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Having issue with Route53, ec2, Apache Virtual host and wordpress working

I am having wordpress blog -, hosted on Amazon aWS EC2 instance and DNS is managed in Route53. Suddenly blog site stopped responding and couldn't figure out why? For testing ...
Devops Cloud's user avatar
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How to forward https traffic from Port 80 to Port 8501 on Ubuntu Apache2?

So I used iptables to redirect traffic from 80 to 8501 as follows: sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8501 However this doesn't work with https. I was ...
Mansidak's user avatar
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AmazonLinux 2022 Fails to Run PHP Scripts - Error AH02454

I am attempting to run basic PHP scripts on an Amazon Linux 2022 or Amazon Linux 2023 server instance. I followed the directions here and when I request index.html it serves a static page fine. ...
Steve's user avatar
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AWS poor performance compared to DigitalOcean's

Why is my Apache2 server with PHP-FPM experiencing significantly lower performance on AWS EC2 instances compared to DigitalOcean Droplets? Despite similar hardware specifications and configurations, ...
robertpartfy's user avatar
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Application slows down (SOMETIMES) at peak times, running on tomcat with a reverse proxy from apache server, deployed on AWS

Just for preface: I'm a software developer and at first no one knew what's going on, so I did some testing and reading, and would like to help my colleagues fix this problem. The issue: The issue is ...
Stefan Horvath's user avatar
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Host multiple websites on AWS Auto-Scaling Group with EFS

I hope this is a simple question. Currently I have an Apache2 webserver on Ubuntu with multiple websites. The basic structure of the Apache is /etc /apache2 /sites-available --> the .conf ...
igalsc's user avatar
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Apache logs AWS EC2

I'm new to AWS and just created an AWS EC2 instance using Ubuntu to host a website. The website is up and running but whenever I got in /var/log/apache2 to view the access.log file, it shows the ...
itsTed's user avatar
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Reduce amount of network traffic by filtering attackers in AWS

just installed a simple django web application in an AWS EC2 instance. The instance is always on, but currently not used by anyone (it is still in development). Recently AWS is accounting lots of ...
Wishper's user avatar
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Apache server is very slow for high traffic

I am using Apache 2 on AWS ec2 instance. I have application load balancer with 2 instances/servers attached to it. Each instance type is m5.8XLarge. My application is developed in Laravel, I am using ...
Muhammad Shafiq's user avatar
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How can I let apache server work always on my ec2 instance?

I am learning aws's EC2 server. I configured apache and php. I started the apache server with the command Sudo service httpd start But every time I stop my pc, or the next day, when I want to continue ...
fathi93's user avatar
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AWS EC2 - 1/2 checks passed Error. Instance reachability check failed

I have a Ubuntu-20.4 ec2 instance. In that, I'm running a Django Application connected with Apache Server. I created this instance 20 days back and have never stopped the instance until yesterday. ...
Kaushik Ganesan's user avatar
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How to host two websites on one AWS lightsail instance

I'm quite new to this whole website thing and I'm looking for some guidance on how to configure bitnami apache so I can have two websites on the same server. I have a domain (which i'll call example....
dangee1705's user avatar
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port redirect not working for https apache2

I am trying to configure apache2 on aws lightsail instance. the instance was default setup for aws wordpress + aws linux. I have a node.js server running on port 5000 on this instance. the apache ...
Imtiaz Chowdhury's user avatar
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Can apache servers from two different server locations share the same ssl/http certificate?

I have two Apache servers on two different locations as illustrated in the following situation: Server 1 On GoDaddy or other affordable-solution provider IP Server 2 On ...
RonPringadi's user avatar
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My RDS instance is getting flooded by my EC2 instance, but my EC2 instance is running smoothly

I have a rather complicated setup in my AWS console. I have an EC2 instance in region A with LAMP installed for what I will call my CRM. I have an RDS in the same region A for my CRM that contains ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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Force HTTPS redirection with AWS Classic Load Balancer

I have a website in AWS hosted in an EC2 instance. I successfully configured SSL certificate via Classic Load Balancer and I can ONLY access https version of my website. I am getting request timed ...
Kim Carlo's user avatar
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Can't connect to HTTPS on ec2 after setting up Load Balancer

I have an EC2 instance with Amazon Linux running an Apache web server. I have an ACM SSL certificate issued. (I want to use it for a sub domain so I have set it up using * and it has been ...
Chris's user avatar
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Apache to Nginx migration

we are migrating from Apache to Nginx. Everything is setup and tested. Our whole infra is hosted on AWS. I'm little bit nervous about the final migration as to how should I start the migration on ...
Axel's user avatar
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Elastic Beanstalk, Certbot does not recognize port 80

I have very simple app running single index.php file on the elastic beanstalk, and now I tried to install https using Letsencrypt. But unfortunately I keep geeting this error: PluginError: Unable to ...
Yusuf Ibrahim's user avatar
3 votes
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Lightsail instance requests time out with domain name but work with IP address

I'm attempting to create a BookStack site on an Amazon Lightsail instance. I'm having an issue where my static public IP address attached to my Lightsail instance will go to my site just fine, from ...
Ash's user avatar
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Redirect port 8080 to 80

I've a tomcat running along with the apache2 on Amazon AMI. Till now all of my users were accessing my webapp by putting port number 8080 in url and then tomcat does auto-redirection to 8443. But now ...
Vishal Pawale's user avatar
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Can't set http-only and secure cookies in Apache

My website is on Apache which is hosted in AWS VPS. I tried setting http-only flag and secure flag by editing security.conf file but upon checking the headers via
Axel's user avatar
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EC2 / LAMP with a temporary File System

Ok - this is a weird one. I've now got my domain pointing to a new EC2 instance running our website, but initially I thought I had some issues with file permissions, has now turned to be where the ...
Jester's user avatar
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AWS file system ID for disk on 'trial' server

I created a free trial AWS server a year ago, but am only getting around to using it and going through some of the tutorials. I'm trying to set up an initial httpd web server for practice and their ...
Mitch's user avatar
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Error in the log file when connecting to the AWS server

I am using terraform to create an instance in AWS. I connect very well to the server, but the log file has the following errors. [Tue Oct 23 18:49:33.725989 2018] [suexec:notice] [pid 11845] AH01232: ...
Eyong Kevin Enowanyo's user avatar
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The requested URL was not found on this server

I am trying to enable SSL for port 4100 for an Amazon EC2 Instance. When I access the site, I get an error as follows - The requested URL /login was not found on ...
saranyavsr's user avatar
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How can I set Access-Control-Allow-Origin for multiple domains in apache2?

I have created an app in React with its backend in Python Django. I hosted the React app in Heroku and the Django app in AWS (apache2). I have faced a problem with CORS. I added the following ...
Ferose's user avatar
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Can't connect to EC2 instance (apache/http)

I can't for the life of me connect to my EC2 instance over the web. I know there are six million posts about this already, but they all seem to be resolved the same ways.. but won't work for me. What ...
Cathal's user avatar
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Automatically adding an SSL Certificate to a new AWS EC2 instance on creation

I've written a script that creates an AWS EC2 instance via API and I need to automate the install of the wildcard certificates to be used by this new instance for HTTPS via Apache. Previously, I had ...
Joum's user avatar
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11 votes
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Does AWS offer a way to route HTTPS traffic to two different EC2 instances based on directory path?

I was wondering if the following is possible with AWS offerings? -> served by Apache on EC2 Instance A -> served by Apache on EC2 Instance B To ...
Joseph Shih's user avatar
6 votes
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Virtual host not working AWS apache

I have following virtual host ( in apache2.conf file ) to load all subdomain from a single directory on AWS <VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoot /var/www/html ServerName ...
Vikram's user avatar
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Troubleshooting ec2 instance with apache2 installed that times out with no errors being logged

I have my ec2 that was created with an autoscaling group and a load balancer attached to the autoscaling group. The security groups used give to all traffic both incoming and outgoing. I have ...
DJSweetness's user avatar
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How can I reduce the number of get requests for s3 bucket? [closed]

I have an apache2 server living on an ec2 instance in AWS as well as an s3 bucket that holds mostly just image files. What I want to do is implement some sort of caching for a user on my server or ...
DJSweetness's user avatar
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Web Server running on rebooted ec2 instance, address is not resolving correctly

I had an issue with my Apache web server running on an AWS EC2 Instance and I had to reboot. Once the server came up I started Apache, but was unable to access the server. I know that the public dns ...
Glenak1911's user avatar
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Apacher Tomcat debug conf files

I am using Tomcat 8 on AWS an Elastic Load Balancer. I am trying to do a rewrite, but nothing is happening, see here for details. I have: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf ... Include conf.d/*.conf ...
Richard's user avatar
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Apache Rewrite rule not working

I am using an AWS Elastic Load Balancer, and have set up the following rule to convert http traffic to https. /etc/httpd/conf.d/httpd_redirect.conf <VirtualHost *:80> RewriteEngine ...
Richard's user avatar
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install geotrust quickssl on apache2 ubuntu server

I usually outsource installing a ssl cert. However I want to learn this process. So I ssh'ed into my server and ran the below code openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout -out ...
Jayreis's user avatar
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AWS SNS Sending too many notifications

Problem In one sentence SNS Topic sending too many notifications to HTTPs subscriber. More detailed I have enabled events in one of my S3 buckets, and I have subscribed one of my applications to ...
Francisco C.'s user avatar
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Can't Login to EC2 instance after changing Public to Elastic IP

I have a EC2 linux server, where a website was running properly on Apache web server. It was running on a public IP. I changed the public IP to Elastic IP but it stopped my website. So I again ...
Abhishek dot py's user avatar
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Did I properly mitigate a DDOS?

Last evening my forum was victim of a DDOS Attack in the form of a DDOS Attack. I've confirmed it was an HTTP Flood. The first thing I did was enable CloudFlare's checking your browser. It blocked a ...
user avatar
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https works on webmin but not on domain name [duplicate]

I got an issue with the https request, when it comes to the access webmin, is working fine even the certificates are working pretty good. when i try to access the domain using https is not working. I ...
Adascalitei Lucian's user avatar