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Apache 2.4 config for fcgi with custom socket listening web app

I need a config for apache 2.4 which just connects to an open socket and talks fcgi over it. I am writing my own fcgi-enabled web app. By now, it opens a listening socket and when a web server (nginx ...
K. Nick's user avatar
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How do I configure apache through virtualhsot to allow .well-known directory to be loaded and not get a 404 error

I have: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName DocumentRoot /var/www/subdomainFolder/public_html <Directory "/var/www/subdomainFolder/public_html/"> ...
user18969's user avatar
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Apache deadlock when writing in file

Apache v2.4.56 on Solaris, with libapr 1.6.2. When starting, it spawns 5 httpd processes. Occasionally the server hangs and does not accept requests. It's even impossible to connect to port 80. I did ...
Marc's user avatar
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mod_ruid RuidGid equivalent

Since mod_ruid is no more supported by custombuild(directadmin) I had to install php-fpm. I would like to know where I can set the user that is running the website what was primarily the RuidGid in ...
Jeremy Lankot's user avatar
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Apache 2.4.53 Getting AH00027: No authentication done but request not allowed without authentication for /CN=XXXX. Authentication not configured?

We have an Apache 2.4.53 and when they try to access it we are seeing a 500 error, and the following in the error_log file: [Thu Jan 25 23:56:22.600893 2024] [core:error] [pid 24313:tid ...
user555303's user avatar
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httpd crash with ssl_io_filter_cleanup () from /usr/lib64/httpd/modules/

version: httpd-2.4.54-1.el8.x86_64 Core generated when i do httpd condrestart for a task and also i can see some ssl_error_logs which is related to the core file pid. gdb logs: Core was generated by `/...
Bhanuchander Udhayakumar's user avatar
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Apache rewrite any uri to index.html but existing files

My front-end project is based on 1 file: frontend/index.html It means that every request like /contact, /about, etc should be responded by index.html file. I was thought I can use these lines in my ...
MHSarmadi's user avatar
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Azure RHEL 8 VM - Apache 2.4 Package Availabilty

I've got a RHEL 8.8 instance in Azure. This instance will replace our current RHEL 7.9 instance running Apache 2.4.34. The RHEL 7.9 instance has the following httpd package installed: httpd24-httpd. ...
jrd1989's user avatar
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Apache Httpd: Logging Access for Non-privileged Users

I’m wondering if it is common for Apache HTTPD admins to allow read access or read access to copies of /var/log/httpd/${vhost}_error_log? I administer an Apache web server for a University CS ...
deconstruct's user avatar
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Apache Centos mutiple instances and virtual hosts

I installed apache on centos and added two virtual hosts ( and ): server1.conf Listen 443 https <VirtualHost *:443> DocumentRoot /opt/server1/ ServerName server1....
el sparrow's user avatar
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Best practices to configure multiple websites managed by multiple users on Apache

I am setting up a RedHat server with an Apache service to host multiple Wordpress websites. We work with a few different companies which develop those websites. I'm having trouble with the access ...
Lord Pou's user avatar
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Apache HTTP Server - 2.4.5* / Is it Possible to Use Cluster Scenario for WebLogic Server Installed On 2 Different Machines Using Apache HTTP Server?

There are 2 different scenarios. Scenario-1: Let's assume that WebLogic is installed on 2 different servers. Server IPs: and These servers are not clustered (ie each ...
rndm_acct1's user avatar
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How to determine why apache gracefully shut itself down?

I have apache httpd 2.4.6 running on RHEL 7.9 Yesterday the service was shut down, and the only information I am getting from /etc/httpd/error_log-DATE is from the last line of the file: [mpm_prefork:...
demiglace's user avatar
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SOAPUI What causes "error in msg parsing: xml was empty, didn't parse!"

Currently, I have a structure which takes a SOAP request, fires the request at a reverse proxy (a script written in Lua) which takes a copy of the SOAP request and then passes that to the webserver, ...
codinator's user avatar
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I cannot get environment variable from apache

On a Centos 8, I added a SetEnv into my VirtualHost conf: <VirtualHost *:XXXX> Alias /static/ /opt/industrialisation/xxxx/xxxx/xxxx/ <Directory /opt/industrialisation/xxx/xxxx/> ...
timothepoznanski's user avatar
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How do I configure httpd to host multiple websites on the same web server

Using RHEL7.9, httpd 2.4.6 I have three sites in my /var/www/html/: /main /site1 /site2 The httpd.conf DocumentRoot points to /main Listen 80 ServerName DocumentRoot "/var/www/html/...
demiglace's user avatar
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Apache httpd on a backup machine where hostname is not matching

I have to run an Apache httpd server on a backup machine, which is a CentOS. In this case, it is a WordPress multisite installation. Since it is a backup machine, the DNS server does not point to the ...
rexkogitans's user avatar
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Configuring PHP-FPM in Apache

I installed Apache/2.4.54, PHP72-FPM, PHP74-FPM and some other versions of PHP-FPM on Arch Linux. Apparently there is some misconfiguration in httpd.conf, PHP can`t interpret anything and browser ...
Phree's user avatar
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Apache2 how to generate random string for subdomain

I want to issue a redirect to a new randomly generated subdomain name for every request I get. Below you can find my vhost configuration. I want to do a redirect towards a subdomain containing some ...
Mnemosyne's user avatar
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Configuring Virtual Hosting Httpd - Fedora Server - 'sites-available and sites-enabled' vs 'conf.d/vhost.conf'

The current set-up for my web server is a 1GB nanode using Fedora37 as the distribution for the compute instance. For the web server I am using Httpd (Apache 2.4.54), and am now in the process of ...
CatByte-io's user avatar
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Apache httpd low performance

I have an website which is running using httpd on Centos 7. I have 8 cpus and 32 GB ram. When we have more than 500-600 users in the same time on the website, the server response is getting higher. ...
George Carpiti's user avatar
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How can I locate the php script that issues outbound connections?

I have a server running httpd for several websites. Using the top command, I found many httpd processes exhaust memory. Using the netstat command, I found the httpd processes are connecting to an ...
peter's user avatar
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Apache httpd: mod_proxy_hcheck URL based HTTP basic authentication

I am trying to use mode_proxy_hcheck to do health checks and failover for an application that requires HTTP Basic authentication. <proxy balancer://serverpool> BalancerMember http://username:...
theeGwandaru's user avatar
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No space left on device: AH00023: Couldn't create the ssl-cache mutex

I saw another similar questions here but none had a answer that solved this problem. From time to time, around 3am, my Apache server freezes and i see those errors in my logs... (28) No space left on ...
Raul Chiarella's user avatar
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RewriteCond for APIKEY

I am trying to create a RewriteRule which looks at the incoming Header for an APIKey and if it contains a matching string then it will redirect to respective URL else, it should be inaccessible. I am ...
user13947255's user avatar
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Apache httpd worker crash (IUS httpd24u on Centos 7)

I'm running the httpd24u package from IUS on two Centos 7 servers. The version identifier for the package is "2.4.52-1.el7.ius". For the last week or so, we've been seeing intermittent ...
sbleon's user avatar
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Unable to change "MaxSpareServers"?

I wanted to increase the MaxSpareServers. <IfModule mpm_prefork_module> MaxSpareServers 20 </IfModule> However, I get the below error while testing. [root@server_1 conf.modules.d]# ...
beat_it_987's user avatar
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Apache takes too long (+4s) to do anything (configtest, exec. PHP, etc)

Note: using apache v2.4.6, PHP 7.2.24 I have deployed a PHP application on a CentOS 7 server using httpd. We have two environments (production and testing) and while testing is fast, production is ...
QuestionAsker1995's user avatar
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Are Apache Define directive variables allowed to be overwritten?

Are Apache httpd Define directive variables intended to be allowed to be overwritten? For example, Define SITE <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName ${SITE} </VirtualHost> ...
Jeff's user avatar
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Unix socket communication with Apache 2.4.51 and Flask App using Uwsgi returning "404 Not Found"

I'm using Apache in the front as web server and running python flask application at the back end and they communicate using Unix socket as mentioned in the link below for mod_proxy_uwsgi module and i ...
Jai's user avatar
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httpd quits after reload - slotmem-shm

My current httpd deployment setup involves generating new configuration files, relinking the config directory, then reloading the apache service. This process works fine for most of my hosts, however ...
Matt Clark's user avatar
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apache2, I can't suppress this line from apache logs

I've done this and other attempts, but not working for me: <IfModule mod_ssl.c> <VirtualHost *:443> ... setEnvIf Request_URI "refresh.*" dontlog CustomLog /home/alan/logs/apache....
alanvictorjp's user avatar
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configuring apache to not serve php files statically unless php-fpm is configured

I have a an apache 2.4 configuration section that I use to handle the rare situation where a misconfigured apache box could serve php files as static plain text, and potentially give up credentials ...
Tom's user avatar
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Creating / Configuring Firewall using iptables

I want to set firewall using iptables. The server is operating httpd service (httpd) The OS is Centos7, and below information is after install iptables-services, and start iptables without modify ...
Seung Hoon Paek's user avatar
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Passenger Apache - Forbidden You don't have permission to access this resource

I'm stuck with Apache with Passenger configuration. I spent a few days looking for a solution. I follow this instructions. I'm getting this message in the browser: Forbidden You don't have permission ...
neuroine's user avatar
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How can the Apache httpd root path be rewritten to a subdirectory?

While I have seen similar questions elsewhere, some of those questions ask about redirecting the exact root path or else the provided answers don’t always work properly. What I require is to rewrite ...
dVVIIb's user avatar
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Intermittent "Address already in use: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address" on port 80

We are experiencing intermittent "Address already in use: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address" on port 80 failures on our servers. I have looked at other answers and they are ...
Elijah Lynn's user avatar
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PHP on VirtualHost not working but works on default site

I have a apache Server version: Apache/2.4.46 on Amazon Linux 2. PHP is working well on port 443. I added another virtualhost on port 81. PHP does not work on this port. Config: Listen 80 <...
Lakshmi Anand K's user avatar
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Apache Proxy URL exclusion wont work

we are running an Apache/2.4.6 on CentOS. i am trying to setup an Proxy Endpoint on the Apache which is passing requests to internal Servers (target servers). So far the Endpoint does what it should, ...
Rolski's user avatar
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apache (httpd) - How to set rewrite URL [duplicate]

I have a new website on Nette Framework, the problem is that the old website had URLs in the form: So all over the internet there are backlinks ...
scientific's user avatar
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Docker Apache httpd can't display pictures on mounted share

I'm trying to set up a simple webserver to display some images loaded from my NAS. My problem is that I can only get the webserver to display images when they're stored in a folder on the Ubuntu-host. ...
Joent's user avatar
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How to match domain by external file and create an alias?

Using Apache. I have a txt file of domains that I want to use for mapping directory aliases. But I can't figure it out. The txt-file looks like this: folder1 folder2 ...
tim's user avatar
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Apache mod_proxy_hcheck with AJP?

I have BalancerMembers using AJP with the mod_proxy_hcheck module; however, the health check requests are HTTP. The documentation doesn't seem to specify it only works with HTTP and the source does ...
CrackerJack9's user avatar
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Cannot start apache httpd even though port 80 isn't being used

Running on an AWS ec2 instance, a bit of context, I'm a frontend guy trying to solve an issue with a production web server and have run out of troubleshooting/linux cli knowledge and am out of my ...
ebeck's user avatar
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Apache to serve both static file and webapp

I have apache running on below reverse proxy config to serve java webapp content <VirtualHost *:80> SSLProxyEngine on ProxyPreserveHost On ProxyRequests Off ServerName ...
madprinciple's user avatar
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Homebrewed http start fails on macOS Big Sur [closed]

I had installed Apache 2.4.46 on macOS Big Sur via Homebrew. It had worked fine until I did brew update and brew upgrade. At this time, PHP was upgraded from 7.4 to 8.0, so I modified httpd.conf as ...
Masaru Kitajima's user avatar
3 votes
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How to make mod_remoteip and mod_evasive work together

I have several Cento7 machines running Apache 2.4. They are behind a load balancer. The load balancer pass X-Forwarded-For header with client IP. In order to have mod_evasive to use the real client IP,...
user3908406's user avatar
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Apache fileserver: authentication respecting underlying permissions and ACL's insted of user which Apache is running

This is my situation: I have the same large volume mounted in many hosts at the same time using Lustre and exporting it trough many protocols (FTP, CIFS, NFS and HTTP). On Apache I have configured ...
deejah's user avatar
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Apache UserDir protected by LDAP password (don't want a "public_html")

I'm running Apache 2.4.6-93 on a CentOS 7. What I need is: each user should have their own home directory (achieved via UserDir), but the directories need to be password protected. One user should not ...
deejah's user avatar
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Apache returns with default virtualhost after a while and only for some virtualhosts

The incipit: I had an httpd installation on a CentOS6 that worked good for years with lot of virtualhosts configured on (it is configured as a reverse proxy for lot of websites). Recently I upgraded ...
Lorenzo Sorace's user avatar

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