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Wordpress site on localhost WAMP "This site can´t be reached this connection was reset ERR_CONNECTION_RESET"

I've been working on a WordPress site on localhost using WAMP. My site was slow and I saw that it would get faster if I unchecked the cgi Apache module. Now, none of my local WordPress sites load ...
humblestudent's user avatar
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Weird 301-redirect to http from https only happening with CF as proxy on /wp-admin on www subdomain

I have a wordpress blog on an EC2 instance on AWS using the AMI image aws-marketplace/bitnami-wordpress-6.3.2-6-r09-linux-debian-11-x86_64-hvm-ebs-nami-7d426cb7-9522-4dd7-a56b-55dd8cc1c8d0 In ...
user1015149's user avatar
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Partial Results Error during File Upload – Seeking Assistance (CentOS 8.8, PHP 8.2, WordPress)

I hope you're doing well. I'm reaching out because I've hit a roadblock with my WordPress website and file uploads. Here's the error message that has been causing me headaches: [Thu Nov 02 16:55:53....
LKX's user avatar
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Wordpress permissions issue - How to set ownership and permissions for WordPress files properly and securely?

I am facing some problems with setting up WordPress on my local server. After a successful connection to the local database, Wordpress dropped me Unable to write to the wp-config.php file.. I created ...
ghostone's user avatar
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Server slow with many idle workers

Yesterday, I notice my WP Dashboard is a little slow compared with normal. So I check my Apache status, and find there are only 7 requests are being served, with remaining 193 idle workers. And the ...
alancc's user avatar
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Apache returns 408 when prepending www

I have a server running debian 8.11 and apache 2.4.10 configured to serve 2 websites. One is a website built with wordpress (, the other is a forum built with NodeBB (, ...
Jarko's user avatar
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.htaccess makes WordPress Dashboard very very slow

Today I suddenly find the WordPress Admin dashboard is very very slow. It takes about 60s or more to access the post list, plugin list, etc. Or will just show an time-out error. I try the following ...
alancc's user avatar
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wordpress 403, forbidden on home page

I know numerous folks have asked similar question ... wordpress is in the root folder. I have restored a Wordpress site mtp and get a 403 error for the home page and also wp-admin. I can access the ...
Michael T's user avatar
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Apache 2.4 AH00687: Negotiation: discovered file(s) matching request: (None could be negotiated)

Apache 2.4 on Windows 11, thus localhost. I'm running a Wordpress site and Apache serves all URLs correctly except for one. One URL 404s. The Apache error log contains this error: AH00687: ...
Karl's user avatar
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Default WordPress .htaccess rewrites causes default server page to load due to no default index page present for the root URL

I could really do with some help here please. I know this is a WordPress issue now through testing. If I allow .htaccess to process rewrites on my Wordpress sites by adding AllowOverride FileInfo to ...
J O's user avatar
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htaccess redirect all subpages to parent page except for some parent pages

I want to match all subpages to parent pages, am using wordpress, will that mess up the images and wordpress files?, And I have tags and categories, and I want to exclude them from this rule. ...
mutamilvativu's user avatar
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How to install memcashed on a LAMP stack with PHP FPM?

I have a LAMP stack with PHP FPM and multiple virtual hosts with Wordpress sites on. I have tried to install memcashed using this tutorial. In Wordpress sitehealth I get: "You should use a ...
newcat1000's user avatar
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CentOS7 VPS: Install WordPress with existing MySQL and httpd

Requirement: Install Wordpress in CentOs 7 VPS Currently available: Apache : Server version: Apache/2.4.35 (IUS), Server built: Dec 8 2018 02:08:22 MySQL : mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.6.47, for Linux (...
Vishnu's user avatar
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Wordpress error PCLZIP_ERR_MISSING_FILE (-4) when I'm trying to install, update a plugin, but the error is solved temporarily if I restart the server

Whenever I try to install or update a wordpress plugin, I get this error: PCLZIP_ERR_MISSING_FILE (-4) This is also happening if I edit a template from a layout manager or if I do anything that ...
user832's user avatar
1 vote
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Unable to access Wordpress Dashboard with nginx reverse proxy

I am facing a bit of an issue when setting up WordPress with Nginx as reverse proxy to Apache backend. All the pages are loading, but i get an error when i try to login to wp-admin dashboard. The ...
Shashank Bharadwaj's user avatar
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Apache won’t force https://domain to https://www.domain (Rewrite not working)

After setting up Apache 2.4 and Wordpress, I’m getting the following SSL error message: $ wget "" Resolving ( Connecting to example....
Paulo Mendes's user avatar
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Apache2 server getting so many unusal requests again and again

I am trying to configure the WordPress and NodeJS website together and I am using an apache2 server and ubuntu(20.04) virtual machine. I configured both applications successfully on my machine but ...
Piyush Mittal's user avatar
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2 answers

Your content folder in "/home/{????}/public_html/wp-content/uploads" is not writeable

I am getting the same error on my both WordPress sites: Your content folder in "/home/{my_user}/public_html/wp-content/uploads" is not writeable. They both are hosting on a dedicated service ...
Barsham's user avatar
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trying to redirect in .htaccess unless it's an admin

I am trying to write a rule in .htaccess that redirects all /wp-admin to /login UNLESS a certain user (WebAdministrator) is logging in. How do I make such a rule? If I use: Rewriterule ^wp-admin /...
Jed Booth's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

OpenLitespeed vs. Apache difference for WordPress?

What is the biggest difference and concerns about OpenLitespeed (not premium Litespeed) and Apache? About speed, security and management issues, what should newbies understand? This is not about web ...
babbaweb's user avatar
1 vote
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ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse causing 500 error on server

We have the following: WordPress static website at React/Django Web application at with three main URIs: / /admin /api We would like them to appear ...
cheslijones's user avatar
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Why does apache work only with mpm-prefork?

I have 2 websites of wordpress on LAMP (Linux, Apache2, MariaDB and PHP-FPM). If I disable mpm-prefork and enable either mpm-worker or mpm-event, apache shows only a blank page (I have a few wordpress ...
sebelk's user avatar
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Wordpress asking for FTP when deleting plugins

Wordpress asks me for FTP credentials when I try to delete or install plugins. I know it has to do with permissions but I have been unable to figure it out. I have a linux system user XYZ and apache2 ...
lampstackxyz's user avatar
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EC2 instance experience massive inbound traffic spikes. Apache logs show normal usage

I need some direction in figuring out what's going on here. I have an EC2 instance that is running a WordPress site. Inbound traffic on the instance is spiking to alarming levels which are not ...
Ron's user avatar
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HTTP/2 is way slower than HTTP/1.1

I am hosting my WordPress website on a VPS located in Hong Kong. And I am trying to switch my Apache from HTTP/1.1 to HTTP/2. However, after switched, I found that the speed is pretty low for HTTP/2 (...
fredpan's user avatar
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Nginx + apache + wordpress redirects to

I have Nginx running on port 443 working as reverse proxy for apache on port 8080, apache handles php files for wordpress. I've setup wordpress and everything works fine except of wp-admin. When I put ...
flanker12X's user avatar
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Correct permissions for WordPress directories and files on Ubuntu 20.04 with Apache

My client's website is hosted at Digital Ocean and is running Ubuntu 20.04 with Apache. I have WordPress installed and running with some issues. The ability to upload or update plugins and themes is ...
Mike Hermary's user avatar
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Gzip compression or Mod_deflate not working

Our wordpress website we need to enable gzip compression we followed below instruction to enabled. we have wp rocket plugin this plugin automatically added compression mode_deflate lines in .htaccess ...
user623197's user avatar
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Apache rewrite proxy only homepage

I've tried various regular expressions (^/$, ^index.php$, ^$) to rewrite/proxy just the homepage of a WordPress website through .htaccess. For the record I have the appropriate modules loaded to ...
user1791914's user avatar
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Apache FilesMatch (global config) priority over local .htaccess

I want to protect all Wordpress admin interfaces (wp-login.php/wp-admin) in my server. To do this, I want to create a global config in Apache, asking for a fixed user/password (HTTP basic ...
Arvy's user avatar
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Error establishing a database connection on a fresh Wordpress installation

I've installed a fresh copy of Wordpress on CentOS 7/Apache but am getting the dreaded "Error establishing a database connection" error message when navigating to the site to complete the ...
MorayM's user avatar
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apache server responding 403 to some clients, for a wordpress site

I rented a barebone server, installed Centos 7, then centos web panel, with server set to apache only, using apache 2.4.4x and php 7. I set up a wordpress site on one of the vhost, after editing for a ...
Jimmy Chi Kin Chau's user avatar
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Wordpress "There has been a critical error on your website"

I am getting the following error on the login page on our Wordpress site: There has been a critical error on your website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions. After searching ...
Mike's user avatar
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mod_security 403 forbidden response is returning homepage content with WordPress mod_rewrite

I'm using mod_security on various websites, some WordPress and some not. I notice that on a non WordPress website the following: returns a 403 forbidden error ...
MrCarrot's user avatar
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wget website recusively from localhost without using bandwith

i'm looking to download recusively my wordpress website into static using wget, the problem is that whenever i do that, it's using too much bandwith (3.5gb) even though i end up downloading 20mb which ...
logax's user avatar
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Adding Wordpress .htaccess code to Apache config (for all sites) [closed]

The default .htaccess code for WordPress is: <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{...
Joe's user avatar
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3 votes
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How can I disable HTTP Basic Auth on my Apache instance for a specific REQUEST_URI

I have a linux instance hosting a WordPress site and it has Basic HTTP Auth enabled for the entire site. I now want to disable the Basic HTTP Auth for a specific path we can call /auth-free-url-2019. ...
sparky's user avatar
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my website is close " HTTP ERROR 500 "

my website is close error is " is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500" please help me how can i resolve this error ? My website appears to be ...
Zaib Ch's user avatar
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Can ping my webpage/domain and access my server via SSH, but not via browser

I have a webserver running Ubuntu 18.04 hosting a Wordpress installation that was working fine some time ago. I have not tested the public webpage in some time, but it appears to be down now, even ...
jackson5's user avatar
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(proxy_fcgi:error) AH01071: Got error 'Unable to open primary script:' (No such file or directory)

X-post from StackOverflow I've read countless forum posts about this but none of the answers seem to help my situation. Here's the log excerpt: [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid XXXX] [client redacted] ...
JakeTheSnake's user avatar
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Wordpress UPDATE queries on MySQL database stuck

I have an Amazon 24XL server 96 Cores 378 GB RAM Database size 5.7G Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) PHP 7.3.16 mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.3.22-MariaDB I have only one WordPress site where users read ...
Naqi's user avatar
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What do these sporadic floods of 301 GET log entries every mean?

I have a new CentOS7 web server running virtualmin. It hosts a new WordPress site that just went into production. Starting mid-day today, on the quarter hour, to the second, I am troubleshooting ...
Rocky's user avatar
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How do I do a wildcard subdomain on MacOS 10.15?

I have setup localhost/~<username> and ~/Sites on my computer and I am using /etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf to make custom testing domains. How do I add DNS wildcard domains? (*.dev.server)...
Maytha8's user avatar
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Low CPU Utilisation But High CPU Load Wordpress Ubuntu Apache2

My Ubuntu 18.04 server with 2GB of RAM and 2 CPU cores experiences major CPU load spikes when someone accesses the Wordpress site that the computer serves. This slows down the website very much. ...
SidS's user avatar
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Render single webpage as a subdomain

Currently I have a wordpress website. This is what I am trying to accomplish: Render webpage as This is what I have tried in the ....
user542278's user avatar
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Modify response URL or Location header Apache2 mod_proxy

I have a WordPress site running in a server where now I need to deploy a web app on and since our SSL certificate is not wildcard it has to be under the same domain name too. Now it's running on a ...
Guille GC's user avatar
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Wordpress Cause Too Many Child Process and Very High CPU Load

I have a WordPress site with daily 25K visitor, +3K post and +22K comment. on a VPS with 2 CPU and 8 GB Ram with SSD disk, Centos installed. it was stable but from 20 days I found a very high CPU load ...
Ahmad's user avatar
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Unwanted 301 redirects with Apache2 and Wordpress

I have the following configuration my apache2.conf file: DocumentRoot /var/www/html <Directory / > # Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Require all granted ...
ken's user avatar
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Apache2 set up multiple site with subdomain not working?

I want to run 2 Wordpress sites on my VPS installed LAMP stack. Site 1: Site 2: Here are my config files: <VirtualHost *:80> ...
tuanptit's user avatar
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Apache multiple virtual hosts same ServerName

I want to use the same exact ServerName, but load the first virtualhost block that works. Here's how it should work: If there is a wordpress folder in /var/www load that. Otherwise, load index.html ...
Justin Breen's user avatar