I am using Xubuntu with Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu) Server (no javascript, just html & css). Here is my site CSS file http://ss11.sytes.net/index.css Here is the website with the subdirectory issue: http://ss11.sytes.net/missionaries The problem is the size of sub-directories. When viewed on a cell phone in portrait mode, the sub-directories are smaller than the main directory. I would like them to match the size of the main directory. Any ideas?

  • what is the business related question or issue in here? Web development is usually not a topic for serverfault.com
    – djdomi
    Commented Apr 7 at 5:28
  • I believe I am seeing an underlying issue. The smaller sub-directories are directly related to the fact that sub-directories are not using the HEADER file in the root directory. Therefore they are missing the reference to the CSS file also in the root directory. How do I make the sub-directories use the same header file that the main directory does? Or to put it another way, how do I make sub-directories show the header file instead of "Index of..."?
    – user77899
    Commented Apr 7 at 21:00
  • I posted here because it is a server question which will effect my users. I was under the impression due to the name of the site, that people here might know more about how Apache Autoindex works than I do. That is why I posted.
    – user77899
    Commented Apr 7 at 21:04


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