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Intercept HTTP POST response from Reverse Proxy in Apache

I have following configuration in my Apache server and requirement is to intercept HTTP POST request to /api/submit endpoint and trigger a CURL request to a remote URL before forwarding it to backend ...
user8373873's user avatar
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What is the equivalent of /etc/apache2/envvars in EL-based systems?

In Debian-based systems, it's possible to source a bash script in /etc/apache2/envvars to dynamically set an environment variable. Here is an example: Create a file (/etc/profile.d/ with the ...
H M's user avatar
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3 answers

apache2 rewrite is working, but doesn´t keep URL

I was looking around google for some days now and can´t get it to work. With apache rewrite: > (but keep the URL in browser) The whole SSL Config: <...
roku's user avatar
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Use relative parent directory links in Apache httpd mod_autoindex

With Apache httpd mod_autoindex, the generated index pages use relative (without the leading slash) links for individual entries, for example: <a href="failure/">failure/</a> ...
Richlv's user avatar
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Apache Httpd: Logging Access for Non-privileged Users

I’m wondering if it is common for Apache HTTPD admins to allow read access or read access to copies of /var/log/httpd/${vhost}_error_log? I administer an Apache web server for a University CS ...
deconstruct's user avatar
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Cannot Start Apache2 - httpd bound to port 80

I have a fresh install of Ubuntu Server 22.04, on which I installed apache2 via apt-get install After the installation I got the following error whenever I tried to start Apache2: (98)Address already ...
Bushkin's user avatar
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Apache on OSX: "not running" and "already in use" for all processes?

OS: macOS Mojave 10.14.6 HTTP Server: Apache 2.4.55 When trying to restart apache server, I get "Address already in use..." message. Hm, so there must be a process that listens to that port, ...
pop's user avatar
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Apache2 how to generate random string for subdomain

I want to issue a redirect to a new randomly generated subdomain name for every request I get. Below you can find my vhost configuration. I want to do a redirect towards a subdomain containing some ...
Mnemosyne's user avatar
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Redirect docroot for specific URI path by .htacess

Is it possible to redirect a specific URI path to a specific docroot within the original docroot using the .htaccess? For example: > docroot Where > docroot/subdir
Eng7's user avatar
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SSL certificate not working

I'm going to put an application on a new server (after upgrading it from PHP 7 to PHP 8). I can connect to the server(Red Hat) only using VPN (pulse). my purpose is to run the application on the ...
Naruto Uzumaki's user avatar
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No space left on device: AH00023: Couldn't create the ssl-cache mutex

I saw another similar questions here but none had a answer that solved this problem. From time to time, around 3am, my Apache server freezes and i see those errors in my logs... (28) No space left on ...
Raul Chiarella's user avatar
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How can I direct Apache HTTPd to serve only to specific IP address groups

I am using a Apache HTTPd server on Fedora Linux to serve a web suite for internal use only. However, My machine has only a single public IP address. I want to configure HTTPd to accept and serve the ...
Anirban's user avatar
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Apache server is very slow for high traffic

I am using Apache 2 on AWS ec2 instance. I have application load balancer with 2 instances/servers attached to it. Each instance type is m5.8XLarge. My application is developed in Laravel, I am using ...
Muhammad Shafiq's user avatar
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apache2, I can't suppress this line from apache logs

I've done this and other attempts, but not working for me: <IfModule mod_ssl.c> <VirtualHost *:443> ... setEnvIf Request_URI "refresh.*" dontlog CustomLog /home/alan/logs/apache....
alanvictorjp's user avatar
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Apache can't start because httpd is listening on port 80?

Hello serverfault community. I'm setting up a nextcloud server, but apache is not starting. When I run systemctl status apache2 I get: ● apache2.service - The Apache HTTP Server Loaded: loaded (/lib/...
Nico Nico Pizza's user avatar
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Convert Apache2 configuration to nginx configuration

I have RHEL 6 with apache/httpd (v2.2) configured to handle two different path of WordPress: FOO path: /var/www/html/FOO/ BAR path: /var/www/html/BAR/ We plan to move to a new machine running RHEL 7 ...
Mohamed ElHarery's user avatar
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Apache HTTPD not hosting on port 443

I have an Apache 2 web server using TLS certificates from Let's Encrypt (installed using CertBot). The OS is Amazon Linux 2. I cannot access the website using port 443. It only works on port 80 ...
Ross Duncan's user avatar
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Using "monit" - how to detect empty reply from http process (apache2)

I would like to monitor empty replies from my apache2 process as I am running into a problem similar to "Apache gives empty reply" . I am using monit to monitor my processes, so I am going ...
le_top's user avatar
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Configuring Apache for django project

im currently trying to deploy my django project to a web server hosted by a RHEL-8 VM. Im trying to set up the VM to utilize HTTPD (apache). However, i can't seem to get the Virtual Host configuration ...
BarTM's user avatar
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HTTPD port 80 not working after install apache tomcat

I am using AWS EC2 and Centos. Before I installed apache tomacat 9, I still able to access my website in port 80, or at least I can access my ip address in browser with welcome page. But after ...
Al Kasih's user avatar
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New virtual host on an existing httpd server: can't get index.html to come up by default

I have an existing Apache httpd server. All of the existing virtual hosts have php landing pages (i.e., index.php). The new one, however, has a plain, old-fashioned, html landing page (i.e., index....
hbquikcomjamesl's user avatar
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Apache2 fails to find a newly created page

I've just installed an apache server on Ubuntu, everything went well and I can access the starting page. However, I want to create another page which is located in /var/www/test. I want to be able to ...
dywan666's user avatar
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CentOS httpd 403 Forbidden

I recently setup my first CentOS7 (64-Bit) server. Previously I used Debian. I set up httpd with 2 simple vHosts but all I see in the browser is Error 403. I made 2 folders in /var/www which are named ...
Jonas Heinze's user avatar
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High httpd CPU usage, server load, strace is stuck

I'm runnning Directadmin with apache2 and MariaDB server. But I'm having a hard time to understand why my server's CPU usage is so high. htop screenshot When I try to look what is happening with ...
N. G.'s user avatar
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"No space left on device: AH00023: Couldn't create the mpm-accept mutex" when restarting httpd

My server sometimes gets filled up with connections in apache stuck in a "Sending Reply" state, requiring me to restart apache. Most of the time this works, but sometimes I will get this ...
user548654's user avatar
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Mac Catalina apache2 Connection refused

Since the new Mac OSX update my apache2 broke. I followed this guide on how to setup apache2 on the new OSX, but I still get "Connection Refused" error when I try to open localhost in my browser. ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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Apache2 / Redirect to Subfolder w/ ReverseProxy

I am attempting to redirect / to a subfolder on an Apache2 reverse proxy server vhost for a server behind it. Reverse proxy is working, however the redirect is not. What would be the best way to do ...
bobbirkely's user avatar
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Why http still redirects to http in HTTPD?

I've generated https certificates with certbot for website, but didn't pre-generate configs for https automatic redirects from http. Now I'm trying to configure it manually, but with this ...
Павел Иванов's user avatar
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Use Different HTTP Protocols per Browser in Apache

I am trying to use http/2 for everything except Safari because of some strange behavior we are seeing when using http/2 with any version of Safari we have handy. I cannot figure out how to set up ...
Josh's user avatar
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comparing the default enabled modules of httpd on CentOS to apache2 on Ubuntu

I'm migrating a server from Ubuntu 16.04 running Apache2 to CentOS 7.5 using httpd. By checking the enabled modules on both machines I found that httpd enables many more modules by default in ...
Fabs's user avatar
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httpd.conf redirect / to 8080 and redirect /index.html to /app/index.html

How can create this conf on httpd.conf: user access http://site and see content from http://site:8080 but when they access http://site/index.html, it should redirect to http://site/app/index.html ...
ricardo's user avatar
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Apache - How to redirect to a particular page in the httpd.conf file?

I'm trying to remove my .htaccess file, so that my Apache server no longer requires the .htaccess file. As I have learnt it is something to avoid if possible.(
fuzzi's user avatar
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Apache won't start with systemd

I've run into an issue where enabling the PHP driver for MS SQL Server [1] causes Apache httpd to timeout after three minutes when started with systemd (systemctl start httpd). Apache functions fine ...
Jamesmontalvo3's user avatar
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Apache Httpd 2.4 Rewrite Rule to return 301 redirect, but returns 302

I have two different examples of where Apache Httpd 2.4 on Centos7 is configured to perform redirects with the R=301 flag, but they are actually returning 302 redirects. One is an extremely simple ...
Kevin Buchs's user avatar
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Permissions Issue on Centos [duplicate]

Hi I'm trying to deply a webapp to my server who currently runs Centos and I have the issue that I can not write to files inside the public app dir. My directory structure is as follows, there you can ...
asolenzal's user avatar
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Apache reverse proxy so that SSL browser requests for IP of server are redirected to FQDN

I have Apache and a custom non-Apache web service running on the same server. I'm trying to get Apache to reverse-proxy SSL connections to the other site on to prevent SSL warnings from showing up ...
user1197457's user avatar
4 votes
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Do httpd/conf.d/* files override httpd.conf

If there is different configuration for the same parameter in both conf/httpd.conf and a /conf.d/* file, which will take precedence? I can’t find this explicitly stated in any official documentation.
dlinx90's user avatar
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Apache httpd serve a 200 response with static resource if requested file is not found

I am looking for a way to configure httpd server to respond with an image if requested file is not found. I know it can be simply done by: ErrorDocument 404 "/static/thumbnails/404.png" This one ...
Maciej Dobrowolski's user avatar
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Apache2 add multiple IP addresses to Location "require ip"?

The following does not work: apache2.conf: <Location> Require ip 192.168., 175. </Location> How can I add multiple IP ranges?
membersound's user avatar
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mod_rewrite -> rewrite rule replacing application context part in original url

I have requirement where user will type url like in browser, but I need to send it to, so I wrote virtual host in httpd.conf file: <...
kosa's user avatar
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Concurrent connections and Prefork MPM module

I'm testing my server to know how many concurrent connections it support. I configure my mpm_prefork.conf this way: # prefork MPM # StartServers: number of server processes to start # MinSpareServers:...
Pedro Antônio's user avatar
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apache2 httpd is not running

I'm running my web(+db) server on Ubuntu 15.10. It worked just fine, and suddenly I can't access my site and ping to port 80 neither 443 worked. The command service apache2 status says that ● ...
Hyungjoon Jeon's user avatar
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SSL Errors on Apache running on CentOS

I'm having a hell of a time getting an SSL certificate working with Apache running on CentOS. This is my first time trying to get SSL working so I need a bit of help. I've done alot of reading and ...
Michael's user avatar
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Relations beetween apache processes and pageloads/views /hits

When I run the command ps aux, I see many entries /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start (In Ubuntu machine) and /usr/sbin/httpd -k start (In Centos). I have read fro somewhere that each of those entries is an ...
aye's user avatar
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How to start Apache on CentOS7 for the first time

I have updated yum using sudo yum update and installed sudo yum install httpd I edited httpd.conf so the ServerName is the IP address of the web server I remote into. when I try to restart httpd ...
blu's user avatar
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Repairing Apache after OpenSSL update

I made an OpenSSL upgrade on ubuntu server (14.04 LTS) via apt to 1.1.0f. After the upgrade was finished, I tried to (re)start apache2. Then this appears: * Starting Apache httpd web server apache2 ...
MexHigh's user avatar
2 votes
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centos7 apache cannot write to a file it owns

I have installed httpd and php on a fresh centos7 and put some files into /var/www/html including an install script I wrote. This script needs to write to a config file in the /var/www/html directory. ...
jpro's user avatar
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Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error [duplicate]

While entering my website via the main page ( everything works fine. But when entering in I get a 500 Internal Error, and I see in the error_log it says the following: ...
user avatar
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ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS using Virtual Hosts

I'm getting an ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS when entering my website, using Google Chrome. I'm not using any rewrite module. This is my website configuration: (Literally a Virtual Host) <VirtualHost *:...
user avatar
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Apache httpd with active passive setup

I have two servers both having Apache httpd with identical configurations Server1 and Server2. I want to create active and passive setup for these servers. Server1( IP: (...
user2821056's user avatar