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2 answers

Apache optionally enable ssl if cert file present

I have a containerized apache setup that needs to optionally enable SSL if the cert file was mapped in. I have this working for the case of when the cert files are mapped in, but struggling with the ...
Snappawapa's user avatar
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Website redirects are not working when using Pihole on docker instead of VM

I’m currently in the middle of moving some infrastructure to containers from a ton of VM’s running simple things. I’m trying to move our pihole DNS server to a container. All was working well, until I ...
Tayotoka's user avatar
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Logging all http requests to domain

I bought a domain name and I would like to log what http requests it receives. Logging the requests headers, url, type and message body. Looking for an easy/affordable solution. Standing up an Apache ...
Nick's user avatar
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Apache GZIP for images - any reason?

JPEG, GIF, PNG and WEBP images are already compressed. Is there any reason to serve them up using GZIP compression, regardless of whether or not the client says it may accept GZIP compression? curl -H ...
Lumi's user avatar
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Apache child processes are launched more than ServerLimit and threads are executed more than ThreadsPerChild

The following version of Apache is used. (MPM : event) httpd -V Server version: Apache/2.4.37 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) Server built: Jun 15 2022 08:27:14 Server's Module Magic Number: xxxxxxxx:xx ...
fsk5304's user avatar
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Apache on OSX: "not running" and "already in use" for all processes?

OS: macOS Mojave 10.14.6 HTTP Server: Apache 2.4.55 When trying to restart apache server, I get "Address already in use..." message. Hm, so there must be a process that listens to that port, ...
pop's user avatar
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Exclude specific URL from HTTP to HTTPS redirect in apache2 virtual host

I'm looking for an easy configuration to exclude a specific URL(pattern) from my apache2 HTTP to HTTPS redirect and failed so far. Background is an API with typical authorization mechanics which ...
StarFighter's user avatar
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Set Apache to Block HTTPS Requests to a Certain Subdomain

I have these domains pointing to the same server IP, but want my website to be accessible only via and which have SSL certificates. ...
UM-Li's user avatar
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How can Apache log whether requests are using HTTP2 or not, in a manner that can't be easily spoofed by the client?

According to this, including %H in your LogFormat is supposed to log the HTTP protocol version, however, it appears to be unreliable. As an example, one can telnet to port 80 of the web server and ...
Displayname71's user avatar
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Getting random 404 requests from unknown IPs in Apache + Ubuntu server

This is strange. I just installed a new Ubuntu + Apache in my Digitalocean droplet and installed a Laravel APP there. Now suddenly I see these kind of strange POST, GET and CONNECT requests from ...
Sarwar Alam's user avatar
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Set HTTP/HTTPS man-in-the-middle proxy for webserver (Apache2)

To log all http/https requests by a specific application, we use man-in-the-middle proxies (set as http or SOCKS5 proxies). On our local Windows and Mac machines, we usually 'proxify' apps or ...
Rick's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is my valid SSL certificate invalid on a particular site with the same host?

I have hosting set up with HostEurope. My SSL certificate seems to be valid (it has not expired etc.) and it works for one the domains I use on my server (the SSL certificate was purchased for this ...
biscuit_'s user avatar
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Returning custom HTTP status apache2

I'm hosting a webpage with apache and would like to be able to return custom HTTP status codes on a certain page. PHP does this just fine with http_response_code($code) but once it gets to apache it ...
Juckix's user avatar
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Varnish probe thinks web is down if he gets 103 http code

This is my first post in this forum and I will say that I am sorry for all the mistakes that I will make in this post. This is a desperate call for help as I was not able to find any kind of ...
Micu.s Electrobang's user avatar
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2 answers

Reverse Proxy to local container

I need run Kafka on docker with web UI on some specific domain AND LINK, for example: I am using this docker-compose.yml. version: '3.3' services: zookeeper: image: '...
genderbee's user avatar
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1 answer

Forwarding request made to my server to another server on the same path

I need to create a sub-directory mapping in the Apache server such that each request made to the path /another-path gets forwarded to https://some-website/another-path. How could I do this? If the ...
Amanda's user avatar
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Apache2 reverse proxy https <-> http with digest authentication

Sorry, If I posted a repeated question. Didn't find my answer yet. What I have is: a webservice on LAN which is only accesable over HTTP ans uses Digest Auth another server in LAN which has Apache2 ...
Mario Vlahovic's user avatar
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How To: Change Apache Default Directory | Multiple Domains

Problem: I am working on a production server hosting multiple domains and I am unable to get each domain's index.html to load. The default Apache page is loading instead. Example, Apache is not ...
mister mcdoogle's user avatar
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Redirecting https to http

I am using apache2 and I need to redirect https traffic to http for my captive portal application. For ex to I place the captive portal as the gw. Can you ...
user19215's user avatar
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Is it possible to configure Apache to return a blank reason phrase instead of "OK" for an HTTP 200 response?

Instead of this: HTTP/1.1 200 OK I want the server to return this to the client: HTTP/1.1 200 Both responses are RFC-compliant. This is for doing regression testing on a broken HTTP client. Running ...
Google Fail's user avatar
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Requests occasionally stalled

I have a LAMP server and recently I have been getting requests that timeout. When inspecting the request in Chrome the timing tab states that it "Stalled" for 30 seconds. I have no log of the request ...
dk80's user avatar
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Forcing to redirect https to http in Apache 2.4

I am trying the following. I have a domain where I publish. This publication is only by http, but I need all requests by https to redirect me to http since I do not have ssl certificate installed and ...
admatlantis's user avatar
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2 answers

Disable HTTP/2 connection reuse across domains

RFC 7540, § 9.1.1 states that Connections [...] MAY be reused for requests with multiple different URI authority components [...] as long as the origin server is authoritative [...]. So, for example,...
kbolino's user avatar
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Can an HTTP request to an HTTPS server be forced to encrypt? [closed]

I have an Unbuntu server running NodeJS, where I want to upload some files. Some of the files contain some data that I would prefer would not to be leaked, but it wouldn't be a massive issue if ...
Asgeir's user avatar
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Is it possible have a https site without making use of port 80?

Is there a way to redirect all website requests that come to my server from port 80 to port 443 without needing Apache to listen on port 80? Thus freeing port 80 for other use. I'm thinking like some ...
Benji Collins's user avatar
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Apache 2: redirecting from https to https with www in htaccess

I have a problem with redirecting my website from to I've found a lot of advices (means rewrite rule to htaccess) on the Stack Overflow and serverfault ...
Todra's user avatar
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apache2 mod_rewrite redirect without http body [duplicate]

I am currently using Apache mod_rewrite to redirect to HTTPS, but I would like to remove the body from the response. How it is currently: Example: How I would like it to be My redirect ...
reddot2k's user avatar
-3 votes
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One site non https

Hello I want to make sure that one file of my site is non https. I have this in my VirtualHost80 file Redirect permanent /README.php http://<ip>/README.php And I have this in my ...
John Wick's user avatar
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HTTPS except one page

Im trying to configure my apache server to host everything in https except one page that i need my script to be able to access. Currently i am prompted for to bypass the untrusted ssl certificate ...
John Wick's user avatar
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Redirect a single page to http

I currently have this redirect in my apache.conf file Redirect permanent "/" "" (Please note:: is a placeholder) I would like to make sure that all directories of my ...
John Wick's user avatar
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Force HTTP for a directory in server config file [duplicate]

I currently have enabled SSL for my entire site being hosted with Apache. Lets say my website is hosted at the root /var/www/html. I would like to write a rule in my apache config ...
John Wick's user avatar
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Connection refused HTTP (port 80)

So I'm very much a novice when it comes to Apache and Ubuntu, but I know the basics (file moving, copying, editing, etc). I was trying to remedy a problem with PHP's permissions, so I set /tmp/ and /...
shrey150's user avatar
2 votes
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Redirect HTTPS to HTTP on Apache

I have a main domain and a couple of secondary domains hosted by a commercial web hosting service using Apache servers. Each domain has its own .htaccess file. I have only one SSL certificate, which ...
harpagornis's user avatar
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Https URL without slash is redirected to http version with DirectorySlash On

We have a VM running with our hosting provider where the following issue occurs... When accessing Apache sends a redirect (301) to the URL with a trailing ...
user408449's user avatar
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Apache2 : redirect subfolder to https ( ->

I'm setting up an Apache2 server on Ubuntu 16.04. I use a self-signed certificate because I want my nextcloud instance to be available only with https. For now, I use a permanent redirection : #/...
mxdsp's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Nginx 444 error eqivalent in Apache?

Is there any way to produce same Nginx 444 error in apache. Nginx 444--> Connection Closed Without Response. I like this error since if anyone tries to CURL he gets an empty response, but not so ...
Amanat's user avatar
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Multiple DocumentRoot in Apache2

We currently have a Turnkey appliance running with Debian and Apache2 for testing purposes. The Apache config file looks like this: ServerName localhost <VirtualHost *:80> ...
Joe2265's user avatar
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Did I properly mitigate a DDOS?

Last evening my forum was victim of a DDOS Attack in the form of a DDOS Attack. I've confirmed it was an HTTP Flood. The first thing I did was enable CloudFlare's checking your browser. It blocked a ...
user avatar
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3 answers

Is it normal for Non-SSL site to return 'Unable to connect' when accessed via HTTPS://

I'm speaking only about servers that doesn't have any SSL certs (self-signed or by authority). Is it normal for site that doesn't have anything about SSL (default config, clean installed apache/nginx)...
xMudrii's user avatar