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Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysqli_connect() on Debian 12.5 with Apache2

I am trying to run my server with php 8.2 but it can't connect to my MariaDB database with mysqli. I have extension=mysqli in my php.ini When I do php -m | grep mysqli I get this: % php -m | grep ...
aaaaa's user avatar
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AH00170: caught SIGWINCH, shutting down gracefully

i have a web server on Debian and Apache2, about once a day or once every 2 days Apache2 crashes, here are the Apache2 error logs: [Wed May 22 13:04:01.082969 2024] [mpm_prefork:error] [pid 874799] ...
spider5414's user avatar
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Writing Apache2 logs to stdout/stderr on Debian

On Debian 12.5 Bookworm, I want to write apache2 logs to stdout/stderr, so they can be collected by journald. Per Writing Apache2 Logs to stdout/stderr?, I have the bellow config: CustomLog /proc/self/...
Étienne Miret's user avatar
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Virtual host on Apache2 for Mautic "This site can't be reached" on specified subdomain (but can be reached somewhere else)

I am configuring a brand new Mautic 5.0.3 instance on a Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) in AWS shared server with other 3 webs. Let's say (for security reasons) that its on I have configured ...
Iago's user avatar
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Variable substitution not working in CGI script

I am trying to make a CGI script that takes the name and email from a form, decodes the QUERY_STRING variable into the two values, and then does stuff with them ( for now I just decoded the name an I ...
velici alex's user avatar
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-CGI script not getting executed

0 I'm trying to make a simple form where you can introduce you're name and upon hitting the submit button you get redirected to a page where it says "Hello name_that_was_submited!". I did ...
velici alex's user avatar
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See https sites in local with Debian / Apache2

I'm working on Debian Testing. I see local http sites at localhost/~myhome/... To this end I made the classic change to /etc/apache2/mods-available/php8.2.conf To re-enable php in user directories ...
user41063's user avatar
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Redirect from https-URL request to http-server IP is not working

In the second call of my Apache 2.4 server config-vhost file I have: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin [email protected] ServerName RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{...
German Online Publisher's user avatar
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Getting a timeout error on a newly created Apache2 web server

I created a new Debian 12 web server through Vultr. I have uploaded my simple little website up to the /var/www/html directory and when I try to navigate to the ip address, I get a The connection has ...
Rex_C's user avatar
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DNS/Domain not working [duplicate]

I have domain, pointed to my VPS. I made VH in apache to serve simple index.htm file to check if everything works fine. Unfortunatelly something is wrong because page is not found( ...
michal's user avatar
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R Apache Error: package 'rJava' could not be loaded

I sucessfully installed RApache on my Debian 11 server. The following R script runs flawlessly when being executed via URL/Apache: y = rnorm(100) print(y) Sadly, another script with rJava/RJDBC ...
Simon Giesen's user avatar
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Apache on debian don't redirect http to https correctly

Debian 11 config file: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf <VirtualHost *:80> RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} ...
Ishayahu's user avatar
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Apache2 subdomain not found after addition

Here is a situation I have domain pointed to my server where Apache2 runs. Currently I have two confs (one for HTTP and one for HTTPS) that accepts requests and shows page ...
Johnczek's user avatar
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Stuck on php8.1 when downgrading to php7.4

I upgraded the php version on my Apache server running on Debian (buster) from 7.3 to 8.1. Due to an older Nextcloud installation I had to downgrade to php7.4. The downgrade worked well following ...
droid001's user avatar
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How to start myslq if it fails to start due to insufficient space, and the main files eating up space are mysql binary log files

My server disk usage looks like this: Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on udev 989M 0 989M 0% /dev tmpfs 200M 21M 180M 11% /run /dev/xda1 59G 57G ...
truba's user avatar
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Apache halts with error: Invalid argument: AH00146: couldn't release the accept mutex

My webserver running Debian Bullseye has been running for years without any problems. Everything is up to date. The apache version is 2.4.54. Yesterday I noticed none of my websites were up so I ...
Zippy1970's user avatar
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Apache2 not working with PHP

I have Apache2 running on a Debian 11 box (x64). It was installed with an Openmediavault ISO, with nginx and PHP 7.4 installed already (for the web UI) I try to install the PHP connector for apache2 (...
EnderSlayer7692's user avatar
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Error 503 Service Unavailable

We have a debian based reverse proxy server which is under testing for product scanning for a store and all of a sudden it didn't connect and started showing 503 service unavailable. The next day it ...
sameer's user avatar
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Apache2 - Redirect to external Server for several domains

my goal is to setup a webserver, that redirects http requests to another server. For example, when an URL/Domain changes. I want to create an CNAME Record for the old domain to the redirectserver (...
SecurityWho's user avatar
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sync apache2 config directory with glusterfs and restart service on directory change

I am trying to create a small 3 node ha cluster with apache2, php, mariadb with galera, glusterfs, haproxy and keepalived on debian 11. I want to sync the majority of config files (which are the same ...
icabraja's user avatar
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Prevent services subdomains from browsing

I'm facing a problem, and I don't know what are the best practices for it. I got a VPS hosting multiple services (DNS, Apache and IMAP/SMTP). The domain is and each service has its ...
Dantes Hanketsu's user avatar
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How to permanently change niceness of apache2 process on a Debian server?

I have Debian 11.2 with Apache2. I'd like to change niceness of all of my apache2 processes, or at least mod_wsgi processes, to +5. How can I do it? Adding Nice=5 to /usr/lib/systemd/system/apache2....
Xilexio's user avatar
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Apache2 SSL only works when virtualhost is removed?

I'm making a website hosted at, and I'm trying to have it use multiple subdomains so I can run NextCloud, OctoPrint, and a general webpage all from the same IP address. As I ...
SparrowTheNerd's user avatar
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206 views to | Apache

So I want to redirect to I already have ssl with certbot but I want to change my redirect config in /etc/apache2/sites-available/example.conf. Certbot already ...
Thamognya Kodi's user avatar
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Cacti - Unable to find certain search query results (Search Returned no Rows.)

Posting question here since no response on cacti forums. We are using older version of cacti Version 0.8.8b for graphing and and monitoring our network. Most of features and graphs are working fine ...
rafalefighter's user avatar
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apache2 is directing to wrong path when using https for sub domains

I have an ssl wildcard cert (letsencrypt) for & * My 000-default.conf looks like: <VirtualHost *:80> # The ServerName directive sets the request scheme, hostname ...
Zappenduster's user avatar
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How to set pdo driver in apache?

I have a Debian 11 server On my website I have the following error: Caused by: PDOException could not find driver According to what the phpinfo() function returns, my php.ini file is in: /etc/php/7.4/...
Jorge Palacios Zaratiegui's user avatar
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Debian web access apache2 for mail server

i am responsible for my mail server i am new to Debian and mail server aswell i am facing issue after install the ssl certificate the page still shows http:// not https:// i use to see this command ...
Ana Mal's user avatar
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Nginx server keeps serving Debian main page

I am trying to set up a simple custom website. I have built a simple server using Golang and the Gin-gonic framework. My Go server is as follows: func main() { r := gin.Default() r.GET(...
AChenet's user avatar
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How to respond to "NOTICE: Not enabling PHP 7.4 FPM by default." from system upgrade

I did a standard OS update on Ubuntu LTS (20.04) and the messages end with: Processing triggers for php7.4-fpm (7.4.3-4ubuntu2.6) ... NOTICE: Not enabling PHP 7.4 FPM by default. NOTICE: To enable PHP ...
CPBL's user avatar
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user has no write permission on his owned folders?

i am working on Debian10 with php8 fpm + apache2 , I've created a new user with a group username:username , and i've set a home directory for this user located at /home/username/www of course i've ...
Mr Sparrow's user avatar
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Enabled HTTP/2 Support in apache2 v2.4.25 on Debian 9.13 but Tests Show No Support for HTTP/2

I am trying to configure HTTP/2 support but something is going wrong My server is a google compute engine vm running Debian 9.13 (stretch) server version Apache/2.4.25 with SSL certs configured using ...
hyjinx's user avatar
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Apache2 mod_rewrite seemingly not doing anything

I'm having difficulty getting mod_rewrite to work in Apache2 on Debian 10. I enabled the extension with a2enmod rewrite systemctl restart apache2 And had no errors and can see the module in apachectl ...
TheLovelySausage's user avatar
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Apache + PHP not showing any formating

What I am going to ask is probably a simple problem but I can't figure out solution. I have installed apache2 on Debian server and updated php to version 7.3. I think that I have made a mistake when ...
Maty's user avatar
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Apache2 react app + laravel REST api on same domain

So my goal is I have my domain named conf for <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName ServerAlias ServerAdmin webmaster@...
Danys Chalifour's user avatar
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Issue with api request from linux

I have issue with http bearer auth json post to api. Used apps or and php methods wget console curl php curl file get contents Sucessfull scenarios - post request Computer connected to same network ...
newman's user avatar
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Use multiple PHP-FPM versions using FastCGI on same Debian/Apache server

I would like to use multiple PHP-FPM versions using FastCGI on same Debian/Apache server. Using: Debian v9.12, Apache v2.4.25, php5.6-fpm, php7.4-fpm, libapache2-mod-fcgid v1:2.3.9-1+b1, libapache2-...
klor's user avatar
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Create init.d Apache service for multiple instances on debian

I am trying to install a second instance of apache on debian. I used the multiple instance script. during the installation it says: root@nextcloudpi:/usr/share/doc/apache2/examples# sudo sh setup-...
Stephane's user avatar
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Slow load nextjs (nodejs) app in apache server

Disclaimer : all the time metrics is measured via the developer tool Context I have a nextjs app hosted in a vps (ovh). The nextjs app run in port 3000 on my vps via pm2. When i deploy the app in ...
Hadock's user avatar
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apache2 suexec destroy my day

I have a puzzle with http suEXEC now. It is a bit of frustration. Basically apache2 report weird lines in error.log [Fri Dec 18 11:29:57.385776 2020] [ssl:info] [pid 10944] AH01876: mod_ssl/2.4.38 ...
kantor's user avatar
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"redirect permanent" doesn't stop

I configured SSL/TLS for a site, and added a redirect line to the original config. Redirect permanent / https://mypage/ And it worked fine. Now i was tasked to make it back. I deleted the SSL-based ...
Tornyai Péter's user avatar
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Unable to load dynamic library 'mysqli' - Debian 10

I'm setting up a webserver, using Debian 10, Apache2, PHP7.3, MariaDB and PHPMyAdmin. When i start Apache2 it wil say: PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'mysqli' (tried: /usr/...
Zegert's user avatar
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php cant handle transparent png

I use php7.1, 7.0 and 7.3 all is php-fpm. When I try on local machine PNG picture, on website, it is okay with transparent background. But when I push it on server, there is black blackground not ...
Delirium's user avatar
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All my apache site use wrong SSL certificate after openvpn and openvpn-as install

I did the following on my debian 9 server: 494 apt-get install openvpn 495 cat /etc/debian_version 496 apt update && apt -y install ca-certificates wget net-tools gnupg 497 wget -...
bux's user avatar
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Bitwarden Self-Hosted on Debian 10x 64 Buster with Apache2

I installed bitwarden on my VPS following this link I got an error at the end while running start The error message was : Creating ...
UNlock's user avatar
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Apache2: Invalid command 'LockFile'

My Apache2 will not work, and when I try to run apache2 --version or any other apache command, it errors out with the following message: AH00526: Syntax error on line 89 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: ...
Yellowsink's user avatar
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Server hacked and lots of randomly named .php files in the webspace directories [duplicate]

So apparently my Server kinda got hacked. I don't think that someone got access to the root user or any other user but in every main directory of the www-data user there were a lot of weird files. ...
Flo's user avatar
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How to disable port 80 and enable port 443 for https in apache2 on Debian?

I installed apache2 on my Debian server, and I want to completely disable HTTP over port 80 and only have https over port 443. This is my current ports.conf file ports.conf This is my 000-...
Ryan's user avatar
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File is re-creating automatically on change [duplicate]

I have a weird problem on server after the attack. In the web folder I have the index.php with malicious content. When I try to delete, rename it or change its content it is re-created somehow. I ...
voromax's user avatar
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systemd drop-in order in debian jessie

I have several debian 8 servers shipped with a default configuration. They have on board apache2 and i want to add monit ( ) for extra availability. To manage operator-...
Sandro B.'s user avatar