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Config a CwPanel local server to read local domains

I have the following situation: I have a local test server where I use Almalinux 8 with CWPanel. I have several test domains configured on it:
EvandroPH's user avatar
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How to serve two different websites on one Apache Webserver without using Virtual hosts? [duplicate]

We use Apache Webserver on Windows to serve one web app within our software. A browser embedded in our software accesses the site on localhost. The webserver and the web content are installed on every ...
DecentWig's user avatar
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Fresh Apache (re-)install ignoring default vhost

I was trying a few thing for a custom "default" Apache vhost and nothing seemed to work, I always got the /var/www/html/index.html served instead of other contents or errors I wanted to ...
Yosko's user avatar
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1 answer

Apache AliasMatch with Multiple Subdomains

I have the following virtual hosts: <VirtualHost *:443> ServerName AliasMatch "^/(.*)" "/var/www/html/article.php" </VirtualHost> <...
Maciek's user avatar
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Apache2 with Virtualhosts and Cloudflare are not working

I have a Debian 11 Server with one public IPv4 Address and One Domain. The subdomain mail is defined in a virtual host with a reverse proxy for mailcow. The subdomain mail is also the reverse DNS for ...
M. Loe's user avatar
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2 answers

Apache virtualhosts conf let wrong servername requests going through proxy

I have moved a server configuration to a new server and at the same time configured it with apache mod_proxy to access a gunicorn/django webserver (inside a docker container on port 8000). Previous ...
yo_e-h's user avatar
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configuring content-security-policy for apache virtual hosts

I have Apache 2.4 with these sites configured in the httpd-vhosts.conf file: <VirtualHost *:80 *:8080 *:8084> DocumentRoot "c:\apache_php\sites\public" ServerName www.mydomain....
raphael75's user avatar
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2 votes
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Why is my Apache Virtual Hosts configuration not working correctly?

Background I have been using an Apache server with only one site and this has been working really well. My working single-site config is at the bottom of the question. Recently, I have had to create ...
GeorgeCiesinski's user avatar
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Bring website online with domain without adding the port

I come to you because currently I have a website that is hosted on my web server. But on this server I have several websites hosted on it. So to access it you have to put a port number. Until then it'...
Erwan LAUNAY's user avatar
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How to make my website SSL secure with Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS server and Apache

I'm trying to access my website through https://. but all my efforts are in vain. First I will explain how I did everything to get into the context. The server hardware is a Raspberry PI2B. With ...
AlbertoRS's user avatar
-1 votes
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Wildcard sub-domain apache vhost doesn't load my website folder

I'm having some issues getting my apache virtual host to load the correct folder on my server. I'm building a public status pages feature for my platform, and one feature is allowing users to specify ...
Ryan H's user avatar
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Apache not working with NameVirtualHost config

I have a fresh apache setup(Apache/2.4.57 (Unix)) and am struggling with the namevirtualhost config. If I run apachectl -S the output is missing the usual IPADDRESS:80 is a NameVirtualHost I ...
roediGERhard's user avatar
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Does SuexecUserGroup work with Virtualhost in Apache 2.4

I'm trying to set up a virtualhost that uses CGI scripts that run as a particular user and group. I'm using the SuexecUserGroup directive, but that doesn't seem to work. Basic setup. User "Bob&...
Scott Anderson's user avatar
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After update from Apache 2.2 to 2.4, Aliases no longer work

I'm not a stranger to server configuration but on my local development systems (all of them), some update seems to have broken the Web sites' aliases as none work now. I'm not sure when it happened as ...
DonP's user avatar
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Apache 2.4 VHosts with FastCGI and suexec-custom

I have setup at my local machine Ubuntu 22.04 Apache 2.4 with suexec-custom. In fact, this setup was working from Ubuntu 16 up to this update to 22.04. I only load some modules, reload some other and ...
centurian's user avatar
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Apache httpd on a backup machine where hostname is not matching

I have to run an Apache httpd server on a backup machine, which is a CentOS. In this case, it is a WordPress multisite installation. Since it is a backup machine, the DNS server does not point to the ...
rexkogitans's user avatar
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Drop all connections from other domain except from original domain on Apache 2.4

I have ubuntu server with apache 2.4 web server and original domain is running with ssl. Someone pointed their domain to my server and in my virtual host, it specify there the servername and ...
Juliver Galleto's user avatar
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Apache virtualhost port 443 serves content from port 80 configuration

I'm running Apache 2.4.52 on Ubuntu Server 22.04. I'm trying to run https through port 443, eventually aiming to have a redirect from port 80 to force content on https. However, Apache seems to be ...
Sit399's user avatar
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Apache 2.4 "Require ip" not working for /server-status, /phpMyAdmin etc with VirtualHost directives added in httpd.conf

I recently changed using the Event MPM in my Apache 2.4 installation, alongside PHP-FPM and FastCGI proxy, I hope that wasn't the reason for my problem. I also started working with name-based ...
AkiEru's user avatar
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Apache2 how to generate random string for subdomain

I want to issue a redirect to a new randomly generated subdomain name for every request I get. Below you can find my vhost configuration. I want to do a redirect towards a subdomain containing some ...
Mnemosyne's user avatar
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Apache VirtualHost - per user ProxyPass

I'm trying to configure Apache to redirect users to different paths based on their authentication credentials (using htpasswd). I've managed to set up ProxyPass, which enables the redirection of the ...
b0d's user avatar
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How to make site map file public on site secured by shibboleth

We use shibboleth to secure an apache virtualhost. We would like to make single file (a site map) available publicly for this site. Is there way to code this in the virtualhost? The current virtual ...
Steve Vaughn's user avatar
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Configuring Virtual Hosting Httpd - Fedora Server - 'sites-available and sites-enabled' vs 'conf.d/vhost.conf'

The current set-up for my web server is a 1GB nanode using Fedora37 as the distribution for the compute instance. For the web server I am using Httpd (Apache 2.4.54), and am now in the process of ...
CatByte-io's user avatar
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How to install memcashed on a LAMP stack with PHP FPM?

I have a LAMP stack with PHP FPM and multiple virtual hosts with Wordpress sites on. I have tried to install memcashed using this tutorial. In Wordpress sitehealth I get: "You should use a ...
newcat1000's user avatar
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Cloudflare Tunnel without having to also use noTLSVerify?

I’ve got a simple domain setup on an Ubuntu server running Apache (literally just displays a static HTML file); I set it up with LetsEncrypt and it was working without issue. I wanted a bit more ...
Pigeoni's user avatar
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How to create alias to url in Apache 2

I have main url like and i want create alias like in my vhost config <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName ...
Aleh's user avatar
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apache virtualhost not taked into account

I have multiple domains and i have imagined that one VirtualHost for each would be the way to go. glpi.localnet.lan is never loaded, whereas web.localnet.lan is always display instead, even if i tip &...
philippe's user avatar
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404 errors with Virtual Host in VPS Server

I'm trying to create a virtual host in my vps server but I'm receiving "HTTP Status 404 - Not found". My Virtual Host: vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/ <VirtualHost *:...
Cezar Apulchro.'s user avatar
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Apache HTTP/2 Issues on Virtual Hosts

I have third-party domains pointed to my IP address using A records, and these are configured on the server using a Virtual Host configuration. Here's an example: Protocols h2 h2c http/1.1 <...
HWD's user avatar
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Apache virtual host not catching all requests

I have 80 port requests redirected to 443 like this <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName ServerAlias Redirect permanent / &...
yaugenka's user avatar
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Match VirtualHost by X-Forwarded-Host header

I am using apache 2.4 and would like to create multiple vhosts. The vhosts should be matched based on the X-Forwarded-Host header, instead of the Host header. Unfortunatly I could not find anything in ...
stena's user avatar
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Apache virtual host serving incorrect index.html file for one of two domains connected to server

I have two domains setup on a single server using Apache Virtual Hosts. The first domain ( is loading the index.html file of the second domain (, even though the first domain (...
Mike Hermary's user avatar
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Advice on a catch all for https incoming but no cert installed

I am trying to think of an elegant way to handle an SSL / HTTPS issue we are having. I have read THIS QUESTION but it raises a slightly larger question in my case. Say I have these domains installed ...
Zak's user avatar
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Request exceeded the limit of 10internal redirects on cPanel Server

I just created a subdomain called virtual from cPanel and its return 500 error. When I check the error_log I see below error: AH00124: Request exceeded the limit of 10internal redirects due to ...
Muhammad Dyas Yaskur's user avatar
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Issue with Apache 2.4 and VirtualHosts

Can somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong here, I have 1 server running Apache 2.4 with 3 VirtualHosts in it, setup this way: <VirtualHost> ServerAdmin [email protected] ...
Jorge Hernandez's user avatar
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Apache VirtualHosts not working/redirecting? (Reverse proxy)

I am trying to set up Apache as a reverse proxy on a new Ubuntu 22.04 virtual machine. We have an existing Apache reverse proxy on Ubuntu 18.04 where everything is working as intended. This new ...
Manuel Sarica's user avatar
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Inventory of all vhosts across multiple webservers

I was tasked to create an inventory of all websites/webapps hosted on our infrastructure (couple thousand sites hosted on around 120 Linux VMs). Most of the sites are served by Apache (httpd 2.4) but ...
Viesturs Eihentals's user avatar
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Configuring virtual hosts; Need to just allow one ip address to access the website and deny all. What's wrong with the below code?

<VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/" ServerName ServerAlias ErrorLog "logs/example....
NARESH RAMINI's user avatar
1 vote
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Consolidating many VirtualHosts into one block, is this a job for SetEnvIf?

Edit I think what I need here is SetEnvIf I'm attempting to consolidate all of my port-80 VirtualHosts into one block for convenience, but I'm struggling with the final piece of the puzzle. All port ...
Jeff's user avatar
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Why is htdocs not displaying directories when a virtual host has an error?

I just set up Apache v2.4, PHP and MySQL on new windows machine. I've made only a few changes to httpd.conf. I'm including httpd-vhosts.conf, which has 2 custom sites defined (I removed the default ...
EpF's user avatar
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Apache make site available to intranet and internet over same domain name

This is probably a stupid question, but I can't seem to find a solution to it. Following scenario: is hosted on my Apache server at home. Works great when connecting from ...
kraligor's user avatar
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Serve new subdomains dynamically

I have a service that needs to allow users to host a few files in their own subdomain, similarly as does Github with I currently use Apache, ...
Basj's user avatar
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Apache2 VHost for subdomain

I configured several months ago my nextcloud on my Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS VM running on my FreeNAS, following their tutorial so bear with me, I'm in no means a trained apache2 guru ;-) My current VHost ...
quintz's user avatar
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Apache2: Why do I get a 403 Forbidden error?

I've been messing with this for days :( Why do I get a 403 Forbidden error at Is this a file/folder permissions, Apache user, virtualhosts or Python issue? I'm trying to run a ...
BlueDogRanch's user avatar
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apache2 virtualhost not forwardng to correct virtual host (now a registered user)

Apache 2.4 / Ubuntu 20.4 (Linux Mint 20.3) I am testing with 2 domain names, and I have followed instructions at
godfearer's user avatar
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Apache and VirtualHosts in RedHat, Can't figure it out

already did my research and Im burned after reading and watching videos for hours; I can't make virtual hosts works at all, it doest matter which configuration I set but Apache will ignore it and ...
DefaultVLAN's user avatar
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different configurations files to apache2?

I'm pretty new to this, and reading a lot online, but what configuration is right? in apache2, some are talking about httpd.conf, and have all configuration in one file. my installation have 2 ...
Adam Larsson's user avatar
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Apache 2.4: Require (e.g. all denied) directive not honored

I'm running Apache 2.4.41 on Ubuntu 20.04 and am not able to get any Require directives working on my VirtualHost. As a minimum working example, my VHost file: <VirtualHost *:80> ...
MartinV's user avatar
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Ubuntu VirtualHost on port 8003 not working remotly

I trying create Apache Virtual Host on port 8003. My site configuration file (/etc/apache2/sites-available/ <VirtualHost *:8003> DocumentRoot /var/www/html/test ...
Tomasz Filipek's user avatar
-1 votes
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how to connect to one of multiple virtual sites (apache 2.4)

If I create one site, I can access it with http://localhost ... But if I create multiple virtual sites, with apache, on the same computer, http://localhost won't work. How can I access it? (on the ...
Adam Larsson's user avatar

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