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Apache 2.4 random chrome ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE

Firstly, I would like to say I am somewhat a rookie to apache configs. I have worked with it a little bit but definitely not enough to the level of many apache professionals. Due to this, some ...
Legend ile's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Apache redirect http://%{HTTP_HOST}:%{SERVER_PORT}/%{REQUEST_URI} to https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}

I am attempting to redirect <VirtualHost *:5555> RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} =5555 RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=...
sroth79's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Apache Httpd: Logging Access for Non-privileged Users

I’m wondering if it is common for Apache HTTPD admins to allow read access or read access to copies of /var/log/httpd/${vhost}_error_log? I administer an Apache web server for a University CS ...
deconstruct's user avatar
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1 answer

Apache child processes are launched more than ServerLimit and threads are executed more than ThreadsPerChild

The following version of Apache is used. (MPM : event) httpd -V Server version: Apache/2.4.37 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) Server built: Jun 15 2022 08:27:14 Server's Module Magic Number: xxxxxxxx:xx ...
fsk5304's user avatar
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Purchase a ssl cert for a domain without a webserver

My company has a legacy web application where there is a link to help documents. The link is The Apache server for the domain decommissioned so only ...
BioRod's user avatar
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1 answer

Apache HTTP Server - 2.4.5* / Is it Possible to Use Cluster Scenario for WebLogic Server Installed On 2 Different Machines Using Apache HTTP Server?

There are 2 different scenarios. Scenario-1: Let's assume that WebLogic is installed on 2 different servers. Server IPs: and These servers are not clustered (ie each ...
rndm_acct1's user avatar
1 vote
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Apache2 Configuration Issue - Deny from external IP, allow by hostname

I've been messing with this for a couple days now and can't seem to get it to work. I have 2 sites enabled via their own config files. site1.conf & site2.conf Each sites has rewrite rules from ...
Jason Adams's user avatar
-2 votes
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Server with scalability for real-time collaboration and editing [closed]

I am here, to ask for absolute input. I have setup a local Apache Server with PHP 7.2 (currently), I am aware newer PHP exists. I know PHP and Python, I also know Node.js (server/back-end). With Node....
Alix Blaine's user avatar
1 vote
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Apache 2.4 "client denied by server configuration" caused by Require expr - even though the request succeeds

Our apache error log is littered with messages saying client denied by server configuration, even though the htaccess configuration is working as intended. Here is the relevant bit of the htaccess: ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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2 answers

How Can I add Cookie value or Session ID Value in ErrorLogFormat of Apache?

I want to add the 'my_session' cookie value in the Apache error log. I have added an access log 'LogFormat' as below: <IfModule mod_ssl.c> <VirtualHost *:443> LogFormat "...
Prashant Pawar's user avatar
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Allowing and restricting access to specific URL in Apache 2.4

I am new to apache. And I want to restrict access to this URL( for public IP addresses. And I want to allow access to the same URL for specific IP addresses. I am ...
Hamid Rana's user avatar
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Can apache return multipe ErrorDocuments for the same response code depending on a header value?

So let's say I have a 403 page but if the request header has a custom value in it - I want to return a different 403 with a bit more information in. So the normal 403 location may be /error_403 and ...
overrrflowww's user avatar
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Apache webserver's ServerName and/or ServerAlias should be registered on LAN's DNS server?

If I create an Apache webserver into my LAN, with 2 VirtualHosts, both on port 80, should I register their ServerName and/or ServerAlias on my LAN's DNS server? That's what I did (using in this ...
Cintya 's user avatar
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Run a perl script in a browser via a link

I'm attempting to get a perl script up and running on Oracle Linux 8.5. My Apache server and virtual hosts work with static html. My test virtual host, fnu, has a very basic perl script named in ...
SKaye's user avatar
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icingaweb2 not reachable on apache

the icingaweb2 is not reachable, although it is running on the server with the apache and icinga2. I already have all the prerequisites, that are documented on the official site set up. However, when ...
Jwan's user avatar
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Inventory of all vhosts across multiple webservers

I was tasked to create an inventory of all websites/webapps hosted on our infrastructure (couple thousand sites hosted on around 120 Linux VMs). Most of the sites are served by Apache (httpd 2.4) but ...
Viesturs Eihentals's user avatar
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Apache: <LimitExcept POST> not working (in .htaccess)

I am trying to set some controls in Apache via the .htaccess. This works: <LimitExcept GET> Order allow,deny Allow from all Deny from all </LimitExcept> while this does not: &...
user191429's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Serve new subdomains dynamically

I have a service that needs to allow users to host a few files in their own subdomain, similarly as does Github with I currently use Apache, ...
Basj's user avatar
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My browser will not display http://[sub.]

When I go to in my browser I get a "connection refused" message or an "invalid certificate" error but I don't even want to connect over https. As far as I ...
Bob's user avatar
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Pros/Cons of running separate user accounts for an administrative subdomain?

What are the pros/cons of creating a separate account for an administrative subdomain rather than adding a subdomain under the same account? Specifically, but limited to: Server load/process ...
matteo's user avatar
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Apache2 alias loading from document root instead of alias directory

I have problem with apache2. I'm new to it and I'm trying to solve some problems. I have a server running debian with apache2.4 installed and 3 web-site running. A Shiny Server, a django website and a ...
MarkPT's user avatar
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403 following Modoboa-apache2.4 setup

Machine details: Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS Apache2 2.4.41 Mariadb 15.1 (don't think it's pertinent) I recently followed a guide to install modoboa (mail server) on a fresh server. The default setup install ...
Ronan's user avatar
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Disable default virtual host in apache

I've configured my name-based virtual hosts for Apache2 as follows: copied /etc/var/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf to /etc/var/apache2/sites-available/ edited ServerName, ...
lampstackxyz's user avatar
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Can 2 websites and reside on the same server

We have 2 websites and want to get a SSL-certificate for both: Both sites reside on the same server under different root with their own config-file. With certbot I ...
Zehke's user avatar
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lighttpd security without htaccess

I have a webserver with limited resources and therefore I decided to use lighttpd as my webserver software. However, I notice now that it does not recognizes apache .htaccess files. Most of the ...
Thom's user avatar
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4 answers

Apache: Return static string for location

For a .well-known path, I want to return a static JSON file/string. With nginx, this seems to be possible without creating that file by specifying the content in the configuration file: location /....
anonymus1994.1's user avatar
2 votes
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Redirecting HTTP to HTTPS without DNS or static IP

I've setup web servers in the past, but now I'm working on an embedded Linux project that is a bit different. I need the embedded Linux device to run an Apache server support DHCP not require any DNS ...
mberna's user avatar
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4 answers

Apache Server does not display the correct website

Hi I'm trying to learn Apache2 with a VPS. So far it's ok, but I can't find the reason for one problem that I face. I've a website setup in my /var/www/ folder. I created a config file for ...
Hard Code Programmer's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Apache redirect HTTP to HTTPS Redirect or Rewrite?

I have found two way to redirect http to https with apache. Using Redirect Redirect / https://mydomain/ Or Rewrite RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on RewriteRule ^/?(.*) https://mydomain/$1 [...
Tobia's user avatar
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1 answer

Docker Apache httpd can't display pictures on mounted share

I'm trying to set up a simple webserver to display some images loaded from my NAS. My problem is that I can only get the webserver to display images when they're stored in a folder on the Ubuntu-host. ...
Joent's user avatar
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Restrict web access on apache web server to FreeIPA users

We have an apache web server installed on a Centos 8 machine which is been used to easily expose user and group folders both internally and to other collaborators. Most of the data exposed is plain ...
GoNiS's user avatar
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How is my server blocking webview wrapper?

I am running my php based website on a self managed vps running Linux Ubuntu 20.xx and Apache. I built an Android webview app but the app only shows a blank page when loading my ...
Salegg3's user avatar
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.htaccess to URL rewrite AND force https

site: Joomla subdirectory: I want the Joomla install at to be (or appear to be) the root of the site, i.e. people visiting are redirected ...
Nathanael's user avatar
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Webserver Unresponsive

I need some assistance on a new Apache2.4 and PHP-FPM server we have running. Intermittently the website becomes unresponsive We have only just moved over to PHP-FPM and didn't have this issue with ...
James's user avatar
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Apache status "150 requests currently being processed, 0 idle workers"

My Apache Server Scoreboard Status is as shown below when the "150 requests currently being processed, 0 idle workers" condition is hit. --Log-trace--- Apache Server Status for localhost (...
rgh's user avatar
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PHP-FPM Upgrade Problems

We've recently upgraded to PHP-FPM from CGI. We're having issues on a Ubuntu server which just runs Apache and PHP-FPM controlling 5 or so sites. We've built a new server with a fresh install of ...
James's user avatar
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Apache web server proxy pass and get original request server name in destination

Good day, I have the flow as follow: (public ip) --> ( web server --> ( java web app server In my Apache web server, I have configure ...
Panadol Chong's user avatar
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apache web server 502 error proxy error when direct to an image url

Good day, I have an Apache web server, and I configure ProxyPass it to my application server. Everything is work unless the connection to the image in application server. I will hit 502 for the ...
Panadol Chong's user avatar
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host configuration is enabled by unknown instead of site administrator

I changed an Apache reverse proxy configuration, to add a new hostname. I don't usually manage webservers / proxies, though I basically replicated the existing structure: created a separate mysite....
watery's user avatar
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Apache2 main domain redirecting to sub-domain when port is used on main domain

All of my http > https redirects are working perfectly fine. I have setup a separate sub-domain and port to use with PHPMyAdmin to access a MySQL DB so it is less likely to get be scanned by bots ...
willowen100's user avatar
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Proxying requests with and without trailing slash

I'm trying to proxy both (with trailing slash) and (without trailing slash) to the same URL on a local backend server. I came up with the ...
PurpleTen's user avatar
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RHEL Apache Unable to Add Trailing Slash to the URL

I'm using a Red Hat Apache web server (2.4.6). The Apache is adding "/" at the end of URL if directories are accessed (default behaviour) through http 301. I want to avoid http 301 by the ...
Lord Gane's user avatar
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Run 1 website on 2 webserver apache?

I am wondering if it is possible to run 1 website on 2 webservers. My plan is to have 1 main server, that is always online, but when I'm taking this one offline to have another server, that takes over ...
tha duck's user avatar
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How do I use another version of Php for an app served under a certain path with Apache?

I am on Debian Testing so Php 7.4 seems to be the current one. This is fine with me since most of my Apache served apps are fine however two of them are broken. One is Wallabag and the other one is ...
yarun can's user avatar
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SSL certificate mismatch, multi vendor website

I have a website hosted on *, my Apache web server in conjunction with PHP will return/echo some plain text based on the subdomain provided. * is secured with a wildcard SSL ...
Owen's user avatar
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Misdirected Request (only on Apple devices) iOS mobile browsers and Safari on Mac

The whole error Misdirected Request The client needs a new connection for this request as the requested host name does not match the Server Name Indication (SNI) in use for this connection....
ALi Raza Darr's user avatar
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Protecting several web servers with mod_security and Apache

I have several web servers in my network and I want to protect them all with mod_security. Most of these web servers are Microsoft IIS and a few are Nginx. I want to protect them all with only one ...
Javad Kouhi's user avatar
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How to get Apache2 Version 2.4.17 or higher on Debain 8 (Jessie)?

I work with a virtual server, running Debian Jessie (8) and Apache2 in version 2.4.10. Unfortunately it seems that this version of Apache2 is the latest version that is served by the official ...
Christoph's user avatar
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What exploits involve making long http requests with lots of mostly null byte octals?

I've gotten a lot of strange http requests in my access logs before, like calls to nonexistent WordPress login scripts and application specific locations. I've even gotten a few wise guy requests like ...
Altimus Prime's user avatar
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Ngnix Reverse Proxy With SSL Certificate

I want to configure a proxy server with Ngnix to redirect to https server. The problem is that I don't have the private key of the .crt file of the web server which I have downloaded from the browser. ...
Ahmad Alkhatib's user avatar