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Questions tagged [apache-2.4]

Version 2.4 of the Apache HTTPd Server. When asking questions about virtualhosts, please include the output of the following command: "apache2ctl -S" (or "httpd -S" depending on your OS)

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if statement in htaccess

I'm using the following .htaccess to allow access to my website by IP address: <Limit GET POST> Require all denied Require ip x.x.x.x Require ip y.y.y.y </Limit> I was wondering if it ...
vespino's user avatar
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Config a CwPanel local server to read local domains

I have the following situation: I have a local test server where I use Almalinux 8 with CWPanel. I have several test domains configured on it:
EvandroPH's user avatar
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Is it possible to run TFTP from Apache server?

Today we run Open TFTP and Apache as two different applications on a Windows 11 Pro, x64-bit machine. We start them separately. The Apache we run is Apache Haus 2.4.46. Is there a way to run TFTP from ...
Ola Karlsson's user avatar
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NGINX Autospawning of FastCGI Perl Scripts

For the last several years, I’ve been using a setup of NGINX as a reverse proxy that passes any dynamic content requests to Apache. Apache then uses mod_fcgid to autospawn FastCGI-enabled Perl scripts ...
Timothy R. Butler's user avatar
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PHP shell_exec fails, terminal/CLI works

I have to get basic information about the operating system in PHP: $p = shell_exec('cat /etc/*-release 2>&1'); This returns: cat: '/etc/*-release': No such file or directory The command runs ...
John's user avatar
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Apache 2.4 config for fcgi with custom socket listening web app

I need a config for apache 2.4 which just connects to an open socket and talks fcgi over it. I am writing my own fcgi-enabled web app. By now, it opens a listening socket and when a web server (nginx ...
K. Nick's user avatar
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How do I configure apache through virtualhsot to allow .well-known directory to be loaded and not get a 404 error

I have: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName DocumentRoot /var/www/subdomainFolder/public_html <Directory "/var/www/subdomainFolder/public_html/"> ...
user18969's user avatar
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phpMyAdmin Login Page Error: mysqli::real_connect(): Premature end of data in XAMPP

I'm encountering an error when logging in to phpMyAdmin on my local XAMPP setup. The login page displays the following errors: mysqli::real_connect(): Premature end of data (mysqlnd_wireprotocol.c:387)...
Misbagas's user avatar
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apache2 + mod_fcgid + perl-fcgi - logs are splitted from apache2

I try to run this code: #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings; use FCGI; my $request = FCGI::Request(); my $count = 0; while ($request->Accept() >= 0) { # Handle each request my $...
Michal Keller's user avatar
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AH01797, access_compat:error cannot find root cause

No matter where I set my "Require all granted" block in my httpd conf, I keep running into these errors: [Thu May 30 10:55:16.510272 2024] [access_compat:error] [pid 1076428] [client 10.192....
itinneed2022_1's user avatar
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Why won't the PHP cURL module load on my Windows/Apache web server?

Not sure if this is best suited to SO or here. I have an Apache 2.4 server running on Windows Server 2019 OS. I have installed PHP 8.1.29 from the Apache on Windows site and everything else about PHP ...
Paul H's user avatar
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Apache2 SSL handshake failure with Chrome

I would like to access my web site with Chromium browser (Version 124.0.6367.201 (Official Build) snap (64-bit)) but I face a fatal SSL error. According to the wireshark dump, the error is due to a ...
Jib's user avatar
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problems downloading static resource from apache

The resource is static file (archive.tar.gz) of approx 50MB served by apache 2.4.29 running on Ubuntu 18.04.3 with apache basic auth provided and pfsense 2.7.2 in front of apache. sometimes download ...
Domenico Sgarbossa's user avatar
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How to declare an explicit list of allowed client certificates in apache2 server

I use an apache2 server configured as a reverse proxy to access an internal service. To protect this service from unauthorized access I would like to use a certificate-based client authentication. ...
Jib's user avatar
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Restarting Apache workers (not graceful restart) without restarting loadbalancer and using python

I have two processes running as Apache servers on two different port numbers. I also have a failover server on another port and I am using the embedded Apache load balancer on windows. Both of Apache ...
MKH's user avatar
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OFBIZ: Compiling ofbiz 22.01 fails with "Could not target platform: Java SE 17 using tool chain: JDK 11" . ofbiz 17.12 and 18.12.12 compile succeeds

Questions: How can I correct the error Could not target platform Java SE 17 using tool chain JDK 11? What is the correct JDK to compile with for ofbiz 22.01? Ofbiz 17.12 and 18.12.12 use JDK jdk-8u412-...
Anthon's user avatar
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2 answers

IP denials and Apache

I am using Apache 2.2, and my .htaccess file is filled with "deny from"s to restrict IP access. You know, recognized spammers and the like. In upgrading to Apache 2.4, I am told that IP ...
user637's user avatar
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Have anyone gotten (mono) xsp and mod_mono working on RH9 or OL9?

Have anyone gotten (mono) xsp and mod_mono working on RH9 or OL9? I have tried with packages from 8 and 7 (with mono-project-centos8 for missing packages) without any luck. We are aware we should ...
mintu's user avatar
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Self signed certificate for Ubuntu in Active Directory Windows clients

I have an Active Directory mydomain.local. I have an intranet web site with Ubuntu and Apache intranet.mydomain.local. I need an SSL certificate for this domain which can resolve all Active Directory ...
mardon's user avatar
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Apache crashes causing 504s

I have a Centos 7 server on which I installed apache 2.4.58, it has been crashing for 2 days after a short time that it is online, I keep stopping the apache service (systemctl stop httpd.service) and ...
Matteo Cigognini's user avatar
2 votes
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How do the RequestReadTimeout and Timeout directives interact, and why does my apache time out unexpectedly?

I might be mistaken, but Apache 2.4 docs about mod_reqtimeout and the core functionalities do not explain how the RequestReadTimeout and Timeout directives interact with one another: does one take ...
Fabio A.'s user avatar
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Fedora 40: Apache Httpd refuses to write to "/home" filesystem, but I checked SELinux settings

I'm installing FosWiki on a Fedora 40 Machine. The FosWiki top directory shall be /home/wikis/foswiki_company. Underneath that there are various directories for content, as well as the log directory. /...
David Tonhofer's user avatar
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Simplesamlphp multisite setup apache vhost

Really need some help here. Off the bat, i have a LAMP server which i'm using to host multiple apache sites. RHEL 8.9, php 8.1. I have setup simplesaml php (SP) to authenticate against host IDP (Azure)...
Vin Tastic's user avatar
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AH00170: caught SIGWINCH, shutting down gracefully

i have a web server on Debian and Apache2, about once a day or once every 2 days Apache2 crashes, here are the Apache2 error logs: [Wed May 22 13:04:01.082969 2024] [mpm_prefork:error] [pid 874799] ...
spider5414's user avatar
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Apache reverse proxy, add http request header according to REMOTE_USER use RewriteRule and RequestHeader

I'm trying to set up an Apache reverse proxy on server B for a private server A, which has three users: a1, a2, and a3. Server B utilizes a TXT map file to map all kinds of users on server B (b1,b2...)...
b39b332d's user avatar
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Apache config to proxy entire site with 1 exception

I have a website on a hosting provider. We use that provider because it has a simple site builder my wife uses to maintain the site. Moving off of it isn't an option for this ...
John Oliver's user avatar
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Apache 2.4 Cipher Suite Mismatch from config

We are running Apache 2.4 as reverse proxy to a Tomcat 9.0.88 web application. We started having an issues after a fresh install where Apache was rejecting incoming ssl handshakes from other Web apps. ...
 RichardFeynman's user avatar
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Client certificates and custom revoked html

I can configure Apache to authenticate users with client certificate and validate them via OCSP. Do you know how can I redirect the user to a custom html page if the certificate is revoked? The ...
Tibor's user avatar
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Too many inodes in /var/lib/apache2/fcgid/sock

In my Ubuntu 22.04 system, with apache 2.4.52 running, Apache2 is generating too many inodes: root@m1:/var/lib/apache2/fcgid/sock# ls | wc -l 816320 I'd like to ask whether it is safe to rm these ...
Duong Thi Que's user avatar
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Apache responds to attacker with status code 200 for non-existent URLs while everyone else gets 404

I'm maintaining an Apache / PHP-FPM setup with multiple vhost configurations and one of these vhosts has been illegally pentested by someone. It's running a rather outdated Laravel CMS using a custom ...
g5000's user avatar
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AH01225 error reading request entity data while uploading files

Files of more than one GB fail to upload, which results in the following apache error.logs as: [Mon May 13 06:33:27.604183 2024] [cgi:error] [pid 464] (-102)Unknown error -102: [client
Prajwal's user avatar
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2 answers

Reverse proxy for streamlit

Streamlit app I have a streamlit app running on port 8501: Here's how I'm starting the app: streamlit run \ --browser.serverAddress dharmatech....
dharmatech's user avatar
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Serve static content using a (Zope, Plone) backend for Cookie-based authentication

I have a Plone site which I'd like to hide from read-only access and instead serve the contents from a static mirror (mainly for performance reasons, of course); most contents rarely change. (How to ...
Tobias's user avatar
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trying to configure password protection on aliased directory in apache

I have apache 2.4.57 on a windows server. I created a new folder that only needs to display files that can be downloaded. In the httpd.conf file, I added this: Alias "/pw_files" "f:\...
raphael75's user avatar
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apache set location with subdirectory

I am trying to install iredmail with apache. but now i have a problem i can serve only python file of iredadmin or static files. I need to make both of them working. <Location "iredadmin/...
mohamad zbib's user avatar
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Apache additional directive to hide folder contents not work

I have a project with ngix as reverse proxy-server and Apache, i'm trying to restrict access to the files contained in a specific folder only to the server ifself. So this is an example: domain: ...
user31929's user avatar
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Apache 2.4 can't serve static content from Apache Web Server

I configured an Apache web server and Tomcat. I have a static folder that is contained within the Tomcat webapps folder. The css file that in static folder changes my webpage login screen color. When ...
cbuyuk's user avatar
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Apache reverse proxy at /home-assistant path still loads resources from /

locally, home assistant is at I need reverse proxy available at Virtual host exsits and it should not be touched My ...
user1209216's user avatar
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How to serve two different websites on one Apache Webserver without using Virtual hosts? [duplicate]

We use Apache Webserver on Windows to serve one web app within our software. A browser embedded in our software accesses the site on localhost. The webserver and the web content are installed on every ...
DecentWig's user avatar
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Fresh Apache (re-)install ignoring default vhost

I was trying a few thing for a custom "default" Apache vhost and nothing seemed to work, I always got the /var/www/html/index.html served instead of other contents or errors I wanted to ...
Yosko's user avatar
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CentOS 7 min with Apache not accessible externally

I have a CentOS 7 min installation on a virtual machine with the internal IP of and I installed Apache 2.4.52 on it. I can access the landing page when I put into the browser. ...
Hussein Sabbagh's user avatar
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How to prevent Apache mod_authnz_ldap to authenticate on non-existent DirectoryIndex entries?

I have been investigating why mod_authnz_ldap/mod_auth_basic are emitting failed authentication messages even when user and password are correct. I realized that when the URL ends without the file ...
Tio Urso's user avatar
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How to configure an Apache reverse proxy for GitLab with websocket?

I have a self-hosted GitLab instance behind an Apache reverse proxy. Since one of the last releases, real-time updates stopped working. One symptom I could detect was that some websocket calls (to ...
quazgar's user avatar
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apache 2.4 how do I use mod_rewrite to redirect my old domain to my new domain without changing browser url

I am in the middle of moving an application from one server to another in our corporate network. The current production url is We have copied everything onto the new ...
draikes's user avatar
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Correct place for the port on an Apache Virtual Host

I'm confused as to the difference between putting the port in the VirtualHost vs the HostName directives. What is the difference between: <VirtualHost *:8123> ServerName </...
kofifus's user avatar
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Using environment variables and a redirect loop to force-clear a 301 redirect

We mistakenly used a 301 redirect on a very important page, and now that we want to actually use the page, many users' browsers have the 301 stuck in their cache. The problem is that the destination ...
Sean Kendle's user avatar
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PHP_FPM extensions not loading in Apache

I'm building out a web server on Rocky Linux 9 with Apache and PHP 8.3. I need the pdo_dblib extension. From the command line via "php -m" and "php-fpm -m", I see that the ...
scott80109's user avatar
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Cannot POST to NameVirtualHost

Using apache2ctl -t -D DUMP_VHOSTS shows VirtualHost configuration: *:443 is a NameVirtualHost default server (/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/mysite-ssl.conf:3) ...
forresttales's user avatar
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Apache autoindex sub directories are smaller than the main directory when viewed on a cell phone

I am using Xubuntu with Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu) Server (no javascript, just html & css). Here is my site CSS file Here is the website with the subdirectory issue: ...
user77899's user avatar
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Apache2 restart does't implement PHP changes, server reboot does though

on my Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS server with Apache/2.4.41 I needed to change post_max_size and upload_max_filesize for my new PHP 8.3.4 installation I added phpinfo(); in a file called phpinfo.php I got the ...
Curious User's user avatar

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