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Self signed certificate for Ubuntu in Active Directory Windows clients

I have an Active Directory mydomain.local. I have an intranet web site with Ubuntu and Apache intranet.mydomain.local. I need an SSL certificate for this domain which can resolve all Active Directory ...
mardon's user avatar
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apache redirect/rewrite http to https with many virtualhosts

I have an apache webserver that has about 150 VirtualHosts spread out over 9 IP addresses. I'd like to redirect or rewrite http connections to https. The solutions I've found have the rewrite/redirect ...
user1311554's user avatar
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Cannot start apache from lampstack

I just installed bitnami-lampstack-7.4 on my linux box. I cannot start apache, I'm getting /opt/bitnami/apache/bin/httpd: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object ...
BioRod's user avatar
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Apache fails to restart after disabling SSL mod

On Ubuntu trying to disable ssl in apache. But when I restart Apache, it fails... a2dismod ssl Result: Module ssl disabled. To activate the new configuration, you need to run: systemctl restart ...
dsol828's user avatar
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Two Virtual Hosts with to disntinct PHP configurations via PHP-FPM on Ubuntu and Apache

I have to Virtual Hosts on Ubuntu 20.04. One host is test instance and one is production (I know it would be better to have it separate). Now I need to run different php config for test vhost than for ...
Łukasz Korona's user avatar
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HTTP to HTTP Apache2 Rewrite not being used

I want all traffic sent on HTTP redirected to port 443. I curently have a Rewrite rule set up for port 80 in the sites-available apache2 directory but when I go to that address on that port it still ...
Guy Lowe's user avatar
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Getting 404 error for apache `/server-status`

I was told that there's a way to enable a url called http://<your host>/server-status and that this page would show you some operational metrics of the apache service. But every time I visit ...
learningtech's user avatar
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Apache: "mpm_worker:error scoreboard is full, not at MaxRequestWorkers"

My enviroment: Server with 4 OCPU and 16GB ram hosted on Oracle Cloud; PHP-FPM 7.4.33 Server; Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu) mod_fcgid/2.3.9 OpenSSL/3.0.2; Ubuntu 22.04.3; On this host I have 10 virtual ...
Andrea Di Martino's user avatar
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How can I identify why my apache server getting killed once in every few days?

I have an Ubuntu 22.04 lts vps (Contabo) with apache installed. Basic install, nothing really edited or configured. Every few day, the apache gets killed by the OOM killer and I don't know what ...
SzLev's user avatar
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Very low resource usage on Openlitespeed (LOMP) on Ubuntu 22.04

I have been testing a custom PHP script on LOMP (Ubuntu 22.04) running on VirtualBox (2GB/2Core). First, I tried Apache and upon benchmarking the script, it could complete 10K requests in ~36s - ab ...
Noob YT's user avatar
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Wordpress permissions issue - How to set ownership and permissions for WordPress files properly and securely?

I am facing some problems with setting up WordPress on my local server. After a successful connection to the local database, Wordpress dropped me Unable to write to the wp-config.php file.. I created ...
ghostone's user avatar
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Is there any working Apache module to implement NTLM on Ubuntu Server

I am trying to configure NTLM authentication for an internal site running on Apache/Ubuntu Jammy. I was able to implement LDAP authentication. Still, I want to make the login/auth process smooth as ...
NaniK's user avatar
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fcgid is not handling. Why?

I am using: apache2 2.4 on Ubuntu 23 / WT (webtoolkit witty). I am trying to use WT with fcgid. My hello.conf file is: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost ServerName ...
lid's user avatar
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Apache Proxypass with SSL extremely slow

We have a server with the spec 8 vCore and 16GB RAM. At its peak, the server uses only 15 to 25% CPU and around 40% of RAM. The issue that we face is once the number of users start increasing, the ...
nXn's user avatar
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How to make my website SSL secure with Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS server and Apache

I'm trying to access my website through https://. but all my efforts are in vain. First I will explain how I did everything to get into the context. The server hardware is a Raspberry PI2B. With ...
AlbertoRS's user avatar
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How was apache2 able to use 8+GB ram "in idle"? (oom-killer)

I bought a vps in Contabo, using ubuntu22, installed apache2, php, mariadb.Sometimes the apache2 uses all of my memory. Literally all. At idle, not really anything was running. A php process was ...
szlev's user avatar
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2 answers

apache server not responding due to HTTP CONNECT requests how to block them?

Apache server is getting this kind of traffic. Due to that server is not responding. Please suggest how can we handle this issue. - - [07/May/2023:16:08:33 +0000] "\x16\x03\x01"...
Yogesh Prajapati's user avatar
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apache "Options Indexes" working localhost but not with public DNS name

I have a Kubernetes cluster and a very basic container. I am trying to access it through the internet and the task is very simple, I just need to list the index of the directory. Here is my basic ...
Yousuf's user avatar
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Apache Getting Killed By OOM

I Have apache2 running on Ubuntu 22. My Apache2 often getting killed by OOM. I have tried to get log and its showing something like this > root@localhost:~# dmesg -e | grep -i kill [Mar15 03:00] ...
user avatar
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Apache2 Configuration Issue - Deny from external IP, allow by hostname

I've been messing with this for a couple days now and can't seem to get it to work. I have 2 sites enabled via their own config files. site1.conf & site2.conf Each sites has rewrite rules from ...
Jason Adams's user avatar
2 votes
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Apache2 server is down - AH00170

I have been having problems for several weeks on my Apache2 server with Ubuntu 22.04.1 + PHP 7.4 For no apparent reason, the server goes down on its own and the web is still under construction so it ...
Cristian Rodríguez's user avatar
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ErrorDocument not working for any error. Ubuntu Apache

I'm having an issue with getting the ErrorDocument to work. I have tried most of the suggestions on most of the forms and posts. The only thing I know that I have that the others did not is the ...
La Phyzz's user avatar
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Apache2 won't start even with unit file update post reboot

Issue : after server reboot apache2 won't automatically start (have to manually ssh and start via systemctl which starts without any issue) Error message: Feb 08 05:53:46 systemd[1]: ...
ardv's user avatar
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Drop all connections from other domain except from original domain on Apache 2.4

I have ubuntu server with apache 2.4 web server and original domain is running with ssl. Someone pointed their domain to my server and in my virtual host, it specify there the servername and ...
Juliver Galleto's user avatar
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How to split the 2 IP addresses appended by google cloud load balancer

I am using apache as my webserver for drupal. Also, I am using google cloud CDN and my instance is behind a load balancer (requirement for google cloud CDN). The issue is that the load balancer ...
Rahul Biswas's user avatar
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Websocket with Apache 2.4.52 and Ubuntu

I am trying to follow tutorial located here for messaging system using RatChet PHP I have my domain ...
Maitri Rathod's user avatar
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index.php displays as listing on Apache2 server

My OS is Ubuntu 22.04 I started out by installing php 8.1 I then installed Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu) Server Then I added the following: sudo apt-get install -y php php-cli php-common php-mysql php-zip ...
EastsideDev's user avatar
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No permission to access web site

My setup: ubuntu 22.04 Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu) Server I created /etc/apache2/sites-available/test.mysite.conf: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin [email protected] ServerName test.xxxxxxxx....
EastsideDev's user avatar
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1 answer

Cloudflare Tunnel without having to also use noTLSVerify?

I’ve got a simple domain setup on an Ubuntu server running Apache (literally just displays a static HTML file); I set it up with LetsEncrypt and it was working without issue. I wanted a bit more ...
Pigeoni's user avatar
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Reverse Proxy config from Nginx to Ubuntu Apache2

The following are 2 corresponding sets of config statements. The first one is for Nginx and the second one for Apache2 servers. The Ubuntu Apache2 config code is modelled after the Nginx code to ...
Stanley's user avatar
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2 answers

Ubuntu Apache2 not sorting sites-enabled correctly

I have an apache2 config on Ubuntu. Everything was working well until I tried to move all my canonical redirect virtualhosts into a single file instead of having them scattered across lots of other ...
elyograg's user avatar
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LAMP Stack - Multiple Websites Isolation

I would like to host multiple websites on a VPS (LAMP stack - Ubuntu 20.04 LTS). For security reasons, I'd like to properly isolate each website/vhost from each other and also prevent access to other/...
Tando's user avatar
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Apache2 stuck after 8-12 days uptime. No errors. Stuck in null loop and Recv-Q

I have some fresh web servers with ubuntu 22 LTS runnings apache2 and php-fpm with mpm_event. All of them behave the same. After 8-12 days of apache uptime. It suddenly stops recieving requests untill ...
Aidvi's user avatar
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Apache2 mod rewrite extremely slow, on one server only

I have a site on my local ubuntu dev box with some mod rewrite rules, which we are attempting to use to force google and other bots to index the correct page, rather than our ajax snippets as they ...
sgc's user avatar
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New server Apache 2.4 + PHP responds very slowly

a customer asked to migrate their current server with plesk to a HA infrastructure. I've created the structure with haproxy and apache 2.4, but i can see many requests take a looooong time (some of ...
Nando's user avatar
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How is extra data getting into my PHP document?

I am running Apache/2.4.29 with PHP 7.2.24. I have the following simple PHP document: <html> </head> <title>Waste-A-GUID</title> </head> <body> <center> <...
FigBug's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I connect to my Apache 2 web site that sits on the Ubuntu Server through IP?

Here's my virtual host configurations: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName abwebserver ServerAdmin <my e-mail> DocumentRoot /var/www/mediawiki AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode ...
JConstantine's user avatar
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Malware causing untraceable entries in apache2's error_log [duplicate]

My apache Server version: Apache/2.4.54 (Ubuntu) Server built: 2022-06-08T15:59:20 is configured as follows ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log ErrorLogFormat "[%t] [%l] [pid %P] %F: %E: [...
bilogic's user avatar
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Why is apache -X stuck in a pselec6() NULL loop?

version 2.4 pselect6(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {tv_sec=0, tv_nsec=100000000}, NULL) = 0 (Timeout) Repeats forever using strace. Only one httpd process enabled.
queryman2000's user avatar
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Apache2: Why do I get a 403 Forbidden error?

I've been messing with this for days :( Why do I get a 403 Forbidden error at Is this a file/folder permissions, Apache user, virtualhosts or Python issue? I'm trying to run a ...
BlueDogRanch's user avatar
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different configurations files to apache2?

I'm pretty new to this, and reading a lot online, but what configuration is right? in apache2, some are talking about httpd.conf, and have all configuration in one file. my installation have 2 ...
Adam Larsson's user avatar
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trying to redirect in .htaccess unless it's an admin

I am trying to write a rule in .htaccess that redirects all /wp-admin to /login UNLESS a certain user (WebAdministrator) is logging in. How do I make such a rule? If I use: Rewriterule ^wp-admin /...
Jed Booth's user avatar
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Apache directs https:b-site visitor to https:a-site (b-site don't have ssl)

I've got an issue with my apache system. it's brand new, and so are I. my problem now is that if somebody visit https://123.446.689.0 or, (which don't have any ssl), then will a-...
Jerry's user avatar
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Apache Hangs for 20 mins ever few days

I am having a heck of a time figuring this out. Apache, every few days hangs for about 20 or so minutes and then "comes back to life". This has happened during the middle of the day, it's ...
Zak's user avatar
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Apache server error Ubuntu 18: Syntax error on line 1: <VirtualHost> directive missing closing >

I've been trying to get my Apache server running on Ubuntu, but in my /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/dev.lamp.test.conf file I get this error when I run apachectl stop AH00526: Syntax error on line 1 of /...
Andrew Hickman's user avatar
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Use the same environment variable for HOSTNAME and identifying the web request server used

Our environment has servers named like so: prod-app-01 prod-app-02 test-app-01 test-app-02 I've used sudo hostnamectl set-hostname test-app-02 on each server (changing the name appropriately each ...
CJ Dennis's user avatar
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Cant install certbot using snap return: Run configure hook of "certbot" snap if present

I want to install certbot using snap, but when I tried Official instruction: sudo snap install core; sudo snap refresh core sudo snap install --classic certbot but returns: error: cannot perform the ...
Muhammad Dyas Yaskur's user avatar
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Nmap showing port is filtered, but apache files are listening to port 80

I am having trouble with apache on my Ubuntu server. It is not a local machine, I am accessing it through SSH. When I run nmap -sS it shows this: Not shown: 998 closed ports PORT STATE ...
Jordan's user avatar
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Wordpress asking for FTP when deleting plugins

Wordpress asks me for FTP credentials when I try to delete or install plugins. I know it has to do with permissions but I have been unable to figure it out. I have a linux system user XYZ and apache2 ...
lampstackxyz's user avatar
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Why would TLS version in one config cause another to break?

I have an Apache proxy that has several VHosts. Some of these are legacy configs that were before my time. Long story short, I removed some .crt files on the server that had expired, and forgot to ...
DevOpsSauce's user avatar

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