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How to monitor wordpress websites individually deployed on an apache2 server?

Since last few weeks there are sudden downs to my EC2 machine and none of the websites become accessible and also ssh to machine stops working. please help me fix it. I have an EC2 machine where ...
Ranjeet Singh's user avatar
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Slow apache restart or gracefull when tee is in use

I have this in each virtual hosts in my Apache HTTPD confs: CustomLog "|$tee -a /www/domainX/logs/apache/acces_log" combined On servers with more than 100 domains, there is an issue with ...
Pavel's user avatar
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AH00170: caught SIGWINCH, shutting down gracefully

i have a web server on Debian and Apache2, about once a day or once every 2 days Apache2 crashes, here are the Apache2 error logs: [Wed May 22 13:04:01.082969 2024] [mpm_prefork:error] [pid 874799] ...
spider5414's user avatar
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Is setting the ownership / permission for /etc/apache2 to have the group ownership `adm` and chmod g+w "safe"?

Good morning. I'm daring to ask my first ever qestion here. I'm annoyed having to use sudo all the time to modify the apache config files - mostly when I use the Remote SSH feature of my editor, then ...
JulianW's user avatar
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2 answers

apache2 can not set REMOTE_ADDR or any other var as header

i trying to setup apache as a reverse proxy and i need to add e.g. the REMOTE_ADDR and some other values as an header (required by the backend), for some reason always "null" is set. ...
sususo's user avatar
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How to get syslogd and/or Apache2 to STOP logging DEBUG messages to console

When I SSH into one of my Linux boxes (Ubuntu 20.04.2), I periodically see messages appear on the console screen: Message from syslogd@my-hostname at Jan 30 21:35:17 ... apache2: [MY-APP] DEBUG - 2024-...
GregSD's user avatar
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strace restart apache server does not log accept/accept4 syscalls

We are using the following command to gather syscalls for apache server start (run as root): strace -e trace=open,close,read,write,connect,accept -f -o /home/sacumen/syscalls_start_apache.txt ...
Mahesh's user avatar
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PHP Fatal Error: Cannot open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory when calling session_start() with manually built PHP

Problem I built PHP8.4 manually in Ubuntu 14.04 since the OS is out of support with no ppa package available. I tested for phpinfo() web page showed correct information while adding session_start() at ...
NeNe's user avatar
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How should I modify file permissions to accomodate Wordpress

I have been successfully using the method described here: Maintained by a Single User and it has been working well for me. This is my script for all my websites: sudo chown -R WebAdmin /var/www/...
Chiwda's user avatar
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Apache 320 redirect loop with correct htaccess and virtualhost conf

I am web designer and I manage a VPS Server. Server is LAMP Ubuntu 18 apache2 PHP 7.4 root index.html This page isn’t working redirected you too many times. Try clearing your cookies. ...
SACHIN HD's user avatar
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Remote MySQL server returning: MySQL server has gone away / Error while sending QUERY packet

I have 2 servers (both running Ubuntu 12.04) APP server running apache2, PHP7.2 and a CakePHP 2.0 APP DATABASE server running mysql 5.7 When I'am trying to insert into the database a big blob (...
updevs's user avatar
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Apache child processes are launched more than ServerLimit and threads are executed more than ThreadsPerChild

The following version of Apache is used. (MPM : event) httpd -V Server version: Apache/2.4.37 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) Server built: Jun 15 2022 08:27:14 Server's Module Magic Number: xxxxxxxx:xx ...
fsk5304's user avatar
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Apache using up all the memory

My site (which as running fine until yesterday - CPU was at 2%, memory at 50%) keeps maxing out the resources - CPU and Memory at 100% and "load" and Disc IO very high. the site is a php (...
Will's user avatar
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Apache2 http server and Openvpn server on the same machine

Installed Apache2 server on my Linux Mint 20.3 Cinnamon and I could easily reach my http pages from web pointing to the static ip address of my router where I have configured the right http port. I ...
papaya's user avatar
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Apache include value of %{TIME_YEAR} variable in an HTTP response header

I'm trying to do something like the following: <If "%{IPV6} == 'off'"> Header always set Attention "you are using still using IPV4 in %{TIME_YEAR}, please blahblah etc" <...
Displayname71's user avatar
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Way to save apache losgs with IP Info

i use this command to live see apache logs: sudo tail -f /var/log/apache2/access.log I use a Ubuntu 18 VPS wich i have root access. this logs are also saved to the access.log file true? (because when ...
Diego's user avatar
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if a domain does not have an ssl certificate, load the certificate from another page in apache

I have an apache server configured as a virtual host (name-based), suppose that the ip is, if I enter that ip address the apache home page will be displayed... if I enter ...
Andrés Alvarez's user avatar
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Apache 2 basic reverse proxy config not working, getting 404 error

I started a new server in a virtual machine, and I can access its homepage from the browser. I set up a docker container hosted on port 90 which I can also access. To link /app/ to localhost:90 I ...
Tom743's user avatar
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SSL certificate not working

I'm going to put an application on a new server (after upgrading it from PHP 7 to PHP 8). I can connect to the server(Red Hat) only using VPN (pulse). my purpose is to run the application on the ...
Naruto Uzumaki's user avatar
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No space left on device: AH00023: Couldn't create the ssl-cache mutex

I saw another similar questions here but none had a answer that solved this problem. From time to time, around 3am, my Apache server freezes and i see those errors in my logs... (28) No space left on ...
Raul Chiarella's user avatar
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Apache2: How to Proxy the same url with different ports?

we have multiple different /apex instances. now we want to proxy the requests trough an Apache2-Server like this: request for instance1: http://proxy:8080/apex -> http://apex1:8080 request for ...
BrotCast's user avatar
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How can I direct Apache HTTPd to serve only to specific IP address groups

I am using a Apache HTTPd server on Fedora Linux to serve a web suite for internal use only. However, My machine has only a single public IP address. I want to configure HTTPd to accept and serve the ...
Anirban's user avatar
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Apache does not start

I am trying to start Apache on my Webserver but I keep getting this error: httpd.service: Failed with result 'protocol'. Any solution would be appreciated. Edit: Log Entries Jun 3@ 63:41:59 racknerd-...
8bitdefault's user avatar
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Apache 2.4.x Reverse Proxy subdirectory and ports issue?

I have 3 different applications deployed on the same server. Each on different ports One java API application running on port 8080. directory (/home/api/) Second nextjs web app running on port 3000. ...
Jatinder's user avatar
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Set HTTP/HTTPS man-in-the-middle proxy for webserver (Apache2)

To log all http/https requests by a specific application, we use man-in-the-middle proxies (set as http or SOCKS5 proxies). On our local Windows and Mac machines, we usually 'proxify' apps or ...
Rick's user avatar
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apache2 is directing to wrong path when using https for sub domains

I have an ssl wildcard cert (letsencrypt) for & * My 000-default.conf looks like: <VirtualHost *:80> # The ServerName directive sets the request scheme, hostname ...
Zappenduster's user avatar
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Installing Apache in different name and different port

If Linux server already has Apache web server running as httpd on port 80 to serve hosted website. and If I want to create a control panel to manage the server so I need to install a web server to ...
Mohammed Shannaq's user avatar
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Apache mod_action producing 404s

I'm trying to setup a custom action handler for certain files in Apache (running on Ubuntu). It looks to me like I have my site config setup correctly for the action handler, but now when ever I ...
Adam's user avatar
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How to respond to "NOTICE: Not enabling PHP 7.4 FPM by default." from system upgrade

I did a standard OS update on Ubuntu LTS (20.04) and the messages end with: Processing triggers for php7.4-fpm (7.4.3-4ubuntu2.6) ... NOTICE: Not enabling PHP 7.4 FPM by default. NOTICE: To enable PHP ...
CPBL's user avatar
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apache httpd using a lot of RAM memory and producing spikes in short time intervals

I have a problem with one of my servers. Web server works well in 'normal' time period but one or two times per day there are spikes in RAM memory usage. I put the Zabbix monitoring tool there, and ...
Milan's user avatar
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How can I let apache server work always on my ec2 instance?

I am learning aws's EC2 server. I configured apache and php. I started the apache server with the command Sudo service httpd start But every time I stop my pc, or the next day, when I want to continue ...
fathi93's user avatar
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How do i know if my server is refusing/timing out API calls?

I have a relatively busy server (apache2) which serves api calls. The call volume varies greatly between day and night. Plus I believe there are some bursts of volume in between. Recently I noticed ...
dgarg's user avatar
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4 votes
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Can I use apache2 and memcache in same server?

I am really new to server development. I have a server (Server version: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)) for Django and it's running on apache2. I want to use Memcache for a large queryset. I just wanna use ...
Murat Demir's user avatar
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Apache2 - Only home url is found

I have created a laravel 8 application and installed apache2. My configuration files look like the following: 000-default.conf <VirtualHost *:80> # The ServerName directive sets the request ...
Carol.Kar's user avatar
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Issues with Require IP on Apache 2.4 and Ubuntu 20.04 server

I have setup a subdomain ( on my server and have created a .htaccess file with the following parameters: <RequireAny> Require ip </RequireAny> ...
Mike Hermary's user avatar
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Issues with subdomain setup on Apache and Ubuntu

I am struggling to get setup and working correctly on my droplet server at Digital Ocean. The root domain works correctly. The staging hostname has been added ...
Mike Hermary's user avatar
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Set up fallback page for when docker is down

My web-application comes in docker-containers an gets started with docker-compose up. The setup exposes it on port 80, the rest happens inside the containers thanks to traefik etc. If I start it on a ...
Paflow's user avatar
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Apache Virtual Host not accessible from local network

I have setup a Virtual Host with Apache2 with the following configuration: <VirtualHost *:8080> ServerName DocumentRoot /var/www/ </VirtualHost> It is ...
befaro's user avatar
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How to exclude rules in modsecurity corerule set for url encoding

The question is simple due to some specific need i want my apache mod_security with latest core rule set v3.3.0 to allow ../ in url encoded form i.e it should not block ..%2f in the request, and it ...
Avi gupta's user avatar
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How to stop PHP service without stoping web-server service?

PHP can be stop by stopping the web-server service. e.g. # /etc/init.d/apache2 stop or # apache2ctl stop Would it be possible to stop PHP alone without disrupting apache2 service?
Wolf's user avatar
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Ubuntu 20.04 Modoboa: dovecot.service failed, and Error: Connection to IMAP server failed: [Errno 111] Connection refused

Impacted versions Distribution: Ubuntu 20.04 Arch: 32 Bits Database: PostgreSQL Steps to reproduce Installed Modoboa through the installer. (didn't saw any errors) Installed SSL certificate through ...
Tarik Hacialiogullari's user avatar
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How To: Change Apache Default Directory | Multiple Domains

Problem: I am working on a production server hosting multiple domains and I am unable to get each domain's index.html to load. The default Apache page is loading instead. Example, Apache is not ...
mister mcdoogle's user avatar
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What is the best way to maintain application logs

We have an SaaS application (LAMP stack) hosted in-house, used by thousands of clients on daily basis. Application generates logs (whether an error occurs or certain events happens inside the ...
Saqib's user avatar
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Failed to connect to server port 443: Connection refused

I have a web server running on my server at And I want to access it from internet. Output of ss -nplut with running web server : tcp LISTEN 0 1024* users:(("...
C Taque's user avatar
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Webserver setup, port forwarding seems to be happening and don't know why [closed]

[me@myserver myDir]# wget --2020-08-17 10:45:45-- Connecting to connected. Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Why is my request ...
NimChimpsky's user avatar
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Ways and tricks to secure website / make it private? [closed]

I am soon launching a website but I want it to be secured / private for testing. It is on its real domain now; I already added a htaccess authentication (with htpasswd). I'm on apache2 / Ubuntu 16.04 ...
mlclm's user avatar
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Bitwarden Self-Hosted on Debian 10x 64 Buster with Apache2

I installed bitwarden on my VPS following this link I got an error at the end while running start The error message was : Creating ...
UNlock's user avatar
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Apache2 and Nginx on same server: how to make Nginx listen on certain IPs only, and let Apache2 listen on others? [closed]

On Ubuntu 16.04, I need to run Nginx and Apache2 on the same server with multiple IP addresses. Nginx has to listen on certain IPs only, and Apache2 has to listen on other different IPs. With Apache2, ...
Dave N's user avatar
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How can I return 404 for specified existing file in apache and nginx?

I need to return 404 error for some specified files like 'config.php' . How can I do it with '.htaccess' in Apache? And in nginx without htaccess? Thanks.
Misha Markov's user avatar
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How to prevent Apache2 malware execute

Is there any way to prevent to execute some unwanted malware in Apache2. One of our clients Wordpress website is hacked and there was a files like /wp-content/uploads/2020/05/U27I0x Those files ...
Almas Dusal's user avatar