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Questions tagged [apache-2.4]

Version 2.4 of the Apache HTTPd Server. When asking questions about virtualhosts, please include the output of the following command: "apache2ctl -S" (or "httpd -S" depending on your OS)

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Nasty character encoding issue

I have been using a FOSS software written in perl (sql-ledger) for many many years. Currently self hosted on CentOS 7. For some reasons, I need to update OS to a higher version (preferably Rocky/Alma ...
sse450's user avatar
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Presenting a different view on WebDAV depending on user

How can I configure Apache to allow multiple users to connect to a WebDAV share using the same URL (https://server/webdav/), while ensuring that each user sees the directory as if they were the only ...
bot47's user avatar
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Apache config SetEnv variable only if not set

I have a fairly high traffic web server and would like to squeeze some micro optimization out of it. In Apache's config I have: SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI "\.a?png$" dontlog SetEnvIfNoCase ...
MonkeyZeus's user avatar
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apache redirect/rewrite http to https with many virtualhosts

I have an apache webserver that has about 150 VirtualHosts spread out over 9 IP addresses. I'd like to redirect or rewrite http connections to https. The solutions I've found have the rewrite/redirect ...
user1311554's user avatar
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Can't make Apache connect to PHP-FPM: (13)Permission denied: AH00957: FCGI: attempt to connect to

I'm trying to setup Apache with FastCGI work with PHP-FPM on AlmaLinux 9.3 and I'm stuck with this error. I can't find what I'm missing. This is the error: [Mon Mar 25 18:12:33.617487 2024] [proxy:...
El Barto's user avatar
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Apache deadlock when writing in file

Apache v2.4.56 on Solaris, with libapr 1.6.2. When starting, it spawns 5 httpd processes. Occasionally the server hangs and does not accept requests. It's even impossible to connect to port 80. I did ...
Marc's user avatar
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Cannot start apache from lampstack

I just installed bitnami-lampstack-7.4 on my linux box. I cannot start apache, I'm getting /opt/bitnami/apache/bin/httpd: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object ...
BioRod's user avatar
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Apache 2.4 Read from request header and set the same in response header

I am using Apache 2.4.6 I wanted to check if a custom header X-CUSTOM-HEADER is present in the request, if yes then set the same header and same value to the response. If the header is not present in ...
user1081692's user avatar
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Apache Configuration

I am sure you may have encountered this issue. I have a server with jira, bitbucket and confluence configured on the same server. As the bitbucket is moved to linux serer i am wondering how can I ...
om joshi's user avatar
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Multiple entries in apache access log

In the apache access log for bitnami moodle on GCP, there are multiple entries (added every second!!) as given below. This is leading to a very high egress traffic. I would appreciate any pointers to ...
Manish Datt's user avatar
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NGINX Rate Limiting Configuration Leading to 404 Error for Specific Route in Plesk-Managed CakePHP App

I'm using Plesk 18 with NGINX as a proxy in front of Apache2 for a CakePHP application. I have set up rate limiting in my NGINX configuration (/etc/nginx/nginx.conf) with limit_req_zone $...
magic.77's user avatar
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Fedora 29 can't connect to httpd

I'm trying to spin up a dev instance on RackNerd and can't connect via http by IP or domain name. I'm getting ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT via browser rather than any specific errors. I've configured ...
Don Lipps's user avatar
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OHS and ProxyPass and RewriteRule / RedirectMatch

i've setted up this virtualhost, <VirtualHost *:443> ServerName DocumentRoot "/u02/config/www/tst-12c" RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{...
Red's user avatar
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Apache & PHP-FPM: AH01144: No protocol handler was valid for the URL /index.php (scheme 'unix')

This error occurs despite all the fixes that I Googled. Apache was loaded next modules: # /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl -M | grep proxy [Thu Mar 14 22:37:35.825542 2024] [core:trace3] [pid 9087:tid ...
YpaHeL1's user avatar
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Optimize load balancer SSL termination on a Windows machine

I have an application on a 32-bit Apache server on a Windows machine from a 3rd party vendor. (Can't change that). The setup: Traffic is HTTPS, port 443. Apache web app service Activemq service ...
justadev's user avatar
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Apache basic authentication realm not working with fastcgi

I've 2 applications running on same Apache. using fastcgi using Apache basic authentication. I hope to make app 2 skip user login if user is authenticated to app1. Can see REMOTE_USER defined after ...
user3277706's user avatar
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What causes "Partial results are valid but processing is incomplete" for mod_fcgi in Apache WITHOUT mod_reqtimeout

I am running Apache 2.4 to serve Nextcloud and I occasionally get the error [proxy_fcgi:error] (70008)Partial results are valid but processing is incomplete: AH01075: Error ...
user2690527's user avatar
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.htaccess to get the list of ip from a file or directories of file

I'm blocking certain spammers/bots from accessing my website via IP addresses, but I have around 3 directories (/var/www/directory1, /var/www/directory2, /var/www/directory3). Every time I want to ...
Patrick Teng's user avatar
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Apache: Meaning, purpose and semantics of the URI after the pipe symbol within the SetHandler directive?

What is the meaning, purpose and semantics of the fcgi:// URI after the pipe symbol within the SetHandler directive? From my understanding of the docs, everything after the scheme part fcgi:// of the ...
user2690527's user avatar
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Server forbids access to any URL ending in .php (even nonexistent ones) with "client denied by server configuration", but identical html files are OK

I'm trying to enable some php files on an Apache 2.4 machine that has no other php content. I'm finding that any php URL (even made-up URLs for nonexistent things) results in the error "client ...
Bryan Wright's user avatar
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Single Sign-on via Apache2 on Ubuntu

I have installed and already set Single Sign-on on Ubuntu server... on Apache2 But now have change domain from PREVIOUS.COM to NEW.COM I have already created on on domain krb5.keytab and placed to ...
user5332's user avatar
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why does apache2.conf grants access to /usr/share and /serv by default?

I am aware of this question, which is very similar to mine, however I am interested in why this is the default behaviour. Since by default the document root is /var/www/html, there is, to my knowledge,...
seb's user avatar
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getting 403 forbidden error using httpd (apache) connecting to tomcat via AJP

i am staring to be little bit hopeless since i tried many solutions and nothing worked. I am getting 403 Forbidden error when i try to reach my apache Tomcat server via httpd server (used as ...
Jeremy Panko's user avatar
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Apache ( 2.4.58) compiling fails after Openssl upgrade to 3.2.1. on Amazon Linux 2

Apache ( 2.4.58) compiling fails after Openssl upgrade to 3.2.1. on Amazon Linux 2, Could you please help me on this. Error: /var/tmp/httpd-2.4.58/support/ab.c:2319: undefined reference to `...
avilala sudarshan yadav's user avatar
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Using gdb/lldb to debug apache segfault

I am currently running an apache webserver on a macOS with an M1 chip. Recently I have been receiving some segmentation fault which is accompanied by empty response errors in the website. After ...
Legend ile's user avatar
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Ubuntu 22.04.1 php8.1 performance issues

I upgraded php from 5.4 (Centos) to 8.1 (Ubuntu22.04) and I noticed a big performance downgrade in php native calls such as php::date, php::sin etc. for example, php::strtotime that before took 2msec ...
Andrea's user avatar
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How to run Supabase and t-rex with TLS reverse proxies

I have a VPS with 2 services at different ports and self signed SSL for an IP. It is Supabase at port 8000 and t-rex service at port 6767. I need them both on HTTPs like for ...
SERG's user avatar
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Apache 2.4 multiple instances on Debian

Apache ships with a script for creating multiple instances on the same server, which is exactly what I want to do. The first instance is happily up & running on ports 80 (http) and 443 (ssl). File ...
perissf's user avatar
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User-Agent Filter Not Working For Any Pages Inside Site

I created a Rewrite rule in the .htaccess of a website to block traffic with blank user-agents and user-agents with only "-", except when the request comes from the webserver itself. The ...
js1018's user avatar
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PHP post data lost with Transfer-Encoding: chunked; Apache regression?

I am moving a PHP application from an older CentOS 7 server with Apache 2.4.6 and PHP 7.3.33 (mod_php) to a newer Alma Linux 9 server with Apache 2.4.57 and PHP 8.0.30 (PHP-FPM). This is a back-end ...
arlomedia's user avatar
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Apache referrer based reverse proxy path rewrite

I have a virtualhost that is a reverse proxy based on a path param "xmg" <VirtualHost *:443> ServerAlias some.example SSL... ProxyPass /xmg http://localhost:5553/ ...
user22866's user avatar
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Apache: 500 error, PHP fails on just one specific path

I need another pair of eyes to help debug an issue. This will be a long message. I'm going to provide a lot of context because I'm not sure which details might be important. We have two servers: dev, ...
Will Martin's user avatar
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Unable to run cgi program on apache2 server (with some mod_jk configuration)

In a apache2 server which have enabled mod_jk to access tomcat10 contexts, it was also enabled and configured the mod_cgid to run programs from the folder /var/www/apps/cgi-bin. But when I try access ...
Kleber Mota's user avatar
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mod_ruid RuidGid equivalent

Since mod_ruid is no more supported by custombuild(directadmin) I had to install php-fpm. I would like to know where I can set the user that is running the website what was primarily the RuidGid in ...
Jeremy Lankot's user avatar
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Apache 2.4 random chrome ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE

Firstly, I would like to say I am somewhat a rookie to apache configs. I have worked with it a little bit but definitely not enough to the level of many apache professionals. Due to this, some ...
Legend ile's user avatar
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Is it safe to use logrotate utility while logs are still being written by Apache?

I have a server where Apache mod_log_config mod is enabled. Using rotatelogs, it will produce a new log file once it reach 1GB : CustomLog "|/usr/sbin/rotatelogs /var/log/logs 1G" On the ...
tigrou's user avatar
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Internal Server Error on Nextcloud instance migration from Debian 12 to Rocky Linux 9 server

I've done everything by the book, according to the official guide, available here It is not a SELinux issue. I've tried ...
nitro64's user avatar
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Is it possible in Apache MPM-Event to force it to stop connections after a timeout when a process is shutting down and the scoreboard is full?

We are using WebSockets that hold connections for a long time, possibly weeks. Apache 2.4.41 w/MPMEvent sometimes decides to stop a process (such as 1: when load drops, 2: when user reloads ...
arberg's user avatar
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Apache producing 301 for apparently valid URL (Pen test)

I'm using Burp Suite pen-tester on a site and it is showing up a minor issues that I can probably ignore, but I would like to get to the bottom of what is going on anyway. A GET request is being made ...
Kline's user avatar
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.htaccess to normalize requests to files with or without extension to URL without extension: $1(\.html?) --> $1

This is a followup question My intended .htaccess ruleset has overall been achieved. See that file in its current form quoted below. Remaining problem: One ruleset yet not working Goal: Normalize ...
porg's user avatar
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Apache2 send response while waiting for HDD to spin up

I have an Apache 2.4 Server that hosts static files. One directory ( is on the SDD (System-drive) and anotherone is on an external HDD ( My Problem is that because my HDD ...
Der Müller's user avatar
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Apache Subpath Wildcard Rewrite

I want to set Apache up so that when I visit{{ param }} it (reverse?) proxies the request to https://{{ param }} I am also trying to wildcard /v/* so that it ...
Taylor Evanson's user avatar
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Apache fails to restart after disabling SSL mod

On Ubuntu trying to disable ssl in apache. But when I restart Apache, it fails... a2dismod ssl Result: Module ssl disabled. To activate the new configuration, you need to run: systemctl restart ...
dsol828's user avatar
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How to replace response code sent to client when using Apache httpd to reverse proxy

I have a database that accepts HTTP POST requests with JSON payloads and correctly returns an HTTP 201 Created status response and some JSON content. Garmin has a service that will POST JSON to a ...
Amos's user avatar
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What is the best way to achieve SSO for Apache 2.4 within a Windows domain? [closed]

I would like to implement an SSO authentication (without login/password prompt) on a PHP 8 intranet app, which runs under Apache 2.4 x64 for Windows. My company has an Active Directory / LDAP / ...
b126's user avatar
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Trouble Installing Apache from Source AIX

I am trying to install Apache 2.4.58 on AIX 7.2 from source, to a custom location, but make keeps running into trouble and I'm out of ideas. I know there is a script under build/aix, but we have never ...
talkinggoat's user avatar
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.htaccess files directive only matching when I'm checking the same folder

I've got a server set up where I want a specific PHP file to be readable via the browser, but I want access to be denied to the rest of the PHP files. So I put this .htaccess in the server root: <...
John Doe's user avatar
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Postfix/Dovecot presenting default SSL certificate from Apache to Thunderbird client

I've been struggling with this issue for some time now. I want thunderbird to get the certificate for mail.******.cl, but it always seem to get ******.cl. So I've done a couple of tests, and realized ...
Jairo Alarcón's user avatar
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Apache2 with GSSAPI auth, can't exclude one location from auth

We have an apache2 serving a PHP application, with kerberos authentication We developed an API within the PHP application, and we want to access it without Kerberos auth But we cannot manage to ...
Wad's user avatar
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Apache 2.4: Delays with TLS on base domain but not so much on subdomains

On an Apache 2.4 server with SSL enabled, HTTP/1.1 and valid wildcard certificate (I unfortunately cannot share the site's URL.) I recently get a consistent delay on new TLS connection. The SSL ...
Askirkela's user avatar
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