jordan Adams's user avatar
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71 votes
3 answers

Search ec2 instance by its name from aws command line tool

I have an instance named dev-server-03. Now how can I search all dev-server-* instances from command line? I am using aws cli tool.
Shiplu Mokaddim's user avatar
63 votes
4 answers

Download SSL certificate from aws certificate manager

I am using aws certificate manager for managing SSL. Recently I purchased a wildcard ssl * Now I need that SSL certificate to deploy on enterprise git instance on aws. How can i ...
Shailesh Sutar's user avatar
51 votes
5 answers

How to install Docker on AWS EC2 instance with AMI (CE/EE Update)

What is the current way of installing Docker on an AWS EC2 instance running the AMI? There has been an announcement of Docker Enterprise Edition and now I want to know if anything has changed. Until ...
mxscho's user avatar
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46 votes
3 answers

Can different AWS accounts manage different subdomains?

I have two AWS accounts. The master account with as a Hosted Zone, this then has a number of record sets (i.e. and A second account will be managing ...
mlk's user avatar
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35 votes
2 answers

Elastic file system (EFS) mount outside of AWS

I have a server that is outside of AWS. I'd like to be able to mount an EFS volume to it, but I am not sure if that is possible. Perhaps if you create a VPC, and you create a tunnel over VPN? Does ...
Adam's user avatar
  • 461
35 votes
3 answers

Static IP address for outgoing traffic from AWS autoscaling group

I'm going to have a number of EC2 instances in an Elastic Beanstalk autoscaling group in a default subnet in a VPC. The app on these EC2 instances needs to connect to a third party service who uses an ...
davidwebster48's user avatar
33 votes
5 answers

Nginx set_real_ip_from AWS ELB load balancer address

I have a set of Nginx servers behind an Amazon ELB load balancer. I am using set_real_ip (from the HttpRealIpModule) so that I can access the originating client IP address on these servers (for ...
vitch's user avatar
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28 votes
4 answers

Setting Access-Control-Allow-Origin on Cloudfront

I am having problems serving static assets to Firefox using AWS Cloudfront. Chrome works perfect, but Firefox is returning a CORS error. If I execute curl , I get: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: ...
Tony's user avatar
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22 votes
3 answers

How to start and stop AWS EC2 instance based on a time based schedule

Is there an easy way to start and stop AWS EC2 instances at a given time each day? This could save me quite a lot of money for my development and test servers.
Tim's user avatar
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20 votes
1 answer

How to add user with SFTP/ FTP access to '/var/www/html/website_abc' folder on Amazon EC2 Centos?

Possible Duplicate: Linux directory permissions I'm working with some third-party developers and I would like to grant SFTP (or FTP) access to the root folder for a website they're working on i.e....
ericn's user avatar
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19 votes
4 answers

How do I set an MX record in Route53 for a GoDaddy domain?

Can't seem to find an answer to this question on AWS' forum, not in the Route53 manual, nor on Stackoverflow/Serverfault in a way that makes sense...and GoDaddy's support sure as heck ain't got an ...
Sean's user avatar
  • 508
18 votes
3 answers

Why is my "volume bytes used" always increasing on my Amazon Aurora cluster?

I have an Amazon (AWS) Aurora DB cluster, and every day, its [Billed] Volume Bytes Used is increasing. I have checked the size of all my tables (in all my databases on that cluster) using the ...
Guillaume Boudreau's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Why does top report a different cpu usage than CloudWatch?

top shows an average CPU usage during peak times of about 20% while CloudWatch monitoring shows an average CPU usage of 40%. What causes this discrepancy?
user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

AWS EC2 migration to new instance type with SSD Drives

I have MySQL running on an m1.xlarge instance with a 100GB EBS volume holding the data files. I would like to migrate to a m3.2xlarge instance and place the data files on the new 2 x 80GB SSD drives. ...
paiego's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

AWS VPC - why have a private subnet at all?

In Amazon VPC, the VPC creation wizard allows one to create a single "public subnet" or have the wizard create a "public subnet" and a "private subnet". Initially, the public and private subnet ...
JKim's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

How to cap bandwidth usage on AWS EC2?

I'm planning to use AWS EC2 for my web application and I need control over the bandwidth usage (don't want the instances to be compromised and ramping up bandwidth cost crazily). There are many ...
Style's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Can Elastic Load Balancers correctly distribute traffic to different size instances

Just been looking into Elastic Load Balancers. As I understand it they just do round robin, evenly distributing connections to the servers behind them. So what happens if you have different size ...
Sean Bannister's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

amazon aws - regional data transfer - in/out/between EC2 Avail Zones

can anyone say what this charge item is from the account activity? $0.010 per GB - regional data transfer - in/out/between EC2 Avail Zones or when using public/elastic IP addresses or ELB i launched ...
b0x0rz's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Is it possible to move an AWS EC2 AMI from one region to another region and if so how?

I have an AWS EC2 AMI in the EU region. I want to move it to the US region. The root device type is EBS and the OS is Linux. Is it possible to transfer the image to the US region and if so how?
Jan Deinhard's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How to connect to an AWS RDS database (deployed in VPC) with an SQL client?

I am new to AWS and trying to set up and initialize an RDS instance. Since I have a newly created account, it does not support EC2-Classic, which (from what I understand) means that my RDS instance ...
matt forsythe's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Shared File Systems between multiple AWS EC2 instances

I have a couple of windows server instances running on Amazon EC2 and would like to make them a bit more fault tolerant by running a duplicate instance with load balancers. The problem is the ...
Simone Nigro's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Deleted then recreated Route 53 hosted zones, now website not working

I have two AWS accounts old and new. The domain is purchased from the old account and the site is hosted in the new one. I was planning to delete the old and so requested for domain transfer to AWS ...
Tismon Varghese's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Restrict the visibility of EC2 instances using IAM accounts

I'm looking for a way to restrict the visibility ec2 instances to certain IAM accounts. I'd really like a way for a particular account to only be able to see the instances that it has created i.e. ...
sgargan's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

What Linux Kernel Versions are Acceptable for AMI Import to Amazon Web Services?

I have a stock image of Ubuntu Server 16.04 exported as an OVA from VirtualBox. After the proper permissions are set up to import that OVA into AWS EC2 as an image, and it's loaded into S3, the ...
TomSchober's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

CloudFront Distribution with ELB origin HTTP 502 (Bad Gateway)

I have a CloudFront Distribution connected with a custom origin ELB (with EC2 instance). When executing a request curl a HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway ...
Martin Ahrer's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Confused by Amazon EC2 Spot Price and On-demand price, help needed

I am a little confused by Amazon EC2 Spot price and on demand price. For example, an On-demand windows instance's price is $0.07 per hour. If I bid on the "spot requests", Do I put down price lower ...
Leon's user avatar
  • 153
5 votes
2 answers

Elastic IP address on EC2 instance interface without 1:1 NAT

I have a basic Amazon VPC set up with a public and private subnet. I have deployed a Vyatta router in the public subnet that does NAT for the private subnet. I have an elastic IP address assigned to ...
OneMillionMiles's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to obtain a copy of Amazon Linux for use outside AWS

How difficult (if at all possible) would it be run a copy of Amazon Linux on a private physical server or hypervisor (Virtualbox/KVM) ? (I am thinking something based in a office/home) I realise it ...
user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Should I worry about an Amazon AWS doomsday scenario?

Currently our system runs entirely inside AWS. We do rolling snapshots of our EBS and often practice running restores. What keeps me up at night is having all our eggs in one basket. Here are the ...
ChrisInCambo's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

AWS SES: "Email address is not verified" error with Postfix relay

I've setup Amazon SES, verified my domain, and have been approved for Production mode. When an email from the outside world is sent to an address in my domain, my server forwards it back out to a ...
Russell G's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Cross Region S3 bucket policy

I would like to allow EC2 servers based in us-east-1 to read content from a bucket in us-west-2. Every time I try I get a "The Bucket you are attempting to access must be addressed using the ...
Martin's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Connected to Windows Server 2016 VPN on AWS but could not ping resources in VPC

I followed this guide to setup a VPN on a Windows Server 2016 instance in EC2 with only a single network interface and an assigned Elastic IP. I was able to connect my macOS to the VPN successfully ...
Carlo Miguel Cruz's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Conditionally rewriting From and Reply-To headers in Postfix

I've got a web app running on Amazon AWS and it's using Amazon SES to send emails. One of the things I really want this system to do is to be able to forward emails to certain addresses from anyone ...
bratsche's user avatar
  • 133
3 votes
1 answer

Changed AWS EC2 firewall rule and locked out of ssh

I have an AWS EC2 instance using SLES15. I manually edited /etc/sysconfig/SuSEfirewall2 to open some ports. I messed up the FW_SERVICES_EXT_TCP because I thought I am adding on top of what's already ...
Richard's user avatar
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2 votes
5 answers

Is it possible to create a VPN link between AZURE VNET and AWS VPC?

As I found solutions on making site-to-site VPN between Azure and AWS using a software VPN server, I'm asking myself if it's possible to connect the VPN gateways (Azure VNET / AWS VPC) directly. Is ...
Bastien Semene's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Can I use IAM Roles for Ansible

Apparently the AWS Access Key and Secret Key are optional parameters for the AWS Cloud Modules, however the places where the ansible would pick up those values are from Environment variables. Can we ...
Naveen Vijay's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Mongodb on AWS EC2 backup strategy

I'm running Mongodb on AWS EC2 instance. Data/log/and journal are stored in a separate volume, formatted as xfs. Currently we are stopping the mongodb instance to take a snapshot, but reading this: ...
Felice Pollano's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Site hosted on EC2 / Amazon held hostage with private key

I have a new client whose previous developer has left her high & dry with her site on Amazon/EC2. He holds the private key to the instance, and though she has full access to the Amazon control ...
Michelle's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

HAProxy as reverse proxy for AWS API Gateway

As the title suggest, I have an AWS API Gateway endpoint that I want to put behind HAProxy. This is my current HAProxy configuration defaults mode http log ...
Rudy Lee's user avatar
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