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AH00170: caught SIGWINCH, shutting down gracefully

i have a web server on Debian and Apache2, about once a day or once every 2 days Apache2 crashes, here are the Apache2 error logs: [Wed May 22 13:04:01.082969 2024] [mpm_prefork:error] [pid 874799] ...
spider5414's user avatar
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Apache2 send response while waiting for HDD to spin up

I have an Apache 2.4 Server that hosts static files. One directory ( is on the SDD (System-drive) and anotherone is on an external HDD ( My Problem is that because my HDD ...
Der Müller's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to use OCSP validation for upstream server certificate in NGINX/Apache reverse proxy

I have an application that needs to make HTTP requests to a remote server. The connection should be secure using TLS. Due to external specification the application must validate the presented server ...
Rosso's user avatar
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How redirect ANY site not found in Hestia to another server - Nginx proxy manager

I want: if ANY site not found in (Hestia server) then redirected (Nginx proxy manager Given: Hestia server Nginx proxy manager Site for test ...
dr.ipkins's user avatar
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Logging all http requests to domain

I bought a domain name and I would like to log what http requests it receives. Logging the requests headers, url, type and message body. Looking for an easy/affordable solution. Standing up an Apache ...
Nick's user avatar
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Issue with Web Server running PHP thru Reverse Proxy

I'm using an NGINX reverse proxy, with wild card certs installed on the reverse proxy. Routing the NGINX reverse proxy traffic to standard web servers that are running Apache2 and NGINX Web services ...
Surfingjoe's user avatar
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telnet to port 80 (nginx), with forward to apache2 at port 8080, fails with 'connection closed by foreign host' and no explanations seemingly anywhere

i'm running an Kubuntu 22.04 server, and want to shuttle LAN-only traffic from port 80, served as far as i can tell by nginx, to port 8080 served by apache2 (for PHP purposes). but i'm getting this &...
Rene Veerman's user avatar
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Moving from Apache2 to NGINX configuration

I have been trying to get my website up after moving from apache2 to nginx on my AWS Ubuntu 20.04 server. I have translated the relevant files from apache2 over to my nginx configuration, however I ...
jabroni's user avatar
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Permissions for static website files

The question is about best practices, not an exact problem. What is correct ownership and permissions for static website files and directories? I’m going to use root:<server-group> with ...
Anton's user avatar
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2 answers

nmap vuln script detects vulnerability "Apache byterange filter DoS http-vuln-cve2011-3192" in Ubuntu Webserver, but apache2 not installed on server

I am running an Ubuntu 20.04 LEMP (Linux, Nginx, MariaDb, PHP) webserver. I am also doing some nmap vulnerability tests form my MacOS Client machine. On MacOS, I am using Oh My Zsh! with the nmap ...
DanRan's user avatar
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2 answers

Subdomain redirection (proxy) not working (tried with Apache2 and Nginx)

I'm using a raspberry pi with apache2 to manage my websites. I have multiple docker images running on different ports. I want to redirect (without url changes) scanner.raspberry.local to localhost:...
tholeb's user avatar
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1 answer

I to host a static website with nginx on Plesk server which is running Apache

I migrated my WordPress websites from shared hosting to a single VPS. I am hosting the websites with a Plesk server. The Plesk is configured to serve the request with an Apache web server and Nginx as ...
crammer's user avatar
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Openstack Glance Configutarion on HTTPS RESTAPI + Nginx Reverse Proxy

I am trying to install openstack Using ssl certs i am able to run keystone (on port 5000) but when i try to connect to glance api (port 9292) it fails it is only accessible with http not https i feel ...
Hoodad Tabibi's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Error 500, Are these Nginx and apache configs correct?

hope you can help. My setup: ubuntu 20.04 HestiaCP v1.6 From the Error log: 08:06:30 [error] 1197401#1197401: *11270 connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client: 77....
Dave's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Redirect to other server and domain if file not found

I have migrated from Apache to Nginx so I want to set all rules in Nginx. Goal: Redirect a URL to another domain with the same filename if that file is not found on the requested server. Example If a ...
Shubham Panchal's user avatar
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Apache2 behind NGINX: MOD_REWRITE only works without HTTPS

For days I can't get my head around the following problem: We have an application (Faveo) which has two requirements for going through the setup wizard: HTTPS & MOD_REWRITE. Faveo is running on ...
HeadKnockr's user avatar
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How to convert Nginx config to Apache2 for Modoboa

I am trying to setup Modoboa and can't get the new admin page working because it needs this config which is in Nginx but I am using Apache2 can anyone help me with this config https://modoboa....
poqdavid's user avatar
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2 answers

Two webservers on one LAN, running apache2 and nginx respectively, under one WAN IP address - connecting to correct server by (sub)domain name

I have two physical servers running on the same LAN. Both are running webservers; one runs apache2, the other nginx. They each have a different domain name, but the same external WAN IP address. Let's ...
unilock's user avatar
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1 answer

Did something stupid that interrupting Ethernet access for "some ports"

I have just installed Ubuntu Server 20.04 on my server, but I executed an automated script without carefully watching, and it resulted in a really weird scenario. I also have multiple webservers ...
Cooper Max's user avatar
2 votes
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How to setup Apache as reverse proxy to a docker container

I struggling to setup my Apache server as reverse proxy for a docker contained Greenlight instance. In the official docs it is proposed to run Greenlight in a docker container with an Nginx instance ...
user5950's user avatar
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Migrating reverse proxy settings from Nginx to Apache2

until now I have been using Nginx but due to some reasons I have to switch to Apache2. I am not a sys admin so if more info is needed, just ask I am unable to migrate 1 simple proxy settings to ...
Kuba Šimonovský's user avatar
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nginx proxypass not working for embedded links

I've an EC2 machine which is behind a ALB. Listener rules in the ALB are like IF Path is/blog* Host is THEN Forward to target-group-1 My nginx config looks like this: ## # Default ...
Axel's user avatar
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Connection "not secure" in browser address bar [closed]

There is a website It prompts "not secure" connection while using site IP address but everything works correctly for domain name. What is the most likely reason for this ...
Virtual_Lotos's user avatar
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htaccess match all words until last slash and redirect 301

I'm trying to escape everything until the last slash, even if there's a slash in between. Example: /site_url/courses/cat1/cat2/subcat/coursename to /site_url/course/courseName or /site_url/course/...
farroh's user avatar
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HTTPS breaks connection

Fault description I have in my test environment Rasa chatbots running in docker containers. Chatbot's fronted is a Botfront webchat widget in a website served by Apache2 in same server. I also ...
Pauli Isoaho's user avatar
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Nginx server keeps serving Debian main page

I am trying to set up a simple custom website. I have built a simple server using Golang and the Gin-gonic framework. My Go server is as follows: func main() { r := gin.Default() r.GET(...
AChenet's user avatar
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Varnish probe thinks web is down if he gets 103 http code

This is my first post in this forum and I will say that I am sorry for all the mistakes that I will make in this post. This is a desperate call for help as I was not able to find any kind of ...
Micu.s Electrobang's user avatar
3 votes
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Nginx converts POST Request to GET request while proxy_pass

I am having 3 Server: A, B, C. Details are: Server A: NGINX Server, URL: Server B: NGINX Server hosting NodeJS Web Application, URL: Server C: ...
Amarjeet Sharma's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Apache ProxyPass adding Port only on base URL

This is getting frustrating to say the least haha. I have setup a proxypass and proxypassreverse in apache under virtual host 443 to proxy to nginx running in a container on port 8443. This is all I ...
VIDesignz's user avatar
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How to stop OS/daemon information leakage in dovecot (server_tokens)?

How do I stop dovecot from telling its clients what flavour of linux I'm running and that it's a dovecot imap server? If I connect to my smtp server, I see the following snippet user@host:~$ openssl ...
Michael Altfield's user avatar
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Zabbix server port 10051 is blocked in firewall and need to use only 80 port

I have a zabbix server installed in ubuntu 18.04 in AWS cloud and setup the domain & SSL. The AWS server has a nginx web server running in port 80 & 443 and apache2 is configured in 7526. Only ...
Achuthan's user avatar
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Cannot disable buffering during SSE connection

I am trying to migrate from Apache2 to NGINX and having issues with SSE connections. Everything else is working fine, the regular GET or POST requests are getting through successfully. Note that the ...
Anatoly Malishevski's user avatar
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Force redirect from to with nginx + apache2

I'm using nginx and Apache 2 : Here is my configuration in nginx: server { listen 80; server_name; root /home/user/web/www/public; # Redirect requests ...
injetkilo's user avatar
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Redirect Nginx to a Wordpress running behind apache2 server

I have a unique problem that I don't how to put in and I can't change the situation (orders from above!). Please read it all before down-voting me. In this scenario, I have two servers, Server A and ...
O_o's user avatar
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Nginx Containerized coexisting with Apache server

I have a VPS with Ubuntu server, which is running a flask (python) web app, using UWSGI, through reverse proxy with Apache, for the domain "". Both the flask app & the Apache aren'...
Lopofsky's user avatar
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RewriteRule conflict and trailing slash

We are migrating a website to our cPanel infrastructure. The customer hosted the website on his own infrastructure using Nginx. He sent to us his Nginx configuration files and we converted them to ...
Deeh's user avatar
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Convert Apache2 configuration to nginx configuration

I have RHEL 6 with apache/httpd (v2.2) configured to handle two different path of WordPress: FOO path: /var/www/html/FOO/ BAR path: /var/www/html/BAR/ We plan to move to a new machine running RHEL 7 ...
Mohamed ElHarery's user avatar
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Migrating from Apache to NGINX - config change

I am tring to migrate a legacy website from Apache to Nginx, but I can't rewrite the htaccess file to nginx config. Current htaccess: <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine on Options +...
John's user avatar
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KONG/NGINX pass down certificate information to APACHE

We have the setup with Kong API gateway (that runs NGINX on the background) where one of the upstream is an apache server where we want to do a client certificate validation. I'm running my tests ...
Lucas Mattos's user avatar
10 votes
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How can I forward requests from my web server?

This is a Canonical Question about reverse proxies, how they work and how they are configured. How can I serve requests from a service on a different port or from a different server with the same ...
Gerald Schneider's user avatar
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New configuration files for the Apache web server were not created due to the errors in configuration templates:

I'm running a pleks server on ubuntu and recently after trying to upgrade my php version, I managed to cause a lot of errors, one being that the site is currently displaying going to the site page ...
Salman's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Best approach for hosting 100s of WordPress sites on VPS [closed]

I am looking to host 100s or maybe 1000s of isolated wordpress webistes (for development purpose) on a single VPS so what do you think will be the best approach to achieve this. It will all be done ...
verge's user avatar
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Is there a simple reason about why Nginx is serveral times faster than Apache in serving static content?

I searched and read some recent posts about "Nginx vs Apache". Somehow they all mention Nginx is several times faster than Apache(under MPM event mode) in serving static content, but none of ...
Rick's user avatar
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Bitwarden Self-Hosted on Debian 10x 64 Buster with Apache2

I installed bitwarden on my VPS following this link I got an error at the end while running start The error message was : Creating ...
UNlock's user avatar
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My site's load times have become extremely slow or fails to load at all (Cloudflare 522 error), but minimal server load (Nginx + Apache + Wordpress)

I run multiple websites being served on a stand alone Ubuntu machine, all of them use same nginx + apache setup. However one of these sites has begun to act very strangely today. It's the only site on ...
hedgehog90's user avatar
-1 votes
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Apache2 and Nginx on same server: how to make Nginx listen on certain IPs only, and let Apache2 listen on others? [closed]

On Ubuntu 16.04, I need to run Nginx and Apache2 on the same server with multiple IP addresses. Nginx has to listen on certain IPs only, and Apache2 has to listen on other different IPs. With Apache2, ...
Dave N's user avatar
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How can I return 404 for specified existing file in apache and nginx?

I need to return 404 error for some specified files like 'config.php' . How can I do it with '.htaccess' in Apache? And in nginx without htaccess? Thanks.
Misha Markov's user avatar
2 votes
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Downloading EXE From Web Throws 403 Forbidden nginx

I have a file uploaded to our website under a /Downloads folder, which I created. The download link, similar to: A Sample Download Link had no issues downloading up until a few weeks ago. I am not ...
Sarah Weinberger's user avatar
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How to configure a standalone nginx reverse proxy server to handle SSL traffic to separte machines running wordpress on apache?

How do I create a secure connection to my apache 2 websites? revProxy server # Redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS server { listen 80; server_name; return ...
Dave P's user avatar
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Are images cached or not?

I'm a bit perplexed on debugging of caching circumstances in the landscape of Apache (webserver) and Nginx (reverse proxy): I'm trying to get into knowledge, whether images are properly cached or not....
Evgeniy's user avatar
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