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NGINX Autospawning of FastCGI Perl Scripts

For the last several years, I’ve been using a setup of NGINX as a reverse proxy that passes any dynamic content requests to Apache. Apache then uses mod_fcgid to autospawn FastCGI-enabled Perl scripts ...
Timothy R. Butler's user avatar
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AH00170: caught SIGWINCH, shutting down gracefully

i have a web server on Debian and Apache2, about once a day or once every 2 days Apache2 crashes, here are the Apache2 error logs: [Wed May 22 13:04:01.082969 2024] [mpm_prefork:error] [pid 874799] ...
spider5414's user avatar
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Apache additional directive to hide folder contents not work

I have a project with ngix as reverse proxy-server and Apache, i'm trying to restrict access to the files contained in a specific folder only to the server ifself. So this is an example: domain: ...
user31929's user avatar
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NGINX Rate Limiting Configuration Leading to 404 Error for Specific Route in Plesk-Managed CakePHP App

I'm using Plesk 18 with NGINX as a proxy in front of Apache2 for a CakePHP application. I have set up rate limiting in my NGINX configuration (/etc/nginx/nginx.conf) with limit_req_zone $...
magic.77's user avatar
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Optimize load balancer SSL termination on a Windows machine

I have an application on a 32-bit Apache server on a Windows machine from a 3rd party vendor. (Can't change that). The setup: Traffic is HTTPS, port 443. Apache web app service Activemq service ...
justadev's user avatar
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Apache2 send response while waiting for HDD to spin up

I have an Apache 2.4 Server that hosts static files. One directory ( is on the SDD (System-drive) and anotherone is on an external HDD ( My Problem is that because my HDD ...
Der Müller's user avatar
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DirectAdmin Apache/Nginx Reverse Proxy Custom Subdomain Config

I have a particular application on a subdomain that needs a custom Nginx configuration to work. I am using DirectAdmin control panel to make per-domain customisations. However, I am getting confused ...
Mark's user avatar
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Configure Keep Alive for connections coming from Cloudflare

I have two servers, an NGINX load balancer that receives connections from Cloudflare and two Apache applications that receive requests forwarded by NGINX. [Cloudflare] → [NGINX] → [Apache 01/Apache 02]...
Tom's user avatar
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Multiple NextCloud instances behind NGINX Reverse Proxy

Currently I have a NGINX proxy running that manages all domains and SSL certificates. Now I want to access two NextCloud instances on one server (Apache, different paths) via different subdomains. Eg. ...
Patrick's user avatar
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NGINX proxy fails to disconnect sessions on target Apache server

I have a PHP script running on an Apache server which is responsible for disconnecting all user sessions. For that, it makes a loop that identifies itself as the session that should be disconnected ...
Tom's user avatar
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nginx equivalant of apache's IncludeOptional

Both Apache & nginx have a way to “include the contents of this file in the configuration”, (Include & include resp.). Both will cause the configuration to be invalid if the provided filename ...
Amandasaurus's user avatar
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nginx equivalent of Apache's `<IfFile…>`

Apache (as of v2.4.34) has an <IfFile path> configuration directive. Does nginx have equivalent functionality? How can I do this? In Apache, when the configuration is loaded, if that file exists,...
Amandasaurus's user avatar
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IP-Filtering on Apache-nginx-Combo

we have the request to secure a domain by restricting access to the ip-ranges of a WAF-Cloud. The server runs Apache for PHP and nginx as reverse-proxy-server, so the chain from browser to website is ...
user414873's user avatar
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Limiting CPU usage of Mariadb proccess doesn't work

I'm building a server that runs Mariadb 10.5, apache, nginx and PHP-FPM. The server have 16 cores and 32GB Ram. This server suppose to work under load, but it doesn't because Mariadb is using 1500%, ...
niceu's user avatar
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Reverse Proxy config from Nginx to Ubuntu Apache2

The following are 2 corresponding sets of config statements. The first one is for Nginx and the second one for Apache2 servers. The Ubuntu Apache2 config code is modelled after the Nginx code to ...
Stanley's user avatar
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Convert nginx @route config to Apache

I have a vue project, it transfers all request to index.html, but if i refresh page, server can't find route, so in Nginx I config location /admin { try_files $uri $uri/ @routeradmin;index index....
lolololhahahahaha's user avatar
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$_POST is empty when obtaining in "ErrorDocument 404" (nginx + apache + mod_php)

I try to transfer website from old server to new, and stucked with one problem. PHP/JS code on both servers is the same, but on new server it is not working - $_POST data are empty in AJAX-request. ...
Ipromo's user avatar
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How to repel an apache ddos attack [duplicate]

My nginx+apache+php server on ubuntu is under attack from a single IP address which causes apache to run as many processes as possible, which causes the server to crash. The ipi is single, and the ...
MilKMiracle's user avatar
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Nginx reverse proxy issue in redirection without trailing slash

I am running an nginx reverse proxy with apache as a backend server. I have multiple applications running without any problems, but some php-js websites fails to redirect properly. when I sent a ...
A. Bader's user avatar
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how force a website to run on port 80 with reverse proxy?

I have a website in a private subnet, which is working on apache 2.4 on port 8090 with reverse proxy to nginx 1.18 on port 80, meaning all static content operating nginx, and all dynamic - apache. I ...
Taras Paslavskyi's user avatar
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Strange issue with forwarding auth headers from apache to nginx - Non empty header(se_custid/ein) not found in the request to proceed

On the setup describe below, Looks like apache is not able to forward required headers to nginx or nginx while forwarding initial request is not forwarding full URL but just relative path. The idea ...
Dhanraj B. Sheth's user avatar
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Inventory of all vhosts across multiple webservers

I was tasked to create an inventory of all websites/webapps hosted on our infrastructure (couple thousand sites hosted on around 120 Linux VMs). Most of the sites are served by Apache (httpd 2.4) but ...
Viesturs Eihentals's user avatar
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Unable to access Wordpress Dashboard with nginx reverse proxy

I am facing a bit of an issue when setting up WordPress with Nginx as reverse proxy to Apache backend. All the pages are loading, but i get an error when i try to login to wp-admin dashboard. The ...
Shashank Bharadwaj's user avatar
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What is the Apache equivalent of Nginx set_real_ip_from and real_ip_header for proxy protocol?

Nginx has set_real_ip_from and real_ip_header proxy_protocol directive to restrict the trusted IP address of the TCP load balancer.
Waiho's user avatar
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My browser will not display http://[sub.]

When I go to in my browser I get a "connection refused" message or an "invalid certificate" error but I don't even want to connect over https. As far as I ...
Bob's user avatar
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2 answers

apache behind varnish; htaccess deny rules ignored

So, I have a wordpress website running behind nginx -> varnish -> httpd The htaccess rule for wp-login.php is set as: <Files wp-login.php> allow from client ip deny from all </Files> ...
iraqiboy90's user avatar
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NGINX Proxy Manager and Plesk Obsidian

I am searching for an easy way to setup reverse proxy with nginx proxy manager in combination with Plesk (Obsidian) - how can I do this easy? WHenenver I disable nginx in plesk to use nginx proxy ...
Robin Dieker's user avatar
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"Bad Request" when sending request to Socket.IO app via Apache

What I have I have Socket.IO app letteraly from template const express = require('express'); const app = express(); const http = require('http'); const server = http.createServer(app); const { Server }...
RoyalGoose's user avatar
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Apache or NGINX + GitHub runner

I have a development server that I'm currently using for beta-level production (mostly sending out to my clients for proof of work). So what I wanna do is use my runner to automatically sync with main ...
Kaan refik Kaan's user avatar
3 votes
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Apache behind nginx reverse proxy, setting the correct Host header

I'm running my application using Apache in a Docker container. I have nginx acting as a reverse proxy running in another Docker container which has Apache as its upstream. I'm using the proxy_pass ...
fairport's user avatar
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Apache Rewrite to Nginx with ProxyPass

I'm trying to redirect an Subdomain hosted on an Apache Webserver* with .htaccess to an external URL with hiding this external URL. The .htaccess file looks like this: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{...
mauri5hut's user avatar
1 vote
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Replicate nginx reverse proxy config using apache

nginx config: server { listen 443 ssl http2; listen [::]:443 ssl http2; ssl_certificate /path/to/tls/tls.crt; ssl_certificate_key /path/to/tls/tls.key; server_name the.domain....
TREX's user avatar
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Apache alias ignored when used with ProxyPass

I'm trying to install yotter on my server, and I want to use apache instead of nginx. The installation guide only lists an nginx configuration file, which I'm trying to "translate". The ...
anonymus1994.1's user avatar
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Aliasing a user (id) in CentOS7/8

I am in the process of replacing some apache instances with nginx (for performance, mostly). For some time I will need to switch from one to the other. The packagers, in their infinite wisdom, decided ...
Alien Life Form's user avatar
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Large tmp file transfer hangs in nginx php-fpm proxy

We have a server that's running a WordPress site with a serverpilot-installed nginx stack on Ubuntu 20 LTS. Very large uploads appear to get stuck in the handoff between the nginx proxy and PHP, and I ...
Chris Ostmo's user avatar
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Use Nginx proxy pass (reverse proxy) to serve an Apache hosted site with SSL

I've searched the forums (and elsewhere on the web) and have found related but seemingly not identical information. Hopefully I'm not duplicating here. I have a site running on an Apache server. It ...
Jason Hollowell's user avatar
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How do I Convert nginx to Apache rewrites?

My local machine is Apache2.4 and this is the redirect scheme on nginx. How do I write this using RewriteRules? location / { if (!-e $request_filename) { rewrite ^/(.[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]+).html$ /index....
Xiaoliang Chang's user avatar
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apache2.4 reverse proxy to nginx gitlab server [closed]

I'm currently running an owncloud server based on a apache 2.4 webserver on my raspberry pi 4 8GB (working on dietpi 7.3) which works great i have a public domain setup and use letsencrypt to create ...
CaptainJack42's user avatar
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nginx proxy to apache, can't enable keepalive (403)

My setup is : upstream http_backend { server; keepalive 16; } server { ... location / { proxy_pass http://http_backend; proxy_http_version 1.1; ...
CrazyRabbit's user avatar
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Nginx + apache + wordpress redirects to

I have Nginx running on port 443 working as reverse proxy for apache on port 8080, apache handles php files for wordpress. I've setup wordpress and everything works fine except of wp-admin. When I put ...
flanker12X's user avatar
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Spotify Bot Using Massive Bandwidth on NGINX Cached Server?

I have a couple of podcasts I host on my site and I've noticed a disturbing trend the last couple of months: my site's bandwidth usage has gone up by 10x, but it appears most of it was a series of ...
Timothy R. Butler's user avatar
-1 votes
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nginx echo while processing not working but the same server with apache can echo while processing

PHP 8 I'm using the newest NGINX feature un WHM 96.... I can flip switch on or off to have nginx cache everything and it's working well and very fast. **** BUT : when I have a script that does lots of ...
Jintor's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Modify Apache rewrite rule for Nginx

How to rewrite this Apache rewrite rule for Nginx? RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/api RewriteRule (.*) index.php [L] I tried this but it doesn't work, I'm getting HTTP 404 in /var/log/nginx/access....
jnemecz's user avatar
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How to group data being split and posted to two backend Apache servers behind a frontend Nginx load balancer?

For a requirement of my client, I want to set up a load balancer using Nginx with two upstream backend Apache webservers. I think it should be like: Server1: Nginx Load Balancer. Server2: Apache Web ...
vjwilson's user avatar
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Moving from Virtualmin - Should I go with Docker? [closed]

For last 5 years I was using Virtualmin on my small VPS where I host my websites. It was mainly used for my projects and presentations, but in last few years I started to host other people's websites (...
Baterka's user avatar
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Upload files slow (nginx + http2)

I'm migrating a php webapp from an apache server to an nginx. Everything works as expected except uploading files. A file of 156 MBs takes ~11s to be uploaded on current server with apache, while the ...
lluisaznar's user avatar
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Switched from nginx to apache, apache using nginx error pages [closed]

I switched from nginx 1.18.0 to apache 2.4.41 and apache is still using the nginx default error pages. I removed nginx with sudo apt-get remove nginx. I am using ubuntu 20.04. edit: contents of sites-...
orchreycube's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Turning an Apache http site into secure https site via Nginx reverse proxy

I have to support an old WordPress site running on Apache web server. To make things safer, this Apache server is in a Docker container, and it is accessible to the world via Nginx reverse proxy ...
Passiday's user avatar
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How to run two different application(Java and Wordpress) on same domain name

I have a java application run at which is hosted on server A. When some access it should redirect to the WordPress site which is hosted on server B but ...
Raj's user avatar
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Reocurring error! the server quit without updating pid file

Dedciated Server Linux Cenos 6 Apache + Nginx We have had this issue happen several times now and happening after server has crashed or shut down the server quit without updating pid file After this ...
jt9489's user avatar
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