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if statement in htaccess

I'm using the following .htaccess to allow access to my website by IP address: <Limit GET POST> Require all denied Require ip x.x.x.x Require ip y.y.y.y </Limit> I was wondering if it ...
vespino's user avatar
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AH00170: caught SIGWINCH, shutting down gracefully

i have a web server on Debian and Apache2, about once a day or once every 2 days Apache2 crashes, here are the Apache2 error logs: [Wed May 22 13:04:01.082969 2024] [mpm_prefork:error] [pid 874799] ...
spider5414's user avatar
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Apache config to proxy entire site with 1 exception

I have a website on a hosting provider. We use that provider because it has a simple site builder my wife uses to maintain the site. Moving off of it isn't an option for this ...
John Oliver's user avatar
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Serve static content using a (Zope, Plone) backend for Cookie-based authentication

I have a Plone site which I'd like to hide from read-only access and instead serve the contents from a static mirror (mainly for performance reasons, of course); most contents rarely change. (How to ...
Tobias's user avatar
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apache set location with subdirectory

I am trying to install iredmail with apache. but now i have a problem i can serve only python file of iredadmin or static files. I need to make both of them working. <Location "iredadmin/...
mohamad zbib's user avatar
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Apache & PHP-FPM: AH01144: No protocol handler was valid for the URL /index.php (scheme 'unix')

This error occurs despite all the fixes that I Googled. Apache was loaded next modules: # /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl -M | grep proxy [Thu Mar 14 22:37:35.825542 2024] [core:trace3] [pid 9087:tid ...
YpaHeL1's user avatar
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What causes "Partial results are valid but processing is incomplete" for mod_fcgi in Apache WITHOUT mod_reqtimeout

I am running Apache 2.4 to serve Nextcloud and I occasionally get the error [proxy_fcgi:error] (70008)Partial results are valid but processing is incomplete: AH01075: Error ...
user2690527's user avatar
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Apache2 send response while waiting for HDD to spin up

I have an Apache 2.4 Server that hosts static files. One directory ( is on the SDD (System-drive) and anotherone is on an external HDD ( My Problem is that because my HDD ...
Der Müller's user avatar
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Apache2 with GSSAPI auth, can't exclude one location from auth

We have an apache2 serving a PHP application, with kerberos authentication We developed an API within the PHP application, and we want to access it without Kerberos auth But we cannot manage to ...
Wad's user avatar
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Convert auth config from apache http server 2.2 to apache 2.4

I have the following apache 2.2 configuration and need to transform it to apache 2.4. <Location /> Order Deny,Allow Deny From Env=TEST Allow From Env=LOCAL Allow ...
trikelef's user avatar
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Getting 404 error for apache `/server-status`

I was told that there's a way to enable a url called http://<your host>/server-status and that this page would show you some operational metrics of the apache service. But every time I visit ...
learningtech's user avatar
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Apache LogFormat: what does %f mean?

I have checked the apache logformat from - I am not able to understand what does "%f" parameter mean in apache log format. The ...
Yogesh Tembe's user avatar
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Need to allow only specific file extensions via Apache config

I'm struggling with allowing only specific file extensions via Apache (2.4.58). I'm doing this in httpd.conf. The problem is if I deny all files at first either like that: <Files *> Require ...
Gino Pane's user avatar
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2 answers

Apache Httpd: Logging Access for Non-privileged Users

I’m wondering if it is common for Apache HTTPD admins to allow read access or read access to copies of /var/log/httpd/${vhost}_error_log? I administer an Apache web server for a University CS ...
deconstruct's user avatar
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SVN only fails to commit new files that have been svn:copied with RA layer request failed error, changes and additions work fine

Whenever I try to commit a new file that has been created using svn:copy I get the following error: RA layer request failed Commit failed (details follow): Unexpected HTTP status 502 'Bad Gateway' on '...
Wholesome PJ's user avatar
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Apache URL rewrite to hide port numbers of web servers

I have an Ubuntu server running Gitea and Jenkins on ports 3000 and 4000 respectively. I want to be able to access them through a user friendly url like http://myhost/gitea and http://myhost/jenkins. ...
shane.singwa's user avatar
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Apache child processes are launched more than ServerLimit and threads are executed more than ThreadsPerChild

The following version of Apache is used. (MPM : event) httpd -V Server version: Apache/2.4.37 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) Server built: Jun 15 2022 08:27:14 Server's Module Magic Number: xxxxxxxx:xx ...
fsk5304's user avatar
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Change the script path in an Apache proxy handler

I'm developing my application with 2 containers: apache and php-fpm. Apache serves requests, and delegates PHP execution to the php-fpm container in its vhost: <FilesMatch .php$> ...
amacrobert's user avatar
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Modsecurity block access from all countries except from a specific IP or specific remote host

I have the below 3 rules in modsecurity. Rule 1: Block all countries defined as high risk except US: SecAction \ "id:900600,\ phase:1,\ nolog,\ pass,\ t:none,\ setvar:'tx....
BradG's user avatar
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2 votes
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apache2.4 (debian11): access of /.htm or /.html sites lead to 403 (and not 404)

If I install apache2 on debian 11 and access one of the following urls: http://localhost/.htm http://localhost/.html I don't get the expected HTTP status-code 404, I get a HTTP-status code 403 instead!...
byteunit's user avatar
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Prevent Apache from showing first virtual host if domain does not exist?

Not sure when but WHM/cPanel and/or Apache have changed how they handle requests for domains that do not exist. Previously it would redirect to http://requested-domain.tld/cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi ...
Gavin's user avatar
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Apache Getting Killed By OOM

I Have apache2 running on Ubuntu 22. My Apache2 often getting killed by OOM. I have tried to get log and its showing something like this > root@localhost:~# dmesg -e | grep -i kill [Mar15 03:00] ...
user avatar
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How to disable ssl_request log on Apache?

Our internal Apache instance on a Windows server is regularly filling up the disk with C:\Apache24\logs\ssl_request.log.yyyy-MM-dd.log logs. They seem to be rotated, although their sizes vary (200 - ...
Martin's user avatar
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apache2 suddenly failing to serve https

apache2 v.2.41 on Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS (WSL2) is suddenly not connecting over https, in browser or via wget. It's been working for months, and I haven't changed anything. I tried restarting Apache; it's ...
mgiuffrida's user avatar
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Get Apache2 to also use no port for self-referencing URLs when Host header has no port

I need to install a reverse proxy in front of an Apache2 installation on a customer's server. The job of that reverse proxy is to proxy some additional applications (internally running on other ports) ...
CherryDT's user avatar
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Apache virtualhost port 443 serves content from port 80 configuration

I'm running Apache 2.4.52 on Ubuntu Server 22.04. I'm trying to run https through port 443, eventually aiming to have a redirect from port 80 to force content on https. However, Apache seems to be ...
Sit399's user avatar
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2 answers

How Can I add Cookie value or Session ID Value in ErrorLogFormat of Apache?

I want to add the 'my_session' cookie value in the Apache error log. I have added an access log 'LogFormat' as below: <IfModule mod_ssl.c> <VirtualHost *:443> LogFormat "...
Prashant Pawar's user avatar
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Apache2 how to generate random string for subdomain

I want to issue a redirect to a new randomly generated subdomain name for every request I get. Below you can find my vhost configuration. I want to do a redirect towards a subdomain containing some ...
Mnemosyne's user avatar
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I get directory listing instead of the website index.php

Ubuntu 20.04, Apache 2.4, PHP5.6 I have website with the following vhost config <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin [email protected] ServerName ServerAlias
igalsc's user avatar
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Apache2 non-default root directory multiple websites 403 forbidden

I have Ubuntu 20.04 servers on AWS in autoscaling group with EFS mounted at /mnt/efs/fs1 I use codedeploy for deployment of a non-default website. The bitbucket pipeline creates a zip file containing ...
igalsc's user avatar
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How to use environment variable in apache config condition?

In my apache config file I'm trying to set a virtual host on port 443 IF my environment variable is not dev I have a docker container running via docker-compose which specifies the environment ...
David's user avatar
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Set Apache to Block HTTPS Requests to a Certain Subdomain

I have these domains pointing to the same server IP, but want my website to be accessible only via and which have SSL certificates. ...
UM-Li's user avatar
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How can Apache log whether requests are using HTTP2 or not, in a manner that can't be easily spoofed by the client?

According to this, including %H in your LogFormat is supposed to log the HTTP protocol version, however, it appears to be unreliable. As an example, one can telnet to port 80 of the web server and ...
Displayname71's user avatar
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Enable Brotli for Apache on Google Cloud Compute Engine website

I installed and enabled the Brotli module just fine through SSH. Then, I added this to my port 80 VirtualHost config: <IfModule mod_brotli.c> SetOutputFilter BROTLI_COMPRESS ...
JimmyTheCuck's user avatar
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modsecurity wont start with an apache server

I have a Debian server where apache2 is running. I want to use modsecurity for throttling. apache2 info $ apache2ctl -v Server version: Apache/2.4.29 (Debian) Server built: 2018-01-14T11:01:58 I ...
Hussain Nagri's user avatar
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Apache 2.4 - allow access from same IP and from curl Request

I want to provide access to requests from the same server that apache is running on and to curl requests, but this section does not work, neither the first nor the second match. What am I doing wrong? ...
Lokomotywa's user avatar
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Apache2 not working with PHP

I have Apache2 running on a Debian 11 box (x64). It was installed with an Openmediavault ISO, with nginx and PHP 7.4 installed already (for the web UI) I try to install the PHP connector for apache2 (...
EnderSlayer7692's user avatar
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How to serve static images from /tmp in Apache

How do you serve images from Apache that exist outside the document root? I have a devops process that runs builds for a UI testing build, which generates screenshots and stores them to /tmp/images. ...
Cerin's user avatar
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Requests with lager than 1GB data fail after upgrading to Apache 2.4.54

Sending requests with larger than 1GB data always fail after upgrading to Apache 2.4.54. In Apache 2.4.53 and older versions, the LimitRequestBody limit was set to unlimited. It seems that this has ...
5t111111's user avatar
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Can apache return multipe ErrorDocuments for the same response code depending on a header value?

So let's say I have a 403 page but if the request header has a custom value in it - I want to return a different 403 with a bit more information in. So the normal 403 location may be /error_403 and ...
overrrflowww's user avatar
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Apache mod_status, full machne readable details

Apache's mod_status (i.e /server-status) outputs HTML, including what HTTP clients are accessing what thing right now. There is a text format (/server-status?auto), but that doesn't include the ...
Amandasaurus's user avatar
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Apache 2 basic reverse proxy config not working, getting 404 error

I started a new server in a virtual machine, and I can access its homepage from the browser. I set up a docker container hosted on port 90 which I can also access. To link /app/ to localhost:90 I ...
Tom743's user avatar
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Which files/directories are needed when replicating Apache installation on CentOS?

I'm replicating an Apache installation to a new server in a different data centre. I installed the same version of Apache on the new server and would like to copy all the relevant files from the old ...
boardrider's user avatar
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No space left on device: AH00023: Couldn't create the ssl-cache mutex

I saw another similar questions here but none had a answer that solved this problem. From time to time, around 3am, my Apache server freezes and i see those errors in my logs... (28) No space left on ...
Raul Chiarella's user avatar
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Apache virtual host serving incorrect index.html file for one of two domains connected to server

I have two domains setup on a single server using Apache Virtual Hosts. The first domain ( is loading the index.html file of the second domain (, even though the first domain (...
Mike Hermary's user avatar
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Apache2: How to Proxy the same url with different ports?

we have multiple different /apex instances. now we want to proxy the requests trough an Apache2-Server like this: request for instance1: http://proxy:8080/apex -> http://apex1:8080 request for ...
BrotCast's user avatar
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Request exceeded the limit of 10internal redirects on cPanel Server

I just created a subdomain called virtual from cPanel and its return 500 error. When I check the error_log I see below error: AH00124: Request exceeded the limit of 10internal redirects due to ...
Muhammad Dyas Yaskur's user avatar
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Why does Apache2 not respect Last-Modified headers?

On a I have: ProxyPass /public ! in order to have content under this path served as static files directly from the file system. But it seems that the If-Modified-Since and If-None-Match ...
Dennis Thrysøe's user avatar
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Apache VirtualHosts not working/redirecting? (Reverse proxy)

I am trying to set up Apache as a reverse proxy on a new Ubuntu 22.04 virtual machine. We have an existing Apache reverse proxy on Ubuntu 18.04 where everything is working as intended. This new ...
Manuel Sarica's user avatar
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Find the script an Apache process is running

I have Apache 2.4 configured as mpm_prefork on an Ubuntu server. It happens that via htop I have seen that there are processes that use a lot of CPU. How do I find out exactly what url/php script this ...
Tom's user avatar
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