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ServerAlias url goes to wrong file path

I have an old Apache PHP web site that I am in the process of upgrading. In the interim, I need to continue to access this site via a URL "" I have added a ServerAlias ...
Lassanter's user avatar
3 votes
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How to fix AH02565: Certificate and private key do not match

We have an application hosted on Ubuntu apache server and letsencrypt SSL is installed there. Now i want to change Letsencrypt ssl certificate by Digicert certificate. I followed the Digicert ssl ...
Paul's user avatar
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Server still overload after changing from prefork mpm to event mpm

On Ubuntu 14 with Apache/2.4.7. It is 6 CPU cores with 16GB RAM from Even after changing to Event MPM it still is overloaded in the same way. Till noon it was stopping temporarily then ...
user5858's user avatar
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What does apache return when a GET comes in for a file that's in the process of being replaced?

I can't find the answer on google and this seems pretty difficult to test with certainty. So, I am really hoping that someone out there just knows what actually happens. What happens if a GET comes ...
davidrmcharles's user avatar
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"Server should be SSL-aware but has no certificate configured" Apache won't start

Never have set up a web server like this so I'm not sure what i'm doing wrong. I'm setting up my SSL certificate on my Ubuntu 14.04 server. The SSL is from NameCheap as is the domain. I'm getting this ...
Bob Stevenson's user avatar
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One app, several virtual host and multiple apache instances

We are having a problem in witch from time to time our apache2 server stops working. When I try to restart it I need to first kill several existing running instances of apache. Like this: sudo ...
Carlos Vidal's user avatar
1 vote
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core_output_filter: flushing because of FLUSH bucket - why am I seeing this in Apache error log?

Does anyone know why do I keep seeing core_output_filter: flushing because of FLUSH bucket in my Apache 2.4.7 (Ubuntu) error log and what does it mean? I haven't noticed any problems so far, but it ...
vooxo's user avatar
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Subversion + Apache 2.4 + Active Directory

I am trying to setup subversion apache 2.4.7 authentication using active directory. where I am finding authzldapauthoritative is more supported in Apache 2.4.x. following are Apache configuration and ...
Caterpillar's user avatar
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Increasing the max execution time

Mine is Ubuntu 14 and I've enabled fpm-event with Apache. apachectl -V | grep -i mpm shows: Server MPM: event It seems those pages which take more than 30 seconds to execute I'm getting this ...
user5858's user avatar
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Apache handshaking slow on prefork configuration, need config tuning

My server, running Ubuntu 14/Apache2.4.7, has an htaccess redirect to force all requests to use HTTPS. Generally, it responds quickly. However, I recently altered my SSL config to restrict the ciphers ...
S. Imp's user avatar
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How to diagnose an "AH00111: Config variable is not defined" when the system env var is defined

I am setting up an Apache 2.4.7 server on a Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS machine, with the intention of replacing another instance. Basically, the new instance is a pristine Ubuntu 14.4 install, with only ...
AbVog's user avatar
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-1 votes
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(Single Day - Peak) Dedicated Server Requirements for CDN Set-ups [duplicate]

Update: Comments made regarding how it is not a duplicate - fundamental question. Pre-Info: I am a game design specialized generalist with semi-practical software engineering skills in essence yet ...
Atahan Bozkurt's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

"Require not ip" .htaccess doesn't work in a single ip

I am having trouble with blocking an IP in .htaccess I've put Require not ip It works, but it blocks the entire network instead of blocking a single IP. Can somebody solve this ...
Raffy Singidas Bandrang's user avatar
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Child process still did not exit

My LAMP server recently froze and I rebooted it. I ran into some memory issues with MySQL after that that I was able to determine indicated my swapfile got disabled during the reboot. I re-enabled my ...
thunderblaster's user avatar
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2 answers

Address already in use, could not bind to address [::]:443

I am trying to set up SSL within my ubuntu 14.04 server. After generating my self-signed RSA certificate and setting up all necessary configuration, my server failed to start. All my /var/log/apache2/...
sasuke_X220's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Server should be SSL-aware but has no certificate configured

I am trying to set up SSL within my ubuntu 14.04 server. After generating my self-signed RSA certificate and setting up all necessary configuration, my server failed to start. I am getting this error ...
sasuke_X220's user avatar
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Automatically block IP who requests certain URL using Fail2ban

From this question I followed this answered. I make a filter and enabled it inside the fail2ban config file. This is the filter: # Fail2Ban filter to web requests for home directories on Apache ...
NineCattoRules's user avatar
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One Apache virtual site doesn't work while all the rest do

I'm at a a complete loss right now and have researched and researched to no avail. I use DigitalOcean and have an Ubuntu 14.04 Droplet, running the Apache web server. I have about 15 virtual hosts. ...
Joey Martin's user avatar
-1 votes
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Strange ModSecurity entries in Apache error log

I recently migrated my VPS to Plesk Onyx v17 (running on Ubuntu 14.04) and, when checked the error logs this morning, I noticed multiple records like this one: [Tue Apr 11 06:26:33.063983 2017] [:...
Mike S's user avatar
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2 answers

Apache2 mod_ssl goes missing after random time period

Using a fairly typical/standard Apache installation on Ubuntu, with mod_ssl enabled, every "so often" (random time period) a website on the server stops responding. When looking to see why, I noticed ...
conspireagainst's user avatar
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Connection timed out on apache webserver

I have a problem with reaching my server via a domain, I try to ping it and I get: Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms ...
Przemek's user avatar
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Apache Web Server 2.4 - Reverse Proxy

Hopefully someone can help me, and many thanks in advance. I have set up an Apache Web Server 2.4 on Ubuntu machine with reverse proxy from my server ( using ProxyPass and ...
Joe's user avatar
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Apache Access log recieved request time issue

Please see the strange situation with received request time in the Apache(2.4.7) access log in Ubuntu 14.04: IP1 - - [14/Dec/2016:00:00:02 +0300] "GET /portal/get.php?filename=file1.mpg HTTP/1.1" 206 ...
Ivan Kolesnikov's user avatar
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3 answers

Is this a DDoS attack? What can I do to stop?

In my apache access log, I'm getting... hundreds of these per minute my.server.ip.address - - [14/Dec/2016:07:37:30 +1100] "\x16\x03\x01" 400 0 "-" "-" After about a ...
ericbae's user avatar
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django hosting on apache ubuntu14.04 folder permission

i am using digital ocean cloud server ubuntu 14.04 apache for hosting. while hosting i set the permission for the project folder this way: chown -R :www-data <project_dir_name> chmod -R 760 &...
Thameem's user avatar
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Apache vhosts not working after PHP update

I have updated PHP from 5.5 to 5.6 on a Digital Ocean droplet (Ubuntu 14.04) using ppa:ondrej/php repository. I also updated mod_php to use 5.6. Ever since then, my vhost stopped working. All I ever ...
Vojta Hejda's user avatar
-2 votes
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Ubuntu, Apache2.4 ban bad agents globally

I want to ban bad agents. I have tried many way including this one! But it doesn't work. If I create a perl file: check this! I think this is because of Order deny,allow syntax as it is for apache2....
Himanshu Shankar's user avatar
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php5.6-fpm with Apache 2.4 displays php source on Ubuntu 14.04

My Ubuntu Vagrant displays PHP source instead of interpreting PHP scripts. What am I doing wrong? My apache.conf: <Directory /> Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None </Directory&...
jacekll's user avatar
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Phpmyadmin 404 not found on Apache 2.4

I can't seem to get phpmyadmin to work correctly with my current Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu:Trusty) setup. Phpmyadmin installed correctly, and I've included the /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf file in the ...
Odyss3us's user avatar
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How to configure Apache web server to be able to write file in Ubuntu root folder

What I am trying to do is to create a folder from PHP code. Initially it may sound like a PHP question, but after sending lot of time online, I realize that the main issue is related to Apache ...
Jalal Uddin's user avatar
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Ubuntu 14 Server - Setting up a username password prompt before downloading a file

I have an Ubuntu 14 server set up (I am using a LAMP Stack) and it is currently hosting a website I made. I have uploaded a zip file there and anyone with the link can go a head and download it. ...
Razgriz's user avatar
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how to track and resolve "cannot load [xy] into server: undefined symbol" in apache2

I just recently ran into an error apache2: Syntax error on line 140 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Syntax error on line 2 of /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dav_svn_authz.load: Cannot load /usr/lib/apache2/...
oliverjkb's user avatar
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How To Redirect Requests For a Resource That Are Not on The Server?

How to redirect requests for a resource that are not on the server ? , i have a website hosted on ubuntu 14.04 - apache 2.4 i want my website to accept only requests for files on the server and the ...
IamPublic's user avatar
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How To Redirect Before Checking for SSL?

I have an SSL certificate for my domain, let's call it Also I have another domain, let's call it When I get HTTPS requests for domain it fails but it ...
IamPublic's user avatar
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Change Configuration file path Apache2.4 Ubuntu14.04

How can I changed the Configuration File (php.ini) Path in my Apache2 Configuration ? I got two PHP-Version and want to switch between them. I found out that with PHPIniDir in apache2.conf I can ...
SkaiBoa's user avatar
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New Apache 2.4 MPM-Event server: (22) Invalid argument: ap_queue_pop failed

After ordering and setting up a new web server (64bit, 4 vCores, 6GB RAM, Ubuntu 14.04) with Apache 2.4.7 (and PHP7 fpm) as event MPM but during busier traffic hours Apache crashes. The error log is ...
DevDavid's user avatar
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22 votes
6 answers

Why is response time exploding when request frequency drops?

Correction: response time (%D) is μs not ms! 1 This doesn't change anything about the weirdness of this pattern but it means that it is practically way less devastating. Why is response time ...
Raffael's user avatar
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What does the FAIL2BAN BadBots block ? Only Authentication related?

I am wondering if fail2ban is used only in order to block IP addresses that are from which there are authentication failures (SSH / HTTP auth. etc) or that it is also used for blocking Bots which ...
Lex's user avatar
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3 answers

Cannot start Apache, config test fail: "env: apache2ctl: No such file or directory"

$ apache2 -v Server version: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) Server built: Jan 14 2016 17:45:23 My Ubuntu version is 14.04. I was fixing a few things on /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf and ...
aborted's user avatar
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apache2 not running after graceful restart

Today my apache instance was automatically restarted gracefully by some cron job I guess, afterwards it was not running. The apache error log file shows: [Fri Jun 03 06:25:04.379685 2016] [...
Thomas Einwaller's user avatar
0 votes
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how to filter only port 80 and 443 at mod_status of apache?

Is there a way to show only requests of port 80 and 443 when looking /server-status of mod_status ? My /etc/apache2/mods-available/status.conf file: <IfModule mod_status.c> # Allow ...
RAwks32's user avatar
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After commenting out virtualnameHost on passenger_vhosts.conf my apache2 is only resolving to one domain

I have to hosts (domains) that i have added on the passenger_vhosts.conf. I had namevirtualhost*:80 on my conf file and i was able to resolve for two domain, after updating my apache2 the ...
Bethuel Mhlongo's user avatar
-1 votes
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Setup web folder for multiple developers and Apache [duplicate]

I'm trying to setup a web folder on LAMP with Ubuntu 14.04 where : Apache/PHP can read everything inside. (r-x for folders and r-- for files) Multiple users in a "devs" group can do anything inside. (...
Maarethyu's user avatar
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4 answers

ServerAlias without www not working on SSL virtualhost

I'm moving a site from a server to another, and using its current and still valid SSL certificate. The machine I'm working on is a Ubuntu 14.04 server. I've set up my usual virtual host file, let's ...
didrocks66's user avatar
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Cannot get php5-fpm to work on Ubuntu 14.04 with Apache 2.4.7

I have been trying for two days now to upgrade my regular LAMP stack to use php5-fpm and event-mpm, but it just doesn't want to work! At this point seems like I've tried everything to make it work, ...
Swen's user avatar
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Change Apache Server Internal IP Address

I have an Ubuntu machine (14.04) running just 1 website under apache (2.4.7) I need to change the internal IP address of the machine but whenever i do i can no longer access the website. As soon as ...
user348116's user avatar
4 votes
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421 Misdirected Request using HTTP/2 and SAN SSL

I'm running Apache 2.4.20 on Ubuntu and I have SSL configured. I have a SAN SSL Certificate and and are sharing the same certificate. I'm getting a 421 Misdirected ...
jarvis's user avatar
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403 Forbidden error on Ubuntu + Apache2 + Passenger Rails server

Just started a server on Linode, with Ubuntu 14, Apache and Passenger. Deployed a rails app with capistrano, configured and enabled the site, but it launchs a 403 error when attempting to access: ...
Prade Mismo's user avatar
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Apache2 mod_proxy_ajp with Tomcat leads to 500 Internal Server Error

I am currently deploying a cloud server instance running Ubuntu 14.04. I have installed the LAMP Stack as well as Tomcat 7 Server. I want to run a Java Based App from this server and therefore any ...
realnsleo's user avatar
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cant start apache2 after a reboot

I cant make apache2 start. I used nodejs with port 8585 and then i rebooted the server without closing the node instance, from that moment i'm stack with this error: Starting web server apache2 ...
Ahmed Commando's user avatar