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PHP shell_exec fails, terminal/CLI works

I have to get basic information about the operating system in PHP: $p = shell_exec('cat /etc/*-release 2>&1'); This returns: cat: '/etc/*-release': No such file or directory The command runs ...
John's user avatar
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How do I configure apache through virtualhsot to allow .well-known directory to be loaded and not get a 404 error

I have: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName DocumentRoot /var/www/subdomainFolder/public_html <Directory "/var/www/subdomainFolder/public_html/"> ...
user18969's user avatar
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AH00170: caught SIGWINCH, shutting down gracefully

i have a web server on Debian and Apache2, about once a day or once every 2 days Apache2 crashes, here are the Apache2 error logs: [Wed May 22 13:04:01.082969 2024] [mpm_prefork:error] [pid 874799] ...
spider5414's user avatar
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Reverse proxy for streamlit

Streamlit app I have a streamlit app running on port 8501: Here's how I'm starting the app: streamlit run \ --browser.serverAddress dharmatech....
dharmatech's user avatar
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CentOS 7 min with Apache not accessible externally

I have a CentOS 7 min installation on a virtual machine with the internal IP of and I installed Apache 2.4.52 on it. I can access the landing page when I put into the browser. ...
Hussein Sabbagh's user avatar
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PHP_FPM extensions not loading in Apache

I'm building out a web server on Rocky Linux 9 with Apache and PHP 8.3. I need the pdo_dblib extension. From the command line via "php -m" and "php-fpm -m", I see that the ...
scott80109's user avatar
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.htaccess to get the list of ip from a file or directories of file

I'm blocking certain spammers/bots from accessing my website via IP addresses, but I have around 3 directories (/var/www/directory1, /var/www/directory2, /var/www/directory3). Every time I want to ...
Patrick Teng's user avatar
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Apache 2.4 multiple instances on Debian

Apache ships with a script for creating multiple instances on the same server, which is exactly what I want to do. The first instance is happily up & running on ports 80 (http) and 443 (ssl). File ...
perissf's user avatar
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Apache referrer based reverse proxy path rewrite

I have a virtualhost that is a reverse proxy based on a path param "xmg" <VirtualHost *:443> ServerAlias some.example SSL... ProxyPass /xmg http://localhost:5553/ ...
user22866's user avatar
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Is it safe to use logrotate utility while logs are still being written by Apache?

I have a server where Apache mod_log_config mod is enabled. Using rotatelogs, it will produce a new log file once it reach 1GB : CustomLog "|/usr/sbin/rotatelogs /var/log/logs 1G" On the ...
tigrou's user avatar
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Postfix/Dovecot presenting default SSL certificate from Apache to Thunderbird client

I've been struggling with this issue for some time now. I want thunderbird to get the certificate for mail.******.cl, but it always seem to get ******.cl. So I've done a couple of tests, and realized ...
Jairo Alarcón's user avatar
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Why rotatelogs from apache produce files smaller than specified max size?

I use the following rotatelogs command from Apache : /usr/sbin/rotatelogs /var/log/somelogfile 1GB If I send 1GB of content to it (for testing), it produces the following files : somelogfile....
tigrou's user avatar
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How Do You Block & Unblock Internet Sites in Apache?

How do you block all internet sites and only let some sites through in Apache Proxy? I want to block all sites except some (e.g., , etc.) I have ...
Tomas's user avatar
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PM2 + apache2 Optimization

I am running a Node.js application with PM2 as a reverse proxy through Apache on my Centos 7 server. The website experiences very slow loading times, and its performance is quite poor. Can anyone ...
Shivam Ahuja's user avatar
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How to configure Apache 2.4 to use ProxyPass to rewrite the websocket's port?

My Nodejs WS ( pure Websocket, I am not using ) works on port 5000 and I wish to proxy pass to the domain itself. I have tried to add the following lines but I still failed to get myself ...
Hypothesis's user avatar
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Add the name of the file analyzed to the e-mail (logcheck)

I use logcheck to receive apache logs. My question is how to configure logcheck to add the name of the file that is analysed in the email. Example: at the moment I have this: This email is sent by ...
Mehdi Birembaut's user avatar
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Apache Server 2.4.57 / Increasing the maximum number of conections/requests accepted & Check the number of concurrent process

We are using the following configuration and as far as I know this configuration can execute 8000 requests/processes concurrent. Apache Server Version: 2.4.57, Server MPM: event <IfModule ...
rndm_acct1's user avatar
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DirectAdmin Apache/Nginx Reverse Proxy Custom Subdomain Config

I have a particular application on a subdomain that needs a custom Nginx configuration to work. I am using DirectAdmin control panel to make per-domain customisations. However, I am getting confused ...
Mark's user avatar
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VPS server all domains showing This site can’t be reached error

Hello all hoping someone may be able to help. I have a VPS server running apache with linux centos 8. I have a few domains running on PHP 8 and one wordpress and node API application. Everything was ...
Yeak's user avatar
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Troubleshooting Apache with GSS Proxy Authentication and LDAP Authorization

I'm setting up an internal web server on a domain-joined RHEL server with Kerberos authentication via GSS proxy and tiered authorization with LDAP, where Active Directory is the source of truth. ...
Vaito's user avatar
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Is there any working Apache module to implement NTLM on Ubuntu Server

I am trying to configure NTLM authentication for an internal site running on Apache/Ubuntu Jammy. I was able to implement LDAP authentication. Still, I want to make the login/auth process smooth as ...
NaniK's user avatar
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Could not bind to address no listening sockets available

RockyLinux 9. On reboot Apache fails to start with the message Jul 21 10:53:13 cl httpd[877]: (99)Cannot assign requested address: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address Jul 21 10:53:...
Clodoaldo's user avatar
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Apache : wild card redirection rules

I have the below requirement for an apache redirection. When this url comes it should go to. Where jpc is a constant value key ...
Toji K Dominic's user avatar
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Apache child processes are launched more than ServerLimit and threads are executed more than ThreadsPerChild

The following version of Apache is used. (MPM : event) httpd -V Server version: Apache/2.4.37 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) Server built: Jun 15 2022 08:27:14 Server's Module Magic Number: xxxxxxxx:xx ...
fsk5304's user avatar
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apache "Options Indexes" working localhost but not with public DNS name

I have a Kubernetes cluster and a very basic container. I am trying to access it through the internet and the task is very simple, I just need to list the index of the directory. Here is my basic ...
Yousuf's user avatar
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Forwarding apache logs from k8s Pod to Syslog server

I am new to Kubernetes, I know there are multiple ways to log collection. but I am specifically asking about my scenario. we have a Syslog port 8090. now we want our pods to send logs to our ...
Yousuf's user avatar
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Apache HTTP Server - 2.4.5* / Is it Possible to Use Cluster Scenario for WebLogic Server Installed On 2 Different Machines Using Apache HTTP Server?

There are 2 different scenarios. Scenario-1: Let's assume that WebLogic is installed on 2 different servers. Server IPs: and These servers are not clustered (ie each ...
rndm_acct1's user avatar
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Apache Server Error After Setting Up SSL Configs

I am running an EC2 Linux 2 AMI and was following an AWS tutorial to enable HTTPS on my server. But when I try to restart Apache, error seen in the logs: Apr 10 06:56:40 <maskediphere> systemd[1]...
gakshat's user avatar
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Apache2.4 returns 403/Forbidden error on symlinks after Ubuntu upgrade

I just upgraded my development workstation from Kubuntu 18.04 to Kubuntu 22.04.2 LTS. For context, I keep /home on a separate disk from /. The previous / is still present at /mnt/sdc5. Kubuntu 18.04 ...
Marty Vance's user avatar
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Default WordPress .htaccess rewrites causes default server page to load due to no default index page present for the root URL

I could really do with some help here please. I know this is a WordPress issue now through testing. If I allow .htaccess to process rewrites on my Wordpress sites by adding AllowOverride FileInfo to ...
J O's user avatar
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I cannot get environment variable from apache

On a Centos 8, I added a SetEnv into my VirtualHost conf: <VirtualHost *:XXXX> Alias /static/ /opt/industrialisation/xxxx/xxxx/xxxx/ <Directory /opt/industrialisation/xxx/xxxx/> ...
timothepoznanski's user avatar
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401 Error When Making Basic Authenticated API Calls to X2CRM

We are encountering a 401 error when making basic authenticated API calls to the X2CRM endpoints (index.php/api2/Contacts). Unauthenticated API calls to other X2CRM VoIP endpoints are successful ...
AES's user avatar
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PHP - Session Upload Progress produces 503 error

I've just migrated from APC to using Session Upload Progress ( All was going swimmingly until some forms were mysteriously throwing up Access-...
Kline's user avatar
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Configuring PHP-FPM in Apache

I installed Apache/2.4.54, PHP72-FPM, PHP74-FPM and some other versions of PHP-FPM on Arch Linux. Apparently there is some misconfiguration in httpd.conf, PHP can`t interpret anything and browser ...
Phree's user avatar
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Allowing and restricting access to specific URL in Apache 2.4

I am new to apache. And I want to restrict access to this URL( for public IP addresses. And I want to allow access to the same URL for specific IP addresses. I am ...
Hamid Rana's user avatar
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Limiting CPU usage of Mariadb proccess doesn't work

I'm building a server that runs Mariadb 10.5, apache, nginx and PHP-FPM. The server have 16 cores and 32GB Ram. This server suppose to work under load, but it doesn't because Mariadb is using 1500%, ...
niceu's user avatar
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LAMP Stack - Multiple Websites Isolation

I would like to host multiple websites on a VPS (LAMP stack - Ubuntu 20.04 LTS). For security reasons, I'd like to properly isolate each website/vhost from each other and also prevent access to other/...
Tando's user avatar
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Apache mod QOS is blocking all users when it should only block per IP

I am running Apache web server on Ubuntu. I am trying to reduce the load on the server due to aggressive bot traffic. Thus I am trying to make use of Apache's mod QOS (
AMF's user avatar
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How do I redirect a website to local website?

I am trying to make my browser load local website instead of visiting actual website. I have this httpd configuration <VirtualHost> ServerName ServerAlias ...
Bret Joseph's user avatar
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Apache 2 basic reverse proxy config not working, getting 404 error

I started a new server in a virtual machine, and I can access its homepage from the browser. I set up a docker container hosted on port 90 which I can also access. To link /app/ to localhost:90 I ...
Tom743's user avatar
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How is extra data getting into my PHP document?

I am running Apache/2.4.29 with PHP 7.2.24. I have the following simple PHP document: <html> </head> <title>Waste-A-GUID</title> </head> <body> <center> <...
FigBug's user avatar
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No space left on device: AH00023: Couldn't create the ssl-cache mutex

I saw another similar questions here but none had a answer that solved this problem. From time to time, around 3am, my Apache server freezes and i see those errors in my logs... (28) No space left on ...
Raul Chiarella's user avatar
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How to configure apache so that only one organizational unit from windows server has access to the page

Im trying to configure ldap on apache in rocky linux but i want to allow only the users that belong to the group ITGeral from Win server to have access to the page. how do i configure that? i will ...
Filipe Carvalho's user avatar
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methods of restricting access

I've been restricting access to the administrator section of my websites by IP. My Apache configs include a list of Allow directives that I maintain to let my staff have access. The maintenance is ...
Johnny Ruin's user avatar
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Apache2: How to Proxy the same url with different ports?

we have multiple different /apex instances. now we want to proxy the requests trough an Apache2-Server like this: request for instance1: http://proxy:8080/apex -> http://apex1:8080 request for ...
BrotCast's user avatar
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RHEL8 and GSSAPI Kerberos authenticate through Apache issue

I'm trying to run an apache virtualhost, on a machine currently running Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.5 (Ootpa), with Kerberos authentication using the new GSSAPI module (replacement of ...
Wrest's user avatar
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Apache - Active Directory LDAP authorization

I'm running Apache 2.4 on Fedora 34. I've configured user authorization based on Active Directory usernames and passwords with "ldap_module" and "authnz_ldap_module" and this entry ...
Marek's user avatar
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It looks like Apache2 fails to start

Sorry but i am new to Sysadmin stuff and really new to Linux (big noob) so i am asking you guys for help because i have no idea what is causing this (as i have already stated i am really new to Linux)....
Gediminas Laukevičius's user avatar
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Apache mpm event-increasing StartServers has no effect on memory

I'm using apache mpm event on centos server with the following configs: <IfModule event.c> StartServers 8 ServerLimit 64 ThreadsPerChild 256 MaxRequestWorkers 16384 MaxConnectionsPerChild 10000 ...
Soheil's user avatar
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apache mpm event-check current number of servers and threads

I'm using apache MPM event on my centos server with these configs: <IfModule event.c> StartServers 8 ServerLimit 32 ThreadsPerChild 256 MaxRequestWorkers 8192 MaxConnectionsPerChild 10000 ...
Soheil's user avatar
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