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Questions tagged [apache-2.4]

Version 2.4 of the Apache HTTPd Server. When asking questions about virtualhosts, please include the output of the following command: "apache2ctl -S" (or "httpd -S" depending on your OS)

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FireFox gets ns_error_net_interrupt when clicking on loaded page

FireFox is connecting to my website, but accessing already visited pages would randomly not connect resulting in a Secure Connection Failed Chrome and Microsoft Edge are not having that problem. ...
MeSo2's user avatar
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Gitlab Access Tokens, protected by authenticating Apache Reverse Proxy?

We hide a Gitlab instance (among several other applications) behind a single Apache Reverse Proxy, that is doing user authentication (OpenID) before granting further access to the lower services. This ...
Michael Schaefers's user avatar
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Apache Log files Fail2ban and WordPress

I am trying to get Fail2ban to block brute force and persistent xmlrpc and wp-login attacks on a WordPress site. I have an issue with the apache logging filenames. Getting past selinux issues was ...
jon_the_eye's user avatar
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LDAPS Auth very slow in Moodle

I have a moodle-installation that uses LDAPS auth which is very slow or does not work at all. It is debian 12, apache2.4, moodle4.1 and php7.4. I had a test installation where things were just fine, I ...
tux's user avatar
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503 Service Unavailable or Empty Response on specific pages over PHP (PHP-FPM) on MacOS

I've got a strange problem here involving some versions of PHP installed in my local machine (MacOS Ventura 13.5). Certain pages (two at this moment) doesn't load in some versions of PHP. It's loads ...
Luiz Otávio's user avatar
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Laravel: Logging messages generated by "error_log(...)" to terminal, while running app in Apache server

The issue is this one: When I run a Laravel app from PHP server, that's it, with php artisan serve, I could see every message generated by "error_log(...)" printed in the terminal, like this:...
Leandro Caplan's user avatar
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Apache 2.4 unixgroup authentication not working

Require unix-group is not working for me when configuring the VirtualHost for my Apache server. Whenever I log in using pwauth, the server still authenticates users who are not members of the group ...
Anish G.'s user avatar
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Azure RHEL 8 VM - Apache 2.4 Package Availabilty

I've got a RHEL 8.8 instance in Azure. This instance will replace our current RHEL 7.9 instance running Apache 2.4.34. The RHEL 7.9 instance has the following httpd package installed: httpd24-httpd. ...
jrd1989's user avatar
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Apache2.4 mod_sed, how to use a variable in OutputSed

Apache2.4, mod_sed I am trying to use a variable instead of static text to make a sed command. SetEnv MY_VAR TESTING OutputSed "s|TEXT_TO_SEARCH|%{ENV:MY_VAR}|g" But the TEXT_TO_SEARCH is ...
Kaspacainoombro's user avatar
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Estimate requests per second on an Apache server

How can I get the average requests per second on an Apache 2.4 server based on the logs? I'm trying to use k6 to load test a new server, a new cloud provider, with new hardware, but I don't know how ...
Tom's user avatar
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Apache Httpd: Logging Access for Non-privileged Users

I’m wondering if it is common for Apache HTTPD admins to allow read access or read access to copies of /var/log/httpd/${vhost}_error_log? I administer an Apache web server for a University CS ...
deconstruct's user avatar
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Apache2 - serves a subdirectory as root but now other sites in subdirectories are broken

So I have a new tool installed on my webserver and it has a somewhat complicated folder structure, in order to get it to run, I put everything in a subdirectory and serve that as root of my domain. ...
tulekparson's user avatar
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mod_proxy_hcheck causes apache-2.4 startup-crash

I would like to create a load-balanced environment using Apache 2.4.43 (windows) and two Tomcats servers. Using the "mod_proxy_hcheck" module some basic healthcheck operations should be ...
schlomm's user avatar
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VPS server all domains showing This site can’t be reached error

Hello all hoping someone may be able to help. I have a VPS server running apache with linux centos 8. I have a few domains running on PHP 8 and one wordpress and node API application. Everything was ...
Yeak's user avatar
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How to make multiple changes to REQUEST_URI at once?

I'm dealing with requests from a proprietary client, that sometimes uses back- rather than forward-slashes: GET /path\to\the\file.txt, and I'd like to straighten them all out. mod_rewrite can replace ...
Mikhail T.'s user avatar
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Site says forbidden even though user IP address is whitelisted when using the site's IP address in the URL

The site uses a load balancer and I have the following settings in my Apache conf.d: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName ServerAlias DocumentRoot /var/www/html/...'s user avatar
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Unable to connect to AWS EC2 instance public IPv4 using http tcp/80

Referring to an instructional book, I am setting up an EC2 instance on AWS using an IAM role. However, when I try to access the URL using the EC2 instance's public IP address, I am unable to establish ...
Scatt's user avatar
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How to change HTTP-status based on origin's header?

I'm dealing with a proprietary HTTP-server, which always responds with code 200 -- even when an error occurred. The indication of an error, if any, can only be found in the custom header, for example: ...
Mikhail T.'s user avatar
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Apache 2.4 Redirect all to index.php

OK, first let me apologize if this question has been asked before. I did a search but didn't immediately find something suitable. I've been looking at the Apache docs but just cannot get this rewrite ...
Paul Allsopp's user avatar
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Configure Keep Alive for connections coming from Cloudflare

I have two servers, an NGINX load balancer that receives connections from Cloudflare and two Apache applications that receive requests forwarded by NGINX. [Cloudflare] → [NGINX] → [Apache 01/Apache 02]...
Tom's user avatar
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Apache 2.4 on Windows slow to respond to initial first request

I started serving pre-compressed Brotli files on my website They work; but ever since then, Apache is having response issues along all VirtualHost setups (not just ...
MeSo2's user avatar
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Apache/httpd 'Header set Server' is ignored/overridden

I am using this in a VirtualHost <IfModule headers_module> Header set ProcessingTime "%D" Header set Server "Apache 2.4" </IfModule> I can see that the ...
BairDev's user avatar
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Troubleshooting Apache with GSS Proxy Authentication and LDAP Authorization

I'm setting up an internal web server on a domain-joined RHEL server with Kerberos authentication via GSS proxy and tiered authorization with LDAP, where Active Directory is the source of truth. ...
Vaito's user avatar
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Apache reverse proxy HTTPS to HTTPS

Can Apache reverse proxy with HTTPS pages? client | Apache reverse proxy ...
angel's user avatar
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Path not excluded by mod_rewrite config

I am trying to roll my own vhost config to handle certbot/letsencrypt. I want to redirect anything other than requests to /.well-known to HTTPS. But the exception for .well-known is not working; ...
symcbean's user avatar
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Rewrite Apache Condition not preventing rewrite from getting applied

I'm trying to only allow incoming requests to /multi if the Content-Type request header starts with multipart/form-data, while requests to other POST, PUT, or DELETE endpoints must always have the ...
DevelJoe's user avatar
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Wordpress permissions issue - How to set ownership and permissions for WordPress files properly and securely?

I am facing some problems with setting up WordPress on my local server. After a successful connection to the local database, Wordpress dropped me Unable to write to the wp-config.php file.. I created ...
ghostone's user avatar
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getting error Content Encoding Error (ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED) with Apache served pre-compressed .br (Brotli) files

How can I get Apache to serve pre-compresses Brotli files? With Chrome I am getting net::ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED 200 I made my pre-compressed .br (Brotli) files from minimized .html files (.min....
MeSo2's user avatar
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Is there any working Apache module to implement NTLM on Ubuntu Server

I am trying to configure NTLM authentication for an internal site running on Apache/Ubuntu Jammy. I was able to implement LDAP authentication. Still, I want to make the login/auth process smooth as ...
NaniK's user avatar
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Apache2 with Virtualhosts and Cloudflare are not working

I have a Debian 11 Server with one public IPv4 Address and One Domain. The subdomain mail is defined in a virtual host with a reverse proxy for mailcow. The subdomain mail is also the reverse DNS for ...
M. Loe's user avatar
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SVN only fails to commit new files that have been svn:copied with RA layer request failed error, changes and additions work fine

Whenever I try to commit a new file that has been created using svn:copy I get the following error: RA layer request failed Commit failed (details follow): Unexpected HTTP status 502 'Bad Gateway' on '...
Wholesome PJ's user avatar
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How does Php-fpm access filesystem, or does it?

Background: My server has become too old to upgrade. Some software will only work on PHP 5.6 and is incompatible with newer versions of PHP. New server hosting packages do not support PHP 5.6 as it ...
David Newcomb's user avatar
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Apache AliasMatch with Wildcard Not Working As Intended

I am trying map all wildcards for a directory /a/* onto on file article.php using AliasMatch ^/a/(.*) /article.php but without redirecting (I want to keep the url looking the same). But I am getting a ...
Maciek's user avatar
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How to determine what CVE is back ported to what version of package?

I'm trying to determine what version of apache is backported for CVE-2021-40438. I'm very confused as to how to find out. Our spacewalk server has multiple apache versions of 2.4.37 from -10 to -56 ...
Scivic's user avatar
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Is it possible to proxy websocket connections with mod_rewrite?

Currently, I have an Apache web server configured to respond to Additionally, I have a second web server application listening on port 4321 in localhost on the server. I want this web ...
Exprove's user avatar
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Apache Wildcard Directory Use Alias File

I am trying to achieve the following: All searches at* will display file article.php. For example (links to articles): https://...
Maciek's user avatar
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Could not bind to address no listening sockets available

RockyLinux 9. On reboot Apache fails to start with the message Jul 21 10:53:13 cl httpd[877]: (99)Cannot assign requested address: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address Jul 21 10:53:...
Clodoaldo's user avatar
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Apache expressions: Function "file" - How about the performance?

How about the performance of Apache's expression function "file"? Does anybody have any experience? Does it only load on start-up? Does it load on first access? Does it always re-load if ...
luzze's user avatar
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Apache Basic authentication based on AuthUserFile is ignored, when mod_auth_radius.c is enabled

I hope you can help me with my problem. I initially had a vhost config with Basic Authentication with "AuthUserFile" which works fine. Now I wanted to use Radius for certain sites and ...
matrix154's user avatar
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SNI and TLS errors on apache reverse proxy host when proxying multiple sites from different servers?

I have an apache2 reverse proxy which is proxying many services including zabbix and nextcloud, and applying a wildcard SSL certificate to said services. These are individual virtual hosts, though ...
surfrock66's user avatar
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Limit requests in a particular time from the same IP

I found that there is a bug in a library of an app that sends requests to my server. It sends sporadically twice the same requests instead of one in the same time. It makes the app working incorrectly....
forsberg's user avatar
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Interpolate environmental variable into a string

In a <VirtualHost> block I have this: # Extract the first subdir and assign it to "subdir" SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI "^/?([^/]*)(?:/|$)" subdir=$1 # Add the subdir to the ...
MonkeyZeus's user avatar
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Server slow with many idle workers

Yesterday, I notice my WP Dashboard is a little slow compared with normal. So I check my Apache status, and find there are only 7 requests are being served, with remaining 193 idle workers. And the ...
alancc's user avatar
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Apache virtualhosts conf let wrong servername requests going through proxy

I have moved a server configuration to a new server and at the same time configured it with apache mod_proxy to access a gunicorn/django webserver (inside a docker container on port 8000). Previous ...
yo_e-h's user avatar
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Clients of a site are getting SSL_ERROR_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE_ALERT (Firefox) and ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT (Chrome)

I'm running a site in AlmaLinux 8.8 (Centos) and Apache 2.4.56. The site has a self-signed certificate. When I access the site, I get the usual warning due to the self-signed certificate. After ...
ePi272314's user avatar
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configuring content-security-policy for apache virtual hosts

I have Apache 2.4 with these sites configured in the httpd-vhosts.conf file: <VirtualHost *:80 *:8080 *:8084> DocumentRoot "c:\apache_php\sites\public" ServerName www.mydomain....
raphael75's user avatar
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Apache URL rewrite to hide port numbers of web servers

I have an Ubuntu server running Gitea and Jenkins on ports 3000 and 4000 respectively. I want to be able to access them through a user friendly url like http://myhost/gitea and http://myhost/jenkins. ...
shane.singwa's user avatar
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Why is my Apache Virtual Hosts configuration not working correctly?

Background I have been using an Apache server with only one site and this has been working really well. My working single-site config is at the bottom of the question. Recently, I have had to create ...
GeorgeCiesinski's user avatar
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Apache 2.4.51 bypass Basic Auth for specific query string

I need Basic Auth on my website, except if a specific hash is present in the URL. => Authentication required => Authentication required
MrUpsidown's user avatar
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Make Apache 2.4 folder visible in File Explorer for local Network

I have a site hosted on a Apache 2.4 server. Is there a way to make a particular folder on that site, like /var/www/uploads/, visible in File Explorer for people in the local Network, so they can ...
arthur k's user avatar

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