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apache mod_php vs php_fpm - huge difference in load time, but only for Wordpress website

I have a Wordpress website, it was set up as nginx proxy apache mod_php. Load time was over 2.5 seconds, so I tried several ways to speed it up. Finally I tried php_fpm and voila - the website loaded ...
Nick's user avatar
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Apache & PHP-FPM: AH01144: No protocol handler was valid for the URL /index.php (scheme 'unix')

This error occurs despite all the fixes that I Googled. Apache was loaded next modules: # /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl -M | grep proxy [Thu Mar 14 22:37:35.825542 2024] [core:trace3] [pid 9087:tid ...
YpaHeL1's user avatar
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What causes "Partial results are valid but processing is incomplete" for mod_fcgi in Apache WITHOUT mod_reqtimeout

I am running Apache 2.4 to serve Nextcloud and I occasionally get the error [proxy_fcgi:error] (70008)Partial results are valid but processing is incomplete: AH01075: Error ...
user2690527's user avatar
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What would cause virtual hosts to use the same version of php-fpm after adding distinct fpm handlers?

As soon as I enable php8.1-fpm.conf, all my sites switch from using php7.4-fpm to php8.1-fpm. All my vhost files have fpm handlers added to the <VirtualHost *:80> blocks like <VirtualHost *:...
Steve's user avatar
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Digital Ocean Droplet Crash after Resize. I am unable to figure out the issue

I am currently running an Apache2 web server with FastCGI Process Manager (PHP-FPM) on Ubuntu 22.04 at Digital Ocean. Recently, I wanted to add an additional website to the server. To do this, I ...
Dev Guy's user avatar
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PHP Fatal Error: Cannot open /dev/urandom: No such file or directory when calling session_start() with manually built PHP

Problem I built PHP8.4 manually in Ubuntu 14.04 since the OS is out of support with no ppa package available. I tested for phpinfo() web page showed correct information while adding session_start() at ...
NeNe's user avatar
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Find what paths are required for open_basedir?

We have a server (running PHP-FPM 7.4 on Apache) that hosts various scripts, frameworks and applications like DokuWiki. It's grown to a pretty complex beast. We would like to apply an open_basedir ...
xebeche's user avatar
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ModSecurity : PCRE limit settings do not have any effects

I'm facing Rule execution error - PCRE limits exceeded (-8): (null). errors when I ask ModSecurity to analyse body data (using the SecRequestBodyAccess On directive). I've read about the problem, and ...
Jean's user avatar
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Apache not serving local hosts

I have set up an Apache Server on an a VMWare hosted Linux Mint 21 Server, I have followed the instructions at this blog to run multiple PHP versions (7.4 and 8.1). Apache is running fine and serving ...
deep64blue's user avatar
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After setting up Apache it's not serving PHP files, but showing the contents of the files instead

The error I got is in this url: url in browser: http://localhost/ error in browser: What am I missing here? I copied the file ipconfig.php (given below) from ipconfig.php....
Love Grover's user avatar
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apache2 with PHP-FPM truncating error_log messages

I have an apache2 server configured to serve multiple websites with php-fpm. Each websites has a custom error_log file ErrorLog "/var/log/apache2/" using the following ...
Luca Ricci's user avatar
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How to use WebP images on Apache behind an Nginx Reverse Proxy

My problem is that I have a CentOS Web Panel: Where I have an Nginx Reverse Proxy running on port 80/443 which is forward the requests to Apache 2.4.52 on port 8181. The modules that Apache uses are: ...
Diverti's user avatar
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How to set SELINUX HTTPD User Content RW?

I'm quite new to SELINUX, I've simple question, I know there are httpd_sys_rw_content_t for /var/www/html, and read only httpd_user_content_t, but if I want to allow some folder to be RW for that ...
Benyamin Limanto's user avatar
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php8.0-fpm service not loading

I recently upgraded from PHP 7.4 to PHP 8.0. It seemed to work just fine until I rebooted. It looks like my PHP service isn't loading. user@server:~$ sudo systemctl status php8.0-fpm ● php8.0-fpm....
Simunza Muyangana's user avatar
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Handling simultaneous requests in Apache 2 and php-fpm

We have a Debian 10 server with Apache2 and PHP-FPM installed. The problem is that when I try to process multiple requests simultaneously from one client, server doesn't handle it correctly. For ...
Mahyar Khanbabai's user avatar
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Use multiple PHP-FPM versions using FastCGI on same Debian/Apache server

I would like to use multiple PHP-FPM versions using FastCGI on same Debian/Apache server. Using: Debian v9.12, Apache v2.4.25, php5.6-fpm, php7.4-fpm, libapache2-mod-fcgid v1:2.3.9-1+b1, libapache2-...
klor's user avatar
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2 php-fpm processes with the same version

I would like to spawn two php-fpm processes (one with xdebug and one without) to make pages load faster I intend to switch between php-fpm sockets based on the XDEBUG_SESSION cookie Example code /etc/...
unloco's user avatar
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Setting up Postfix and Google G Suite email with WordPress

I have finally got WordPress setup and working on my VPS using WP-CLI. It wasn't until I wanted to change my Administration Email Address found under Settings > General and submit forms from ...
willowen100's user avatar
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NOTICE: Not enabling PHP 7.3 FPM by default on Apache2 but PHP-FPM is running productive

My Debian Buster server annoyes me on each upgrade with the following notice: $ sudo apt upgrade ... NOTICE: Not enabling PHP 7.3 FPM by default. NOTICE: To enable PHP 7.3 FPM in Apache2 do: NOTICE: ...
Powerriegel's user avatar
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php cant handle transparent png

I use php7.1, 7.0 and 7.3 all is php-fpm. When I try on local machine PNG picture, on website, it is okay with transparent background. But when I push it on server, there is black blackground not ...
Delirium's user avatar
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Ubuntu: Apache2 not loading PHP-FPM php.ini

I need some help on Apache2 not loading the php-fpm php.ini. I have installed php-fpm successfully, created the pool and other configurations but Apache2 doesn't change the Server API from Apache 2.0 ...
camilox's user avatar
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Apache + PHP-FPM + Global x Custom 404

I have server with many virtual hosts. Now I want migrate to PHP-FPM (from mod_php). Now I have ErrorDocument 404 /error-httpd/404.php in Apache server config. But problem is with PHP-FPM, because ...
Pavel's user avatar
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Apache2 + PHP7.3 configuration missing

Managed to delete /etc/php/7.3/fpm/php-fpm.conf and cannot reinstall the package for numerous of reasons. Could someone povide link for the default configuration...?
HinttiPöhnä's user avatar
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HTTP 400 483 with Apache ProxyPassMatch and RewriteCond

I keep getting an error of: apache_1_da0b6d97082f | - - [16/Sep/2019:15:58:52 +0000] "GET /logi HTTP/1.1" 400 483 "-" "curl/7.64.0" But I have no idea why? It seems the request does not ...
Chris Stryczynski's user avatar
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Apache - Custom error page returning error AH01071 only for file requests

I have a site hosted with a shared hosting provider. It is an Apache with FPM/FastCGI and PHP 7.2 Being shared hosting, the only configuration I have access to is htaccess, but obviously not any of ...
Nicolas's user avatar
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503 Service Unavailable error after PHP 7.3 was installed and PHP 7.0 removed

I have a forum that was originally running on Ubuntu 16.04.x LTS with PHP 7.0 and apache2. Recently I installed PHP 7.3 and updated the apache configuration. The system is also upgraded to Ubuntu 18....
L13hyr's user avatar
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ajax/jquery causes "error 500" on Apache2 (php-fpm enabled) server

Just set a VPS with this guide: "". Everything looked perfect! but I ...
Juano Holograma's user avatar
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If you are running php-from does tuning the apache mpm still do anything?

So I switched to php 5.6 with fpm. I see there are now only 4 apache processes but about 400 php-fpm56 processes. I've been tuning the php-fpm process (to little effect) by playing with the pm.xxxxx ...
Mark's user avatar
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PHP is stopping a web-based script after 60 seconds

I'm working in a Bitnami installation of Apache2 and PHP (5.6) and we have trouble with a script that's taking longer than 60 seconds to complete. This script in question is failing after 60 seconds, ...
Gabriel I.'s user avatar
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Add custom variables to Apache access log from PHP-FPM

In mod_php you can use the apache_note() function to log variables in the Apache Access Log: <?php apache_note('SCRIPT_TIME', '1234'); ?> With the Apache config: LogFormat "%h %l %u %t [%D/%{...
Craig Francis's user avatar
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NGINX Apache Setup Won't Run Apache Functions

I've set up NGINX in front of Apache to pass requests to. For one of my subdomains, I've made it so the traffic goes through NGINX and then through Apache, as the PHP system on this subdomain requires ...
Noah Sinist3rSaint's user avatar
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Apache 2.4 + PHP-FPM + Dynamic ProxyPassMatch

Expect result: If I go to http://foo.local/index.php, file /var/www/html/foo/index.php will be executed. It will be similar if I go to http://bar.local/index.php, /var/www/html/bar/index.php will be ...
Chung's user avatar
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Suexec/Apache user is not php-fpm 'user'

Suexec/Apache user is not php-fpm 'user'. in my php-fpm pool: [cdnmin] user = cdnmin group = cdnmin listen = /run/php/php7.0-fpm.cdnmin.sock listen.owner = cdnmin = cdnmin listen.mode = ...
Ta Coen's user avatar
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PHP FPM pool www - 100% spikes when executing scripts - how to debug

I am experiencing weird 100% spikes of cpu when loading drupal pages. It started several months ago and now Im trying to debug this. I moved same database and files to new hosting - everything runs ...
user1031743's user avatar
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AH01071: Got error 'Primary script unknown

Debian Linux 8.10, Apache version 2.4.10, FPM/FastCGI. I have created a 1st virtual host. After hours, I could get it working. Then I have created another virtual host, with almost the same config =...
Bruno de Goyrans's user avatar
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Apache and PHP-FPM slow ( development enviroment)

I have Intel i5 and 8gb ram running Arch linux. I am trying to optimize my local development environment in order to speedup the pageload ( I develop on Magento that is an heavy php application ) ...
Francesco's user avatar
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