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Apache Configuration

I am sure you may have encountered this issue. I have a server with jira, bitbucket and confluence configured on the same server. As the bitbucket is moved to linux serer i am wondering how can I ...
om joshi's user avatar
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Apache referrer based reverse proxy path rewrite

I have a virtualhost that is a reverse proxy based on a path param "xmg" <VirtualHost *:443> ServerAlias some.example SSL... ProxyPass /xmg http://localhost:5553/ ...
user22866's user avatar
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Convert auth config from apache http server 2.2 to apache 2.4

I have the following apache 2.2 configuration and need to transform it to apache 2.4. <Location /> Order Deny,Allow Deny From Env=TEST Allow From Env=LOCAL Allow ...
trikelef's user avatar
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Need to allow only specific file extensions via Apache config

I'm struggling with allowing only specific file extensions via Apache (2.4.58). I'm doing this in httpd.conf. The problem is if I deny all files at first either like that: <Files *> Require ...
Gino Pane's user avatar
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Default <files ".ht*"> doesn't work, but <files '^.ht'> does

I was able to download my .htaccess file despite httpd.conf contains the following lines. <Files ".ht*"> Require all denied </Files> When I changed it to this, it works as ...
syntxerr's user avatar
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/~ URL pages will not load, but full path /.../..../ will load - security issu

I am pretty new to Apache - New sys admin that inherited a broken server and I've been slowly making it work. We have the default directory that is hosting staff webpages and is working normally. The ...
Talenus's user avatar
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How do I set the timeout for the static health check of a Balancer Member of an Apache reverse proxy

I am trying to configure a reverse proxy. I currently have <Proxy balancer://myset> BalancerMember http://IP1:80 retry=4 BalancerMember http://IP1:80 Balancermember http://IP3:80 ...
Thomas Stokes's user avatar
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Apache Httpd: Logging Access for Non-privileged Users

I’m wondering if it is common for Apache HTTPD admins to allow read access or read access to copies of /var/log/httpd/${vhost}_error_log? I administer an Apache web server for a University CS ...
deconstruct's user avatar
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Apache 2.4 Redirect all to index.php

OK, first let me apologize if this question has been asked before. I did a search but didn't immediately find something suitable. I've been looking at the Apache docs but just cannot get this rewrite ...
Paul Allsopp's user avatar
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Apache Centos mutiple instances and virtual hosts

I installed apache on centos and added two virtual hosts ( and ): server1.conf Listen 443 https <VirtualHost *:443> DocumentRoot /opt/server1/ ServerName server1....
el sparrow's user avatar
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SSPI, Treat wrong credentials as anonymous user

I'm running apache 2.4 with xampp, and so far my sspi works well with mod_authnz_sspi. I would like to accept all users, but get their name in $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] if they are in my active ...
Neil's user avatar
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2 answers

What determines the name of Apache PHP Handlers?

When configuring an Apache server to use a Handler to run PHP code, I'm familiar with adding a line similar to below in httpd.conf or .htaccess: AddHandler application/x-httpd-php81 .php This tells ...
frumious's user avatar
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httpd redirect one port number to another

We are trying to redirect requests on port 8555 to port 8443. In our httpd.conf file, we have the following: <VirtualHost *:8555> SSLEngine on # SSL configuration that is irrelevant to this ...
user1207177's user avatar
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AlmaLinux HTTPD will not recognize the error with .htaccess

Product version: Plesk Obsidian OS version: AlmaLinux 8.7 x86_64 The problem is Apache / HTTPD would not recognize to error its .htaccess from when editing the file at AllowOverride None to ...
Saya Kisaragi's user avatar
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What is the correct way to enable HTTPS on apache httpd VirtualHost, given a .pem file and a .key file?

I need to get https enabled on a webserver (RHEL 7.9, httpd 2.4.6). We were provided a pem file, with the following format: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- // -----END CERTIFICATE----- -----BEGIN ...
demiglace's user avatar
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Alias in apache httpd.conf

I am trying to serve robots.txt on an existing https site being served via reverse proxy on an apache windows server. Here is what I added to httpd.conf file however this is not working. What am I ...
desiguy's user avatar
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Apache 2.4 "Require ip" not working for /server-status, /phpMyAdmin etc with VirtualHost directives added in httpd.conf

I recently changed using the Event MPM in my Apache 2.4 installation, alongside PHP-FPM and FastCGI proxy, I hope that wasn't the reason for my problem. I also started working with name-based ...
AkiEru's user avatar
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Configuring Virtual Hosting Httpd - Fedora Server - 'sites-available and sites-enabled' vs 'conf.d/vhost.conf'

The current set-up for my web server is a 1GB nanode using Fedora37 as the distribution for the compute instance. For the web server I am using Httpd (Apache 2.4.54), and am now in the process of ...
CatByte-io's user avatar
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How to Enable multiple URL's with mTLS in place

Mine is a web server i need multiple URL's of the server enabled with mTLS in place. This is my code. <IfModule ssl_module> Header set Cache-Control "no-store" Header always set Strict-...
Hanumesh Desai's user avatar
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Why does my condition on %{REQUEST_METHOD} not appear to work in my apache .conf file

I was trying to whittle down the cases where the Access-Control-Allow-Origin is sent in a response to only some specific scenarios such as only for specific request methods. In this situation we ...
jpierson's user avatar
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Systemctl cannot access additional config files for httpd

I have a freshly set up RHEL 8.6 with httpd installed (yum install httpd). In /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf additional configs are included on a mounted NFS share: IncludeOptional /cat/soft/apache/...
Ralf L.'s user avatar
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2 answers

Apache Proxypass redirects "localhost:port" as url string instead of local service of the port

Environment Server version: Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS) I have two servers which are almost duplicates. and They have almost same Apache rulesets. config <Location "/...
Lunartist's user avatar
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Redirect root / to proxy alias multiple subdomains [duplicate]

So I have been trying and failing at re-write conditions for a site that multiple subdomains for its site The gist is that each market must direct and display code differently do to regulations so ...
Craig's user avatar
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different configurations files to apache2?

I'm pretty new to this, and reading a lot online, but what configuration is right? in apache2, some are talking about httpd.conf, and have all configuration in one file. my installation have 2 ...
Adam Larsson's user avatar
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Unable to change "MaxSpareServers"?

I wanted to increase the MaxSpareServers. <IfModule mpm_prefork_module> MaxSpareServers 20 </IfModule> However, I get the below error while testing. [root@server_1 conf.modules.d]# ...
beat_it_987's user avatar
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Are Apache Define directive variables allowed to be overwritten?

Are Apache httpd Define directive variables intended to be allowed to be overwritten? For example, Define SITE <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName ${SITE} </VirtualHost> ...
Jeff's user avatar
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PATCH request returns 404, POST and GET work

I'm working on a web application that interacts with a custom REST API. It's basically a table of data that's updated through the application. I'm trying to use the PATCH method for the updates, but ...
Michael Dandini's user avatar
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How can I show the subdirectory of a server as an index based on domain used to connect to it?

I have 2 domains running in the same directory off the same IP (Via a CNAME record in each's DNS) the directory shows this in the apache index: index of / This is shown ...
Mister SirCode's user avatar
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Apache 2.4 and Reverse proxy - not redirecting when using VirtualHost

I'm running Apache 2.4 on AWS Linux as httpd. I've a single domain, and all requests are directed via /conf/httpd.conf using Listen: 80 and DocumentRoot "/var/www/html". My current domain ...
anakaine's user avatar
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How to rewrite urls using ProxyHTMLURLMap?

My urls are in this form /sites/site-name/Subpath-2/ /sites/site-name/Subpath-3/Subpath-4/ And this should be rewritten as /sitename/subpath/pagename (the extention .page is ...
Gaurav-Reddy's user avatar
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Some questions about httpd log

First question: why there are two error log files? One is /var/www/mywebsite/error.log, which is specified in <VirtualHost> with the ErrorLog instruction. The other is /var/log/httpd/error_log. ...
William's user avatar
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How to match domain by external file and create an alias?

Using Apache. I have a txt file of domains that I want to use for mapping directory aliases. But I can't figure it out. The txt-file looks like this: folder1 folder2 ...
tim's user avatar
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Unable to Determine Request Header Limiter

I'm new to using apache and working on a company product I've been hit with a 405 error with a PUT request. Looking at methods of limiting request headers - it appears this can only be done using ...
Steveguile's user avatar
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Should I increase MaxSpareServer?

Recently we have surfered a 2 minutes downtime in one Apache Server 2.4. There is not any significant error in error_log like "Max server Limit reached" and neither in acces_log. Moreover, ...
Pablo Luna's user avatar
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How to log upstream IP in Apache HTTP server?

I'm using Apache Http server as a reverse proxy. I am interested in logging the upstream server IP in access and error logs. I'm looking for something like upstream_addr of Nginx web server.
kgoutham93's user avatar
4 votes
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How can I apply HSTS header to all vhosts over 443 in Apache

I'm looking to add the HSTS header in Apache... # HSTS / Header Strict Transport Security Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload" ... but ...
oucil's user avatar
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Apache2 - if page not found it gets served from another domain

I am facing a strange behavior with my main host IP and the served virtual hosts, basically I have the following: |- 148.x.x.x /var/www/html/public_html |- /var/www/...
H Aßdøµ's user avatar
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Apache mod_rewrite with Redirect Dropping Authorization Header

I have some Apache mod_rewrite rules set up to redirect Maven deploys from one url/server to another. We're in the process of migrating from Nexus to Artifactory and need these redirects set up so ...
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apachectl reports that it's in worker mode, however the configuration seems to be set to prefork

I'm using a VPS running Apache2.4 and CentOS7. I'm hitting some threading issues and would like to try to run Apache in prefork mode. If I run apachectl -V to check which mode I'm in, I get this ...
Jake Browning's user avatar
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How to get mod_rewrite specific log messages in Windows Server and which file do I need to get?

I have an issue on getting mod_rewrite specific log. I found this on a website and with help from a friend I managed to get this to run in Windows Server Powershell. Below is the command line: Get-...
Petri's user avatar
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Is it possible to set ServerName with an environment variable in Apache?

How can I set the ServerName directive in Apache to the environment variable HTTP_HOST I have tried: ServerName %{HTTP_HOST} #or ServerName ${HTTP_HOST} or expr=%{HTTPS} Define server_name %{...
user avatar
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Apache HTTPD 2.4.x: How to "direct" users to a a custom error page if certain characters are present in the URL/URI?

so I have this apache config where I'm trying to "rewrite" users to a custom error page but it's not working. I entered http://localhost/index.html/ddgdg%:sdsdfs in the browser and I didn't get my ...
mrjayviper's user avatar
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Non-Wordpress domain on Bitnami WordPress multi-site

I've been fighting this issue for quite some time and perhaps don't have a good enough understand of Apache. I have a Bitnami Wordpress Multi-site installation running on AWS lightsail. I have 3 WP ...
jpsnow72's user avatar
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Why is this VirtualHost definition activating when the ServerName doesn't match? [duplicate]

I've got a httpd24 server that I want to use to server multiple domains. I've got a 3 VirtualHost definitions. <VirtualHost *:443> ServerName # SSL stuff DocumentRoot "...
Programming Guy's user avatar
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httpd: Syntax error on line 523

I have a late 2009 Imac with Mac OS 10.13.6 High Sierra, installed XAMPP 7.0.30 and trying to run openEMR 5.0.1, I am a really beginner on Server world and PHP too. At the begining Apache server ...
Chema Moriñigo's user avatar
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New line in apache rewrite rule

Using RewriteMap in Apache 2.4 for some variable conversion referring this. Everything seems fine. Able to test the external program alone and it gives the expected output. As per the link, the map ...
Anitha.R's user avatar
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Kerberos + LDAP in Apache httpd - ObjectSID

I am doing LDAP authorization along with Kerberos authentication in httpd 2.4. I am retrieving objectSID from ldap and found that to be not in readable format. Referring this and this, have used a ...
Anitha.R's user avatar
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Setting value via variable in apache httpd.conf

I have the following entry in my apache config file: <LocationMatch "/hls-vod/(?<id>[0-9][0-9])/(.*)"> HLSHttpStreamingEnabled true HLSMediaFileDuration 8000 HttpStreamingContentPath "$...
Brad's user avatar
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How do I use a custom variable in an If-Else statement inside an Apache config?

Here's my code (I've commented out the if-else part as it's not working) snippets/contents of my config files /etc/httpd/conf.d/staff.vhost Define host_domain "staff" Include /etc/httpd/conf.d/...
mrjayviper's user avatar
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How to exclude RewriteMap if REQUEST_URI is not found

I have an old site wordpress site I am in the process of migrating. There are about 50000 urls that need to be redirected. For this I am using DBM files which seem to be working fine, however during ...
Donna Delour's user avatar